Chapter 198
Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen immediately said: "The Yongwei Battalion is being rectified, and there are a lot of recruits, so we can't go out for the time being!"

When the British Duke Zhang Shize heard it, he followed up and said: "The final general is willing to lead the Beijing camp to fight, sweep away the bandits, and restore peace to the world!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said without hesitation: "The Beijing camp is being reorganized, and now it's all waterworkers, and they can't go out!"

In fact, there are Xiaoyuanying and Yongweiying soldiers in the Beijing camp. If they are pulled out alone, they are stronger than ordinary thieves.

But no matter how strong it is, for these trusted troops who are ready to be reused, it is impossible for Emperor Chongzhen to lead troops for those who don't trust them.

At this time, after Xu Yunzhen and Zhang Shize heard Emperor Chongzhen's answer, they showed such expressions, and they knew it at a glance, as if to say, Your Majesty, it's not that we don't want to lead soldiers to fight, but that we have no soldiers to lead!

The two of them took the lead, and the marquis and earl below did not speak, so the two of them followed suit.

Seeing this, Emperor Chongzhen sneered in his heart. How could he not know their true intentions, so he said the measures he had already planned: "Your ancestors all fought in the South and North, and made great military exploits for the Ming Dynasty, so they were granted hereditary titles. Nobility. Now that the world is in chaos, it is time for Qing and others to imitate their predecessors and contribute to the country. Although the capital has no soldiers to send, there are many places where Qing and others are used all over the country."

Speaking of this, he noticed that the faces of Zhang Shize and others had changed slightly, and he sneered even more in his heart, and then continued: "Xu Qing and Zhang Qing will take the lead, and Qing and others will discuss on their own. You can go to the governor of Baoding, the governor of Liaodong, the governor of the three sides, the governor of Sun, etc."

According to the regulations of the Ming Dynasty, civil servants of the first grade should be courteous when they see dukes and marquises, but this rule was only valid at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty.After that, who still abides by these regulations!

Only the entire Ming Dynasty, that is, the level of the hereditary duke, can enjoy the original respect, and no one dares to touch it.Even if Wei Zhongxian was so arrogant, he would not dare to touch Cheng Guogong and the other three hereditary dukes in Beijing.

Therefore, although these people in the Hall of Martial Arts are Dukes, their status is much higher than that of civil officials.For a long time in the Ming Dynasty, the military was controlled by the civil, and the commander must be a civil official, not a military general.

When they lead troops to fight, they must be controlled by civil officials.

At this time, when they heard Emperor Chongzhen's words, most of the people's faces were extremely ugly.

They must know their own, the ability of their ancestors on the battlefield, they have long since lost everything.Besides, who is used to being pampered and pampered, who can endure the pain of leading soldiers to fight!
It’s okay to talk about it, but if you really want to go out to fight, you really want to call for help!
Not to mention, they know a little bit about the current situation, which is a great threat.After the Battle of Songjin, all the troops that could fight were gone. If I went out to the capital to lead the old, weak and remnant soldiers to fight, would I still die?

However, the emperor made such a request, but they, as martial artists, could not refute it.

You can't tell Emperor Chongzhen that we are all wine bags and rice bags, we can eat, drink and have fun, but we can avoid it if we go to war!

If anyone really dared to say that, the emperor in front of him ransacked Duke Cheng's family and exterminated his family.Once the fire is big, who will be able to bear the charge of treason?

Thinking of this, the people below all had bitter faces, looking at the backs of the two dukes, hoping that the two dukes would stand up to withstand the pressure from the emperor.

However, what they didn't expect was that neither Zhang Shize nor Xu Yunzhen said anything, but sent the emperor off respectfully.

So, a group of people talked around these two people.

"I said, my lord, why didn't you object to the matter of the Long Live Lord just now?"

"That's right, my lord, it's impossible for you to really leave Beijing, right?"

"My lord, it's no joke on the battlefield. Those thieves are extremely vicious. I heard that they especially hate us. If they are caught, life would be worse than death!"

"Yes, yes, I heard that Luoyang's Fu Wang was cooked by them!"


Zhang Shize and Xu Yunzhen looked at each other, they were indifferent to their words, they just walked out on their own.

Seeing this, the others finally couldn't help it, and began to speak sarcasticly in the crowd.

"Hey, it seems that the father-in-law is really going to lead the army!"

"That's not true, they must still want to make more military achievements, maybe they are not satisfied with the position of Duke!"

"That's right, the father-in-law is not as nice as the prince!"


Xu Yunzhen and Zhang Shize ignored them at first, but just walked out. After hearing it, they couldn't bear to listen anymore.Let them go on talking, and all the treasonous things will be revealed!

So, both of them stood still, and then scanned the crowd behind them.

It has to be said that the gap between the Duke and the Marquis is very large.

As far as the entire Ming Dynasty was concerned, there were only five people conferred by the Duke of the State (the above text was wrong, and the one from Yunnan was omitted), but there were as many as twenty-two Marquises.

The marquis and earl behind them were so glanced at by the two of them, they didn't dare to speak immediately, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

Xu Yunzhen looked at the maids and servants not far away. Although they were all low-browed and pleasing to the eye, they might be the emperor's eyes and ears.

This palace is no longer what it used to be, and it's not as easy to talk as it used to be.

Thinking of this, he said coldly: "We have received the grace of the country, and now the emperor has expressed his attitude, and we should contribute money and effort, why shrink back?"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked away.

Zhang Shize left behind Xu Yunzhen without saying a word.

Others are a little dumbfounded when you look at me and I look at you.

But soon, some people came to their senses: Contribute money and efforts, I am afraid that the countermeasures are in these four words.

Thinking of this, they all went back to ponder.

As for discussing to serve under the account of the governor-general, that was something that he had never even thought about.

Soon, the affairs in the Hall of Martial Arts spread in the official circles.

The next day, there were civil officials, not only censors, who gave performances to Emperor Chongzhen one after another.

The supervisor of ceremonies classified these memorials and sent them to Emperor Chongzhen.

Emperor Chongzhen read the memorial with the most copies first, and only opened and flipped through a few copies before he frowned and became furious.

These memorials are all in the same tone, saying that these martial arts are not suitable for leading the army. The reason is that their disciples are very old.

Or it can be said that these martial arts are already the pinnacle of gifts. If they made military achievements, how can the court reward them?
After reading a few books, Emperor Chongzhen directly pushed these memorials off the imperial table, and the servants beside him were so frightened that they fell silent.

It has been a long time since they saw the emperor get so angry!

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen went to see memorials of other categories.

He found that some people spoke the truth.It is said that these martial arts have been at ease for hundreds of years, and they are used to being pampered. If they are allowed to lead the army, it will only make the situation worse!The conclusion is that it is not suitable to lead the army.

There is another type of memorial, very few, but their point of view is: these martial arts are as hereditary as the vassal kings.During the reign of Taizu Hongwu, they could lead the army and guard one side for Ming Dynasty.

However, since the Yongle period of Chengzu, the military power of the vassal king was taken away, and he could only stay in the fief and could not interfere in political affairs.On Wu Xun's side, the truth is actually similar.If the emperor made an exception and asked Wu Xun to lead the army, what would the vassal king do?If they also say that they want to serve the country and are willing to fight for the country, will the emperor allow it or not?

So far in Fengyang, King Tang is still imprisoned. Wasn't the reason at the beginning that he recruited troops to serve the king without the emperor's permission?
To be honest, this is an act of courage when the country is in crisis. Why should he be commended? Why was he banned?
If Wu Xun regains control of the military and leads the army to go out, then the original Tang king should be innocent and should be commended instead?Didn't you slap yourself in the face?
After reading these memorials, Emperor Chongzhen frowned tightly, feeling a little troubled.I feel that governing Wu Xun is not as simple as imagined!
Wang Chengen, who had been silent at the side, saw Emperor Chongzhen like this, and signaled the servants around him to quickly pack up those memorials, while himself, approaching Emperor Chongzhen, played in a low voice: "Long live, according to the news from Xichang, those After the lords dispersed, many people secretly contacted the civil servants. The slaves thought that the things in these memorials might have their own ideas in it!"

"Oh!" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this.Afterwards, he was a little annoyed again, and he couldn't help but said angrily: "They still want to form a party for personal gain, don't they really take me seriously?"

Just last month, he went to great lengths to crack down on corruption, to the point where officials in the various yamen dared not go to the yamen.However, it's only been about a month now, and I'm starting to feel restless again!
Wang Chengen hesitated a little after hearing his words, but finally said: "Long Live Lord, there is no evidence on the side of the servants, and it can be found that they have collected money. As for the theory of forming a party, I am afraid they will not be convinced! This matter , it should not be the same as last time!"

Last time, corruption and accepting bribes, buying and selling officials, were all obvious.Emperor Chongzhen did that, and no one else could say anything.

But this time, at least on the surface, you can't find their fault. If it is like last time, it will be a bit untenable.

After hearing Wang Chengen's words, Emperor Chongzhen also understood this truth in his heart, so he could only sulk.

After a while, he suddenly waved his hand to make everyone back off.

As soon as Wang Chengen saw it, he knew that the emperor was going to contact the immortal.

So, he didn't dare to be negligent, so he retreated first with the maids and maids.At the same time, he was a little curious, what would the immortal do to repair those martial arts?
 One thousand monthly tickets, just a little bit, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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