Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 187 Too Much Change

Chapter 187 has changed too much (addition for 500 monthly pass)

There is one point, even if the subordinates have not thought about it, but leading generals like Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong are a little worried.

You know, their team has [-] soldiers, including more than [-] water workers.

In addition, there are more than [-] family members of water workers.

With so many people arriving at the capital together, can they handle it on the capital's side?
However, what they never expected was that when they arrived at the capital, there were already people here to greet them.

When the first batch of water workers arrived in the capital, the reception process had already gone through.After receiving the fast horse news, I made preparations again.

On the side of the outer court, Du Yinxi was the representative; while on the side of the inner court, it was Fang Zhenghua.Military generals Zhou Yuji, Ma Xianglin and Yuan Shizhong accompanied them.

Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong who were walking in the front of the team, as well as the supervisor Liu Yuanbin and Lu Jiude, heard the news, and immediately speeded up, rushing over to greet them first.

They naturally already know that Du Yinxi is the chief soldier of the Beijing camp, and Fang Zhenghua is the eunuch in charge of the imperial horse supervisor. Regardless of whether they will end up in the Yongwei camp or will be assigned to the Beijing camp, these two will be their immediate superiors one.

Before they got close, the four of them rolled off their horses almost at the same time, and after walking a few steps closer, they both clasped their fists in salute.

Of course, those from the outer court see the outer court, and those from the inner court see the inner court.

Du Yinxi looked at them, and immediately said with a smile: "You have worked hard all the way here. According to the emperor's order, I will arrange the team first, and then I will bring you into the palace to have an audience!"

When Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong heard this, they were overjoyed.

Let Shangguan wait here, and once he arrives in the capital, he will go to see him. This kind of treatment did not exist before.

Could it be that they can be like Zhou Yuji?

Guessing this in their hearts, the two of them quickly agreed.

When they came here just now, they had already seen a huge camp behind Du Yinxi and the others.If the predictions are good, it should be a resettlement camp instead of going directly to Beijing.

Sure enough, Du Yinxi continued to say to them: "Everyone, including the families of the officers and soldiers, is now temporarily placed outside the city for eight days, during which time they are not allowed to move around at will. The military discipline of the camp is in charge of the commander of the soldiers and horses in the city, Yan Yingyuan! "

Speaking of this, Yan Yingyuan, who was standing at the end behind him, stepped out sideways, took two steps forward, fisted with both hands, and recognized a familiar face.

Regarding this, both Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong knew what was going on. After all, the emperor's measures to prevent and treat pimple disease had already been given to them quickly.

When they set off for the capital, the entire team had already been quarantined for eight days before leaving.

Logically speaking, it should be fine.

However, this is the capital after all, so it is right to be careful when sailing for thousands of years!

Thinking of this, Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong both cupped their fists and accepted the order.

However, after Sun Yingyuan hesitated for a moment, he looked at Yan Yingyuan and said: "The army is no better than soldiers and horses. If there is any problem, it is best to pass it on in time!"

"The last general obeys orders!" Yan Yingyuan didn't make any distinctions when he heard it, but just responded with cupped fists.

Seeing this, Du Yinxi couldn't help but smiled and said to Sun Yingyuan: "There is a reason why your majesty didn't send other soldiers and horses over, but only sent Zhongcheng soldiers and horses!"

Sun Yingyuan couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this.

He also thought that the transfer of the Military and Horse Command Division should be coordinated by the Metropolitan Procuratorate.Unexpectedly, it turned out to be hand-picked by His Majesty!

So, this face-to-face commander of soldiers and horses is a bit capable?
With that in mind, he didn't ask.Anyway, whether it is a mule or a horse, we will soon find out.

Afterwards, he and Huang Degong immediately issued a military order to cooperate with Bingma Si to arrange so many people.

In the process, they found that although the camp they resettled was large, it was well-organized and had the style of marching and fighting, rather than setting up camp casually.

There is a certain distance between each tent; a certain number of tents form a district, and the distance between districts is larger; the huts and cooking points are also arranged in an orderly manner...

In short, after Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong looked at it, they looked at Yan Yingyuan who was busy, and their eyes were a little different!

On the other side, when Fang Zhenghua saw Liu Yuanbin and Lu Jiude, he didn't make things difficult, but instead smiled and looked kindly, which made them both heave a sigh of relief.

After everything was straightened out, Du Yinxi took them back to the capital and went straight to the Forbidden City after watching the follow-up team enter the temporary camp in an orderly manner.

Along the way, neither Sun Yingyuan nor Huang Degong spoke, feeling a little expectant and apprehensive.

I'm going to see the emperor soon, I don't know what will happen?
After waiting for a long time, the decree came out, and the Hall of Martial Heroes had an audience.

Emperor Chongzhen was actually familiar with Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong, and had met them many times before.

However, seeing them presenting the ceremony at this time, Emperor Chongzhen always had a feeling that he couldn't get enough of it, it was a very kind feeling!
Thinking about it carefully, it seems that in the original history, they were really loyal to themselves, loyal to Daming, until death!

There are really too few such generals at this time!

With emotion in his heart, he saw that the ceremony was over, and he said sincerely: "You have worked hard all the way!"

When Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong heard this, they couldn't help being a little surprised. Why is the emperor so polite?
To be honest, they also had a strange feeling, as if the emperor seemed to be a different person than before, more amiable and cordial!

Thinking this way in their hearts, the two of them quickly clasped their fists together and responded, "This is the duty of the last general!"

Sometimes it is like this, if you think this person is good, then his words and behaviors will all think in a good way.

No, when Emperor Chongzhen heard what the two of them said, a sentence that was originally normal, he felt emotional again: In this world, how many people still know their duties?

civil servant?General?Most people are afraid that they have already forgotten their duties!

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen waved his hand and nodded to Wang Chengen, the eunuch who was waiting beside him.

Therefore, Wang Chengen held up a decree from the imperial case with both hands, then took two steps forward, and said loudly: "Sun Yingyuan, the commander-in-chief of the Yongwei Battalion, stepped forward to listen to the decree!"

All the previous events have shown that the emperor treated them better.Hearing this, Sun Yingyuan couldn't help being pleasantly surprised. Could it be that he was going to be knighted?

Thinking of this, he excitedly stepped forward and knelt on one knee to listen to the order.

Even Huang Degong beside him became nervous, listening with pricked ears, what is the emperor's long-prepared will?
Because out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that there was another imperial decree on the imperial case, which should be for him.

I think the content should be similar to Sun Yingyuan, so what could it be?

At the moment when Wang Chengen finished reading the imperial edict, Sun Yingyuan couldn't help being surprised.

The expected thing finally came true, he was named Zhongyong Bo by Emperor Chongzhen, and transferred to Beijing as a general!

So, when it was Huang Degong's turn to step forward to listen to the order, his voice in response was a point higher than that of Sun Yingyuan.Because he knew, he was probably knighted.

Sure enough, he was named Zhongmeng Bo by Emperor Chongzhen, and he was also transferred to Beijing as a general!

Whenever Huang Degong wanted to go to the battlefield, he drank a few buckets of wine and went deep into the enemy's barracks, disregarding life and death, regardless of interests, and was called Huang Chuangzi.In other words, he fought hard.

Emperor Chongzhen named him Uncle Zhongmeng, which is probably what he meant.

At this time, in the Hall of Martial Arts, everyone was overjoyed, and the Emperor Chongzhen said to Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong: "You have been fighting abroad for many years and have rich experience in battle. I will give you a military officer tutorial and see if there is anything you need to add. Starting tomorrow, you will first go to Daming Royal Military Academy to teach."

After a pause, he went on to say: "Also, I will give you a list of the best in each of your respective armies, and I will also select some to enter the Daming Royal Military Academy for further study."

Although the Daming Royal Military Academy was established on their way to Beijing, it is the most important thing for all warriors, so when the news was passed, they also heard about it.

At this moment, hearing Emperor Chongzhen's words, both of them were extremely happy, and quickly agreed.

When bidding farewell to Emperor Chongzhen and leaving the palace, it was Zhou Yuji who sent the two of them off by order.

Without outsiders, they are already very familiar with them, so they have a lot to say.

Among them, Sun Yingyuan asked Zhou Yuji curiously: "It seems that many unimaginable things have happened when I came back from Beijing this time. Do you know what's going on?"

Not only were they knighted, but also the Beijing camp was reorganized.You know, it has been reorganized several times before, but in the end it all disappeared.However, this time it really had to be reorganized.

In addition, there are so many people and horses placed outside the city, in an orderly manner, and they can see the leopards, which is really a drastic change from before!

"That's right, what about smallpox and pimples? I already know what's going on. Why didn't I know about it before?" Huang Degong was also a little curious after hearing this, and asked.

Hearing their question, Zhou Yuji laughed immediately, then looked around, and said in a low voice: "The Emperor Taizu manifested his spirit and bestowed treasures on His Majesty. Immortals will guide His Majesty at any time!"

"Ah..." Upon hearing this, Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong were shocked and speechless.

Emperor Taizu appeared? !
If this is really the case, with the ability of the Emperor Taizu, not to mention the current situation, no matter how chaotic it is, it can finally be calmed down!
To be honest, when they led troops to fight outside, they knew very well in their hearts that the imperial court was weak and the bandits were getting stronger and stronger. They were a little pessimistic about the future, but they just didn't say anything!

However, at this time, when they heard the appearance of Emperor Taizu, their confidence immediately skyrocketed!

Zhou Yuji enjoyed the shock of these two comrades, so he gossiped to them again: "All that happened in the capital today, as well as smallpox and pimple disease, how could mortals know that they were all instructed by gods?"

After a pause, he added: "And for us warriors, the gods also pointed out a great benefit!"

"What's the benefit?" Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong immediately left and right, grabbed Zhou Yuji's shoulder, stared at him, and asked in unison.

 Thank you Feng Xingying for the reward of 1500 starting coins, thank you book friend 20211006070340379 for your 1000 starting coins reward, thank you book friend 20190211081212627 for your 500 starting coins reward, thank you Yiye Zhiqiu 111 for your 400 starting coins reward, and thank you book friend 20180409232844508 for your 200 starting coins Starting point coin reward, thank you book friend 20161209155155381, for enduring the pain of QAQ, Alice and Liuzang, the loneliness of three thousand falling plum blossoms, and the reward of the book-swallowing monster!

(End of this chapter)

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