Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 221 Who Could This Be?

Chapter 221 Who Could This Be?

In modern society, it is rare for anyone to ride horses and shoot arrows, even Mongolians, and they are all modernized.

However, in ancient times, even the Han people had quite a few horsemen and archers.

No, when Emperor Chongzhen heard the request, he smiled and said: "The maids around Aifei will all be able to do it. I will go over later and take pictures for you!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao stopped making suggestions.

Originally, he thought that there were no such things in the palace.However, Zhou Yuji's daughter-in-law is well-known in the history books, and she will definitely; also, there must be many female soldiers wielding knives and guns on Qin Liangyu's side, so they can also be photographed.

Now it's all right, the women around Concubine Tian Gui know how to do it, so there is no need to bother.

After chatting for a while, Liu Weichao and Emperor Chongzhen ended the video communication.

Afterwards, he looked at the computer in front of him, thinking about his own affairs.

Since he listened to Lizhi's advice and changed his approach, he has indeed saved a lot of energy and time.Now the accounts on several websites have fans ranging from hundreds of thousands to nearly two million.And as time goes by, the fans increase faster and faster.

As a result, it may be possible to open a flagship store.

But if you want to open a flagship store, you must recruit people.

In addition, the royal cuisine section may also be put on the agenda...

While he was thinking about his plans for the future, suddenly there was a sound coming from his cell phone. He looked down and found that it was a litchi, so he reached out and took the cell phone to call.

"Weichao, are you free?"

"Sister Lizhi has something to do, I have to be free if I don't have time, what's the matter?"

Lizhi's laughter came from the mobile phone, and then she seemed to adjust, and then said to Liu Weichao solemnly: "I have a friend here, after watching your videos and listening to those songs, let me help her Let me ask, you are good at classical art, do you have the ability to take on dance songs, or if it is a concert, all of which are included?"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao was a little surprised, and quickly confirmed: "Sister Lizhi is asking, like a concert, there are many songs, as well as backup dancers, costumes, etc. Can I provide the whole show? ?”

"Yes, that's what it means!" Li Zhi said with a smile after hearing this: "My friend wants to enter the entertainment industry, but there is no good entry point. After seeing the ones in your company, I came up with this idea. style appearance, as her first show."

After a pause, she added: "If you can handle this and she is satisfied with the proposals you give, money is not a problem!"

Liu Weichao was overjoyed when he heard it, this is a big customer!

So, he immediately replied: "No problem, if you have any specific requirements, we can discuss them in detail."

"Oh, that's right!" Lizhi suddenly remembered something, and said again, "The people in your company, such as the girls I met in the video, can they join her concert at that time? She can pay a high price." reward!"

"..." Liu Weichao was a little speechless when he heard it, but he wanted to, but the key is that he can't do it!

Otherwise, outsource the heads of Concubine Tian Gui and Chen Yuanyuan to make money!

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao himself laughed for a while, and then immediately replied: "They don't want to show their faces, so I will take care of this company, and the matter of joining the concert, forget it!"

After hearing this, Li Zhi smiled and said, "It's okay, if you can't do it, you can't do it. Let's talk about other things. Can you come to Shenzhen City and discuss the details face to face!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately thought of his friends in Shenzhen City, and said with a smile, "Okay, then I'll go there."

"Then make it the day after tomorrow afternoon!" Li Zhi said to Liu Weichao after a while, "Can you be here at this time?"

"I'm fine!" Liu Weichao replied with a smile after listening.

"Well, I'll send you the specific time and place later!"

"Sister Lizhi, who is your friend?" Liu Weichao asked curiously after hearing this.

"Hehe, you'll know when we meet!" Li Zhi didn't reveal the identity of her friend, but just said with a smile, "Then communicate here first, and I'll hang up first!"

Liu Weichao hung up the phone, really curious in his heart, who could this person be?
An all-classical concert, it should be a woman, right?Moreover, from Li Zhi's tone, it seems that he is not the one who is short of money.

Debut debut, that is to say, has never been done before.When we meet, will we know who she is?
Is this person famous?
After guessing, Liu Weichao couldn't figure it out, so he didn't want to.

Later, he dialed his dad's phone number, but his mother answered it.

"Chaoer, what's the matter?"

"Mom, I'm going to Shenzhen City tomorrow to discuss a business deal and meet my friends by the way!"

"You can take care of your affairs by yourself. By the way, didn't your friends in Shenzhen help you a lot? Then Mom hurriedly prepare some gifts and send them to you tomorrow morning. Is there time?"

"Mom, don't worry, I plan to leave tomorrow morning, so don't worry!"

"You fool, how can you go to see your friend without a gift? Not to mention how expensive it is, at least you must have a heart! Your friend is very good to you, we must keep it in our hearts..."

Listening to the nagging, Liu Weichao was a little overwhelmed, and quickly interrupted: "Mom, I know, I will definitely bring gifts to the door when I turn around. I will always remember the principles you taught me! Mom, I still There is something to do, hang up, hang up, hang up, really hang up!"

After finally hanging up the phone, Liu Weichao thought about the gifts for Zhang Weijiang and sister Mingxiu, and couldn't help feeling a little headache.

To be honest, giving gifts is the most troublesome thing for him.

After thinking about it, I couldn't figure it out, so I prepared to go to the mall to look at it after getting off the plane.

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao booked a plane ticket and started to pack his luggage.

He didn't tell Zhang Weijiang, he was going to give Zhang Weijiang a surprise.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Weichao was woken up before the alarm clock rang.

There is a knock on the door.

After going out to open it, Liu Weichao said a little speechlessly: "Mom, you...Didn't I just say, don't you care about it?"

It was only at dawn on this day, that is to say, his mother got up in the early morning when it was still dark, and asked her younger brother to send her here.

His mother ignored him, and just said to Liu Weiyue: "Move the things in the car to your brother."

After saying this, she said to Liu Weichao: "We don't have anything else, just some local products from our family, handmade noodles, and the tea that your father bought from Xueshuiling overnight!"

Lin'an's tea has always been famous throughout the country.Xueshuiling tea is one of the most famous specialties in the county.Although he is not famous all over the country, it is a gift that Liu Weichao's hometown can give.

At this time, Liu Weichao did not dislike these gifts, but said: "Mom, and brother, you must not have slept well, go and rest for a while! Give me the things, and I will pack them myself. "

"It's okay, I just came here to worry about you!" Hearing this, his mother said as she walked into the back room, "You always lose everything yourself, and I will tidy it up for you so that you don't miss anything! I have to hurry home, it will be busy farming soon, and your dad is busy too!"

Ordering clothes is not something that happens every day. For Liu Weichao's mother, it's just a part-time job.

When Liu Weichao heard this, he said to his mother: "Mom, I've said it before, when the farming season is busy, it's better to hire people. And, don't work so hard in the future. Your son is rich, and I will support you!"

"Your money will be saved to buy a house and marry a wife in the future!" His mother began to tidy up and salute him, and said at the same time, "Your father and I have this life, and we don't feel comfortable if we don't do something!"

Liu Weichao directly ignored the first half of his mother's sentence, and said to his mother: "Mom, I am going to Shenzhen this time to negotiate a big deal. If the deal is really settled, I will have to make a lot of clothes by then, and you will be too busy Yes. These few days, you should take a good rest, you should hire someone, don't save money."

"If you have more money, you will marry a better girl; besides, no matter how much money you save in the future, you won't be too much. Don't worry about family affairs, when will you bring a girl back!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless, did he really want to buy a wife?
Knowing that he couldn't communicate with his mother, he gave his brother a wink, motioned his brother to go out with him, avoided his mother and said: "You can take care of the hiring, don't make parents tired. Money If it’s not enough, tell me again!”

"That's enough money!" Liu Weiyue nodded after hearing this, and said, "Brother, don't worry, I'm at home!"

After a pause, he said to Liu Weichao again: "Brother, you are not young anymore, it's time to find a wife!"

When Liu Weichao heard this, he couldn't help punching his brother and said, "Why, are you in a hurry to marry a wife?"

"No, it's just that mom wants to hug her grandson!"


While joking, time passed quickly, Liu Weichao's mother and brother kept sending Liu Weichao to the airport bus stop, watching him go away.


The imperial decree soon spread to Yanjin, Qin Liangyu received the decree, never expected that Emperor Chongzhen would confer on her the title of Marquis of Zhongzhen.For a moment, the eye sockets were red.

Ma Xianglin was also very excited, his mother made him the Marquis of Zhongzhen!

This is not to say how rare he is for the royal title!If it was him himself, he would definitely not be so excited.

Because he is the chieftain of Shizhu, titles and so on are not particularly attractive to him.

However, it was different when his mother was sealed.

A woman who has been titled a title and is also a loyal marquis, has there ever been a woman in all dynasties?
His mother must be left in the annals of history, and the ancestors and the spirit of his father in heaven must be very gratified.

In fact, don't talk about him, the whole white pole army cheered after hearing the news.

Even after hearing the news, King Lu took out the money he had promised to reward the thieves again, and rewarded the white-armed army.

(End of this chapter)

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