Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 163 Excited Tears Streaming Down My Face

Chapter 163 Excited Tears Streaming Down My Face
"Your Majesty, Jiangxi Juren Song Yingxing will meet you outside the Meridian Gate!"

"Song Yingxing? A juren?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little puzzled when he heard this.

But soon, he remembered that this Song Yingxing was recommended by Liu Weichao, saying that in his age, he should be the most knowledgeable person in various industries and the person who is the easiest to accept science. He also wrote a book called " "Heavenly Creations".

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed immediately, and quickly ordered: "Quick, let him have an audience immediately!"

After speaking, he ordered his servant to fetch the book "Heavenly Creation".

In the past, when Emperor Chongzhen heard Liu Weichao talk about this "Heavenly Creation" for the first time, he had already asked him to look for it.I just flipped through it casually at the time, and didn't have time to read it.

Now that the main one is coming, he has to take a look at it first, at least to understand it a little bit.

Song Yingxing came from the Meridian Gate and needed some time.Therefore, after Song Yingxing arrived, he had already read the preface of "Heavenly Creation of Things", and went through the table of contents again.

After Song Yingxing saw the ceremony, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't wait to ask: "This "Heavenly Creation", was it written by you alone?"

Song Yingxing was always wondering.

He is just a Juren, not even a Jinshi, why did the emperor send eight hundred miles to rush him to the capital!

If there is something bad, it is not the emperor's turn to directly intervene, and the local county magistrate can blame him!

And if there is something good to say, he can't figure it out.

Although there are many officials in Jiangxi, they don't know each other, and they don't have much contact with each other. It is impossible to say that someone will recommend him to the emperor, so that the emperor hastened to summon him with [-] li!

In terms of his own talents and learning, Song Yingxing is still somewhat self-aware.His knowledge will not be better than that of the princes in the court.

Every time the Jinshi is admitted, even if some people do not rely on their own ability, there are still many who really have to rely on their own ability to pass the entrance examination.

However, he himself has taken the exam many times in a row, and he failed every time.

If you really want to say something that is better than others, Song Yingxing himself knows that it is miscellaneous learning.

However, as he said in the preface of his book "Tiangong Kaiwu", miscellaneous studies and fame have nothing to do with each other at all, and no one will take them seriously.

At least in Song Yingxing's view, the current emperor sent him to the capital, certainly not because of miscellaneous studies.

As a result, he couldn't figure it out even more, what was going on?
But at this time, when he was facing the saint with an uneasy mood, he heard the first sentence of Emperor Chongzhen, which turned out to be a question about "Tiangong Kaiwu", and he was stunned for a moment: Could it be that the emperor really got it? Summoned myself because of the book "Heavenly Creation"?The emperor will pay attention to "Tiangong Kaiwu", will he pay attention to miscellaneous studies?
To be honest, Song Yingxing still couldn't figure out why this happened.

Of course, if he lived in the capital and knew what Emperor Chongzhen had been doing in the past few months, he might still be able to accept this cognition.

But he is in Jiangxi, he is not an official, he doesn't care about government affairs, and he doesn't read the mansion newspaper. In his impression of the current emperor, he is naturally full of what he has heard before.

At this time, in front of the emperor, Song Yingxing did not dare to neglect, and immediately replied: "It was written by Caomin alone!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately asked again with interest: "I saw in your preface that you said that you want to buy strange textual research, and you want to attract colleagues, and the business plan is fake, but you are only ashamed of your pocket. Then I will give you this opportunity. You are the official secretary of Yu Hengqing of the Ministry of Industry, and you will study these things for me, and recruit like-minded people to be used by the court, okay?"

"..." Song Yingxing was dumbfounded when he heard this!

You know, normally speaking, if he is an official, he is probably a county magistrate of a low-level county, and it is impossible to be higher.

And county magistrates are generally seven ranks.

But now, Emperor Chongzhen said that he would be named as the official of the Ministry of Industry, Yu Hengqing, and he was a fifth-rank official.Put it locally, that is the prefect level.Not to mention, compared with local magistrates, central officials, even if they are only at the same level, their status is not the same.

Yu Heng is in charge of manufacturing, sending and receiving various official utensils, writing off military expenditures, military supplies, and ammunition expenditures in various places, in charge of the national weights and measures system, smelting and casting coins, and purchasing copper, lead, and nitric acid.

Although these things have a certain relationship with the miscellaneous studies that he is good at.If Emperor Chongzhen said that he was going to be appointed as the head of the Yu Heng Qing Officials Department, he would not be so stupid, but he would be the head of the Yu Heng Qing Officials Department of the fifth rank, he would be really dumbfounded.

After Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, he realized that Song Yingxing was stupid, and he knew what was going on.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to promote and seal officials like this.

Because if the emperor appoints officials as he pleases, what about those Jinshi-born?There are even those with Jinshi background, who are still suffering, waiting for those who are really short of official positions!
But now it's not a normal situation, two years later, if it's all about the death of people and the country, Emperor Chongzhen can't care so much at all.

If those Jinshi have opinions, they should have opinions.

In fact, it's not that he hasn't done this before. Chen Xinjia, who had been trusted before, has become the Minister of the Ministry of War of the second rank, and that's just a raise!

At this moment, seeing Song Yingxing's dumbfounded look, he raised his voice slightly, and asked again: "Song Qing, can you handle the errand I entrusted to you?"

When Song Yingxing heard this, he immediately came back to his senses, but then, facing Emperor Chongzhen's questioning, he hesitated again.

Generally speaking, if other people hear this, they will definitely agree without saying a word.

As an official, how to do it is not to do it!

But for Song Yingxing, he didn't think so, but felt that the more gifts, the greater the responsibility. He was afraid that if he failed to do well and disappointed Emperor Chongzhen, he would be in debt to the Holy Grace!
He has such an idea, maybe it has something to do with his liking for miscellaneous studies, compared with those normal officials, he is similar to a science student, and has the attributes of a technical official.

Seeing his appearance, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help frowning, and immediately asked, "Why, don't you want to?"

When Song Yingxing heard it, he hurriedly replied: "Caomin is only a rough knowledge of miscellaneous studies, mostly recording what he saw and heard on the way to Beijing to rush for the exam. As for miscellaneous studies, most of them don't know why. The same is true. "Gongkaiwu", the original intention is to find like-minded people to explore the truth together."

Speaking of this, he sincerely played again: "To be appreciated by His Majesty, the grassroots are afraid that they will not be able to do well. It's's too miscellaneous..."

The more Song Yingxing understands the technology of various industries, the more he feels that the knowledge here is high.However, there are no books of sages to refer to for the knowledge in it, which makes him feel that it is too difficult to understand the truth and understand why.

Although the meaning of his words was not complete, Emperor Chongzhen understood.

Because Emperor Chongzhen came into contact with science through Liu Weichao, he had the same feeling as Song Yingxing. The knowledge in it is too great, and it is really not easy to understand!
Not to mention, on his side, Liu Weichao directly explained the principles to him, but on Song Yingxing's side, he didn't know the answer, and he needed to explore it by himself, which was even more difficult!
At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was delighted to see Song Yingxing's attitude.

Seeking truth from facts, not exaggerating, this is what Liu Weichao said, a technical talent!

So, he smiled slightly, interrupted Song Yingxing and said, "I have a miscellaneous knowledge that is far more profound than "Tiangong Kaiwu". Let you be the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Yu Hengqing, and allow you to have the right to report in secret, and you can report directly to me if you have any questions. Recruit talents in this field for me, and jointly carry forward the science of Ming Dynasty. And in the future, it will be suitable When the time comes, join the imperial examination. Would you like to?"

Song Yingxing's mouth opened wide when he heard that, he couldn't be more surprised!

When he gave up the imperial examinations before and concentrated on his favorite miscellaneous studies, of course he had searched for information in this regard.But at most it is Shen Mengxi's "Mengxi Bi Tan", which I have never heard of, and there is another one called "Science".

Moreover, the emperor said that it was a very profound miscellaneous knowledge, and it could benefit Ming Dynasty if it was understood.

To his surprise, Song Yingxing immediately became interested.

Moreover, Emperor Chongzhen gave him the right to perform secret performances, which means that he can be directly responsible to the emperor in the future, without having to look at the faces of the ministers of the Ministry of Industry and the servants of the left and right. This is equivalent to giving him a lot of room for display.

Another one, Emperor Chongzhen also asked him to recruit talents, that is to say, all the talents he recommended could become his subordinates to study that so-called "science" together.

Such a day was really what he had dreamed of before!
No, it was something he couldn't even dream of.

With both official position and real power, you can also do what you like to do, and work with like-minded people!
And so on, Song Yingxing, who came back to his senses, immediately threw himself to the ground, knelt down to receive the order from Emperor Chongzhen, and burst into tears with excitement.

Seeing him like this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help smiling happily, and even got up directly, and went down to help Song Yingxing himself.

He knew that Song Yingxing's excitement was definitely not because of his official position, because before that, Song Yingxing was worried that he would not be able to do well, so he didn't agree.

To be so excited now is to be excited about science.In other words, if I entrust this matter to him, I must entrust it to the right person!

Thinking this way, after helping Song Yingxing up, he said with a smile: "Come on, let's go to the military battle bureau with me, first go to open your eyes and see some good things by the way!"

When Song Yingxing heard this, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

I really didn't expect that before I didn't have money and wanted to find Kit Kat things for research but couldn't, but now I can follow the emperor to see Kit Kat things!

So, what would be the Kit Kat?

(End of this chapter)

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