Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 196 Give 1 Suggestion

Chapter 196 Give a suggestion

It's okay if Liu Weichao didn't look at it, but when he saw it, he was immediately stunned: Is it so beautiful?Moreover, it seems that the age is not right!
In the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, Concubine Tian Gui was already the mother of several children, and she was about thirty years old.Even if she is well-maintained in the palace and is naturally beautiful, but the years are a butcher's knife for sure, she will definitely not be so young!
At first glance, Liu Weichao was attracted by this classical beauty on the screen.

Then, when the pipa sounded together, he felt it was clear and pleasant, and immediately, he was attracted by the music.

As he listened, Liu Weichao suddenly thought of a text he read when he was a child, which described something like "big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate".

Anyway, what was described in the textbook, he had already forgotten.However, he felt that the sound of the pipa was different in terms of priority and urgency, which gave people a very fresh feeling.

Liu Weichao's artistic skills are just that, if she were to describe it, he would not be able to describe it all at once.

He only knows one word: Good!Willing to listen to it several times, or play it on loop!

The one who had this kind of thought before was a video that he accidentally brushed before, or called MV, "People from those years!" He liked it very much and would often play it on a loop.

Although these two videos are not in the same category, he likes both.

What made Liu Weichao a little speechless was that the beautiful woman in this video was playing and playing, and when she reached one of the paragraphs, she actually said to the camera: "Welcome to download and use tomorrow's love fart!"

When he sang the song before, he did have such a request, but in this video, he did not say so.Unexpectedly, Emperor Chongzhen added it himself.

It's not that it's not good to add it, it's just that Liu Weichao is listening to it with enthusiasm, and suddenly there is an advertisement, which is always a bit out of harmony.

But Emperor Chongzhen also had good intentions, so let's just let it go.

Thinking so in Liu Weichao's heart, he clicked on the next video and started watching it.

After watching all the videos, Liu Weichao can be sure that the woman in this video is definitely not Concubine Tian Gui. Who is that?so smart!

Whether it's the pipa or the guzheng, it's absolutely top-notch when played.Judging by her age, she is only in her twenties, and she is proficient in all of them. She is definitely a talented person!

Out of curiosity, he asked Emperor Chongzhen, "Who is this person and what is his name?"

After a while, Emperor Chongzhen returned the voice: "A court lady, Concubine Tian Gui is from her natal family. I don't know the name. Let me ask you! By the way, how do you feel? If the filming is not good, I will do it again. .If the playing is not good, I will replace it!"
Liu Weichao heard this, and quickly said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Okay, everything is okay, everything is okay, I'll try it on the Internet first, and then I'll see the effect later."

Emperor Chongzhen didn't reply immediately, and after a while, a voice came.

When Liu Weichao saw it, he clicked on it and listened: "This maid is called Chen Yuanyuan. Since everything is okay, then I can rest assured. I will go to work first, and I feel a little worried about letting the Secretary of Political Affairs do it. Let's go to the West Factory first!"

"Okay, then go do your work!" Liu Weichao listened, responded quickly, and put down his phone.

All of a sudden, he immediately picked up his cell phone and listened to Emperor Chongzhen's voice again.

After listening to it, it was obvious that excitement appeared on his face, so he went to listen to the last voice of Emperor Chongzhen.

After a while, Liu Weichao excitedly said to himself: "There must be no mistake, this woman is the famous Chen Yuanyuan in history!"

Having said that, he immediately searched for Chen Yuanyuan's information on the computer, and compared Chen Yuanyuan's experience.

That's right, it must be Chen Yuanyuan.

Originally Concubine Tian Gui had been ill in bed and would die of illness this year.Concubine Tian's father was worried about her own prosperity and wealth, so she went to the south of the Yangtze River to choose, and finally bought Chen Yuanyuan.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Chongzhen was worried about the government, and he didn't care about women at all, so he confiscated Chen Yuanyuan.

Then Concubine Tian's father saw that Wu Sangui was someone who was a powerful soldier in troubled times, so he used Chen Yuanyuan to seduce Wu Sangui again, and it succeeded.

However, now I think Liu Weichao's butterfly effect, Tian Guifei is not dead, and Wu Sangui will never see Chen Yuanyuan.

It is actually reasonable for Chen Yuanyuan to appear in the palace and in this video.

After confirming the identity of the woman in the video, Liu Weichao immediately felt that there was something rare to live in, so he thought about it even more.

After thinking about it for a while, he made a decision.

These videos are not only uploaded to their own app, but also uploaded to several websites with high traffic, so as to attract more fans faster.

Thinking of this, he immediately went to Bilibili, Weibo, Douyin and other well-known video distribution centers to register an account in the name of the company, and uploaded the four videos before the authentication was completed.

Later, he also opened a video section on his app and uploaded the video.

In the video introduction, Liu Weichao still truthfully wrote his name: Chen Yuanyuan.

Anyway, no one else knew who this Chen Yuanyuan was!Although you don't pay them, at least let them have the right to sign!
After finishing these, he went back to work on the world map.


Originally, this video was what active users on the app were strongly calling for.After receiving the notification that all the forums were pinned to the top, naturally they flooded into the video forum immediately.

In a short while, the number of posts on this video forum surged.

"Who is this young lady? It feels like she walked out of a painting!"

"Wow, this is the most classical girl I've ever seen in my life! I love it!"

"You are all vulgar people, judge people by their appearance! Unlike me, just appreciate this pipa, I want to take a screenshot as my desktop!"


In the office in Shenzhen City, Lizhi was busy when the phone rang suddenly, and when he picked it up, it was the manager's voice: "Look, the app will update the video page tomorrow. Very flavorful!"

When Lizhi heard it, she was immediately curious, and even her manager praised it so much!
So, after hanging up the phone, she quickly picked up her phone and opened tomorrow's app.

As a result, I didn't expect it to stay at the start interface and I couldn't get in.After a while, she reluctantly confirmed that Liu Weichao's app had crashed!
She didn't know that after Liu Weichao posted the video, many people like his manager couldn't help recommending it to people around him, and then they all went in to watch the fun.

And Liu Weichao's Tomorrow app is mostly a gathering place for people who like Hanfu and traditional culture.They have their own circles, or qq groups, wechat groups, etc., just shouting, and the number of visits to this app will increase exponentially.

Liu Weichao thought that he would increase the number of visits at once, and the server he rented couldn't bear it, so it naturally collapsed.

Lizhi has Liu Weichao's contact information. After thinking about it, she decided to call Liu Weichao.

Liu Weichao was busy here. Seeing that it was Lizhi who called, he still answered, "Hey, Miss Lizhi, what's the matter?"

"Did you upload the video? It's probably pretty good. My manager asked me to check it out, but I found out that I can't get in. You should check it out quickly. It's a loss if you can't get in when you're growing followers!"

Liu Weichao was a little surprised when he heard it, and immediately replied: "No way, although I thought it would definitely attract popularity, I didn't expect it to crash the server just like that!"

After hearing this, Li Zhi couldn't help being even more curious, so she asked Liu Weichao, "Are you so sure? Can you send me your video?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao agreed without thinking, "No problem, I'll send it to you in a while."

The content of the video is anti-counterfeit, besides, he has posted it on the Internet, and others can download it, so it's okay to give it to Lizhi.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Weichao sent the video to Lizhi, and then checked his app.Sure enough, it crashed!
This is not a program problem. If it is a program problem, Liu Weichao believes that he can solve it, but the hardware problem must be solved with hardware, and it must be expanded.

In fact, since I make such an app myself, the hardware will have to be upgraded sooner or later.He has considered this point.

However, in the original plan, Liu Weichao felt that he could make money slowly first, at least after making more money, he could upgrade the hardware.

Unexpectedly, the effect of posting the video is many times better than that of other pictures, audio, etc. The app crashed before I made much money.

While he was thinking about this, suddenly, the phone rang again.

Liu Weichao looked down and found that it was Lizhi calling, so he picked it up.

"Hey, Wei Chao, you can do it. Your company actually has such a talent. Their appearance, temperament, and talent are all first-class!"

Liu Weichao could tell that Lizhi's tone was a little excited, so he said with a smile: "You forgot, I said, number one in the world!"

Li Zhi was on the other end of the phone, and laughed as soon as she heard it, and said at the same time: "It's really amazing! Couldn't the previous score be written by the little girl in this video?"

As soon as she said this, she immediately denied it herself: "No, the voice is wrong, this age is younger. By the way, it could be her master or something?"

"It's really not her, it's someone else!" After hearing this, Liu Weichao replied, and then said, "Sister Lizhi, if it's okay, then I'll go to work! Ah, what a bag!"

Having been in traffic with Liu Weichao for so long, Lizhi somewhat understands what he said, and after hesitating for a while, he said to Liu Weichao: "I feel that you have worked very hard to make money, how about I give you a suggestion, you Or make money more easily!"

(End of this chapter)

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