Chapter 184

There are still many people who think the same way as Huang Taiji, who want to eat big families.

No, in Xiangyang City, people wearing official and military uniforms are like bandits, running around, kicking in doors, jumping around, even killing people, and robbing civilian women, which happens from time to time.

The entire Xiangyang City was filled with cries and shouts.

On the top of the city, a large flag flutters, with a big "Zuo" character embroidered on it.

Under the big banner, a group of people who looked like generals were looking at Xiangyang City, cheerfully, as if the city was not in turmoil, but having fun.

On the street, under the guard of a team of yamen servants, an official was approaching the city tremblingly.

Along the way, those soldiers scurrying around, holding shining knives and guns, when they bumped into this group of people, they would often raise their knives to threaten them.

Seeing the officials and the yamen servants turning pale with fright, they laughed and left again.

After finally reaching the base of the city, looking at the handsome flag on the top of the city, the official shouted loudly: "Liu Sizhong, the magistrate of Xiangyang, begs to see Commander Zuo!"

Marshal is the honorific title for the commander-in-chief. Logically speaking, even the commander-in-chief would have to bow down when meeting civil servants!
But at this moment, at the head of Xiangyang City, it was the other way around, and the majestic magistrate humbly begged to see a general.

The time-shifting of world events may be a sign of troubled times!
The commander-in-chief was surnamed Zuo, and he allowed the soldiers to plunder the city. In the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, Zuo Liangyu basically didn't run away.

"Commander, the last general cut off the dog official's head, and dared to close the city gate to prevent us from entering the city!" A general asked for instructions loudly to the leader, that is, Zuo Liangyu.

When Zuo Liangyu heard this, he shook his head with a smile and said, "Shixiu, this is his territory, why are you beating and killing? Don't forget, we are the army!"

Shixiu, surnamed Ma, was an official lieutenant general and Zuo Liangyu's loyal lackey.

At this time, after hearing Zuo Liangyu's words, he turned around and waved down, letting the magistrate of Xiangyang go to the top of the city.

"Marshal Zuo, you are the imperial court army, how can you allow your subordinates to plunder Xiangyang City!" Liu Sizhong bent slightly when he saw Zuo Liangyu, begging with a bitter face.

Zuo Liangyu heard this, and said with a smile: "I said, Mr. Zhifu, you can't talk nonsense! This general didn't plunder Xiangyang City, he just called for the army rations."

After finishing speaking, seeing that the magistrate of Xiangyang was about to speak, he opened his mouth again and said: "The emperor has ordered that the clearing be paid for. The military fields on the side of Xiangyang city can be embezzled by the people in the city. If you don’t give food, then the general will have to send someone to fetch it himself. This is an order, and you are an official ordered by the court, do you dare to violate the imperial order?”

"..." When Liu Sizhong heard this, he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Looting with open swords and guns, dare to say that it is ordered to clear the village for payment!

It is true that the Baigan Army was transferred away, and the defense in Xiangyang City was empty. I never thought that Zuo Liangyu would dare to attack Xiangyang City so boldly.

Thinking of this, he quickly came back to his senses, and he didn't dare to get angry, so he could only say to Zuo Liangyu with a bitter face: "Marshal Zuo, if you want to clear the village to pay, you should inform the next official. Account books, we can check them together, are you not afraid that the emperor will punish you for such a violent act? The emperor's decree has been stated, the officers and soldiers must not disturb the people!"

"Oh?" Zuo Liangyu laughed immediately when he heard it, then turned his head to look at Ma Shixiu beside him and said, "Go, send someone to burn the warehouse of the prefect's yamen!"

"The general obeys the order!" Ma Shixiu immediately cupped his fists and shouted the order when he heard it, and then strode away.

In the past, when Sun Chuanting was in the Qin land to clear the settlements for payment, most of the local tyrants thought of ways to burn the field books.As a result, in Xiangyang, it was the other way around.

The magistrate Liu Sizhong listened to his order and couldn't help being stunned!

I saw Zuo Liangyu turned his head, looked at him again, and said with a smile: "Look, the field book is gone, how can I check it?"

Liu Sizhong really didn't expect Zuo Liangyu to be so brazen, he was so angry that he trembled all over, pointed at Zuo Liangyu, and was speechless for a moment.

Zuo Liangyu didn't care at all, but still smiled and said to him: "Master Zhifu, don't talk nonsense, this general didn't disturb the people. It's just that some people don't follow the king's law and don't pay the army rations. They are all troublemakers. You If you don't care, I will just teach them for you. You said, right?"

"" Liu Sizhong blushed with anger, and the hand that pointed at Zuo Liangyu kept shaking. For a moment, he didn't know how to describe such a shameless and shameless person like Zuo Liangyu!
Zuo Liangyu still had a smile on his face, and then ordered: "Come on, take care of me, let our magistrate write a memorial, explaining that Xiangyang City suffered from bandit chaos, and it was only thanks to this general who led the troops to rescue that it survived the fall. To protect Xiangyang is not lost, I implore this general to station in Xiangyang temporarily!"

"Obey!" His personal guards quickly agreed upon hearing this, and went to find the Four Treasures of the Study for writing memorials.

Hearing this, Liu Sizhong was so angry that he finally said something: "If you act like this, are you really afraid that the court will pursue your conspiracy in the future?"


When Zuo Liangyu heard it, he seemed to have heard a very funny joke, and immediately burst out laughing, making Liu Sizhong's expression change again and again.

After a while, Zuo Liangyu stopped laughing, and said with a sneer on his face: "Nowadays, if there is food, there will be soldiers, and if there are soldiers, there will be power. If there are soldiers, there will be power, and the court will give up three points. That's it, when do you think the court will be able to win this general?"

Since a few years ago, he has been obedient and disobedient, and even repeatedly disobeyed the governor's military order. There are already quite a few chief soldiers and governors who have been killed.That's it, the imperial court reprimanded him at most, and in the end they didn't want to use him!
It can be said that Zuo Liangyu has already seen through the reality of the imperial court!
This time when he arrived in Xiangyang, he wanted to stay here because the war in Kaifeng had started in the north. He estimated that the court would transfer him to rescue Kaifeng; but Li Zicheng was not easy to mess with, so he didn't want to go.

In the south, Zhang Xianzhong joined forces with Ge Zuo's Fifth Battalion, and there was a lot of trouble, so he didn't want to go either.

Unless he sees an opportunity and has a bargain, he will go!

At this time, Liu Sizhong heard Zuo Liangyu speak so nakedly, and was extremely angry. Suddenly, he let out a long sigh helplessly.

As soon as he finished sighing, he saw something out of the corner of his eye, turned his head to look, and saw raging flames rising from the magistrate's yamen.He knew right away that the warehouse was burned down by Zuo Liangyu.

In fact, he just said in passing that the account books of the military field are kept in the guards and in the military department of the capital.Zuo Liangyu burned this, but it is impossible to burn all of them.

But at this time, Liu Sizhong had seen Zuo Liangyu's arrogance, and he already understood in his heart that Zuo Liangyu was just showing him as a show, and didn't really care about the field records and the like.

Think about it too, in today's troubled times, only those who have soldiers in their hands have power!

This Zuo Liangyu, named Guanjun, is actually a bandit!

With such rebellious ministers and thieves, Ming Dynasty will perish!

Thinking so in his heart, Liu Sizhong still wanted to make a final attempt, so he asked Zuo Liangyu sincerely, "Are you worthy of the emperor by acting like this?"

"Ashamed of the emperor?" Zuo Liangyu seemed to have heard unbelievable words when he heard it, and then asked with a sneer, "I, Zuo Liangyu, can be what I am today because I fought with swords and guns on the battlefield! Jianlu fought, ranked first in military exploits, strangled thieves, and made countless meritorious deeds! Why should I be ashamed? What should I be ashamed of?"

After a pause, he continued: "I have fought for the imperial court for many years, and even my whole family has suffered misfortune. In this way, I am enough to be worthy of the current emperor!"

"Your whole family was killed, isn't it because of the mutiny caused by your embezzlement of military pay?" Liu Sizhong couldn't help but sarcastically sarcastically.

In the eleventh year of Chongzhen, Zuo Liangyu led troops to Shanzhou. As a result, a mutiny occurred in Xuzhou, and his family members were wiped out in the mutiny.Only his son Zuo Menggeng, who followed him in the army, survived.

At this time, upon hearing Liu Sizhong's words, the smile that Zuo Liangyu always had on his face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a gloomy expression, staring at Liu Sizhong, as if he was about to eat him.

At this moment, his subordinates came with the Four Treasures of the Study.

Zuo Liangyu stared at Liu Sizhong with a gloomy face and shouted: "According to the general's intention, write!"

"I need to save my face. It is absolutely impossible for me to write about such things." Liu Sizhong's waist straightened at some point, and he looked back at Zuo Liangyu angrily, and replied angrily, "Don't even think about it!"

When Zuo Liangyu saw it, anger surfaced on his face, and just as he was about to explode, he saw Ma Shixiu burnt down the warehouse of the magistrate's yamen, and came back to return!
So, he told Ma Shixiu in a cold voice: "Go, bring all the family members of the magistrate to the city!"

Ma Shixiu took a look at Liu Sizhong, and then shouted: "The last general obeys!"

"No!" Liu Sizhong became anxious when he heard their conversation, and shouted quickly.

Seeing this, Zuo Liangyu sneered, but didn't speak.

When Ma Shixiu saw him, without saying a word, he immediately went back down to the top of the wall to carry out Zuo Liangyu's military order.

And Zuo Liangyu stared at Liu Sizhong, said with a sneer: "You don't write, it's fine! I'll let you see later, people jump from the top of this city, and they will die after jumping a few times!"

Liu Sizhong's face turned pale when he heard his words. After hesitating for a moment, he bent his waist unknowingly, and said weakly at the same time: "I... just write it down!"

So, under the observation of Zuo Liangyu, he wrote a memorial according to Zuo Liangyu's intention.

During the process of his writing, Ma Shixiu had already brought all his family members here, so he didn't dare to scribble, and wrote this memorial with his heart.

Seeing that Zuo Liangyu seemed very satisfied after reading the memorial, Liu Sizhong hurriedly said to Ma Shixiu: "General, please let go of the family members of the subordinate officials!"

Ma Shixiu ignored him, but turned to look at Zuo Liangyu, waiting for his order.

Zuo Liangyu casually handed the memorial with the official seal to the guards beside him and said: "Hurry up and send it to the capital!"

(End of this chapter)

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