Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 182 The so-called 3rd Army

Chapter 182 The So-called Three Armies

There was a faint smile on Tian Guifei's face, she wiped the corner of her mouth with her hand, and then pointed at him.

Emperor Chongzhen was a little puzzled when he saw it, but he immediately came back to his senses and blushed.

So, he immediately pretended to shake the hand holding the phone, the screen was messed up several times, and then he straightened it again.

"Ah, my hand was numb just now, and I couldn't hold it for a while!" Emperor Chongzhen changed his hand to hold the phone and said naturally.

Liu Weichao was just staring at the phone screen and chatting, how could he not see that Emperor Chongzhen was listening, and there seemed to be something in the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, he really wanted to remind Emperor Chongzhen, but he felt embarrassed, so he just thought about how to deal with this matter!
At this time, Liu Weichao saw that there was nothing in the corner of Emperor Chongzhen's mouth, and he could justify his speech, so he didn't point it out, and said with a smile: "It seems that we have talked for a long time, so let's not talk about it, I have something here , I need your help, I will send you a message later!"

Emperor Chongzhen immediately understood that Liu Weichao must have seen it, because the chatting between them did not last as long as before!
But since Liu Weichao didn't tell the truth, let's pretend he didn't see it.

"Is there another business coming?" Emperor Chongzhen quickly guessed and changed the subject.

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, you will know after a while."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the video.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw him, he put down his phone, looked down at Concubine Tian Gui, saw her smiling, and explained: "What Liu Weichao said really makes me yearn so much!"

Imagine yourself sitting on the top of the clouds. The emperors of all dynasties are not as high as him. He is the only one who deserves the title of emperor through the ages. When I go to see the ancestors one day , what an honor that would be!
If you see Brother Huang, you can proudly say that you have lived up to the entrustment he made before he died!
If you see that dear father, forget it, it's boring!
If you see Emperor Chengzu and Emperor Taizu, you must hold your head high and let them be proud of having such descendants!
If you can still see Qin Shihuang, Tang Zong and Song Zu, hehe, just ask them and discuss the way of science with them!

When Tian Guifei heard his words, she misunderstood, thinking that Emperor Chongzhen was just like her.

She also yearns for people in Liu Weichao's world, who can go to the sky to see Chang'e, and also go down to the sea to visit the Dragon Palace.It’s just a trivial matter to travel a thousand miles a day, so if you want to go back to your hometown, you can get there in one day...

Thinking of this, Concubine Tian Gui said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, then we must develop this scientific method!"

"That's for sure!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded and replied without hesitation.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a movement on the phone.He remembered what Liu Weichao had said, and immediately picked up his phone to read it.

Seeing this, Emperor Chongzhen laughed immediately, and while showing Concubine Tian Gui his mobile phone, he said to her: "This is your specialty, let Liu Weichao see your ability!"

According to historical records, the most outstanding thing about Tian Guifei is her attainments in music, and she can play the flute well.

At this time, Tian Guifei was curious, took a look at the phone, and said with a smile: "This is easy, His Majesty will give it to him tomorrow!"


Early the next morning, the Daming Royal Military Academy was to be established, and the location was set in the Beijing camp.

This is a major event, of course Emperor Chongzhen attached great importance to it, but it was not the first thing he did.

The first thing Emperor Chongzhen did when he got up was to record the flute music played by Concubine Tian Gui, forward it to Liu Weichao, and send Liu Weichao the score written by Concubine Tian Guifei early in the morning.

Afterwards, he drove to Beijing Camp.

This day, the first day of June, was the most solemn and most anticipated day for the generals of the Ming Dynasty.

On the side of the Beijing camp, because of the emperor's arrival, there was a post every three steps, and a sentry post every five steps. Every soldier held his head high and showed his best side.

Although the emperor's arrival has nothing to do with most of them.However, this gave them hope.

I hope that one day in the future, if you can be promoted to the rank of officer by virtue of your military exploits, you will have the possibility of entering the Daming Military Academy, and the emperor is the sacrificial wine, so you will be a disciple of the Son of Heaven!

As for those officers who have been selected to become one of them, they have already been waiting in the courtyard of the school.

Among these officers, there were officers from the former Yongwei Battalion, the leader of the Xiaoyuan Battalion who had just been recruited, and some officers from the Baigan Army.

Although the emperor had not come yet, each of them stood up straight.Because they know that their opportunity is too rare.It is an honor to be honored to stand here.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there was movement from the door, but it was a team of Jin Yiwei who entered and set up guard posts around the courtyard. It was obvious that the emperor was coming.As for the civil servants, only Du Yinxi, who was in charge of the Beijing camp, followed.

These officers, who were standing upright, even raised their heads and chests up, showing their full spirit!
After a while, an eunuch in a scarlet robe appeared, and the emperor, in military uniform, appeared at the gate of the courtyard.Behind him, Zhou Yuji and other generals followed.

Seeing this, all the officers saluted together and shouted loudly: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Emperor Chongzhen came to his place and didn't sit down. He stood there and glanced at the officers below, feeling very satisfied. This is what he imagined generals would look like.

So, he said: "I specially set up this school to let you learn more about the way of being a general, the essentials of war, less deaths in wartime, protecting yourself and your subordinates, and winning battles. Externally, open up borders. To expand the soil, to promote the country's prestige; internally, to defend the family and the country, to become the pillar of Ming's stability! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The officers shouted in unison with their blood boiling.

Unexpectedly, the emperor cared about them, and wanted them to learn well, to protect themselves and his subordinates, so as to avoid death!

This kind of attention, for Wufu who has always been of a low status, really feels a sense of gratitude!
What's more, to expand the frontiers and expand the territory externally, to promote the prestige of the Ming Dynasty; internally, to protect the family and defend the country, unlike the current situation where the people are living in dire straits and wars are everywhere.These things, of course, do my part!
Emperor Chongzhen liked their roars very much. This is what a soldier should look like, with strength, so he said: "I named this school the Daming Royal Military Academy!"

At this point, the two Jinyiwei school captains who were carrying the plaque stepped forward immediately.

Emperor Chongzhen went over in person, uncovered the red cloth, threw it to Wang Chengen beside him and said, "Do you know why I chose this name?"

"I don't know!" Those officers naturally couldn't know, so they replied together.

Zhou Yuji and the others were also a little curious.

The word Daming is easy to understand, and the word Royal is also easy to understand. It is the military academy, which seems a bit strange!
At this time, Emperor Chongzhen pointed to the word "Army" on the plaque, and then said loudly: "The word "Army" means the three armies. And the three armies are not the front, middle, and rear armies, but the army. , navy, and air force. This Daming Royal Military Academy is the highest generals academy in my Ming Dynasty and belongs directly to me!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was excited and a little confused at the same time!
Excitingly, the rumors have been confirmed, this is the emperor personally made sacrificial wine, and they will be the real disciples of the emperor.

What is confusing is that the army is easy to understand, and the navy probably understands it, that is, the navy.But what about the Air Force?What kind of army is this air force?

No, under doubt, Du Yinxi asked, "Your Majesty, I don't know what is the Air Force?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he turned his head and glanced at him, then turned back, looked at the officers in the courtyard, and while slowly scanning, he said loudly: "The air force is the army of the air. Today, the Ming Dynasty does not have one, but in the future One day, there will definitely be one. I have reserved it here, and I am looking forward to the day when the Air Force will appear in Daming!"

When he said this, he recalled the video stored in his phone in his mind.

The sky was densely packed with planes, dropping bombs on the ground, and then the ground was a sea of ​​flames!
When I saw it at the time, Emperor Chongzhen was shocked, envious and then wanted to own it!

"..." At this time, everyone present, even in front of the imperial court, showed incredulous expressions when they heard this.The difference is that some people are more surprised, and some people are less surprised.

For them, this is really unimaginable.

Army in the sky, how is this possible?This is too outrageous!

But soon, they all suddenly remembered.Emperor Taizu had manifested himself and gave treasures to the emperor.

That being the case, maybe the emperor Taizu also taught the current emperor the immortal law, and one day he will teach the meritorious soldiers, and everyone will be able to fly. Isn't that the heavenly soldiers and generals, or the air force that the emperor said?

It's also thanks to Liu Weichao who didn't know what they were thinking, otherwise, they would probably burst out laughing. It turns out that the Air Force is like this!
But at this time, these officers all believed that there would be an Air Force day in Ming Dynasty, and each of them became very yearning.

After Emperor Chongzhen said this, he didn't say anything more. He had a lot of things to do, and the specific teaching was naturally handed over to Du Yinxi and Zhou Yuji, and they drove back.

With his departure and the listing of the Daming Royal Military Academy, the emperor's explanation of the name spread along with it.

Without exception, the idea that the heavenly soldiers and generals will be the air force has been further explained and spread.

And this, combined with other rumors about Emperor Taizu, further confirmed that the ancestor's apparition is true.

These rumors further boosted the morale of the soldiers in the Beijing camp, causing the army that was being reorganized to burst out with unimaginable enthusiasm.

It can be said that because of this rumor, many small conflicts in the army, such as between the water workers, between the water workers and Xiao Yuanying, or between the soldiers and soldiers who came from the Yongwei Battalion, did not matter. re-exist.

Just like building captives under frequent victories, it also conceals many internal contradictions.

(End of this chapter)

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