Chapter 170

I just heard Emperor Chongzhen say to Wu Youke: "I have a lot of knowledge about the plague theory here, and I know how to improve Ming Dynasty's medicine in the future. I will give you these later. Can you take the lead in combining the reality of Ming Dynasty and integrate what I gave you? With the knowledge, do your best for the improvement of Daming’s medical science?”

This request can actually be said to be Wu Youke's dream.

In the past, when he visited the plagues in various places, he had discovered something, as if he had discovered a new gate to the world.

However, this door is still closed, but there is a gap that allows him to see the world over there, which is all beyond his cognition.

Now, Emperor Chongzhen said that he would have a chance to open the door, how could he not be excited?
It could even be said that among those present, he was the most excited.

Seeing his reaction, Emperor Chongzhen also nodded, and then said: "So, you will be judged by the Imperial Hospital, and you will be a full-time researcher of the plague!"

The biggest thing in Taiyuan Hospital is the envoy, who is the fifth rank; the next is the court judge, who is the sixth rank.

Emperor Chongzhen rewarded him as an official. Firstly, he had a name and could take the lead in doing things on behalf of the imperial court;

As for the leapfrog promotion, such a reward is against the rules, so he won't care!

At this moment, what is a big deal, can it be bigger than saving the nation?

He has done a lot of things like promotion by leaps and bounds, and rewards that are not in compliance with the rules!
To some extent, Emperor Chongzhen was taking the lead in breaking the rules, rebelling against himself, or rebelling against the rules of Ming Dynasty.

Don't do it, there is no way!
The Jianlu invasion is imminent, and the Battle of Kaifeng should have begun.These are the two biggest issues at the moment. How can we effectively deal with them without breaking the original rules?
It was also because Emperor Chongzhen had such a sense of urgency, and the courtiers mentioned were all endorsed by Liu Weichao. Except for the "ink mark" of Xuelong's work, everyone else started to do things in a hurry.

Huang Daozhou, the new censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, wrote a letter. He previously agreed on the standard of salary. He believed that it should be measured on the basis of monogamy, three children, and three servants.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he made it public for the officials to discuss.

So, a lot of people started to object.

Some people say that it must be graded, and different standards should be set according to the level of the grade.

For example, first rank should have concubines, and at least ten servants.

Some people also said that one should have three wives and four concubines. If you disagree, you can get a [-]% discount.

In short, regarding the reconfirmation of official salaries, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, known for its Qingliu, was actually headed by Huang Daozhou and other officials.

In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen is not in a hurry to draw a conclusion, let them continue to debate.

His focus is on strengthening the army, and officials' salaries can be delayed as long as they can.

Under the strong attention of Emperor Chongzhen, not to mention the Yongwei Camp, the speed of reorganization of the Beijing Camp has also become very fast!
The selected water workers, people from Xiaoyuanying, all finished changing their clothes outside the city, and began to station in the Beijing camp.

On the side of the Yongwei Battalion, some officers were also dispatched to set up the framework of the Beijing Battalion.

As Emperor Chongzhen said before, everyone was disrupted and became a team with water workers, Xiaoyuan battalion, and Yongwei battalion.

The original intention was not to guard against the Xiaoyuan camp, but that most of the soldiers in the Xiaoyuan camp and the Yongwei camp had combat experience, but the more numerous water workers had no combat experience.

After mixing, it is easier to form an army with veterans leading new recruits.

The most urgent thing for Emperor Chongzhen is to have a strong army as soon as possible!
However, what Emperor Chongzhen didn't expect was that after mixing, some problems still appeared.

Originally, with his dignity as the emperor, it was impossible to ask the details below.

However, he cared too much about a strong army, so he sent spies in both the Yongwei Camp and the Beijing Camp.

No, Wang Chengen, the admiral of Xichang, reported to Emperor Chongzhen: "Long Live Lord, there is nothing on the side of the Yongwei Camp, but on the side of the Beijing Camp, there are a few things that happened more often!"

"Oh?" Emperor Chongzhen immediately asked with concern when he heard it, "Will it affect the combat power?"

If it doesn't matter, then forget it.But he couldn't help but worry about it affecting the combat power of the army.

"There are some!" Wang Chengen naturally knew what Emperor Chongzhen was thinking, so he hurriedly played, "First, the former soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion looked down on those from Xiaoyuanying, and those from Xiaoyuanying also laughed at those who were born as water workers."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen frowned and did not speak.

Therefore, Wang Chengen continued to play: "Secondly, on the training tactics, the opinions of the soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion and the soldiers of the Xiaoyuan Battalion are quite different, even those at the guerrilla level, there are many disputes."

"Does Du Qing know? How did he do it?" Emperor Chongzhen frowned when he heard this.

Wang Chengen heard this, and immediately said: "Master Du is very busy, so he doesn't have time to care about these things. He is also a little hesitant about the guerrilla level debate, thinking that both sides have a point! Therefore, the training of the various departments of the Beijing Camp is only based on the basics. train."

Emperor Chongzhen was a little curious and asked, "What did they say?"

Wang Chengen already knew about it, so he told Emperor Chongzhen about the situation.

Basically, whether it is the Yongwei Battalion or the Xiaoyuan Battalion, they all expound their views based on their respective combat experiences, and they can all give corresponding examples.

Du Yinxi happened to be not a man of arbitrary judgment. Although he also had experience in leading troops, it was only a small-scale war to suppress a small group of thieves in the border of Changsha.

Therefore, he did not directly give a conclusion on the statements of the two sides, but was considering them.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought for a while, and decided to talk to Du Yinxi about the Beijing camp, to see what kind of idea Du Yinxi had!
He wants to make sure that revitalizing the Beijing camp is useful, not useless like before.

However, Emperor Chongzhen saw that it was getting late, so he decided to call Du Yinxi to talk about it tomorrow.

In the evening, when he had a routine video call with Liu Weichao, he was thinking about the strong army, so he told Liu Weichao about it.

Actually, he just said that to Liu Weichao, and he didn't really hope to get good advice from Liu Weichao.

After all, Liu Weichao is just an ordinary citizen in that world, not a soldier, nor has he ever fought a war, let alone an ancient battle. What advice can he have?
Unexpectedly, after Liu Weichao heard his words, he laughed and said: "These things are actually not difficult to solve!"

"Oh?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this, and asked with a little curiosity, "What's your opinion?"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he immediately preached to him: "Their views are reasonable, after all, they are all their personal experiences. If so, why not extract the essence of their experiences instead of having to make a choice? ? This is one of them!"

Maybe I chatted a lot with Emperor Chongzhen, and what he said sometimes had a little old-fashioned accent; the same is true for Emperor Chongzhen, influenced by Liu Weichao, sometimes what he said was more modern.Even occasionally, the individual words that pop up are even words used by later generations on the Internet.

Regarding this point, neither of them discovered it, which is a manifestation of moistening things silently.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen asked, "What about the second?"

"Secondly, I feel that something needs to be added, because their tactics in the future will definitely be different from before. The biggest reason is that new armor, new weapons, etc. will inevitably lead to changes in tactics, you said right?"

"It makes sense!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded in agreement when he heard it.

When Liu Weichao saw it, he suggested with a smile: "So, I suggest that you let them all express their opinions, and you can even deduce them, and let your experienced generals explore new tactics based on new equipment. Sort out a complete set. After the training method, we will start to implement it in the whole army!"

Speaking of this, before Emperor Chongzhen could speak, he went on to say: "For those officers, you can also set up a military hall, which is actually a school, to teach them the tactics and precautions as a command level, and you will be the principal! "

"What?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being very surprised when he heard it, and immediately asked, "I am the principal? Sacrifice wine?"

After asking the question, he shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I have never fought a war, how can I be this sacrificial wine!"

"Stupid!" Liu Weichao heard this, and immediately said, "You are just a name. From now on, they will all be disciples of the emperor. Not only will the discrimination between them be eliminated, but also you will have a group of loyal generals. The more students you have , the more troops you can control!"

That is to say, he could say that Emperor Chongzhen was stupid, and he would never dare to change it to someone else.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen really didn't care that Liu Weichao said he was stupid, but nodded happily and said: "Yes, yes, that's what I want, and I want to be this sacrificial wine! This is good, this is a good idea!"

For the current him, he has never had the desire to have as many loyal troops as possible.In this case, you can rest assured that the house is stolen!
Not to mention, Liu Weichao's idea of ​​setting up the Military Equipment Hall can also solve other problems.
Although such a thing had never happened before, Emperor Chongzhen didn't care!

Anyway, he did those things that he had never done before, and there are many more!
In addition to being happy, Emperor Chongzhen asked a little curiously: "How do you know so much? Could it be that there have been similar things in history?"

"Hehe, of course!" Liu Weichao nodded and said after hearing this, "There is a person who stands out from the troubled times and wins the Central Plains because of being the principal of the military academy!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help but nodded happily and said, "Yes, yes, then I will learn from him!"

"..." Liu Weichao couldn't help but be speechless after hearing this. That person has another title: micro-control expert, captain of the transportation team!

(End of this chapter)

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