Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 186 Anxiety and Anticipation

Chapter 186 Anxiety and Anticipation

And the capital is their destination, the place they look forward to.

The common people along the way saw this team, although they looked like thieves, but they were not panicked at all. Instead, they watched from the sidelines, and many people even faintly showed envious eyes.

This is not to say that they are not afraid of thieves, but they know that this is not a thieves at all.

Before this team appeared, Kuaima notified the local yamen, and then the local yamen issued an announcement saying that the water labor team recruited by the Yongwei Battalion was about to go north to the capital and pass by them along the way.

Those soldiers in the team wearing red mandarin duck battle robes are the soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion.

And the military discipline of the Yongwei Battalion is obvious to all, so no one panics.

Those who live in poverty are envious of these water workers who have been selected as the Beijing Camp or the Yongwei Camp, and become the Royal Forest Army, so they don't have to worry about starving in the future.

Among the teams, there are two large flags running side by side, one of which is embroidered with the word "Sun" and the other with the word "Yellow".

Under the banner, two people who looked like generals were talking.Needless to say, these two were the two chief soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion, one was Sun Yingyuan and the other was Huang Degong.

Among them, Sun Yingyuan, according to the original historical process, he was surrounded by bandits in Luoshan, fought alone, and finally died in battle for his country.

However, on this plane, because Emperor Chongzhen had an adventure and got advice from Liu Weichao, Emperor Chongzhen summoned this hero in a hurry by [-] miles, thus changing history. back.

According to the original historical process, Huang Degong worked with Liu Liangzuo to protect the imperial tomb in Fengyang, the central capital, and fought against Zhang Xianzhong and the Fifth Gezuo Battalion.Also because of the butterfly effect, he returned to Beijing Normal University.

Both of them received new imperial edicts on the way. While participating in disaster relief, they recruited water workers and prepared to expand their army.

In this way, although the two of them set off one after the other, they returned to the capital together in the end.

For this, the two of them are naturally very happy.

In the past few years of the Southern and Northern Wars, the soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion trained by his subordinates continued to die in battle, and the source of troops could not be replenished in time, while the bandits were inexhaustible in killing and exterminating.What will be the final result of this trend, the two of them, as generals leading the army, naturally know it well, and because of this, they are actually very worried.

But the two of them are generals of the Emperor's Imperial Guard, so they naturally know that the court has no money, and the emperor has no money, so they have tried their best to pool the money to form this brave guard battalion.Not to mention the expansion of the army, it is just an extravagant hope to supplement the original size of the army.

However, what they never expected was that the imperial decree they received this time turned out to be an expansion of the army!

It can be said that this is simply a pie in the sky, how can there be such a good thing?
Unexpectedly, it was more than that, the imperial court actually had to allocate disaster relief money to the disaster-stricken areas on both sides of the canal.

So, whether it was Sun Yingyuan or Huang Degong, a question naturally came to mind: Where did the court get so much money?
They have never cared about politics and only cared about fighting, so they couldn't help asking, what happened in the court?
In the end, it was okay not to inquire, but after inquiring, I was immediately dumbfounded!
The changes in the capital really surprised them!

It's not a big deal to change the first assistant, the minister of the official department, etc. After all, it's common for Emperor Chongzhen to change these things!

What shocked them the most was that Zhou Yuji was even ennobled, and he was still Uncle Zhongwu, which made their eyes turn red with envy!
For a general who has fought in battle all his life, what he wants most is to be knighted!
In addition, the rich imperial court turned out to be corrupt officials in the imperial court who ransacked their homes, which also made Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong, who are warriors, appreciate it very much.

For the two of them, the emperor is really too wise, this should have been done long ago!
Those corrupt officials have made a mess of the government and the world. Many people's wives and families have been destroyed, but they are very rich.If it weren't for these corrupt officials, how could the world be here!

To deal with those civil servants, for them, it is a gesture of approval!

No, on the way back to Beijing, there was no one else around, only their personal guards, and they had no scruples about speaking.

"No wonder His Majesty wants to expand our brave guard camp, hehe, it's really great!"

"Yeah, I was worried before, because I was afraid that I would run out of money in the middle! Now it's all right, if there is no more money, there are so many pigs in the hall, just kill a few more pigs!"

"Those civil servants are actually not the richest. Most of their money is in their hometown. If you want me to say, the one who ransacked the house and became the Duke of the State is the one with the most money!"

"That's right, it has been enshrined since the Yongle period. After so many years, it is estimated that the wealth that His Majesty has copied is richer than those civil servants!"

"Also, didn't the few in the palace also spit out a lot of money? This is also a big head!"

When Sun Yingyuan heard Huang Degong say this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the big boat in the canal, then shook his head and said, "Brother Huang, let's not talk about the affairs in the palace!"

When Huang Degong saw it, he also turned his head to look at the big boat, and knew that Sun Yingyuan was the supervisor of the Yongwei Battalion, that is, Liu Yuanbin and Lu Jiude sent by the palace, and they were on that boat.

Originally, he wanted to say that he was far away, but he was afraid of hearing it!
But think about it, one thing more is worse than one thing less, so he didn't talk about the things in the palace, but continued: "If you want me to say, those Shanxi merchants must be very rich! Think about it, they do business with Jianlu, The wealth that the Jianlu plundered from the pass several times, didn't they all take advantage of them!"

"That's not right!" Sun Yingyuan nodded immediately after hearing this, and said with a little resentment, "The money robbed by Jianlu will definitely not be cherished, and the materials from those Shanxi merchants are needed. This is a unique business, and I will definitely not bargain. These damn Shanxi merchants are getting fat!"

"Haha, brother, you should relieve your anger now!" Huang Degong immediately laughed and said, "Now that His Majesty has confiscated the family and wiped out the family, the money they earned will be used for our military expansion!"

After hearing this, Sun Yingyuan nodded with a smile and said: "These things that have forgotten their ancestors should be ransacked and exterminated! It's just a pity, I heard that a few Shanxi merchants ran away, but not all of them were caught. I guess they all fled to Liaodong. !"

"It's all right!" Huang Degong immediately said proudly when he heard this, "One day in the future, when we lead the troops to flatten Liaodong, we will naturally catch them!"

The emperor expanded the army to defend the camp and rectified the Beijing camp, which gave them both a lot of confidence and confidence in their speech.

Sun Yingyuan listened and nodded with a smile.But suddenly, a look of anticipation appeared on his face, and he asked Huang Degong: "You said, Zhou Yuji has been knighted, and our contribution will only be higher than his. Will His Majesty also knight us when we go back this time? "

Hearing this, Huang Degong's face obviously showed envy, and he replied with expectation: "I think, will it?"

It can be heard that he has no confidence in his heart.

Thinking about it, it is true that apart from the founding and Yongle years of the Ming Dynasty, there were really only a handful of titles that were conferred.

In other words, it is really too difficult to be knighted!

The same is true, Zhou Yuji's sudden knighthood surprised the two of them, and naturally they were very envious.

They don't know what kind of shit luck Zhou Yuji had to be suddenly knighted?I don't know if the shit luck of being knighted will fall on them?

As far as they are concerned, they have already said to themselves several times in their hearts that if Zhou Yuji can be knighted, they should be able to be knighted too!

However, they are also very clear about the difficulty of being knighted, and they really have no idea whether they can be knighted or not!
Based on this kind of mentality, their mood after arriving in the capital is also full of apprehension in anticipation!
Compared to the two of them who expected more than apprehension, the two on board, Lu Jiude and Liu Yuanbin, were more apprehensive than expecting.

The emperor suddenly made great efforts to rectify the palace. Their original boss, the eunuch Wang Zhixin, the imperial horse supervisor, was punished, and a large number of new eunuchs were replaced, which made the two of them very panic.

No, the two of them talked together just like the two on the shore.

But the difference is that they sit on the boat, and there are small wine and side dishes.But obviously, they are not happy at all.

"I really didn't expect that Wang Cheng'en would become the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies, and also in charge of the West Factory! After a period of time, everything changed!"

Hearing Lu Jiude's emotion, Liu Yuanbin also agreed, and echoed: "Fang Zhenghua and they were originally just like us, they were only internal ministers who were sent out to handle affairs, and now they are all serving as eunuchs in charge of seals. The changes in the palace, It's just too big!"

"You said, we were originally Wang Gonggong's subordinates. After returning to Beijing this time, what will the emperor do with us?" Lu Jiude asked worriedly.

After hearing this, Liu Yuanbin also worried: "The Sacred Heart is unpredictable, who knows what is waiting for the two of us?"

"My family thinks that we went out together, fought in all directions with the Yongwei Battalion, didn't participate in the court affairs, and didn't reach out to make money from the Yongwei Battalion, there is hard work without credit, so we shouldn't do anything to us, right? "

"Hehe, you dare to reach out your hand in this brave guard camp!" Hearing what Lu Jiude said, Liu Yuanbin couldn't help but said with a smile, and then expressed his opinion: "We are all slaves in the palace, and there is no other way. It’s optional, let’s settle down when it comes!”

At this point, he stood up and said: "I don't want to drink anymore, I have to go for a walk on the shore, at least let the Long Live Lord see that we have worked hard outside, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Jiude stood up quickly, and said, "Yes, yes, you have to look like you are going out to fight. It can't be too easy! We are going to the capital soon, and we must pay attention to this image." All at once."

So, with that much, the team finally rushed to the capital with all kinds of emotions.

 If there is no accident at night, there will be an additional change of 29 monthly tickets.It will be the end of the month soon, starting from the [-]th, the monthly tickets will be doubled, everyone stay on that day and start voting, [-] votes will be added!

(End of this chapter)

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