Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 158 Liu Weichao's Enlightenment to Chongzhen

Chapter 158 Liu Weichao's Enlightenment to Chongzhen

After cursing, his sanity recovered, but Emperor Chongzhen was helpless.

If he really didn't give it, Shanhaiguan really took refuge in Jianlu, and he couldn't bear the consequences at the moment.

Although it is said that the possibility of taking refuge in Jianlu at Shanhaiguan is extremely low.

After all, on the Shanhaiguan side, whether they are civil servants or generals, their families are all in the pass.

If they take refuge in Jianlu, it means that everyone in the family will die!
It is very likely that they just rely on the importance of Shanhaiguan and want to make more money.

In the final analysis, there is still one word: "Money!"

Of course, it is also possible that there is indeed a need for money and food.

However, in the previous battle of Songjin, Emperor Chongzhen allocated all the money and food in his hands.

People are gone, so there is money and food left over, right?

How should we deal with this matter?Emperor Chongzhen thought in his heart, but still hesitated.

Discussing with the officials, he was afraid that if the matter was not kept secret, if it was passed to Shanhaiguan, it might cause some bad changes.

Fortunately, Emperor Chongzhen still has someone to discuss with, and the effect is very good.

So, he screened everyone, took out his phone and started contacting his friends in another world.

The video was connected quickly, and Liu Weichao appeared on the phone with a smile.

Emperor Chongzhen became more and more familiar with him, and he was able to help Liu Weichao. When he talked to Liu Weichao again, he no longer had the same concerns as before.

As soon as the connection was made, he said to Liu Weichao: "I have something to do here, what should I do if I want you to help me figure it out?"

This is a major national event. Liu Weichao is naturally very interested. Dang even replied: "Okay, tell me!"

It can be seen from the background of the video that Liu Weichao will not be disturbed by others in the house he rented in the county, so it is convenient to talk.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen talked about the memorial of the governor of Liaodong, and then asked Liu Weichao: "I want to know, what is the final outcome of this Li Yutian?"

His idea is to see if this subject is loyal to Daming through the original historical ending of the subject!

This method, I have to say, is cheating!

When Liu Weichao heard it, of course there was no problem. He immediately put down his phone, searched on the computer, then picked up the phone again, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "This Li Yutian is the last governor of Liaodong, and he has been involved in a series of things since then. Including dedicating Shanhaiguan to Jianlu, saying it was to avenge you, and formally surrendered to Jianlu four months later."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help showing anger, and said in a hateful voice: "Damn, damn, damn!"

Seeing him like this, Liu Weichao thought for a while, and said honestly: "If you want me to say, at this time, he may not really go to seek refuge with Jianlu. However, his loyalty to Daming must not be that much! In a high probability, At this time, the possibility of them surrendering to Jianlu is very low."

"However, Shanhaiguan is too important! I can't bear the possibility of an emergency!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen expressed his worries.

After finishing speaking, he said in a bitter voice: "It's a pity that the Yongwei Battalion is still expanding its army, and the Beijing Battalion has not been reorganized. If I have these two strong troops in my hands, how can I be threatened by those people in Shanhaiguan!"

In fact, the threat from the group of Shanhaiguan people are all habitual offenders!

Zu Dashou did this when Jianlu invaded Gyeonggi for the first time.Emperor Chongzhen had no choice but to treat this kind of treason as never happened, and was forced to make a promise that he would never pursue Zu Dashou.

In addition, the Guanning Army also staged a mutiny and tied up and humiliated Bi Zisu, the former governor of Liaodong, so that Bi Zisu hanged himself.

To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen's impression of Guan Ningjun was not good, but he had nothing to do.

Now, if a strong army has been achieved, he will no longer be threatened by the Guan Ning army.It's just a pity that the strong army is still under construction.

He was shameless about the money and food, and ransacked many houses in one go. He finally got it, and he didn't worry about the household department, so he took charge of it himself.

Only in this way can he know the purpose of each money and food, and can spend the money and food to strengthen the army.

However, Guan Ningjun was concerned about the money and food in his hands.As far as he was concerned, he really didn't want to give anything.

Hearing Emperor Chongzhen's thoughts, Liu Weichao had an idea, and said to him: "You can delay this matter for as long as possible, and when you complete the expansion of the Yongwei Battalion, at least if you have a strong army in hand, don't you I have confidence!"

Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly asked, "How should I procrastinate?"

Liu Weichao had an idea just now, so he answered him: "Didn't he say that the Guan Ning Army's morale was low and there was not enough money and food, so he asked you to allocate funds? And don't you think he is just an excuse? If so, you Send people to Shanhaiguan to verify the actual situation of the Guan Ning army, and tell them that money and food can be given, but after verification, they can give as much as they should! Once this matter is done, it will take at least a few months?"

After a pause, he added: "By the way, you can send someone you can trust. Before you go, explain your meaning clearly. In this way, he will be more sloppy in his work, and the time will be delayed even longer. ?”

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard it, and praised him repeatedly, thinking that this idea is good!
Immediately, he asked again: "Then who should I send to be suitable?"

"..." Hearing this, Liu Weichao was a little speechless.

This matter, he is separated by a plane, so it is really hard to say!
But seeing Emperor Chongzhen looking at him expectantly, he thought for a while and suggested: "First of all, this person must be loyal to you. If there is no other way, you can refer to his historical ending, at least he died for the country. Secondly, this People know how to be flexible, can carry out your intentions well, and can stabilize the Shanhaiguan side, that is to say, they must have local or military management experience, military and political experience is the best!"

Originally, Emperor Chongzhen had a candidate in mind, and that was Huang Daozhou, the new censor of Zuodu.He is still at ease with this person.

But when he heard Liu Weichao's words, he immediately rejected Huang Daozhou.

There is no other reason, Huang Daozhou is loyal and clean, but he has no experience in leading soldiers, and his words are too aggressive.If you send him there, he will probably do bad things with good intentions!

So who should we send?For a while, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't make a decision.

But no matter what, at least you know what to do!

Feeling relieved, Emperor Chongzhen changed the subject and asked Liu Weichao, "How is the situation over there?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao smiled and said to Emperor Chongzhen, "I'm just about to tell you the good news! I've already received the one hundred thousand yuan. If it were last year, it would be about my annual income. It's all done in one go." !"

"Hey, don't you earn over a hundred thousand a year?" Emperor Chongzhen asked in doubt when he heard this.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said with a smile: "That's before tax. I have to pay taxes on my income, and I also have to pay five social insurances and one housing fund. I only saved [-] last year."

"Oh?" Emperor Chongzhen's eyes lit up when he heard the word "tax", and asked quickly, "Do you have to pay taxes on all your income?"

After a pause, he added, "Also, what kind of tax is that five social insurance and one housing fund? Why can't I hear it?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao explained to Emperor Chongzhen: "Of course, all income has to be taxed. This is called personal income tax. If it is a business, it is business tax. In short, all income, whether it is an individual or a business, must be paid. tax!"

After a pause, he continued to explain the second question: "The so-called five insurances and one housing fund refer to pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance, and housing provident fund."

"???" Emperor Chongzhen asked with a question mark on his forehead. What kind of tax is this?

No matter how it sounds, it seems weird.

So, he asked again: "You have to pay taxes for old age care, medical treatment, death, injury and childbirth? Isn't your court too harsh?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it.

The understanding of Emperor Chongzhen is really worrying!
But after thinking about it later, it seems that I can't be wrong.

So, he explained to Emperor Chongzhen in detail: "It's different from what you think, listen to my explanation."

"Hmm!" Emperor Chongzhen immediately "hmm" when he heard it, and then listened attentively.

I only heard Liu Weichao say to him: "For enterprises, it is true that they have to pay for these items, which is equivalent to paying taxes. But this benefit is not for the court, but for the employees. If the employees have these items, they can With the money, it ensures that employees can have no worries. As for the housing provident fund, this is similar, it is about buying a house.”

After roughly speaking, he explained the specific regulations of the five insurances and one housing fund to Emperor Chongzhen in detail.

Emperor Chongzhen had been listening carefully to these words, with a surprised expression showing from time to time.

Obviously, these practices of later generations were never thought of by him before.

Because of Liu Weichao's relationship, when he was at the glass factory and the Bingzhan Bureau, he personally asked the craftsmen to solve the worries of the craftsmen.And, he saw it too, the effect was very good.

However, his solution to the worries of craftsmen is far from being as systematic as later generations.It can even be said that he does this only once and not once, and it is very random.

If he doesn't continue to care about the craftsman's affairs, maybe he will return to the past in the future.

Another point is that Emperor Chongzhen at this time actually hated businessmen very much.Especially after the incident of the Eight Great Shanxi Merchants, the so-called concept of "no business, no fraud, no fraud, no business" has penetrated into his heart.

If he can gain benefits from the businessman, he absolutely supports it.

For this reason, after listening to Liu Weichao's words, he fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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