Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 160 Thoughts of Emperor Chongzhen

Chapter 160 Thoughts of Emperor Chongzhen

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he immediately showed great interest and listened attentively.

"For example, mining, whether it is coal or iron ore, is what you need. Whether it is pulling these mineral materials from the mine, or pumping water from the mine, if there is a steam engine as power, the efficiency can be improved a lot ..."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was puzzled, and immediately asked, "Why is water pumped in the mine?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it, and then he said to Emperor Chongzhen, "You see, don't you understand? If you make a plan directly on the Golden Temple, it will be strange if it makes sense! You still have to ask about it." Experts in this area, it’s good to know the actual situation, right?”

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, his old face blushed again, and he quickly said: "Yes, yes, you are right!"

Liu Weichao did not continue to expose Emperor Chongzhen's shortcomings, but just reminded him, and then continued to say other things to Emperor Chongzhen.

"Put the steam engine on the car, and it can be used in two ways. One is the kind of car you have seen before, running on ordinary roads; the other is a steam train, which you have never seen before, just like a car , but there are many carriages behind..."

Speaking of this, seeing Emperor Chongzhen's surprised expression, Liu Weichao explained: "This kind of road is not easy to drive on ordinary roads. Railroad tracks need to be repaired to reduce ground friction. Well, this has something to do with physics. In this way, A steam train can pull a lot of goods at one time, as well as people. And the steam train can run day and night. With this, it can greatly increase the scope of human activities, promote the circulation of goods, and thus increase the enthusiasm for commodity production! "

"When the steam engine is installed on the ship, it is a steam ship, and it can run without sails. I guess you don't know the meaning of this very well, but if you ask the relevant people, you will know how significant it is. Even because of this The stable power of the boat can be made of iron armor instead of wood, and the degree of sturdiness can be imagined!"


Emperor Chongzhen really never expected that the so-called stable power supply would have so many unimaginable applications, which made him dumbfounded.

It wasn't until this time that he really understood why Liu Weichao called this steam engine an epoch-making machine!

Liu Weichao gave Emperor Chongzhen a lot of examples of the application of the steam engine, and then continued: "After the steam engine is the internal combustion engine, but this has something to do with petrochemical industry, that is, it has something to do with chemistry. Your chemical base is about 0, so I won’t give it to you for now. When you and your era are familiar with the steam engine, chemistry is a little basic, and petrochemical can be carried out, I will give you the drawing of the internal combustion engine. At that time, it will be smaller than the steam engine and more powerful. It's a world-shaking change!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help but look forward to it.At the same time, he once again realized that the chemistry was so important!
Learn, must learn, cultivate chemical talents as soon as possible!

The chemistry textbook given to him by Liu Weichao before was still not transcribed, and it was still in his mobile phone.

It's not that he doesn't want to copy it out, but that this chemistry is the most difficult to understand, and the efficiency of copying it out is the lowest.

Especially after Queen Zhou, Concubine Tian Gui and others started to dictate sentences in turn, this chemistry was even more backward.Because of the way of dictating sentences, it is often impossible to dictate for those who do not understand chemistry.

Originally, Emperor Chongzhen was quite satisfied with this speed of copying.But at this time, he was anxious and dissatisfied, thinking in his heart, how to improve the speed of copying!

Otherwise, no matter how many good things Liu Weichao gave, it would be a waste to just lie in the phone in the end!
He was thinking about it, and Liu Weichao said to him again: "In order to give you an intuitive impression, I will find a popular science video on the application of steam engines and send it to you to have a look, so that you can understand it better."

"Okay, okay, okay!" When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he liked watching videos the most, and nodded quickly in response.

Seeing this, Liu Weichao hung up the video communication and went to find a popular science video on steam engines for Emperor Chongzhen.If you can't find it, you can post some pictures.

On Emperor Chongzhen's side, he didn't go busy first.Instead, I am carefully reviewing the conversation with Liu Weichao just now, and there are many things to think about.

First of all, it is the speed of copying things from the phone. He is extremely dissatisfied now, so he is thinking about how to improve this speed.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he remembered that Concubine Tian Gui had copied the music knowledge of later generations while he was sleeping.

After a little hesitation, after thinking about it, he finally made a decision.

Empress Zhou, Crown Prince Zhu Cihong, Concubine Tian, ​​Princess Kunxing Zhu Yuxi, and Concubine Yuan Gui are all the people he trusts the most.

In this way, when sleeping at Queen Zhou's side at night, Queen Zhou and Zhu Cihong can watch the mobile phone in the side hall, read the knowledge in the mobile phone, and let Queen Zhou's cronies take dictation.The number of people can also be more, so that more copies can be made and the speed is faster.

And the next night, I will go to Concubine Tian's side, let Concubine Tian and Concubine Zhu look at the mobile phone in the side hall and read, and let Concubine Tian's cronies take dictation.

In this way, the speed of copying will be faster!
The reason why two people stayed overnight was that Emperor Chongzhen was a little worried about the mobile phone, because the two were allowed to supervise and remind each other, and they could only copy and not do other things.

This point has nothing to do with trust, it is probably a common problem of emperors!

Thinking of this idea, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being very happy.In this way, the speed of copying can be increased again!
Then, he remembered the second thing.

The trip to Shanhaiguan, who is better to let it perfunctory?

After thinking about this question for a while, but still not making up his mind, Emperor Chongzhen decided to let it go for a while, and then thought of another matter.

Is it time for a revolution in things like labor?

It is really not good to want the horse to run, but also to keep the horse from eating grass!
However, if you want to feed the horses, you must have that money in the treasury!
If there is no money, everything is negotiable!
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen exempted him from labor labor, at least for the time being, it was impossible.

However, it can be considered to do this on a small scale.For example, the glass factory, and the Military Bureau.

In the past, Emperor Chongzhen solved some worries for them, but they were still unpaid after all, and they were still a kind of labor.

As for the hard labor, there is a time limit, and there are rotations. It is impossible to keep doing hard labor.

There is another problem here, that is, the glass factory and the military battle bureau are all highly confidential, and those craftsmen obviously cannot be released.

At this time, after Liu Weichao's description of the later generations, Emperor Chongzhen naturally thought of changing the labor service at the glass factory and the military bureau to the way of hiring workers.While keeping them running, provide them with grass to eat.

How to do it?

pay?How much is reasonable?

As soon as he thought of this, he thought about the announcement that he would increase the salary of his ministers, but, likewise, the question of how much salary to increase was still under discussion, and there was no result yet.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but feel a little headache.

There are so many things!

It's all about money!

Rubbing his forehead, Emperor Chongzhen's heart suddenly moved.

Regardless of the side of his courtiers, the side of the craftsman, I can ask someone to investigate. If the craftsman wants to live in the capital, or live a normal life, or a slightly better life, how much money does the craftsman need per month;
After having this basis, I set the rewards for those craftsmen, so this is what Liu Weichao said is reasonable, right?

By the way, and craftsmen of different status, the remuneration cannot be the same, and must be separated.

But I need the best craftsman who can do things the best, not the craftsman with the highest status, so I should let the craftsman I need get more rewards, right?


Following this line of thought, Emperor Chongzhen kept thinking about it, and even began to take up the imperial pen to write down his experience.

Recognizing the importance of science, under the emphasis of Liu Weichao, his perception of craftsmen has changed a lot.

The same is true. If it were a businessman, Emperor Chongzhen probably would not have considered it at all.

While he was thinking about these things, there was a sound from his mobile phone, so he quickly put down the brush in his hand and went to take a look on the mobile phone.

Emperor Chongzhen discovered that what Liu Weichao had sent was a video.So, with surprise and some anticipation, he quickly opened it and read it.

This video shows the development of the industrial revolution, mainly talking about the application of the steam engine, which has greatly changed the world.

There are images of trains, ships, and even battleships belching smoke.

Although these in the video are much behind the videos that Emperor Chongzhen saw during World War II.

However, Emperor Chongzhen knew that the content shown in the video this time was what he could possibly achieve.

Therefore, his surprise mood, needless to say, can be imagined.

After all, the things in this video are far behind what he has seen before.But compared to his era, he is far ahead!

Emperor Chongzhen watched it, and after turning off the video, he found that Liu Weichao also sent him a lot of pictures.Both are steam engine applications.

He looked at them one by one, carefully, as if they were treasures, and he couldn't put them down.

After reading it, he found a document. When he opened it, it turned out to be an introduction and detailed diagram of a steam engine.

At the same time, Liu Weichao had another voice, and Emperor Chongzhen clicked on it again: "This is the core component. You build it first, and then use the power linkage device to be used in different scenarios. As for the others, I will give it to you later. Let's go step by step."

(End of this chapter)

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