Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 162 Please give your majesty an order

Chapter 162 Please give your majesty an order
Liu Weichao listened, and was not stopped by the question, he just replied to his brother: "I came back because I have a better way to make money, and I have a bigger goal!"

"Just make clothes?" Liu Weiyue said unconvinced when he heard it, "What does that have to do with studying? I can do it too!"

"You can too?" Liu Weichao couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and immediately asked, "Can you code? Can you develop software independently?"

In fact, he was actually a little guilty.Because the core of his business of making clothes is not really good reading, but the app that travels through time and space.

Of course, if you really want to talk about it, you can talk about it.

Because he was good at reading, he became roommates with Zhang Weijiang, which laid the foundation for the first business.

If it wasn't because he was good at reading, for example, if his younger brother had this time-traveling app in his mobile phone, he might not even be able to use this app, let alone do business based on it!

But these words, he can not say.In addition to not revealing the app of time travel, he must stand firm and insist on the theory that reading is useful!Otherwise, it may affect many people.

At this time, his younger brother was immediately speechless when he asked him back.

Not to mention his younger brother, it is impossible for ordinary college students and ordinary program developers to independently develop his mobile phone software.

And his younger brother didn't understand, so he felt that the development of mobile phone software was a bit unfathomable.

Seeing that her youngest son was being questioned, Yu Genhua asked her eldest son, "Can you make more money than you can go to work?"

After a pause, after a little hesitation, she added: "Or, you were bullied outside? What's the matter, don't hide it from me!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao said with a smile: "Mom, don't think too much, I think this is more promising, so I chose to start a business!"

Speaking of this, he remembered his previous considerations, and said to his mother again: "Here, I'm going to buy a car, and it will be much more convenient to go to Lin'an to buy fabrics. Therefore, I'm going to learn a driver's license!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Weichao looked at his younger brother, and then continued: "Let my younger brother learn it too, by the way, and Dad, let's learn it together. Driving skills are always necessary. Mom, you should go too." !"

"Ah, I can do it, no, no!" Her mother waved her hands subconsciously when she heard this, and said repeatedly.

On the other hand, Liu Weiyue was very excited when he heard it, and quickly said, "Brother, okay, I want to learn how to drive too!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he thought of something, and then became depressed again: "But I heard that it costs thousands of dollars to learn to drive!"

As soon as his mother heard this, she quickly said to Liu Weichao: "You can just go and learn, forget about your father and your brother, it's useless to learn!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately said with a smile, "Mom, it's okay, my father, brother, and mother, I will be responsible for your tuition fees!"

"Okay...ahah!" Liu Weiyue immediately cheered when he heard this.

But who knows, just as he raised his cheering hands, he was beaten by his mother, and then Yu Genhua looked at Liu Weichao and said: "You haven't made any money yet, don't waste money. If you want to learn to drive, you should You can learn it by yourself!"

When Liu Weiyue heard it, a regretful expression appeared on his face, but he didn't say anything, obviously accepting the fucking arrangement.

Liu Weichao glanced at him, then turned back, looked at his mother, and said with a smile: "Mom, your son is not only in the clothing business, I'm not idle here either! If I say money, it won't affect me. business."

After a pause, he said to his mother again: "Mom, I will buy a car for each of you in the future, and you can drive home later to see if they dare to say that your son is useless in studying!"

"Hehe, each person has a car, and the family can't park it!" Yu Genhua's eyes were full of smiles, but just after he finished speaking, he came back to his senses, and immediately said, "Chaoer, your filial piety, Mom knows. But just talk about it, you have to keep your money to marry a wife, don't spend it indiscriminately!"

Speaking of this, she paused, as if thinking for a while, and then added: "You should do your own thing well, and don't worry about the village's affairs."

Liu Weichao listened, but didn't say anything more.Because he knew that at this time, even if he said it, it would be useless.

Then let's not talk nonsense. After making money and buying the car, Mom has nothing to say.

Looking back, my mother also went to learn to drive. The family of four, all in one car, just drove back to the village, and see who said that studying is useless!
As for not letting go at home, then change to live in the city.If parents don't want to, they can redecorate the house and build an underground garage or something, so they won't be able to fit the car?
Liu Weichao just thought about these things in his mind and didn't say them out.

In the afternoon, he asked his mother to go back first, and left his brother behind. The reason was that he had something to do here and needed his brother's help.

After his mother took the evening bus home, Liu Weiyue said with a bitter face, "Brother, why are you keeping me? I don't know how to use your software!"

"Now I know I can't? Why didn't you study hard at the beginning?" Liu Weichao listened, scolded him, and then asked, "Have you brought your ID card?"

"Bring it!" Liu Weiyue listened to it, and replied, a little puzzled, he asked, "What are you doing?"

He was a little scared, afraid that his brother would send him to program some software for a hundred days, including teaching and learning!

In the end, he heard Liu Weichao say to him: "Come on, let's sign up for driving lessons, and I will pay for it!"

"What? Really?" Liu Weiyue was very excited when he heard it, and immediately cheered.

Liu Weichao knew that it would be impossible for his parents to learn how to drive now.Therefore, he left his brother and learned to drive with him, so that in the future, he could let his brother be the driver to run errands.


Not to mention the matter of him going to learn how to drive, but to say that Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about something, and the servant came to report that Xie Xuelong, the vice capital's imperial envoy, was meeting outside the Meridian Gate.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he was overjoyed immediately, and quickly ordered Xie Xuelong to be summoned for an audience.

He had already learned about this Xie Xuelong from Liu Weichao before, and it was the same, so he reinstated Xie Xuelong as the deputy imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The officials from top to bottom of Yingtian Mansion surrendered to Jianlu, but Xie Xuelong threw himself into the river to die for his country and did not join forces with others.This shows that he is loyal to Daming in his heart, and there is nothing to say about his integrity!

In addition, Xie Xuelong was the governor of Jiangxi before, and he had led troops to quell local rebellions, so he had experience in leading troops.

When Zodiac Zhou was in trouble, he recommended Huang Daozhou regardless of his personal interests. Although it brought him a misfortune at that time, he was punished with [-] punishments and exiled to Guizhou, but now, he has gained points from Emperor Chongzhen.

With all these things, isn't this Xie Xuelong the best "perfunctory" imperial envoy sent to Shanhaiguan!
With this in mind, Emperor Chongzhen became very enthusiastic about Xie Xuelong.After Xie Xuelong saw the ceremony, he immediately expressed his concern, asked for his health, and was full of respect for a corporal.

Of course, there is also a trace of guilt in this: such a good courtier was punished by him, if it weren't for Liu Weichao, he probably wouldn't know his loyalty until his death.

For a while, Xie Xuelong was a little overwhelmed by Emperor Chongzhen.He really has never experienced being treated like this by Emperor Chongzhen, and he has not even seen Emperor Chongzhen treat others like this.

If he hadn't met Emperor Chongzhen before, he would even doubt whether this emperor had changed!

Suddenly, Emperor Chongzhen asked him kindly again: "Where is your son Xie Yi? Why haven't you seen him?"

Xie Xuelong was very excited because his son was just raising a man, but he was cared about by the emperor. He said quickly, "The dog is at home serving my mother, not by my minister's side!"

"Oh, so that's the case!" Emperor Chongzhen continued after hearing this, "It's okay, I have already sent someone to pass it on!"

Hearing this, Xie Xuelong felt a little uneasy, and quickly said, "I have no merit and no virtue, I am ashamed of myself!"

"Hehe, Xie Qing misunderstood!" Emperor Chongzhen said with a smile when he heard this, "I called him because of his integrity. Of course, it also has something to do with your good education."

It is also very rare for Xie Yi to follow his father and throw himself into the river to die for his country. Few people can do it.

"..." At this time, Xie Xuelong was really dumbfounded when he heard it.He couldn't figure it out, how did the emperor know that his son had backbone?
But since the emperor made it clear that it wasn't because of him, he couldn't hinder his son's future.

It is the dream of many people to be able to listen to Datian!The son is his own son, not a godson, so he must hope that his son will be successful.

Thinking of this, he played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty hastened to summon the humble minister with eight hundred miles, there must be something important, and please make an order from Your Majesty!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was a little embarrassed and said: "Qing just arrived in the capital, and the journey is tiring, so let's rest for a few days first!"

He didn't have the nerve to say that it must have been hard for you to be exiled in a poor place like Guizhou, and you must be very tired after driving such a long distance.

However, Xie Xuelong insisted on his own point of view, and still said: "Sharing your majesty's worries is a matter of my humble minister's duty, and please make an order from your majesty!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen stopped insisting, and roughly talked about the Guan Ning army's affairs, and finally said that he wanted Xie Xuelong to do "perfunctory" things.

As soon as Xie Xuelong heard it, he had nothing to say, and immediately received the order.

It's just a word "drag", everyone in the officialdom knows it!
Emperor Chongzhen was very happy to see that he agreed without the slightest hesitation, and immediately ordered Xie Xuelong, the deputy governor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, to go to Shanhaiguan to verify the situation in order to decide the amount of money and food.

Once this matter was done, Emperor Chongzhen was slightly relieved.

Next, is to hurry up and do other things.

He has a feeling that time is running out, that time is not enough!

Therefore, seeing that it was still early, Emperor Chongzhen thought about doing the next thing.

As a result, he hadn't even gotten out of the car yet, and another servant came to report that someone outside the Meridian Gate was waiting to see him.

 Thanks to isaactangTAT for the reward of 500 starting coins, thanks to Yiye Zhiqiu 111 for the reward of 400 starting coins, thanks to Moge 0, book friend 20190713131555870 for the reward of 200 starting coins, thanks to vinegar grass, Doudoubao, ft11624, book friend 20201030104206553, book friend 121221104754775 for tipping!
(End of this chapter)

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