Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 223 You Make Money, I Make Money Too

Chapter 223 You Make Money, I Make Money Too
"Didn't you come to see us?" Zhang Weijiang immediately asked with a smile when he heard this.

After hearing this, Zhao Mingxiu turned to Liu Weichao and said, "Don't pay attention to him! Is there something important?"

Liu Weichao nodded, and replied with a smile: "Someone wants to hold a classical concert, and I will cover it all here, so we can talk about it. Of course, when you come to Shenzhen, you must visit friends. This is also one of my goals." .”

Zhao Mingxiu was very surprised when he heard it, and asked in amazement: "You really have the ability to cover everything, it's not easy! Are you sure about arranging the repertoire, dance, music, clothing, etc.?"

When Liu Weichao was about to answer, he saw the car approaching the gate of the community. When he saw it, he was a little surprised and said, "Hey, no way, Brother Jiang, you live here?"

This is a well-known luxury residential complex in Shenzhen, with school districts, shopping malls, and hospitals nearby, all of which are very famous.

Zhang Weijiang listened and said with a smile: "Didn't I say that I am the second generation rich!"

"..." After hearing this, Liu Weichao couldn't help being speechless and surprised.

If it is a car, it is no problem to buy it by yourself based on Zhang Weijiang's own salary, spending a few years' salary, or getting a car loan.However, people who have worked part-time for at least ten years may not be able to afford houses in this community, even if they are working emperors.

"Okay, Brother Jiang, you are really hiding something!" regaining consciousness, Liu Weichao sighed with a smile.

"It's the same with you, we all thought you came from a mountain village, and your family's financial conditions are not very good. It turned out that you didn't arrive first, haha, you are also hiding yourself!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao didn't argue, but replied: "How is my family, when you come to visit in the future, you will know!"

Hearing this, it meant something. Zhang Weijiang and Zhao Mingxiu were obviously a little surprised when they heard this.But none of them said anything about it.

It's just that Zhao Mingxiu asked in surprise: "When you talk about this matter, many aspects are involved, and the amount of money involved should be large. You can't come here alone, right?"

At the airport, they also saw Liu Weichao.And looking at Liu Weichao's outfit, it doesn't seem to be the same as for business negotiations, so I am a little confused.

"Yes, I came here alone." Liu Weichao nodded and said, "I started my own business. These things are the first time and I have no experience."

At this time, Zhang Weijiang had already parked the car, and he looked at Zhao Mingxiu in surprise, and then he said, "Where is the lawyer, you need a lawyer to look after you to sign the contract, didn't you bring it?"

"Ah? No!" Liu Weichao listened and shook his head.

When Zhang Weijiang heard it, he shook his head and said: "I really admire you, you start a business without knowing anything, you are awesome!"

After finishing speaking, he went on to say: "I will give you a lawyer's business card in a while, saying that you are my friend, you are trustworthy, and the price will be the lowest..."

Speaking of this, he thought of something, so he changed his words and said: "Forget it, you don't understand anything, I will accompany you to find him later."

When Liu Weichao heard it, he was very grateful. After thinking for a while, without saying thank you, he just replied: "Brother Jiang, sister Mingxiu, let me give you a plan for your classical wedding, and I will give you the specific details in a few days." , if you are not satisfied, you have time to choose another one."

Zhang Weijiang and Zhao Mingxiu listened and looked at each other, knowing that Liu Weichao was showing courtesy, and if he refused, he might feel embarrassed.

Therefore, Zhang Weijiang smiled and said, "Okay, if you dare to arrange a concert, let's see how much real material you have!"

After finishing speaking, he got out of the car, and the happy Liu Weichao also got out of the car, and was surprised for a while.

Because Zhang Weijiang's house is actually a villa in a mansion complex.It seems that his status as a rich second generation is real!
Zhang Weijiang went to get the salute, and said to Liu Weichao: "I have a lot of vacant rooms here. You can live here when you are in Shenzhen City, and you won't be charged rent!"

Liu Weichao laughed when he heard it.

He didn't refuse, but after getting settled, he first asked Zhang Weijiang and Zhao Mingxiu what requirements they had for their ancient wedding, such as the level, and carefully wrote it down.

Looking at him like this, Zhao Mingxiu felt that he really had such a great ability, and he couldn't help looking forward to it while being surprised.

After eating, Zhang Weijiang accompanied Liu Weichao to go to work first.


On Emperor Chongzhen's side, he heard Fang Zhenghua, who had returned to Beijing, talk about the situation in Kaifeng. He knew that the bandits couldn't beat Kaifeng and where they had been spending their time. The situation that Sun Chuanting most hoped for when discussing.

On the side of the capital, Emperor Chongzhen inspected the Yongwei Camp and the Beijing Camp every three days, seeing with the naked eye that the training of the recruits was getting better and better, and he felt even more relieved.

Seeing that there is a harvest, he will do his best to guarantee the logistics of the Yongwei Battalion and the Beijing Battalion.

On this day, Emperor Chongzhen was busy when he suddenly received a report from Wang Dehua, saying that he had raided the homes of ten of the largest salt merchants in Yangzhou. I don't know how much, the richness of the salt merchant and the luxury of life are the best he has ever seen in his life.

The implication is that Emperor Chongzhen's life was not as comfortable and chic as these salt merchants!
When Emperor Chongzhen saw this memorial, he was naturally very angry. These big salt merchants really deserve to die a hundred times!

At the same time, he was naturally very happy. This time, at least he no longer had to worry about money in a short period of time.

However, Wang Dehua mentioned a problem in the memorial. There is too much money, and it will be a little difficult to transport it back to the capital for a while.

Not only is there a lot of money, but the key is to ensure the safety of so much money on the road.In the [-] years of Chongzhen's chaos, faced with such a large amount of money, believe it or not, the army would dare to rob it!
Emperor Chongzhen would be relieved unless he sent the Yongwei battalion south.As for the other troops, he was really worried.

However, the expansion of the Yongwei Battalion also added a lot of recruits. If the training was interrupted, it was not what Emperor Chongzhen wanted. Therefore, he was a little embarrassed.In other words, it is the trouble of having money!
In addition, Wang Dehua learned to be obedient this time, and did not dare to hide the truth from Emperor Chongzhen, so he listed the details in the memorial. During his trip to Yangzhou, how much money he gave to his subordinates, and how much money he gave to the local government. How much money people share is very detailed.

Moreover, he explained the purpose of doing so. If Emperor Chongzhen wanted to be punished, he would also plead guilty. However, he thought that if he did not do this, things might not go so smoothly this time.

For these, Emperor Chongzhen came to a conclusion, probably more than two million taels were distributed, which is the income of the national treasury for one year.

To be honest, after he looked at the number, he looked at the more than [-] million taels of cash, and then at the drift of more than two million taels. After looking back and forth for a few times, he said to himself: " Forget it, now is not the time to worry about these things!"

If this had changed before, he would definitely go crazy.More than two million taels, so much money!

But now, in his communication with Liu Weichao, he has understood a principle of doing things, which is to focus on the key points and achieve his desired goal. This is the most important thing.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen's distress was inevitable!

It's not easy for him to tell others what he really thinks in his heart, so he can only talk to Liu Weichao from another world.

No, at night, Emperor Chongzhen contacted Liu Weichao, wanting to talk about this matter.

But as soon as the call was made, it was dropped.

Liu Weichao had told him before that if this happens, it means that it is inconvenient for him to contact him.

Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised. He didn't know what Liu Weichao was doing, but he wasn't too anxious.

He thought he knew that Liu Weichao's world was the same as daytime at night, and there were many things to play, so it was normal for them to sleep late.

After waiting for about half an hour, Liu Weichao took the initiative to contact him.

As soon as the video was connected, Liu Weichao's face was full of smiles. When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he asked curiously, "Is there anything happy for you?"

When Liu Weichao heard this, he nodded happily, and immediately said with a smile: "We have negotiated a big deal, do you know how much money we can make?"

"How much?" Emperor Chongzhen asked curiously after hearing this.

"Guess Mao, I can probably earn ten million! Ten million!" Liu Weichao said excitedly, "Meeting a princess who is not short of money, money is not a problem at all, but quality is required. By the way, I guess your Be busy for a while."

Emperor Chongzhen knew that Liu Weichao made money in the past, that is, in units of one hundred thousand, but now it is ten million, which is a lot. He was also very happy, so he quickly replied: "No problem, there is something to do, you Just open your mouth."

When Liu Weichao heard it, he immediately said: "I will send you all the requested content in a while, and do it one by one according to the content on the document."

"Okay, no problem!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded immediately after hearing this.

He knew that Liu Weichao's affairs were nothing more than some common things on his side, and he just let Aifei handle them.

After hearing what he said, Liu Weichao went on to say: "By the way, I have a very good friend who is getting married and wants to have a classical wedding. Show me over there and come up with a plan for me, okay?"

For Emperor Chongzhen, these were nothing to worry about, so naturally his subordinates would worry about it for him.

Therefore, without asking any further questions, he immediately agreed again.

Liu Weichao was very excited, but he didn't forget the matter, so he asked Emperor Chongzhen, "By the way, what's the matter for you to contact me? It would be inconvenient to call me, and I'm still talking to my friends!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he smiled and said, "You made money, and I made money too!"

After speaking, he told about Wang Dehua's ransacking of a salt merchant.Later, he also talked about his troubles about making money, to see if Liu Weichao has any good suggestions?

(End of this chapter)

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