Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 197 What a Dream

Chapter 197 What a Dream
When Liu Weichao heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Not to mention that Lizhi works in Shenzhen and has many years of work experience, she said that it is easier to make money, and it must be easier.

I used to be a technical engineer, and I started this company from scratch. If I can listen to the advice of such experienced people, it may really help.

Thinking of this, he quickly replied: "Sister Lizhi, please tell me!"

After hearing this, Lizhi smiled and said, "Do you know a person named Li Zhiqi? She just makes short food videos, but her videos have a characteristic, that is, they highlight the traditional Chinese pastoral flavor, like Tao Yuanming picking chrysanthemums." It feels like it’s under the fence, so it attracts fans very quickly and a lot.”

"I seem to have heard of it, but I'm not familiar with it!" Liu Weichao replied immediately after hearing it.

He has been looking for opportunities for internships since he was a freshman. After working, he is 997. Apart from overtime or overtime, he basically does not have much entertainment. His only hobby is reading historical online novels in rare free time. things.

But even so, he had heard of Li Zhiqi's name.Hearing what Li Zhi said at this time, he became a little curious.

On Lizhi's side, I was a little surprised when I heard Liu Weichao's words, but after thinking about it, I'm not surprised anymore.

Li Zhiqi is such a famous person, among contemporary young people, there are probably not many people who don't know about it.Moreover, the style of Li Zhiqi's video is very close to the classical culture that Liu Weichao is engaged in. It is strange that Liu Weichao doesn't know about it!

However, judging from Liu Weichao's work, he might not really know Li Zhiqi. Otherwise, Li Zhiqi's success stories are there, so he can learn from them, right?
Thinking of this, she continued to say to Liu Weichao: "She just posted videos, and she posted them on various well-known short videos in China, and even on foreign YouTube, because the quality of the videos is good, and the people she likes earn a lot of money. So The advantage of doing it is that she doesn't have to worry about other miscellaneous things, just focus on making the video well, which can be said to save time and effort."

After a pause, before Liu Weichao could speak, Lizhi showed a look of envy, and continued to say to Liu Weichao: "You can search the Internet, and there is an imprecise calculation of her income. The total income is probably several hundred million, but It needs to be shared with her company. But on your side, her total amount can be counted as your company’s income. You should think about whether you can take that path, and it will save your company a lot of energy in other aspects financial resources."

At the end, she raised her voice a little and said emphatically: "Now is the Internet age, we must learn to take advantage of the existing conditions. If you do everything by yourself, it will be very tiring, and it is not worth it."

Liu Weichao was deeply inspired by this, and immediately said gratefully: "Thank you Sister Lizhi, I will go and look up this Li Zhiqi's information."

Upon hearing this, Li Zhi said with a smile, "You're welcome, I've been called sister by one of your bosses, so I have to express my disapproval no matter what!"

To be honest, after dealing with him for a long time, I naturally have a good impression of an honest person like Liu Weichao.

There is no other reason, and helping Liu Weichao will not be helping a white-eyed wolf.That being the case, forging a good relationship is a good thing after all.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Weichao hurriedly searched for information about Li Zhiqi. After reading it for a long time, he finally leaned back in his chair and began to digest the information he saw.

As Li Zhi said, Li Zhiqi just uploaded videos on various video platforms, and he can do this himself, it's very simple.And she made the video herself, she only needs to explain to Emperor Chongzhen.If it's just a video, it's very time-saving and labor-saving.

Then, Li Zhiqi set up a flagship store on the shopping website to sell things.As for the content on the Tomorrow app, I can actually go to a shopping website to set up a flagship store to sell, so that I don’t have to worry about the maintenance of the website.

As for selling things, ordering music and the like is very simple, needless to say; for selling Hanfu, you can even cooperate with clothing manufacturers and authorize them to do it. The brand is still your own brand, which can save time and effort.

Liu Wei surpassed his thinking, and felt that this way of making money was the simpler.Although there are also benefits that will be shared and spread, but in comparison, it is definitely much better than doing it from scratch by yourself.

It's just... It's just a pity that my own skills are probably useless!

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao felt a little regretful.

In fact, because of his own strong technology, he was directly preconceived in his thinking at the beginning, thinking that he developed it well.

Now that I have walked a long way, after I practiced it myself, and someone pointed me out, I felt that I had gone astray before.

Of course, this also has something to do with his environment.

None of the villagers, relatives or friends started a company as the boss, and even the family's concept is that it is shameful to be beaten to death without borrowing money.In such an environment, Liu Weichao is devoted to technology, but he can know all kinds of business methods, can turn clouds and rain in the mall, and never make a single mistake. That's really strange!

At this time, Liu Weichao was very interested in the new way of making money, so he began to search for relevant information and became busy with his change of direction.


Emperor Chongzhen was also busy. He passed on Wang Chengen and asked him to spread the news through the people in Xichang, saying that when the world was in chaos, should the warriors contribute to the court and use their ancestors' abilities to lead the army? Soldiers and bandits.

What he meant was that according to what he discussed with Liu Weichao, these martial arts must be used.It is of course good to be able to lead the army to fight and wipe out the thieves and prisoners;

If not, death counts as one, and you can even use this to deprive you of the title. Anyway, Chengzu did this in the past, he just followed the example, and it is not a violation of the ancestral system;
If not, those who are unwilling to lead troops to fight, that’s fine, it will let the world see what kind of person Wu Xun is today, and by the way, it’s okay to ask them to pay if they can’t do their best, right?

Based on such a purpose, under the deliberate dissemination by the Xichang side, it was like a sudden gust of wind blowing on the capital's side, and there were discussions about Wu Xun's suppression of thieves.

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't wait, so he immediately summoned the Wu Xun in the capital to the Wuying Hall for an imperial meeting.

Looking at so many martial arts heads below, to be honest, the Emperor Chongzhen at this time has completely different thoughts in his heart than before.

If it was in the past, Emperor Chongzhen was no different from other Ming emperors. He believed that these martial arts were the ones who were truly integrated with the royal family and were the true supporters of the Ming royal family.

After all, their ancestors made great efforts for the Ming Dynasty, shed blood and even died in battle. After being awarded the title, this title is only valid for the Ming Dynasty.If the Ming royal family is gone, then their titles must be gone too.

Based on this idea, it can be said that the entire Ming Dynasty has always given preferential treatment to these martial arts.

Some of their illegal activities, as long as the circumstances are not particularly serious, will be ignored by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

For example, Dingguo Gong Xu Wenbi, in the matter of extorting bribes under a clever name, the final result of the handling is only to say that he will not do it again in the future.

As far as Emperor Chongzhen was concerned, he was more tolerant of Wu Xun.

What finally detonated Emperor Chongzhen's dislike of these martial arts was that when the Ming Dynasty was alive and dead, these martial arts did not coexist with the royal family.

Daming has raised such a group of white-eyed wolves for hundreds of years, everyone would hate it!

Not to mention, from various indications, this group of warriors lying on Daming's body to suck blood is one of the root causes of Daming's current corruption.There are even people like Zhu Chunchen who can even do things that endanger the royal family for their own benefit.

Under such circumstances, the current Emperor Chongzhen absolutely does not like the group of martial arts below him.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen looked at them, and said with an amiable expression on the surface: "Have you heard some recent rumors about the capital? I have received many memorials here, and they all mentioned this matter. Do you know what Zhu Qing thinks?"

Everyone below did not speak, and only looked at the first few dukes.

They are the highest rank of Lord Wu, so naturally they are the ones to speak.

There were a total of 4 dukes in the Ming Dynasty, one of them was in Yingtian Mansion, and the other three were in the capital.

However, Cheng Guogong Zhu Chunchen had been confiscated and exterminated by Emperor Chongzhen before because of the serious crime of treason.Therefore, the only ones standing in the hall at this time are Dingguo Duke Xu Yunzhen and British Duke Zhang Shize.

The two of them glanced at each other, and finally Xu Yunzhen replied to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, in the current state affairs, I should do my best for the country and share the worries of the king. I beg you to lead the brave guard battalion to go out!"

For the evil wind that suddenly blows up in the capital, at least in their opinion, it is a evil wind. With the background of their generations of dukes, how can they not find out who is the instigator.

It originated from Xichang, so it must be the meaning of the current emperor.

Therefore, they have already thought of countermeasures.As soon as he opened his mouth, Emperor Chongzhen's army was captured.

The elite of the Yongwei Battalion is obvious to all.If you can lead the Yongwei Battalion to go out, then you can go out and make military achievements.If the emperor disagrees, then it's not that he doesn't want to go to war, and he can't blame himself.

Anyway, this countermeasure can be advanced, attacked, retreated or defended, depending on what Emperor Chongzhen said.

At this time, when Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately became angry.

From Liu Weichao's side, perhaps, this Dingguo Duke Xu Yunzhen really disgraced his ancestor Xu Da. When the city was broken, he chose to surrender to the bandits without any regard for the kindness that the Ming Dynasty had given to his family for hundreds of years. .

But what's ridiculous is, what's the use of surrendering to the bandits, but was killed by the bandits instead!

Just such a guy, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, the Emperor Chongzhen knew with his toes that he would never dare to really fight the thief to the death!

Wanting to lead the Yongwei Battalion to fight is really a dream!
 It's the last day, and it's not much away from the 1000 monthly pass. Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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