Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 183 Huang Taiji's Difficulties

Chapter 183 Huang Taiji's Difficulties
Shenyang, Liaodong, was changed to Shengjing by Jianlu, and set as the seat of slave chieftains.

Logically speaking, it should be the most prosperous place in Liaodong.

However, if people who have passed through the customs come over and see the situation here, I am afraid they will feel that it is nothing more than that!
At this time, a group of people on horseback arrived outside Shenyang City. They looked travel-stained, obviously they had driven a long way.From the clothing of most of them, especially the hair on their heads, it can be seen that they are not money rat tails, and they should not be Jianlu.

They were all exhausted, and they didn't care about the prosperity of Shenyang City. They just breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the city from a distance.

The only money mouse tail in these teams turned to the leader and said, "Fan Dong's family, we will arrive in Shengjing soon!"

This Fan Dong's family is none other than Fan Yongdou who escaped from Zhangjiakou, and the other three are Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, and Wang Dayu, and the rest are their family members and servants.

At this time, Fan Yongdou heard the words of this prisoner, and quickly took out an ingot of broken silver and said, "It's been a hard journey!"

This Jianlu was sent by Jianlu from Border Gate to bring them to Shenyang.Seeing Fan Yongdou being so upbeat, he was also happy, and immediately took over, leading Fan Yongdou and the others to continue to Shenyang City.

Along the way, from time to time, there were coats in the field, and the supervisor of Jianlu looked up at this group of people, and they were a little surprised to see that such a group of people were not money rat tails.

In the land of Liaodong, it is basically impossible to see people who are not money rat tails.Judging by their appearance, they don't look like people who were looted by Jian captives, which is even more strange.

With the leader Jianlu present, the group was not questioned. Even at the gate of the city, after the leader Jianlu revealed his identity, the group quickly entered Shenyang City without being disturbed.

In the city, there are more pedestrians on the road, and this group of people is even more eye-catching.

One of the Jianlu children saw it and yelled loudly: "Look, it looks like a pack of dogs!"

Hearing this, Jianlu beside him burst into laughter.

They don't know idioms, but they can tell that this is a group of panic-stricken dogs!
Fan Yongdou understood Jianlu's words, but pretended not to understand, and followed that Jianlu to the Jianlu Palace.

Not long after, the slave chieftain Huang Taiji, who was dealing with government affairs, heard that Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, and Wang Dayu had arrived. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly ordered to summon him.

In the Chongzheng Hall, a group of slave chieftains all knew Fan Yongdou and others, because they had dealt with them more or less before.

Even Prince Heshuoyu, Duoduo, who looked down upon the Ming people the most, showed joy.Because he knew that when people like Fan Yongdou came, they always brought the military supplies they needed and so on.

Therefore, the group of slave chieftains suspended their discussions, looked cheerfully outside the hall, and waited for Fan Yongdou and others to appear.

Those who are qualified to come to the Chongzheng Hall to meet, that is, the four leaders, Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, and Wang Dayu, are all in a state of distress, making the group of slave chieftains look at each other in dismay, feeling that this time seems to be different from the past. Same.

Sure enough, Fan Yongdou and the others just stepped into the gate of the Chongzheng Palace, kneeling on the ground with a "plop", and then crying and saying: "You must be the master for the slaves! Woooooo..."

Slaves are not something ordinary people can call themselves, that is, the four of them have made great contributions and are liked by the slave chiefs, so they are qualified.

Huang Taiji, who was on the main seat, showed a trace of surprise on his fat face, and immediately stretched out his hand to signal: "What happened, get up and talk about it!"

Fan Yongdou and the others did not get up, but knelt there, crying and saying: "Your Majesty, the slaves did things for the Qing Dynasty and brought about the disaster of destroying the family. Now... now only a few of us have escaped!"

Thinking that everything was in vain, and many family members were gone, Wang Dengku also cried and said: "Your Majesty, please send troops to avenge the slaves!"

"The army of the Qing Dynasty is invincible, please send troops to avenge the slaves!" Jin Liangyu and Wang Dayu also cried.

When Huang Taiji and the other slave chieftains heard this, they immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.They never expected that the Ming Kingdom would actually do something to them. Wasn't it good before?

Seeing that Huang Taiji and the others did not speak, Fan Yongdou cried again: "Your Majesty, the dog emperor of the Ming Dynasty seemed to have gone crazy, killing the chief assistant, the Minister of the Ministry of War, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and even the Duke of the State. The house was raided, the house was searched non-stop, all the officials in the court were silent, and they were very dissatisfied with the dog emperor. Moreover, thieves are raging in the Central Plains. Kaifeng has been beaten twice, but the court is helpless. Now is a good time to enter the customs. Don't come back when you lose time!"

He obviously knew that although the Qing Dynasty had just wiped out the main force of the Ming Dynasty, it was probably impossible for the Qing Dynasty to send troops to avenge them.

However, if the Qing Dynasty had an opportunity to tell the truth about the truth in the pass, then with the great talent and strategy of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, maybe he would send troops to enter the pass.

At this time, he picked up the news that the emperor of Qing Dynasty liked to hear about the news he had collected when he left the customs, thinking that the Qing army could avenge them.

At this time, they have forgotten that it is precisely because they have forgotten their ancestors and supported Jianlu to grow stronger, so that I don't know how many Ming families inside and outside the pass have been wiped out!

In terms of revenge, they are the ones who should be revenged the most!
At this time, after he finished speaking, he looked at Huang Taiji with hope, hoping to see Huang Taiji overjoyed, and the princes and nobles of the Qing Dynasty in the Chongzheng Hall shouted excitedly and rushed into the pass.

However, to his surprise, this did not happen.

Slave Chief Huang Taiji only had a happy look on his face, and then the happy look quickly disappeared.

Seeing this situation, Fan Yongdou knew that his request might not come true, so he was a little puzzled.Logically speaking, it shouldn't be!

As he was thinking, he heard Huang Taiji say kindly: "You must have come all the way to Liaodong, you must be exhausted, go and rest first!"

"Your Majesty, the main force of the Ming army has been wiped out, and the pass is in a panic. It's a good time to enter the pass!" Jin Liangyu was a little disappointed when he heard it, so he spoke again.

After hearing this, Huang Taiji's expression turned gloomy, and he immediately shouted: "Come on, send them to rest!"

When several yellow jackets heard it, they immediately stepped forward.

When Fan Yongdou and others saw it, they felt a little chilled, and they didn't dare to say anything, so they had to retreat.

Watching them leave, Huang Taiji suddenly sighed in his heart.

Thinking of the battle of Songjin, the court of the Ming Dynasty would definitely be flustered, and doing these things is indeed an opportunity to enter the customs.

However, there are also unspeakable sufferings on the Qing side!
The battle of Songjin, on the surface, was a great victory for the Qing Dynasty. It wiped out the main force of the Ming army, captured the four cities of Songshan, Jinzhou, Tashan, and Xingshan outside the pass, and controlled the situation in the entire Jinning area.

But why didn't the Qing Dynasty take the opportunity to seize Ningyuan again?
It is because of the battle of Songjin that the Qing side also suffered heavy casualties and was unable to fight anymore.

In the Battle of Songjin, the Qing Dynasty not only killed officers of the level of Canling and Zuoling, but also the clan died in battle. What made the Qing army even more frightened was that there were also soldiers of the Ming army who rushed to the vicinity of Dorgon and almost killed Dorgon Dagon, Dorgon was saved from being killed thanks to the most courageous Lausa of the Qing Dynasty who stopped him, but the Qing Dynasty lacked the general of the second rank, Lausa.

In the Battle of Songshan, Adai, the real man of Meler, died in battle; in the Battle of Jinzhou, facing Zu Dashou's infantry, six of the Eight Banners did not dare to confront it and retreated. There is a defeat.

Afterwards, Zu Dashou's infantry attacked again, trying to open the gap. The cavalry of the Eight Banners Army commanded by Dorgon and Haoge, a total of three banners, fled fearing the battle. Ge concealed and did not report, was fined by Huang Taiji.

Also, Xianghongqi suffered the worst loss. Of the four senior military generals, 1 was the Dutong, 2 the Deputy Dutong, and 1 the Guard Commander. Three of them died, leaving only Ye Chen.And the reason why he didn't die was because he actually ran away with his troops.

In addition, Irden, the governor of the Xiangbai Banner, was also injured in many places.

And so on, it can be said that the Qing Dynasty really didn't want to take advantage of the victory to pursue and attack Ningyuan and approach Shanhaiguan, but it was really powerless and unable to fight again.

Fortunately, the battle was won in the end, otherwise civil strife would definitely break out within the Qing Dynasty.

In other words, the Qing Dynasty cannot be defeated in a war.Once defeated, it is possible to make the hidden contradictions public.

Thinking of this, Huang Taiji couldn't help thinking of another troublesome thing.

During the battle of Songjin, the siege lasted for about half a year, and almost all the food and grass accumulated by the Qing Dynasty were consumed.I had hoped that this year's harvest would be better, but I didn't expect that this year would be the same as in previous years. Basically, if we relied on the harvest from the field, it is estimated that many people would starve to death in the Qing Dynasty.

For the current plan, they can only enter the customs again to eat the big family.

However, Huang Taiji knew very well in his heart that the land of Gyeonggi, or close to the northern Great Wall, had been robbed several times before, and he would not be able to rob much food again.

There are only two ways to get more food.One is to wait for the Ming country’s grain to be transported to the north before robbing it; the other is to go to the south of the Ming country and continue to rob it in places that have not been robbed.

However, civil strife continued in the Ming Dynasty. Who knows where in the south there is really food?
Moreover, the Qing Dynasty has only rested for a few months. If possible, it will take a while to rest and wait for the weather to be cooler to avoid acclimatization.

Under such circumstances, Huang Taiji had a decision in his heart.For the time being, there is no need to raise troops for the sake of these Shanxi merchants.

Thinking of this, Huang Taiji got a headache again. Without these Shanxi merchants, the Qing Dynasty would become extremely scarce in terms of military supplies and news from within the pass.Even the gold, silver and jewels looted from the pass will not be of much use!

(End of this chapter)

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