Chapter 179
When Liu Weichao heard it, he smiled immediately, and then became serious, and said to Li Zhi: "If you didn't hear clearly, then I will say it again."

At this point, he raised his voice and declared emphatically: "As long as it involves our traditional culture, I will do it, and I can guarantee that the earth is first!"

"..." When Li Zhi heard this, she stopped talking immediately.

From Liu Weichao's language and demeanor, she felt confident.

However, she has never encountered a company that would say such things in such an absolute tone!At most, it is to say similar words, and add the word "one" at the end.

To be honest, Li Zhi really wanted to say, Liu Weichao was so arrogant, how dare he say such things?You know, if this word gets out, there will definitely be many people and companies who will not accept it!

However, Lizhi has been in contact with Liu Weichao several times, and has a good impression of Liu Weichao. One word describes it: sincerity!
From this point of view, is it possible that what Liu Weichao said is true?

If this is the case, the team he represents is the top in the country!

However, the gathering of such a group of people is more or less regarded as practitioners in this industry. Why have I never heard of it before?
Thinking so in his heart, Li Zhi didn't correct Liu Weichao's statement, but smiled and said: "Okay, it would be best if this is the case. Then I will send you a request to see your strength, if you can really meet the request , how about ordering according to the contract price?"

"No problem!" Liu Weichao replied without hesitation.

Afterwards, he received a request from Lizhi, asking for a sheet music for a flute.

The scene used is similar to a peerless expert, stepping on a light boat and playing the flute, appearing in front of the world.

The sound of the flute is mainly to set off the status of an expert, and it is necessary to blow out the meaning of the fairyland, the feeling of being in a fairyland, and enhance the force.

For these requirements, Liu Weichao just glanced at them and didn't care.

Because he didn't need to care about it, he just forwarded the request to Emperor Chongzhen, and let him consider it there!

But when he was about to forward it, he suddenly remembered that Emperor Chongzhen seemed to be busy with selecting talents. That was a serious matter, so it was not easy to interrupt. Anyway, there was no rush, so let's wait until night!
With that in mind, he stopped posting for now.


Liu Weichao was right, Emperor Chongzhen just wanted to get the talent thing going as soon as possible.

At this time, he was rushing to the military battle bureau excitedly.

At the same time, I'm still thinking about how to do this thing better?
I don't know how long it took, and suddenly I heard a thin voice, whispering: "Long Live Lord, it's time for the battle!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he came back to his senses, looked outside through the opened curtain of the car, and found that he had indeed arrived at the gate of the Bingzhan Bureau.

So, he got out of the car and prepared to enter the military battle.

The eunuch on duty was Chu Xianzhang who greeted him next to him. After carefully helping him out of the car, he played softly: "Long Live Lord, I just received the news that the Wu Bei Tang is ready."

"Oh?" Emperor Chongzhen stopped in his tracks when he heard this, and said with a trace of surprise: "So, we should choose a day to start school! Don't ask for the best, as long as it is a good day, the sooner the better!"

"Long live, tomorrow is the first day of June, which is a suitable day."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately made a decision and said: "Okay, then pass on the decree, and I will definitely go there in person tomorrow."

"Slave obeys the order!" Chu Xianzhang immediately agreed upon hearing this.

After Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, he raised his legs and walked up the steps at the entrance of the Bingzhan Bureau.

But suddenly, he stopped, and a thought jumped into his mind.

Wu Beitang is the place to train the military officers of the Ming Dynasty, and the Wenbei Hall to be established later is the place to train the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty. So is the training of craftsmen similar? Setting up a school to train them is the fastest way ? it called Jiangzuotang?Craftsman hall?Or to make it nicer, call it Science Hall?Science Museum?

Emperor Chongzhen thought about it for a while, but he always felt a little unsatisfactory!

In his subconscious mind, Liu Weichao's world is definitely good.Therefore, when he encounters a problem, he can't help thinking of Liu Weichao's world.

With this thought in mind, Emperor Chongzhen thought again.

At this time, Fang Zhenghua rushed to greet him, but he didn't care, he just went to the yamen first, let someone serve him with pen and ink, and then wrote a few words with ink.

Both Fang Zhenghua and Chu Xianzhang were a little curious, so they waited and watched.

"Ming Military University"

"Daming Civilian University"

"Da Ming Master University"

After reading it, the two of them couldn't help but look at each other, and couldn't help but look at each other, what's the matter with Long Live?

Emperor Chongzhen looked at it himself, but he still didn't seem to be very satisfied, so he started writing again.

"Daming Wuquxing University"

"Daming Wenquxing University"

"Daming Luban University"

Fang Zhenghua and Chu Xianzhang watched, speechless again: What is Long Live Lord doing?
They turned their heads to look at Emperor Chongzhen and found that he still seemed dissatisfied, so they started writing again.

"Daming Royal Arms Hall"

"Royal Wenbei Hall of Ming Dynasty"

"Royal Kebei Hall of Ming Dynasty"

Chu Xianzhang and Fang Zhenghua were a little numb, and they didn't look at each other, they just served Emperor Chongzhen, waiting for him to have a result.

"The Imperial Academy of the Ming Dynasty governs the Academy of Martial Arts, the Academy of Arts, and the Academy of Craftsmanship?"

Emperor Chongzhen looked at the structure he had written, crossed out the School of Liberal Arts, changed it to the School of Officials, and then read it again.

Feeling that the Craftsmanship Academy was juxtaposed with the Martial Arts Academy and the Government Academy, it would definitely receive strong opposition, so the Craftsmanship Academy was crossed out and changed to the Academy of Sciences.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at it and was still dissatisfied, so he changed the martial arts academy into a military academy.

"Royal Military Academy"

"Royal Court"

"Royal Academy"

After writing these names, Emperor Chongzhen's head hurts, why is it so difficult to choose a name!
He casually put the imperial pen on the pen stand, then turned his head to look at the two confidant eunuchs beside him and said, "Look, what name is better?"

When Fang Zhenghua and Chu Xianzhang heard this, they didn't dare to answer for a while.

Generally speaking, the emperor must be more satisfied with the last name.After all, if the previous name is satisfactory, the latter name will not be written.

However, they noticed that the emperor seemed dissatisfied with the final name.So, I don't know what to say!
Emperor Chongzhen saw that they didn't answer, and didn't make it difficult for them. He lowered his head to look at the names he had chosen.

Suddenly, he picked up his pen and started writing again.

"Daming Royal Military Academy"

"Daming Royal Academy"

"Royal Academy of Ming Dynasty"

"Da Ming Royal Imperial Academy"

After writing these names, Emperor Chongzhen didn't put the brush back on the pen holder, and just threw it away and said: "I don't want to, it's settled like this!"

When Fang Zhenghua and Chu Xianzhang saw each other, they immediately spoke.

"Wonderful, wonderful, these names are the best for slaves!"

"It's extremely, it's extremely, when this servant looks at these names, he yearns for them!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't bother to pay attention to these two sycophants. After looking at it again, he pointed to the words "Daming Royal Military Academy" and told Chu Xianzhang, "Stamp this with the imperial seal and frame it. Get up, tomorrow I will give you a plaque!"

"Slave obeys the order!" Upon hearing this, Chu Xianzhang stepped forward carefully and put away the words.

"And this and this!" Emperor Chongzhen pointed to the other three writings and said, "Put these away first, and use them later!"

After hearing this, Chu Xianzhang did not dare to neglect, so he did so immediately.

"Long Live Lord, I wonder what the Ming Royal Academy of Sciences is?" Fang Zhenghua asked from the side, seeing that Emperor Chongzhen seemed to be in a good mood.

Science once, he heard Emperor Chongzhen say it a few times, so he probably knows what it is.And when he saw the names written by Emperor Chongzhen just now, there was a word "Carpenter" among them, so he probably guessed it.

But it was the same, which made him a little puzzled.

Because looking at the appearance of Emperor Chongzhen, he compared this with the official academy and the military academy. In his opinion, how is this possible?

When Emperor Chongzhen heard his question, he smiled and said to him: "I am going to tell you about this!"

When Fang Zhenghua heard this, he immediately bowed and waited for the order, very professional!

Emperor Chongzhen looked at him and said: "If you think those craftsmen in the military battle bureau are clever and studious, give me a list. In addition, give me a decree to the twelve supervisors, the fourth division, and the eighth bureau of the palace, so that they can also Choose clever and studious eunuchs, and give me the list!"

There are a total of twenty-four yamen in the palace, which refers to the twelve prisons, four divisions, and eight bureaus.

Emperor Chongzhen decided not to announce the matter of the Academy of Sciences to the public for the time being, but to try it in the palace where he has the final say.Therefore, choose craftsmen and eunuchs to come out and teach first, and if the effect is good, then recruit people, and even officially announce the name of the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences at the right time, and compare it with the other two academies.

The last step is to unify these academies into the Daming Imperial Academy, which is his plan.

At this time, Fang Zhenghua was a little dumbfounded when he heard it.

He was acutely aware that some people in the palace were about to make a fortune from now on!

Because judging from the posture of Emperor Chongzhen, this Academy of Sciences will inevitably become very important in the future!

Thinking of this, he immediately showed a charming smile, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Long Live Lord, is there an age requirement for this? Look, is it suitable for slaves to enter this Academy of Sciences?"

When Chu Xianzhang heard it, he also hurriedly said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Long Live Lord, there are slaves, and slaves also want to enter the Academy of Sciences!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You two are really greedy. This is what I use to train craftsmen, new-style craftsmen! If you really want to, then I will give you the position of eunuch with palm prints and let others go. Do things, you two can concentrate on studying in the Academy of Sciences!"

"..." Fang Zhenghua and Chu Xianzhang were dumbfounded when they heard this!

 I will finally give a recommendation tomorrow. There was no Sanjiang before it was put on the shelves, and it was strongly recommended. There was no recommendation when it was put on the shelves.The editor said that after it is put on the shelves, it is based on the sales to rank the recommendations. Only when the sales go up can there be more recommendations.I will update it tomorrow.After that, let’s talk about the rules of adding updates. As in the past, the rudder owner will add one update, and the [-] monthly ticket will add one update. This way, the codeword motivation will be more, and I hope to get more recommendations.

(End of this chapter)

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