Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 168 How is this possible

Chapter 168 How is this possible
I saw this wandering doctor, about forty years old, with good spirits, he was not angry when he heard Ma Xianglin making fun of him, he just distinguished: "I heard that there is a plague in Hanzhong, I just want to go and see it! "

Hearing this, Du Yinxi was taken aback for a moment, and then asked curiously: "Ordinary people hear it and are afraid to avoid it. Why do you want to go to it instead when you hear about the plague?"

Wu Youke listened and looked at Du Yinxi. Although he was wearing casual clothes, it was obvious that Du Yinxi was the main person among these people, so he cupped his fists and said, "To tell the truth, my lord, the grass people have investigated many plagues and found These are definitely not ordinary typhoid fever, the source of the disease is probably plague!"

"The last general just said that this person has a temper, and he still insists on such an unbelievable statement in front of adults." Ma Xianglin saw it, and immediately said to Du Yinxi with a smile, "Before, I had a fight with the last general, Zhong Langzhong. , this air, why is it called air, it is because there is nothing, yet he dares to say that it has a disease!"

When Wu Youke heard this, he was very angry, knowing that no one would believe his theory.

He was about to argue, but when he explained his point of view again, he saw Du Yinxi showing surprise, pointing to the mansion newspaper and saying: "Coincidentally! The mansion newspaper said that the emperor pointed out on the spot in the Wenhua Palace that although the air is It can’t be seen or touched, but it does exist. If a person is infected with pimple disease, he can infect others through the air!”

The smile on Ma Xianglin's face that made fun of Wu Youke suddenly froze, and he froze there.

And Wu Youke also showed an unbelievable expression, looked at Du Yinxi, and asked quickly: "You said... Your Excellency means that the emperor also knows that there is a plague between heaven and earth?"

Du Yinxi looked at Wu Youke with a little admiration in his heart.

How did the emperor know, he didn't know; but this Wu Youke went to witness one plague after another, and then got such a result, this kind of courage is really comparable to him daring to go to the thief In the camp, it was almost the same.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "It was also written in the newspaper that the emperor wants to see you, so come to Beijing with me! Maybe you can know the truth about the plague in the capital without taking any risks." !"

Wu Youke heard it again, just like Ma Xianglin just now, he was immediately dumbfounded.

The aloof emperor wanted to find him, and even posted this matter to the mansion newspaper?

how can that be?Absolutely impossible!
I am just an ordinary doctor, how can the emperor know himself?

If it is my own understanding of the plague, but the world doesn't believe my theory of plague, no one will spread this theory, and maybe they will think of me as a lunatic. How could the emperor hear about it?
Also, how did the emperor know about the disease?Could it be that the imperial doctor in the Tai Hospital also discovered it?But, why did the emperor look for him again...

In short, Wu Youke couldn't figure it out, or rather, couldn't figure it out even if he wanted to break his head. What's going on?

When he came back to his senses, he quickly asked Du Yinxi, "Can you report the mansion to the grassroots?"

After hearing this, Du Yinxi reported to him the mansion that said the plague.

After Wu Youke took it, he immediately looked at it.Sure enough, it was written in black and white in the mansion newspaper, it was true.

This time, even when he couldn't figure it out, he became very curious.

How could the emperor know so well about pimple disease?And the prevention and treatment of that day's flower, is it true?
Thinking of this, Wu Youke wished he could fly to the capital right away and ask the emperor for clarification!

So, just like that, they continued to march towards the capital.

And Wu Youke, of course, no longer mentioned the matter of going to Hanzhong.His salary has also improved significantly.Not only do you have a single horse, but you can also accompany Du Yinxi.


Seeing that he was about to arrive in the capital, the captain of Jin Yiwei went back to Beijing to report the letter first.

After all, the arrival of the two armies, the Baigan Army and Xiaoyuanying, to the capital is a major event, and it must be prepared in advance.

Otherwise, these two armies have about [-] people, and there are about [-] family members of Xiao Yuanying, food and housing will be a problem.

And, to be honest, the closer they were to the capital, the more uneasy the people in Xiaoyuanying became.Not only ordinary soldiers, but also Yuan Shizhong were a little uneasy.

After all, the emperor issued an order to recruit a group of rebels, which had never happened before.When such a big pie fell from the sky, I always felt uneasy.

In addition, there is a big reason why they can come all the way to the capital, and it is also Du Yinxi's personal charm.

Du Yinxi can go into their camp alone to recruit them, is it possible that they are not as good as Du Yinxi, a literati?
Du Yinxi really didn't treat them like thieves, and reassuring them was also a very important factor.

However, if it comes to the capital, it will not be Du Yinxi who has the final say.

Although Du Yinxi seems to be reused by the emperor, what kind of future he will have is still undecided, that is, he has no idea!

Thinking of this, Yuan Shizhong and the others became even more uneasy.

On this day, it seemed that they were about to arrive in the capital. Suddenly, they found that there was a long team, mostly old and weak, traveling with their families.At both ends of the team, there were some elite soldiers accompanying them, as if they were escorting them.

What's happening here?
All of a sudden, Yuan Shizhong saw it, as if he saw his own future, and became even more worried.

Du Yinxi was also a little strange, so he asked someone to ask about the situation, and news came back soon.

"These were originally from the Beijing camp, they were eliminated, and their families were moved to Jin!"

"Look carefully, my lord. Those people are not sad. Didn't the emperor confiscate the eight major Shanxi merchants before? There are a lot of fields, and they are all distributed to these people. As long as they move there, they can have grain fields. The emperor also spared it." They pay taxes for three years!"

"This is the last batch, and all the people in the Beijing camp have been resettled!"


Hearing this, Du Yinxi couldn't help being very surprised, but also a little admired.

Earlier, he had read the mansion newspaper saying that the emperor was going to reorganize the Beijing camp, so he just read it.

Because the reorganization of the Beijing camp is easy to say, but it is absolutely difficult to do it.

Not to mention anything else, just the family members of the Beijing camp soldiers are a big problem.

To abolish the Beijing camp directly, regardless of whether it is ignored, is to force these people to die.

Don't look at the useless combat power of the Beijing camp, but after all, they know how to fight better than ordinary farmers.Once they have no way out, if they vote for the thief, it will strengthen the strength of the thief!

It is well known that why the bandits are getting more and more powerful is because of the joining of the Frontier Army!

However, Du Yinxi did not expect that the emperor would have the courage to directly reward the dismissed soldiers from the Beijing camp with the grain fields seized from the eight major Shanxi merchants.

This method is really powerful!

It means that almost no money or food from the imperial court is needed to solve the resettlement of the Beijing camp!
And those grain fields that were seized by the eight major Shanxi merchants were too far away from the capital.Rather than being annexed by the local tyrants sooner or later, it's better to use it like this!
And what's more, these people who were abolished from the Beijing camp went to Jindi, and they would inevitably form a group. They had a relationship with Beijing to some extent. It was not easy for the local tyrants to control them!

Du Yinxi, who is familiar with local affairs, has to sigh with emotion, the emperor is really amazing!

When he was thinking, he heard a lot of horseshoes rushing towards him, so he looked up.

But I saw a group of knights in the direction of the capital, about fifty or sixty riders, galloping here.

From the looks of it, it should be aimed at them.

After a while, you can see that the leader of the team of knights is wearing a scarlet robe. Judging by the clothes, he must be one of the twelve eunuchs in the palace.

Seeing this clearly, Du Yinxi and the others were all taken aback.

what's going on?Could it be that they came to welcome them?
It stands to reason that those who report the letter go to the capital to report the letter, and pass it up layer by layer. If the emperor happens to have time and pays enough attention, he will arrange someone to greet him, right?
However, if you calculate it this way, the time is definitely not enough, it is impossible to be so early!
Or, it's self-indulgent, people just leave the capital in this direction, and it may not be necessary to go out on business!

Yes, it must be!

Because only in this way can it be reasonably explained!
Therefore, Du Yinxi and the others subconsciously moved out of the way.

When the eunuchs in the palace go out, they are absolutely following orders, regardless of civil servants or generals, they have to give way.

But who knew, what they never expected was that the big eunuch actually slowed down the speed of the horse after approaching them, obviously wanting to speak.

Du Yinxi and the others met, it seems not surprising after thinking about it.

After all, here are two armies coming to the capital, and there are white-armed troops, which is easier to recognize.The other branch is Xiaoyuanying, with all kinds of clothes, one can tell they are thieves at a glance.

It will be strange to see the two armies together.It is understandable for people to stop and ask a question.

Thinking of this, Du Yinxi was ready to explain.

But who knows, when they got closer, when they could see the face clearly, they saw the chief eunuch next to him, who was the captain of Jinyiwei who they had sent to the capital to report.

So it's here to welcome you?

When Du Yinxi and the others were wondering, they saw that the leading eunuch had already clasped his fists first, and said loudly to Du Yinxi: "Is it Mr. Du in person?"

The tone of his speech was really polite, not at all the aura of those great eunuchs in the legend!
When Du Yinxi heard this, he didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly clasped his fists in return and said: "I dare not be an official, but Du Yinxi, the former prefect of Changsha is!"

"Then this is General Ma Xianglin who must be known as Little Ma Chao?" The eunuch asked kindly again.

Upon hearing this, Ma Xianglin quickly agreed.

Yuan Shizhong was watching from the side, and didn't think anything would happen to him, but unexpectedly, the eunuch turned his head to look at him, and said with a smile: "Then this is Yuan Shizhong Yuan Yishi?"

(End of this chapter)

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