Chapter 171

Although Emperor Chongzhen also intervened in front-line battles, such as urging front-line decisive battles, this kind of thing is still different from that micro-control expert.

On Emperor Chongzhen's side, money and food could not support him, and his courtiers encouraged him to interfere in the front line. It was not because of Emperor Chongzhen's character that he felt that his command was stronger and interfered.

At least in the conversation just now, Emperor Chongzhen said that he had never led troops to fight, how could he be the principal!

Therefore, Liu Weichao did not talk to Emperor Chongzhen about the micro-control expert and the captain of the transportation team.

On Emperor Chongzhen's side, after receiving this suggestion from Liu Weichao, he was overjoyed, so he didn't talk much. After cutting off the video communication, he went to think about it.

Liu Weichao returned to the house, because it was inconvenient to answer the phone in the house, so he went out to answer it.

After returning to the house, he found that his brother was playing with his mobile phone.So, he asked: "Can you score more than 90 points in the mock test?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weiyue put down his phone, and said with a bitter face, "Brother, such a thick book with so many topics, it's really too difficult to memorize it!"

"Then you don't want a driver's license anymore?" Liu Weichao sat back in his seat and asked his younger brother beside him.

"Think about it, otherwise I would have gone home early!"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he said seriously: "Then memorize it carefully, otherwise, if you fail all subjects, you still want a driver's license?"

After finishing speaking, seeing his younger brother's bitter face, he continued: "I think you didn't study hard at all, and subconsciously felt that this exam was too difficult! Actually, let me tell you, don't look at this subject once you take the exam." You need to score more than 90 points in the test, which is actually very simple!"

"Brother, they say that my brain is not as bright as yours, and my reading is not as good as yours. You think it is easy, but for me, it is too difficult!"

"Fart!" Liu Weichao wanted to hit someone when he heard it, and raised his voice a little, "Could it be that you picked it up? I don't study hard, and I have to find a reason!"

"No, really, when I was studying, the teacher said that, saying that I don't even have half of yours! And other people also said the same, saying that our family's learning talent is all in you! "

Hearing this, Liu Weichao couldn't help being slightly stunned.

There is a four-year age gap between myself and my brother, and the village primary school only reaches the third grade, and then I have to go to the township central primary school to study. For this reason, I did not go to school with my brother.

In the past, I kept studying and didn't care enough for my younger brother!
My younger brother's grades were poor, so I thought it was because he was playful, but he was definitely not stupid, at least in terms of handwork, he was far more skillful than himself, and he liked to toss things.

The reason why his grades are not good is probably because he was hit by himself, the teacher, and others, so he subconsciously resisted learning, feeling that he was no longer a material for learning.

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao didn't mention the past, and said to his younger brother seriously: "Actually, this is really not difficult, you try to memorize it understandingly, don't memorize it by rote, come, let's go together!"

"Okay!" Liu Wei became more skeptical, and started to study with his brother.

There is no way, he really wants to have a driver's license, if he has the money to buy a car in the future, it would be nice to be able to drive!
Although he was a bit resistant to study, endorsement, etc., he still listened to his brother seriously at this time.


Early the next morning, Emperor Chongzhen, although he went to bed very late, was full of energy and ordered to summon Du Yinxi, Governor of the Beijing Camp, Yuan Shizhong, the guerrilla, and Zhou Yuji of the Yongwei Camp. Discuss together to establish the Armed Forces Hall.

When he mentioned this idea, Du Yinxi was a little hesitant, after all, this kind of thing had never happened before.

Emperor Chongzhen set up Wu Jinshi, which is already regarded as the disciple of the emperor; now he wants to set up the Wubei Hall and personally serve the sacrificial wine.

However, he also had to admit that what Emperor Chongzhen said was reasonable.With this method of setting up the military equipment hall, the reorganization of the Beijing camp can be accelerated as soon as possible.Not only that, but it may even have a very positive effect on warriors from all over the country, prompting them to work hard to join the Wubeitang and become disciples of the Son of Heaven!
If there is no military equipment hall, generals from all over the country will either learn the art of war from their ancestors, or learn it by themselves, or read a few military books by themselves. After all, it is more effective without this kind of teaching in the military equipment hall!

For the current troubled times, this military equipment hall is indeed worth having.

Thinking of this, he hesitated and said: "It's a bit appalling to offer wine to the Wubei Hall with the honor of His Majesty the Son of Heaven, and I'm afraid it will cause criticism from the world. Besides, my ministers agree, this Wubei Hall is really good!"

Yuan Shizhong, Zhou Yuji and others were overjoyed after hearing what Emperor Chongzhen said, wishing that the emperor would be the sacrificial wine.However, they have been suppressed by civil officials for a long time, or since the middle and late Ming Dynasty, warriors have been born short of literati. With this kind of psychology, they heard what Du Yinxi said and thought it made sense, so they dared not say anything.

Otherwise, the entire literati group will be dissatisfied, that is, you can wear small shoes for warriors everywhere, and even drag you down from fighting. This is definitely not alarmist.

Because the logistics of the army are all controlled by literati, a little bit of tricks can affect the war.

Thinking of this, they felt a little regretful, the emperor's proposal was really great for the warriors.However, it is still unrealistic after all!

But who knows, after Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he said very resolutely: "Who else will be in charge of this sacrificial wine? In the future, the senior military officers of the Ming Dynasty will also learn it in this Wu Beitang. Could it be that the five armies are all superintendents?" Whose protégé will the governor of the mansion be? Who will be the protégé of the duke and duke?"

Upon hearing this, Du Yinxi was dumbfounded.

If Emperor Chongzhen's plan is really followed, no one would dare to become such a sacrificial wine. Otherwise, all the civil and military people in the world come from the same school, so is it going to rebel?
In other words, according to Emperor Chongzhen's plan, the sacrificial wine can only be performed by the emperor himself, and no one else can do it!

However, what if this Military Equipment Hall is not of such a high level?

Du Yinxi was thinking about this, when he heard Emperor Chongzhen continue to say: "It's an eventful time now, but please see, how many hereditary martial arts can lead soldiers to fight? I think it is very necessary to set up such a A military hall, let the military officer of the Ming Dynasty improve himself again, so as not to raise a bunch of useless waste!"

Hearing this, Du Yinxi couldn't help being secretly surprised.The emperor's move is alluding to those martial arts!I'm afraid this is not just for the reorganization of the Beijing camp, but a big game of chess!

He had to admit that what Emperor Chongzhen said made sense.

Don't say how powerful the first generation of those martial arts is, but now the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty are basically dudes, who can go to the battlefield?It's just a name!

Those people should also be rectified!

But Zhou Yuji and others were overjoyed when they heard this.

The emperor insisted so much, and also explained the reason why the emperor must be the sacrificial wine, that is to say, this matter is basically done.And in this way, those civil officials can't blame the generals, because this is what the emperor insisted on!
And, what the emperor said is right, what the emperor said is wonderful!The emperor said that there are good reasons, who is against it?
Therefore, at least Du Yinxi did not object to the establishment of the Wubei Hall and the emperor serving as sacrificial wine.

As for the others, Emperor Chongzhen ignored them, as long as he held the military power in his hands, even if those civil officials could talk about it, could they still turn the world upside down?
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen struck while the iron was hot, and directly discussed with these confidants what Wu Beitang should teach, which is why he passed Yuan Shizhong on.

As Liu Weichao said, the teaching content of Wu Beitang should proceed from reality, learn from the strengths of all schools, have serious battles between officials and soldiers, absorb the mobile combat advantages of thieves, and improve according to the follow-up equipment methods.

For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen even took Du Yinxi, Zhou Yuji, and Yuan Shizhong to the military battle bureau, and first looked at the piles of new-style armor in the warehouse, as well as some flintlock guns made of fine steel.

For now, armor has been able to be produced in a streamlined manner, and the output has been greatly improved.

However, in terms of ordnance, including the output of flintlock guns and artillery, it is still waiting for the extensive application of boring machines and the application of steam engines.Only under this premise can the production of flintlocks and artillery be improved and the quality be the best.

In order to achieve this goal, all the iron ore in the capital is required to be sent to the capital, and the craftsmen of the Military Weapons Bureau, who have good skills, are also concentrated in the capital, and they are temporarily incorporated into the military bureau to expand the scale.

And at a suitable time in the future, these people will be used as seeds to expand production.

Looking at the full-fledged military battle, looking at the new armor piled up in the warehouse, and seeing the flintlock gun made of stainless steel, after the test shooting, whether it is the reduction of the misfire rate, the range, or the improvement of accuracy , have been greatly improved, not to mention, improvements in gunpowder and so on.

With all these things, they should not be too excited.Let them have a feeling that the emperor is the king of Chu Zhuang in the Spring and Autumn Period, and if he doesn't sing, he will be a blockbuster!
Trained a team of elite soldiers, coupled with such excellent equipment, once they go to battle, they will definitely overwhelm the enemy.Not to mention ordinary thieves, even the Jianlu of Liaodong, if they want to fight against such an elite team, they will definitely have to pay a huge price!
But having said that, the money spent hoarding so much sophisticated equipment is probably astronomical, right?

No wonder the emperor copied so many houses before, dare to spend all the money on this!
Naturally, they don't know that there are technological advancements here, which have greatly reduced costs.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Emperor Chongzhen to produce so much money from the house raids, and the quality is still so good.

(End of this chapter)

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