Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 169 Arrangement

Chapter 169 Arrangement
When Yuan Shizhong heard this, he was a little dumbfounded, and quickly responded with cupped fists: "The sinner Yuan Shizhong has seen this father-in-law!"

Although Wu Youke was surprised by this situation, he didn't think much about it.Just himself, just watching from behind the crowd.

Unexpectedly, the eunuch turned his head to look at him again, and said with a smile: "Then this is Mr. Wu Youke Wu?"

When Wu Youke heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Even if it is an imperial doctor of the imperial hospital, it is estimated that he will not be greeted so kindly by this eunuch, right?I am just a wandering doctor, how can I be treated so courteously?

When he came back to his senses, he hurriedly returned the gift.

These people present saw that the great eunuch greeted almost everyone of them, and they had guesses in their hearts.

Maybe this great eunuch might be one of the lower ranks in the palace, or one who was about to fall out of favor, so he didn't have the aura of the eunuch in the rumors.

When they were thinking about it, they heard the big eunuch say with a smile: "Our family is the eunuch who is in charge of ceremonies and seals, and is also the admiral of the West Factory, Wang Chengen. He is here to welcome you by order. Long live God is waiting to see you!"

"..." Upon hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded!

Now that the emperor newly established the West Factory, it shows that he is dissatisfied with the original East Factory and Jinyiwei. The newly established Xichang Master must be the emperor's most trusted eunuch.

And the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies is the number one among the eunuchs in the palace.

Holding these two positions, it can be seen that this Wang Chengen is definitely the most trusted eunuch of the current emperor. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is high and powerful.

But such a high-ranking eunuch is so polite to a civil servant without a position, a chieftain general, a bandit leader, and even a wandering doctor, which really shocked their jaws!
But they didn't know that, from Wang Chengen's point of view, it would be perfectly normal to behave like this.

Wang Chengen knew best in his heart that the people in front of him, whether it was Du Yinxi, an unemployed civil servant, Ma Xianglin, the chieftain general, Yuan Shizhong, the leader of the bandits, or even Wu Youke, a wandering doctor, were all hand-picked by the Lord Long Live. , and it is definitely related to the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu!
And once it was related to the treasures bestowed by Emperor Taizu, including himself, all of them flourished and were deeply trusted by the emperor.

From a certain point of view, they will all be in the same group in the future, coming from the imperial party.

No matter what the reason is, it is necessary for Wang Chengen to show favor to these future companions.

Therefore, after he revealed his identity at this time, when the people in front of him greeted each other again, he said with a smile: "Although our family and you are meeting for the first time, we have a good relationship, so there is no need to be so polite. Let’s do a good job for the Long Live God together!”

After Du Yinxi and others heard this, they all had a great impression of Wang Chengen, and they all echoed what he said.

Afterwards, Wang Chengen gave another order: "The Baigan Army and Xiao Yuanying go to the western camp first, change and clean up there, and take a good rest."

This regulation has been in place since Emperor Chongzhen knew the transmission path of the plague.Whether it is the Baigan Army and Xiaoyuanying, including the water workers who came from both sides of the canal and their families, they all have to clean up first and wait eight days before making arrangements.

After hearing this, Ma Xianglin and Yuan Shizhong didn't resist at all, and immediately ordered their subordinates to lead the troops and the captain of Jin Yiwei who led the way to set up camp.

As for themselves, they all returned to the capital with Wang Chengen, preparing to meet Emperor Chongzhen.

Among the group, except for Du Yinxi who was a little better, everyone else was very excited.

Before they arrived in the capital, they received the attention of the emperor, and even sent the first eunuch in the palace to pick them up, and even summoned them immediately. Who had this kind of treatment before?

They really felt flattered, especially Yuan Shizhong, who never dreamed of such a scene!
When they arrived at the Forbidden City, they didn't wait, and Wang Chengen led them in directly.

In this regard, Wang Chengen explained to them: "Long Live Lord has explained, you don't need to pass it on, just take it to see you immediately when you arrive!"

Hearing this, Du Yinxi and the others felt even more grateful, for being treated so courteously by the emperor, even though the mountains of swords and seas of fire are gone!

However, the etiquette that should be followed when seeing the emperor still needs to be explained in advance.In particular, Wu Youke, the doctor of You Fang, and Yuan Shizhong, the leader of Xiaoyuanying, need to explain clearly that this is the responsibility of the subordinates, and the emperor has to do it even if he doesn't say it.

After a little delay, several people met the current emperor in Wenhua Hall.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Although there were only four people, the loud voices came out of the Wenhua Palace.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at the four people recommended by Liu Weichao from the throne. They were all people he would rely on in the future. He was very happy in his heart.

The four people below are also easy to recognize.

The person dressed as a scribe must be Du Yinxi who dared to ride into the bandit camp alone and persuaded an army of hundreds of thousands of bandits to be used by Daming.

The one-eyed general is even more recognizable, and he must be Ma Xianglin, who is known as the little Ma Chao.

The other tall military general was naturally Yuan Shizhong, the leader of Xiao Yuanying.

The last one who looks like a doctor, needless to say, is Wu Youke!
After seeing it clearly, Emperor Chongzhen smiled at Du Yinxi and said: "Du Qing came from a long way away, and should have let Qing rest for a while. But time is not waiting for me, Qing can reluctantly do anything for me?"

Hearing the emperor's politeness, Du Yinxi was moved and immediately responded: "Your Majesty, please issue an order. I will do my best and die!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and said, "I want to revive the Beijing camp, but the sources of troops are all new recruits, and the sources are complicated. There are water workers along the canal, former soldiers of the brave guard camp, and..."

Having said that, he glanced at Yuan Shizhong, then turned his head, looked at Du Yinxi and continued: "There is also Xiao Yuanying, all incorporated into the Beijing camp. I appointed Qing as the right deputy capital censor, the governor of the Beijing camp, and the coordinator Good for everything needed for the reorganization of the Beijing camp.”

Du Yinxi was originally a fifth-rank local magistrate, but now there are some right-deputy censors who are appointed as the third-rank, this is the rhythm of consecutive promotions to three ranks!

Not to mention, returning the governor of Jingying, which holds real power, cannot be held by non-emperor cronies.

After hearing this, Du Yinxi was inexplicably moved, and quickly received an order to thank him, expressing that he would definitely handle this errand well.

The governor of the Beijing camp does not necessarily have sufficient military commanding skills, because basically he will not lead troops to go out, but he must have the ability to coordinate one side, be loyal to the emperor, not deduct military pay, not be greedy for ink, and coordinate relations with various yamen.

For now, Emperor Chongzhen believed that since Sun Chuanting was not around, Du Yinxi could help him.

Yuan Shizhong who was beside him couldn't help being very surprised when he heard this.

Because he heard, the Xiaoyuan camp will be incorporated into the Beijing camp, that is to say, in the future, it will not be those cannon fodder, but the main force of the Ming Dynasty!

For a team of thieves like them, this was something that they had never thought about.Moreover, being able to become a member of the Beijing camp also shows that the emperor has great trust in this small Yuan camp.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shizhong felt like smoke was rising from his ancestral grave for a while.The troops, all the brothers in Xiao Yuan's battalion, have a bright future in the future, they are all smoking!
He was so excited that he didn't hear the emperor calling him, and the people around him were so frightened that they hurriedly reminded him.

Yuan Shizhong came back to his senses and forgot the imperial etiquette explained in advance. He quickly knelt down and said, "Damn the grass people, the grass people were so happy just now, they were all dumbfounded..."

Seeing him like this, Emperor Chongzhen smiled.He is satisfied with this performance.

So, Emperor Chongzhen said to him again: "I named you a guerrilla in the Beijing camp, but your subordinates will be divided into each battalion, mixed with the water workers and the soldiers of the Yongwei camp. Do you agree?"

When Zhang Xianzhong accepted the surrender in Gucheng, he resolutely disagreed with the court dismantling his team, but later, he really rebelled.

For Xiao Yuanying, although he trusted him, it was necessary to make some arrangements.It can be said that this is what should be done.

Yuan Shizhong heard this, without any hesitation, and immediately replied: "Caomin... I will let His Majesty arrange everything at the end!"

He never thought about rebelling again, and the emperor wanted to rearrange the army, so of course he would have no objection.Anyway, they are all in the Beijing camp, and the brothers have a good future!
Besides, in the future, the Governor of the Beijing Camp will be Du Yinxi, and Xiao Yuanying and Mr. Du will have a good relationship.Under his command, that is also the best way out.

Emperor Chongzhen was very satisfied when he saw that he did not hesitate at all.Then he turned his head again, looked at Ma Xianglin and said: "The white-armed army will be trained here in the capital first, and I will change all the white-armed army, including armor, ordnance, etc. There will be more muskets in the future, and your white-armed army's battle The law must be changed!"

The White Pole Army is the chieftain army, which belongs to the Ma family.Emperor Chongzhen couldn't organize the Baigan Army into the Beijing camp, but it was a pity that he didn't have to, so he could only arm the Baigan Army so that the chieftain army loyal to him could improve its combat effectiveness.

Ma Xianglin originally thought it was a military payment or something, but he didn't expect that the emperor would change all the white army's armor, armor and ordnance.

It's really worth it to come to the capital this time by order!

Emperor Chongzhen then turned his head to look at Wu Youke. When the others saw it, they also looked at Wu Youke.

They were all a little curious, everyone was valued by the emperor, so this Wu Youke was just a wandering doctor, how could the emperor reuse him?Is it called into Tai Hospital?

To be honest, Wu Youke is really not interested in being an official.Therefore, when the emperor gave rewards to others before, he was also indifferent.

To be honest, he really didn't care much about the fact that the emperor might have to appoint him an official.

As a result, Wu Youke never expected that the emperor's next arrangement for him made him overjoyed, and he knelt down to thank him just like Yuan Shizhong.

Obviously, he is not too satisfied with this arrangement!
(End of this chapter)

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