Chapter 222

Of course, Lu Wang's money is not so easy to get, otherwise, Lu Wang's reputation in Weihui would not be so bad.

The reason why he took out the money was because the eunuch passed the decree to Qin Liangyu, and then went to Lu Wang's mansion by the way.

No one knows what the eunuch Chuanzhi said to King Lu. In short, after this time, King Lu gave the money.

Therefore, even though Qin Liangyu, Huang Shu and other officials didn't know the inside story, they could guess that it must be what Emperor Chongzhen said to King Lu that he would take out the money.

They were all very surprised by this situation.

Because the former Emperor Chongzhen was not like this, he treated the vassal kings kindly, but now, he was able to extract money from the vassal kings, which changed his attitude towards the vassal kings a bit!

But Qin Liangyu and the others could understand.

Because what Ma Xianglin said had already spread.

Everyone knows that Emperor Taizu had appeared.

If Emperor Taizu knew about the current situation, he would definitely not continue to let the court run out of money and let the vassals of various places pay for it, at least Emperor Taizu would definitely be able to do it.

Maybe His Royal Highness King Lu didn't dare to continue to be stingy because he knew that Emperor Taizu had appeared, and took out money to maintain their Zhu family's world!

In this regard, everyone is naturally happy.The morale of the white pole army also rose sharply.

It's just a pity that since the first battle of Weihui, it has been rainy and rainy, and the water of the Yellow River has skyrocketed. It is impossible to cross the river on a large scale.Otherwise, the white pole army would dare to cross the river to harass them.

It was also because of the soaring water in the Yellow River that Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai felt more at ease. At least the threat from the north was much less.

However, there are also great difficulties or difficulties on the side of the thieves.

It has been more than two months since Kaifeng was besieged continuously, but there is still no hope of capturing Kaifeng.And because of the rain, it became more and more difficult to attack the city.The most important thing is that after such a long time, the materials consumed are too large. The biggest problem that troubles Li Zicheng right now is the imminent shortage of food and grass.

In the original history, he won the battle of Zhuxian Town, obtained a large amount of supplies and manpower from the transport captain of the imperial army, and less worried about imperial reinforcements. Therefore, it has been no problem to surround Kaifeng .

But today's situation is completely different, forcing Li Zicheng to face a problem: whether to open the seal or not!

Continue to open the package, what about the food and grass?
If Kaifeng is not opened, then Kaifeng will be a hurdle that his army can't get around, and if he can't unify the Central Plains, he will not be able to go further if he continues to fight as before.

In other words, politically, Li Zicheng had to conquer Kaifeng in order to have a brighter future, and the prospect suddenly became brighter; however, in military terms, Li Zicheng's most sensible approach was to withdraw his troops.

As a result, Li Zicheng was in a bad mood just like this weather, with continuous rain.

During this period, two more quarrels broke out with Luo Rucai. Thanks to the persuasion of his subordinates, they did not completely turn their faces.

Needless to say, it was Luo Rucai's mention of leaving again, which annoyed Li Zicheng.

The situation in Kaifeng remained stalemate and remained unchanged for the time being.


Besides, when Liu Weichao arrived in Shenzhen in the afternoon, instead of booking a hotel, he contacted Zhang Weijiang directly.

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard Zhang Weijiang's surprised voice: "Ah, you finally remembered to contact me. It's been so long, I thought you forgot about me, Brother Jiang!"

Although there are communication tools such as telephone and WeChat in this era, but if you are far away, you will inevitably have less contact.Many friends who were originally close, if they do not contact, the relationship will fade.

Hearing Zhang Weijiang's voice, Liu Weichao couldn't help being happy, and immediately said with a smile: "Didn't you tell Sister Mingxiu that you would go to my hometown to visit me? I haven't waited for you two. No, I'll come to see you Two!"

"Ah, have you come to Shenzhen?" Zhang Weijiang was very surprised when he heard it, and quickly asked, "Where are you now?"

"Just got off the plane!" Liu Weichao replied, "You haven't got off work yet, are you on a business trip? I'll find you!"

His only worry is that Zhang Weijiang may not be able to meet this time because he often travels on business.However, sister Mingxiu works in a TV station, so she won't travel on business.If you look for it, you will definitely meet it.

"Well, Mingxiu and I are nearby, wait for me for half an hour, and I'll go pick you up!" Zhang Weijiang immediately said enthusiastically after hearing this.

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao quickly replied: "It's not the weekend now, so you should work first if you're at work. I'll go to the coffee shop downstairs in the original community and wait for you to get off work!"

"Hehe, I've already resigned, and I don't live there anymore. If you don't call me, you'll run away for nothing!" Zhang Weijiang immediately said with a smile, "Let's talk about it when we meet later!"

"Okay!" Liu Weichao agreed, and after hanging up the phone, he didn't think much about it.

In the IT industry, job hopping is a very normal thing.If I remember correctly, Zhang Weijiang should have been working for five years.Job hopping at this point in time is a very common thing.

In less than half an hour, Liu Weichao saw Zhang Weijiang and Zhao Mingxiu coming together.

The two parties naturally greeted each other warmly, and when Zhang Weijiang went to the parking lot, Liu Weichao smiled and said to the two of them: "Brother Jiang, sister Mingxiu, my mother specially asked me to bring some local products from my hometown, handmade noodles and tea. Come see you off!"

"Ah, auntie is too polite!" Zhao Mingxiu said with a smile after hearing this, "Nowadays, people in the city are very rare in local specialties. You must try the handmade noodles and tea."

After hearing this, Zhang Weijiang also said happily: "That's right, when you go back, tell your auntie, thank you very much, if you come to Shenzhen City when you have time, you must remember to come to me, landlord, right, I will definitely entertain you Aunt!"

When Liu Weichao heard this, he laughed immediately.

The two of them didn't dislike them at all, and this relationship was very comfortable!

At this time, Zhang Weijiang remotely controlled the car with two beeps.

When Liu Weichao saw it, he couldn't help being a little surprised and said: "Brother Jiang, good guy, this car will cost you two or three years' salary, right? You are really willing!"

When Zhao Mingxiu heard this, he pursed his lips and laughed.

Zhang Weijiang himself just chuckled and said, "Actually, I won't hide it from you, I'm the second generation rich!"

"..." Liu Weichao was a little dumbfounded when he heard this.

Zhang Weijiang is the rich second generation?Why didn't I notice it?impossible?
"Come on, give me the things, put them in the trunk, we'll talk in the car later." Zhang Weijiang reached out to take his luggage and went to put the trunk.

"Brother Jiang, are you real or fake?" Liu Weichao listened, took the luggage over and put it away together, and said at the same time, "Why does it sound like a TV series!"

"If it's true, it can't be fake, if it's fake, it can't be true!" Zhang Weijiang replied with a smile.

After getting into the car, Liu Weichao was sitting in the back seat, and Zhang Weijiang said while driving: "Mingxiu and I are about to get married in about a month, so I resigned to organize the wedding. After all, marriage is only once in a lifetime, so it doesn't matter how important it is." pass?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it.

Around me, I have never heard of such an example, in order to get married, I don't even want to work.

But this attitude is indeed possible.

Thinking of this, he looked at Zhao Mingxiu, and seeing Zhao Mingxiu smiling there, he quickly said: "Congratulations, congratulations, your marriage is such a big deal, if I don't come, I don't even know about it!"

"Hehe, it's still early! I'll let you know when the time comes, and you'll have to follow suit!" Zhang Weijiang laughed immediately after hearing this.

Before Liu Weichao opened his mouth, Zhao Mingxiu smiled and said first: "Don't listen to his nonsense, we know each other so well, it's fine when someone comes, just do whatever you want!"

"No, I really want to trouble Xiaochao!" Zhang Weijiang said quickly after hearing this, "You know, your sister Mingxiu likes Hanfu, so we don't want to use the Western-style church style when we get married. We are making up, thinking about it." Wearing Hanfu, a traditional way to commemorate the day we got married. So, just thinking about taking care of your business, how about ordering some good Hanfu for us?"

Speaking of this, before Liu Weichao could speak, his talkative nature came out again, and he continued there: "But we went to a few so-called professional Chinese-style wedding companies, and Mingxiu found out that they were all messing around on TV. That's not professional at all."

As soon as Liu Weichao heard this, he immediately remembered the purpose of his visit, wasn't it just to talk about the concert with Sister Lizhi's friends, and the whole thing was covered.

That doesn't mean that Jiang Ge Mingxiu's Chinese-style wedding can be arranged by himself. Needless to say, Hanfu, etiquette and etiquette, from the appearance of an emperor to ordinary people, who else can understand better than myself (Emperor Chongzhen) Woolen cloth?

Brother Jiang and Sister Mingxiu's big wedding, I have to do my best no matter what.This is just right!

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao immediately smiled and said: "It's better to come early than to come by coincidence. Brother Jiang, sister Mingxiu, what kind of Chinese wedding do you want? If it can be from the Ming Dynasty, wrap it on me, no matter it's the clothes. It's still etiquette, I'll keep you all in an authentic way!"

When Zhao Mingxiu heard this, he was very surprised, and immediately turned around and asked him, "When did you change your career to become a wedding company? I was still following your app before, but I didn't see that you had any intentions in this regard?"

Speaking of this, she thought of something, and said again: "By the way, that app of yours often fails to log in. What's the matter, have you encountered any difficulties? Wei Jiang and I have been very busy these days, so we haven't paid attention to you The situation over there!"

"Yes, Xiao Jiang, if you encounter difficulties, just tell Brother Jiang!" Hearing this, Zhang Weijiang quickly turned his head, glanced at Liu Weichao, then turned back and said.

When Liu Weichao heard this, he laughed immediately.These two friends are really good!
Thinking of this, he said to them: "No problem, do you know what I am doing in Shenzhen this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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