Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 159 Of course I remember

Chapter 159 Of course I remember

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen said to Liu Weichao: "Tell me, if I also add these taxes to those businessmen, what do you think?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it.

After regaining his senses, he said directly to Emperor Chongzhen: "At that time, there was no possibility of you operating it!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Weichao saw that Emperor Chongzhen seemed to want to refute, so he asked directly: "You don't seem to pay wages to craftsmen, do you? There are also officials among officials who don't have wages, right? At that time, you Everything is done for nothing, so how can it be like my time!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was speechless.

Craftsmen, officials, etc. who work for the court are actually a kind of slavery.It belongs to the kind that brings its own dry food and works for free.

Seeing his appearance, Liu Weichao went on to say to him: "I think it's better for you to take it step by step. It is impossible to generate enthusiasm for things like free work. You want the horse to run, but you don't want the horse to run." Eating grass, that's impossible."

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was listening carefully, Liu Weichao spoke up: "For labor labor, if you want to do a good job, you have to mobilize their enthusiasm. It's impossible to do it in one step, so let's do it step by step." For example, first do the work to manage the food, and then work to pay for it. Step by step, the people become rich, and the country becomes rich. When I say that the people are rich here, I don’t mean that the gentry are rich, but the real ordinary people are rich. stand up……"

Speaking of this, he thought of something, so he changed the topic: "Of course, at that time, even eating was a problem for you, so don't think about getting rich! The first step you have to do is to solve the food and clothing of ordinary people first. question……"

When Emperor Chongzhen listened to his words, especially when he felt Liu Weichao's contempt, even eating was a problem, he couldn't help but blush, but then he corrected his attitude and listened seriously.

I only listened to Liu Weichao preaching to him: "...and to solve the problem of food and clothing for ordinary people, the first thing is to vigorously develop productive forces! Only the more things are produced, such as more food, more clothes, and so on, the more common people so as not to starve and suffer cold..."

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen became a little excited, and quickly asked: "Then...the vigorous development of productivity, this matter, what should I do?"

People in later generations can basically talk about this kind of thing, because there are examples.

Therefore, without thinking about it, Liu Weichao replied directly: "The court formulates a five-year plan, a ten-year plan, etc., and decides what to do in five or ten years, and then everyone works together to mobilize all resources to do this. .And then, another five-year plan, ten-year plan or something like that.”

Speaking of this, he gave an analogy to Emperor Chongzhen: "For example, what you need to solve now is to first solve the problem of thieves and prisoners, as well as the food problem. Therefore, you can gather professional talents according to the actual situation. Make a plan. That's right, you can't come up with this plan in your head, otherwise, an unrealistic plan will be impossible to realize after all!"

"What is a professional talent?" Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen humbly asked for advice, his eyes were piercing, as if he had discovered a new continent.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao continued to explain to him: "Professional talents refer to experts in certain fields, masters! For example, if you want to promote sweet potatoes, you can't beat your head and say that sweet potatoes will be planted all over the country next year. Instead, you need to ask familiar The sweet potato owner can be Wang Xiangjin, or an ordinary old farmer, or listen to what they have to say. Know the sweet potatoes are grown in different places, what are the difficulties, can they be solved, etc., and finally based on these information, formulate a A practical plan."

"Oh!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded, showing a thoughtful expression.

"The same is true for other plans!" Liu Weichao was still introducing him, "For example, steelmaking, you can't just say that the new armor will be equipped with all the Beijing and Yongwei camps by the end of the year, but to learn about mining , Transportation, smelting and other details, after summarizing, set an achievable goal."

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded again.After listening to two examples, he basically got the idea of ​​what Liu Weichao said.

But Emperor Chongzhen didn't speak, and continued to listen.

"Information from all walks of life is aggregated, and you make decisions based on the degree of difficulty and importance, so as to formulate a national-level five-year plan, ten-year plan, etc. Then work together to achieve twice the result with half the effort Yes. Year after year, Daming will get better and better!"

When Liu Weichao said this, he emphasized emphatically: "This method is far better than treating your head when you have a headache, and treating your feet when your feet hurt."

"That's right!" Emperor Chongzhen said with deep emotion when he heard it, "It's justified, it's justified! I'm reviewing memorials every day until late at night, and I'm just struggling to cope!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Liu Weichao and said sincerely: "Only by doing what you said and making changes purposefully, can Daming get better and better!"

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen like this, Liu Weichao smiled and shook his head and said, "But it's easy to say, but it's not so easy to do!"

Speaking of this, he didn't wait for Emperor Chongzhen to speak, and directly gave an example: "At that time, the people who governed the country were all scholar-bureaucrats, who learned from reading, and they all read the Four Books and Five Classics. Most of them, right? They may be worthy of the name of experts. Most of those who have practical experience are illiterate, and they lack systematic research on their own affairs, so they are not experts. Therefore, if you want to make plans according to the actual situation , difficult!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was speechless when he heard this.

He knows that this is the gap between his era and Liu Weichao's era!This gap cannot be changed or narrowed casually.

Seeing him like this, Liu Weichao reminded: "At that time, you needed more talents like Song Yingxing. He was not only talented, literate, but also understood the grassroots and all walks of life. He didn't need to be proficient, but he could know How to do things. Talents like this can help you lead and do some things.”

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately remembered.This Song Yingxing sent someone to pass it on himself, and it is estimated that he will be here soon.

When he arrives, you must make good use of him!
He was thinking about it, when suddenly he saw Liu Weichao slapped his forehead, and said with a smile: "Hehe, we've been chatting for a while!"

Emperor Chongzhen also smiled when he heard it, and then his expression became serious, and he said to Liu Weichao: "Actually, I like it very much. Every time you talk about it, it inspires me a lot!"

The gap between the two worlds is too great, and a casual chat can benefit him a lot!
Liu Weichao also smiled when he heard it, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Remember when I gave you the boring machine and said that the boring machine can also be used to make another epoch-making machine?"

"I remember, I remember, of course I remember!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded quickly when he heard this, his expression was obviously a little excited.

Think about it too, can you not be excited about an epoch-making machine!

Seeing him like this, Liu Weichao asked him, "Has that boring machine been built yet?"

Emperor Chongzhen had the most outstanding craftsmen of Ming Dynasty in Ming Dynasty, even if he didn't have them, he could still summon them with his next decree.Things that can be made by hand can definitely be made in his era, at most the cost is high or low.

And some things are not easy to calculate by cost.For example, this boring machine is!

Upon hearing his words, Emperor Chongzhen hesitated a little and said, "It should be soon!"

He is the emperor after all, it is impossible to care about everything every day.

As for the boring machine, he had asked about it before, so he made a rough guess, and it shouldn't be that far behind!

After hearing this, Liu Weichao smiled and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Then I will give you a drawing of the steam engine. You can build one to have a look first. After that, you can disassemble the parts. It is best to mass-produce them to reduce production costs. And apply it at scale!"

A steam engine is different from a tool like a boring machine, the lower the cost, the better.Of course, if you insist, the lower the cost of the boring machine, the better!

Without waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to speak, Liu Weichao continued to say to Emperor Chongzhen: "The reason why this steam engine is an epoch-making tool is because the steam engine can provide stable power and is no longer limited by the terrain of the river. Didn't you see me Cars and airplanes of this era?"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being ecstatic, guessing in his heart, could this steam engine be related to cars and airplanes?Could it be possible to make cars and airplanes?

Thinking of this, he became excited.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen nodded quickly and said, "I remember, I remember, of course I remember!"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he said to him: "The originator of the power of automobiles and airplanes is the steam engine. After development, in the era of internal combustion engines, it will be more miniaturized, and it will be all power sources for automobiles, airplanes, ships, submarines, etc.!"

"..." Hearing these words, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being splashed with cold water, it turned out that it wasn't the kind he understood!

But then, he became excited again.

You can't become a fat man by eating one bite, in short, you can do it step by step!
Even if I can't see it, my son and grandson will see it one day!
"The power provided by the steam engine was the beginning of the industrial revolution, which greatly promoted the development of productivity!" Liu Weichao was still explaining to him, "Although you are still at war, I think the steam engine can also be built first. After you get familiar with it, most of the battles will be over, and that's where the steam engine will come in handy!"

"I guess your understanding of steam engines is still not in place!" Liu Weichao estimated, "Let me give you a few more examples, so that you can understand how valuable this kind of steam engine that provides stable power is!"

(End of this chapter)

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