Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 164 Technical Officials

Chapter 164 Technical Officials
When Emperor Chongzhen and his party arrived at the gate of the Bingzhan Bureau, they saw Fang Zhenghua, the eunuch with the seal of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, hurried out.

Seeing his smiling face, you can tell at the first sight that something good must happen.

Sure enough, Fang Zhenghua did not expect to bump into Emperor Chongzhen at the gate of the Bingzhan Bureau. He hurried up to meet him, and played with a smile that could not be concealed: "Long live, the boring machine is ready and ready to use!"

Song Yingxing, who was following Emperor Chongzhen, was a little puzzled when he heard this, why lie in bed?That's it, why are you so happy?Still so solemnly report to the emperor?
As for Emperor Chongzhen, he naturally knew what Fang Zhenghua was talking about.

In fact, he was thinking about this boring machine, because Liu Weichao said that the boring machine can not only be used to process musket barrels and artillery barrels, but also to build this epoch-making steam engine!

Originally, he estimated that this boring machine would be built within a few days, but he didn't expect that he didn't need to urge him, and he heard the good news as soon as he came to the military battle.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen was of course very happy, and immediately ordered: "Lead the way ahead, I have been waiting for a long time!"

Fang Zhenghua naturally saw that Emperor Chongzhen was followed by a stranger in a costume, but Emperor Chongzhen didn't say anything, so he didn't ask. Anyway, his duty is to serve the emperor well, and whether he is an official of the outer court has nothing to do with him .

Therefore, he hurried forward to lead the way.

The curious Song Yingxing naturally followed.

Looking at everything around him, he became even more curious.

First of all, the inside and outside of this military battle are heavily guarded, and one can tell that this place is different.

At least in the past, he had never heard of a similar alert situation.

Afterwards, Song Yingxing saw all kinds of things in the military battle bureau, and immediately stopped thinking about it, but kept watching with wide eyes.

Although Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about the boring machine, he was also concerned about the people behind him.

At this time, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Song Yingxing like a curious baby, and he couldn't help being interested, so he stopped, pointed to the workshop not far away, and asked: "This is a new-style refined steel smelting workshop, may you understand? "

"Steel smelting workshop?" Song Yingxing replied in surprise when he heard it, "This... can I go in and take a look?"

As far as he knew, if one wanted to obtain steel, one had to mix pig iron and wrought iron, smelt them, forge them, and repeat many times to obtain refined steel.

But when he looked at the appearance of the workshop, he couldn't see such a process at all.Being very curious in my heart, I couldn't help making a request.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Yes, Qing, let's go in and have a look!"

Upon hearing this, Song Yingxing quickly saluted, and then quickly entered the workshop.Obviously, his curiosity made him eager to see the mystery inside.

After a while, Song Yingxing came out.

It wasn't that he didn't want to stay inside for a while, but that before he went in, he saw the emperor standing there, obviously waiting for him.No matter from that point of view, he dared not let the emperor wait for him.

Seeing Song Yingxing coming out, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and asked, "How, can you see anything?"

Song Yingxing had an expression of admiration on his face. Hearing his question, he hurriedly replied, "I really didn't expect it. The heat from the stove can be used in this way, thus increasing the smelting temperature. But Weichen didn't understand it a little bit. , why did the temperature increase, and the final product was refined steel instead of pig iron or wrought iron?"

After a pause, he remembered that Emperor Chongzhen had told him before that there is a profound knowledge called science, which is the knowledge of knowing why.Now the workshops here are very special. Obviously, the emperor knew the reason of fine steel, and he wanted the answer urgently in his heart, so he asked Emperor Chongzhen again: "I am stupid, I don't know the fine steel, pig iron and wrought iron. What is the essential difference?"

He knew that if he figured out the internal reason, he could know why the refined steel could be produced by raising the temperature!
Emperor Chongzhen was waiting for him to ask, and when he heard it, he said lightly: "This is actually very simple, because the proportion of carbon contained in molten iron is different, and the carbon contained in pig iron..."

He had already said this to several courtiers, and they were all very surprised and admired. Looking at their expressions, Emperor Chongzhen felt very comfortable in his heart.

At this time, he was talking again, and when he saw the expression of surprise and admiration on Song Yingxing's face, he felt a burst of comfort again.

After he finished speaking, he was waiting for Song Yingxing to compliment him, but he heard Song Yingxing ask: "Your Majesty, why do these have different hardness due to different carbon content?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard it, and was speechless for a while.

Liu Weichao actually explained it to him, but it has been a long time, and the concept Liu Weichao said is very weird, so he forgot.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that other courtiers did not ask such questions after listening.

As a result, he has now met a technical official who still likes to delve into it. After asking, he was stopped.

However, Emperor Chongzhen also wanted to save face, and of course he would not admit that he didn't understand, otherwise, the previous image of knowing a lot would be shattered.

Therefore, I heard Emperor Chongzhen say to Song Yingxing indifferently: "The reason is a long story. If you want to understand the deeper reason, you have to do a good job of scientific knowledge, understand?"

Song Yingxing heard it, and immediately responded: "Your Majesty, when will I be able to observe science?"

The contents of the mobile phone have been transcribed day and night in the harem of Emperor Chongzhen, and a lot have been copied out.However, because of dictation, there are many typos in it. Not only must re-proofread, but also merge the contents transcribed by different people. There are still many things.

The content that has been completed includes the first volume of physics and mathematics. As for chemistry, it is still being sorted out.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen heard what Song Yingxing said, and replied to him: "Wait a while, I can give you two simple brochures first, and you go to understand first, and if you don't understand anything, you can list it for me. I have I will give you an answer in the air!"

In fact, there is a high probability that he does not understand.However, he can ask Liu Weichao.

When Song Yingxing heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly agreed.At the same time, I also feel that seeing a hundred things is really worth seeing!
The emperor in front of me is really different from the rumored emperor!
As far as he is concerned, he really likes to have such an emperor!

Then, they moved on.As for Song Yingxing, he naturally looked all the way, seeing that he was really in high spirits, as if he was in the most wonderful world.

Because Emperor Chongzhen showed his willingness to communicate with him, Song Yingxing couldn't help asking why when he saw something novel.

So, he asked questions all the way, and if Emperor Chongzhen could answer, he would just answer it, showing that he was very knowledgeable in this area; if he couldn't answer, he would lightly ask Song Yingxing to turn around and read the book by himself.

Just like that, they saw steel smelting, nitric soil cultivation, hydraulic tools, etc. along the way, and finally came to the boring machine.

It was also at this time that Song Yingxing realized that the boring machine was somewhat similar to the drill cylinder he had seen before.

The drill barrel he saw had to be operated by three people.That is, one person fixes the object to be drilled, usually the barrel, and the other two pull the belt to rotate the drill bit, which is very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Now the boring machine in front of him was all made of steel, far from the drill frame he had seen before, it was all made of wood.As far as this material level is concerned, it is not a category.

For people at this time in the late Ming Dynasty, Song Yingxing had absolutely nothing to say about knowledge.

After taking a closer look, he knew the ingenuity of the boring machine in front of him, and he couldn't help admiring it again and again, looking at it from all angles.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he felt happy to see him again, so he introduced the purpose of this boring machine to Song Yingxing.

This time, he said, if Song Yingxing can do three, it means that Song Yingxing can understand it without spending a lot of saliva.

Generally speaking, if you meet someone who knows how to be a human being, and the emperor introduces it like this, then he must have understood it but pretended not to, and let the emperor show off.

But Song Yingxing was so engrossed in the ingenious and exquisite things in front of him that he completely forgot that the person speaking in front of him was the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and he acted as a rare encounter with a like-minded person who was discussing the things he was most interested in.

Emperor Chongzhen was not unhappy about this, because at this time, he urgently needed someone who could understand science and be more accepting of science to help him digest and absorb science.

Song Yingxing's performance made him very satisfied.In this way, why would he care if he can pretend?Of course, I am even more happy to find a reliable courtier!
After discussing for a while, Song Yingxing pointed out sharply that the hydraulic machinery in the military battle bureau still had shortcomings.At least the hydraulic power is not strong enough, and the artificial river needs to be expanded and the water drop should be increased.

Best of all, for different purposes, this hydraulic drop should also have different differences.If the Bingzhan Bureau first transforms the artificial river, it may be able to improve better efficiency and higher quality.

No one else had noticed this problem before, but Song Yingxing brought it up, which made Emperor Chongzhen very happy.

The craftsman who does the specific work may also know it.However, they are only craftsmen at the bottom. For now, they don't dare to make suggestions casually. What if the people above are unhappy?
More importantly, these are all done according to the emperor's wishes, so they dare not.

As for those who should be able to speak, such as the steward of the Bingzhan Bureau, and the eunuch Fang Zhenghua, the eunuch of the Royal Horse Supervisor, they don't understand technology, so they know the impact of the water power gap.

From this, we can also know how important an official who understands technology is.

At this time, after hearing Song Yingxing's words, Emperor Chongzhen laughed haha, feeling very happy!
 At noon today, the hospital informed me that I will be hospitalized for surgery tomorrow.I will rush out a chapter tonight for tomorrow's update, but I don't know if I can code words tomorrow, so I can't guarantee that there will be two updates.

(End of this chapter)

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