Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 180 Queen Zhou's Actions

Chapter 180 Queen Zhou's Actions
When Emperor Chongzhen stared at something, the efficiency of something would become very high.

No, it was less than an hour since Emperor Chongzhen's imperial decree was handed down. Twenty-four yamen in the palace, including the twelve supervisors, the fourth department, and the eighth bureau, submitted the list to the imperial court one after another, as if afraid that the submission would be late. If you don't accept it here, you will miss the opportunity.

Emperor Chongzhen took a rough look, good guy, the list of smart and studious people recommended here is as many as [-] eunuchs alone.There are relatively fewer craftsmen, only five hundred and thirty-two people!
The quota of nearly [-] people was far beyond Emperor Chongzhen's expectations.

For this, he also has a headache!
Although he would like to have a lot of talents with knowledge of science and technology, enough talents can be used on his way to promote scientific development and light up the technology tree, but how to cultivate so many people?It can't be cultivated at all!
But he is the emperor after all, so there is no need to deal with this kind of matter personally.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen came to the military battle again, summoned Song Yingxing from the workshop, threw the list to him first, and then said to him: "I decided to select a group of clever and studious people to learn these scientific methods and let them It can help Qing. But there are too many people, Qing will go to select and screen out a thousand people, and then I will try to find a way to screen out [-] people, and then teach them the way of science."

Song Yingxing was very busy, he didn't want to be disturbed.But at this time, when he heard what Emperor Chongzhen said, he immediately became interested, and immediately nodded and replied: "My minister leads the decree, if it's okay, then I will go and see them!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was speechless when he heard this.

This Song Yingxing, isn't this too resolute?
However, I like it, this is what it does!

Thinking of this, he didn't delay Song Yingxing's time, so he immediately delivered an order to ask the eunuchs of the [-]th Supervisor, the [-]th Division, and the [-]th Bureau to gather the people on the list for Song Yingxing to choose.

People outside may not know about such a big event, but it must have been spread throughout the palace.

Queen Zhou's side naturally heard about it.

At first, she didn't think much about it.But her confidant maid, Wen Qiaoyan, who was selected to help copy the contents of the phone, was obviously absent-minded.

Her expression was naturally noticed by the familiar Queen Zhou, and she asked with concern: "Little Yanzi, what's the matter, are you feeling unwell?"

"Ah?" Wen Qiaoyan came back to her senses when she heard it, she was a little flustered, and said quickly, "No, no!"

When Empress Zhou saw her, she asked her directly: "Looking at you like this, what's on your mind, please tell me?"

After hearing this, Wen Qiaoyan hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth, and said to Empress Zhou: "Your Majesty, there are rumors in the palace that a science academy will be set up on the Long Live Lord's side to recruit clever and studious people to learn the way of science. Slaves ...The servant girl thinks about those interesting things, and wants to learn..."

Speaking of this, she saw Queen Zhou's beautiful eyebrows frowned, and she, who was familiar with Queen Zhou, immediately knew that the Queen obviously disapproved of this matter.

Seeing this, Wen Qiaoyan had an idea, and quickly said to Empress Zhou: "My servant heard that Tian Guifei has specially arranged a group of people to learn the scientific way of music, saying that it can help the Lord Long Live! Thinking about it, if the servants also learn the way of science, maybe they can help the empress to help the Long Live God!"

Upon hearing this, Empress Zhou nodded slightly unconsciously, with a hint of satisfaction on her face.

Concubine Tian's situation, as the master of the harem, of course she knows about it.

I also know that Emperor Chongzhen went to Concubine Tian Gui many times because of this music.Correspondingly, the number of times to go to other places is less.

For this, Queen Zhou must be dissatisfied, or jealous.However, she also knew that what Concubine Tian Gui was doing was to help Emperor Chongzhen and people in another world.

This matter is very important. After all, if you can help people in another world, the people there will be more willing to help Emperor Chongzhen and Daming.

Therefore, even if Empress Zhou was actually jealous, she still endured it for the sake of the overall situation.

However, this does not mean that if she can regain Emperor Chongzhen's heart without affecting the overall situation, she will naturally not not do it.

At this time, when she heard what her confidant maid said, she felt that it made sense.

Concubine Tian Gui can help Emperor Chongzhen in this aspect, so if she can also help Emperor Chongzhen in this aspect, wouldn't the two cancel each other out?

Thinking of this, the joyful expression on Empress Zhou's face became even stronger, but she was still a little worried, so she asked Wen Qiaoyan: "The key is that you can learn the way of science, can you learn it?"

Wen Qiaoyan looked at Empress Zhou's expression, and then heard her questioning, how could she not know there was something interesting, so she quickly nodded and replied: "Madam, this servant thinks it's fun, one thing can become another thing, it's very interesting, Therefore, when the servants copied it, they kept it in mind. If you don't believe me, the servants will recite it to the empress?"

When Queen Zhou heard it, she was very interested, so she quickly ordered: "Okay, just recite it and listen to it!"

As soon as Wen Qiaoyan heard it, she quickly started to recite, and recited all the words and sentences she had copied about chemistry.

Queen Zhou didn't go to the book to check it, but just listened to her reciting it.You can basically tell from the fluency of her recitation, she really memorized it!

Empress Zhou was very happy about this, so she said to her: "Okay, since you are so caring, then I will go and talk to Your Majesty and see what His Majesty has to say!"

It always feels a little unreliable for a woman to go to a science academy.However, now that so many eunuchs have been recruited, it doesn't seem so incomprehensible for the maid to go in!

The maid next to them had been listening to their conversation. At this time, seeing that Queen Zhou agreed, several other maids also told Queen Zhou that they also wanted to enter the Academy of Sciences.

Because they can serve by Queen Zhou's side, they are naturally clever people, knowing that they cannot last a lifetime just by serving people.What should I do after leaving the palace?
If you can learn a skill, especially a scientific way that you have never had before, not to mention showing yourself in public, and passing it on to your children, it is a good way to make a living.Maybe in the future, there may be a day of prosperity because of this.

This is definitely not an exaggeration, because they heard that the emperor compared this Academy of Sciences with the Military Academy and the Official Academy. From this, we can see how important this Academy of Sciences will be in the future!
No one is a fool, if there is such a good opportunity, if you can seize it, why not grab it!
After hearing this, Queen Zhou questioned them one by one, and the answers were basically satisfactory to her.

So, she made a decisive decision and went to find Emperor Chongzhen immediately before the evening.


Emperor Chongzhen had just returned from the military battle bureau, and when he heard that Empress Zhou was looking for him, he couldn't help being a little curious.

Generally speaking, Empress Zhou is virtuous and would definitely not take the initiative to bother him.It is very rare to come to him at this time.

Therefore, out of curiosity, he immediately met Queen Zhou.

"Your Majesty, there is a lot of movement in the palace today. I heard that all the [-] yamen have submitted the list to His Majesty for admission to the Academy of Sciences?" Empress Zhou asked straight to the point when she saw Emperor Chongzhen.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen naturally knew that there was a big commotion, so he nodded and said, "It's true!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Empress Zhou's expression and remembered Fang Zhenghua's request from the two of them, so he jokingly said, "Why, it's impossible that you also want to enter the Academy of Sciences, right?"

Empress Zhou was taken aback when she heard this, she didn't expect Emperor Chongzhen to say such a thing, she immediately thought about it, can she enter the Academy of Sciences?

When she came back to her senses, she knew that this idea was ridiculous!
How is it possible, she is the Empress of Ming Dynasty!
When she thought of this, she saw Emperor Chongzhen's expression, and suddenly realized that Emperor Chongzhen was making fun of her!
All along, the two of them have treated each other with respect.On weekdays, more often, the identities of the emperor and empress coexist, and they are all in compliance with the rules. Such a situation rarely occurs.

This is also related to Queen Zhou's strict adherence to the queen's way. If it was changed before, she might remind the emperor to pay attention to his identity.

But at this time, Empress Zhou didn't have this idea in her mind, because after a long time, she didn't want to be serious all the time, and she also wanted Emperor Chongzhen to be as relaxed as he was with Concubine Tian when she was with her.

Thinking of this, she nodded and said, "Your Majesty makes sense! But I don't need it, but the maids in my palace are talented in this area, and they can enter this Academy of Sciences!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was dumbfounded when he heard this.

He was just joking, as long as he knew Queen Zhou's temperament, he would definitely refuse.Unexpectedly, although Queen Zhou did not enter herself, she said that the maids in her palace could enter the Academy of Sciences.

How can this be!

Seeing him like this, Empress Zhou continued to say seriously: "Your Majesty, eunuchs can enter the Academy of Sciences, why can't maids enter? This is not a political matter, is it?"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help thinking seriously.

The reason why the Academy of Sciences wanted to select eunuchs was because he felt that it was not enough to select people from among the craftsmen.After all, most craftsmen are illiterate.And he urgently needs a large number of scientific people to be of use to him.Therefore, he naturally thought of the huge group of eunuchs.

Anyway, now the Academy of Sciences is closed to the outside world, it is considered a matter within the palace, and he can do whatever he wants.

That being the case, why can't the court lady do it?

Yes, why can't the maid be allowed?

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up immediately.

Empress Zhou, who had been looking at Emperor Chongzhen's expression, immediately went on to say: "Women are generally dexterous, and they are very good at this science, especially chemistry. Several maids in my palace helped to copy before, I actually memorized them all. I think they might be able to learn faster, so I specially recommend them to His Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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