Chapter 224 Bank
After listening to Emperor Chongzhen's question, Liu Weichao's first reaction was to say with a smile: "This is very simple, it's fine if you don't bring it back, you can open a bank!"

"What?" Emperor Chongzhen asked suspiciously after hearing this, "Bank? What do you mean, this is the first time I've heard it!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao smiled and continued: "The bank was your bank and bank at that time! This thing is very profitable. It uses money to generate money and can also regulate the economy. It is an indispensable industry for a country!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen became very interested. He had never heard of the bank, nor did he know about the bank, but the capital already had a ticket number, so he had heard of the term.As for the specifics, he is not very clear.

Therefore, he hurriedly asked: "Then tell me, this bank makes a lot of money, and how should it make money?"

He is most concerned about making money.

Liu Weichao smiled and said immediately: "The biggest bank here belongs to the country. I guess you won't be able to guess how much money it makes in a day!"

"Ten thousand taels? Or twenty thousand taels?" Emperor Chongzhen thought in his heart, and based on Liu Weichao's tone, he might be able to earn a lot, so he simply exaggerated and replied, "It is impossible to earn one hundred thousand taels a day, right? "

"Hahaha..." Liu Weichao laughed out loud after hearing this.

"..." As soon as Emperor Chongzhen saw this, he realized that he seemed to have guessed wrong again. It was estimated that there could be [-], or [-]?Earn so much in one day?He was a little speechless.

After Liu Weichao finished laughing, he stretched out a finger and signaled to Emperor Chongzhen, "I'll give you one last chance to see if you can guess it?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was a little dumbfounded.

One finger, he had already guessed one hundred thousand taels just now, the answer was wrong, but it was only one finger, and if it was more extensive, it would be one million taels.

Thinking of this, he asked a little uncertainly: "Is it one million taels? Are you sure you are asking for a day, not a month, or a year?"

His treasury income is only over two million taels a year, and he can earn one million taels a day with a bank account. To be honest, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

Liu Weichao listened, this time he didn't laugh out loud, he kept a little demeanor, just smiled and said with a smile: "It's still not right, it's one billion, of course not every year, anyway, it's about one billion every day, that's 100 Ten million."

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was really dumbfounded when he heard this.At this moment, I can only use the word dumbfounded to describe it.

One day, he can earn 100 ten million taels, which is completely beyond his imagination!

Nothing else, if he can transfer to [-] million taels a year, then the Ming Empire will not perish!

Seeing his expression, Liu Weichao smiled immediately, and added: "Of course, you use silver and taels to calculate, I use my currency to calculate, there is still a difference here. If you only calculate according to the price of silver If it is not accurate, it may be roughly two million taels."

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, it was really that kind of relief, it wasn't that much in the first place!

However, in a flash, he was dumbfounded again.

Earning two million taels a day isn't that much?This is a day, nothing else, a day!
Thinking about his one-year national treasury income, it only takes two days for others, and Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being very envious.

Naturally, he became very enthusiastic about the matter of opening a bank.

So, Emperor Chongzhen said eagerly to Liu Weichao: "Well, let's talk about this bank. How should I open this bank?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao understood his mood at the moment, and didn't want to whet his appetite. He immediately replied, "It's actually quite simple. The main thing is to earn the difference in interest, at least that's what makes the most of it."

"What? What's the difference in interest?" Emperor Chongzhen didn't understand after hearing this, so he hurriedly asked.

For this, he had to figure it out.If it was in school, he would be the most serious student right now.

Seeing him like this, Liu Weichao immediately explained to him: "It's very simple. Let me use an analogy. For example, if you come to me to save money, I will give you one cent interest; Charge two cents of interest; the difference between saving and borrowing interest is the bank's profit!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was very surprised and didn't understand, so he asked: "Is it possible to earn so much? Impossible!"

That's right, he really didn't believe that he could make so much money just like this!
Upon hearing his words, Liu Weichao was about to answer immediately, but suddenly remembered something, and changed his words: "In my world, of course it is possible. But in your side, it should really be impossible!"

"Why?" Emperor Chongzhen's face became serious when he heard it, and he asked quickly, as if Liu Weichao robbed him of money!
After hearing this, Liu Weichao patiently explained to him: "Because the economic base is different. In my world, the annual GDP..."

Speaking of this, he finally checked it out, and then continued to answer: "More than 100 trillion yuan, and on your side, whether there is [-] million yuan is a problem!"

"What is Chicken Dipper?" Emperor Chongzhen asked suspiciously when he heard it.

"It's the gross domestic product!" Liu Weichao listened, explained something, and then thought of something, shook his head and said, "By the way, I remembered again. I'm afraid you can't open a bank at this time!"

Emperor Chongzhen was pondering what the gross domestic product was, but when he heard his last words, he became impatient and asked quickly, "Why, why can't I open this bank?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said to him immediately: "Don't worry, don't worry, listen to me!"

"Okay, I'm all ears!" Emperor Chongzhen realized that he lost his composure when he said this, so he calmed down a little and replied Liu Weichao.

I only heard Liu Weichao say to him: "In your place, it is now a time of war. The people are in dire straits, the social order has been destroyed, and the economy has no way to develop. Moreover, the bank seems to be a new thing for your side. If I'm not wrong If you had a ticket number at that time, others would have to pay a storage fee for depositing silver. In addition, there are problems with your currency, and you still use the original weighing method, which will also restrict you from opening a bank."

After a pause, he thought for a while and continued: "If you really want to open a bank, of course, with the development of the times, there will definitely be banks. I mean, if you really want to open a bank, you Come step by step!"

"How do you do it step by step?" At this moment, Emperor Chongzhen calmed down after being told this, and hurriedly asked.

Liu Weichao replied while thinking: "First of all, you have to rebuild the prestige of the court, isn't it, this is the first step. Without prestige, what do you do if others don't believe it? What's the use?"

Today, Emperor Chongzhen can no longer guarantee that the government's decrees can be truly implemented locally.There should not be too many things that are obedient to others.

What's more, because of the large-scale chaos caused by the thieves, and the imperial court's army acting like bandits, it further damaged the prestige of the imperial court.

If it was before, Emperor Chongzhen might not have been able to see this problem clearly.But at this time, he knew it well.

After hearing Liu Weichao's words, he nodded and didn't speak, just kept looking at Liu Weichao, waiting for him to continue.

I only heard Liu Weichao go on to say: "Second, the currency of Ming Dynasty was ruined by Zhu Yuanzhang... Emperor Taizu. Let me tell you, banknotes are indeed the trend of the times, and it was a good policy. However, there is no guarantee that banknotes will be safe. The value of the currency has led to a substantial depreciation of the Daming banknotes, which are not much different from waste paper, which is really another matter that seriously damages the prestige of the court."

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help feeling a little worried.Paper currency is the trend of the times, but it is spoiled again, so what should he do?
So, he spoke out the idea.

Liu Weichao laughed and said, "Isn't Zhang Juzheng's reform a whipping method that requires everything to be measured in silver prices? Then you can use precious metals as currency on this basis. This is also the same as the historical process, using silver to cast face value." Currency is the same as the silver dollars used in Xiyi. Wait until later, and then slowly transition to paper money."

Speaking of this, after a pause, he added: "Don't underestimate the currency reform, it will have a great impact on the economy. Not only will it greatly facilitate people's transactions, but it will also allow the court to obtain more financial support. .But all of these require you to have prestige and make the subordinates obedient. Otherwise, the silver coins you mint will not have the face value. After all, there is still imperial court credit in it. "

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was a little confused.However, when asked to ask him a question, he found that he didn't know where to start.

It's like reading some passages in the Four Books and Five Classics when he was a child. He knew each word, but after linking them together, he didn't know what they were talking about.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen seemed to have returned to that time.

Liu Weichao continued to say: "On the basis of the above, if you launch an institution such as a bank, it will play the role that the bank should have. It is also the same, and you can make money by making money."

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen seemed a little embarrassed, and said to Liu Weichao: "I was a little confused just now, and I don't know what to do, or you can say it again."

After he finished speaking, he was still a little worried, so he quickly added: "It's better as it is, can you give me a copy of the information, just what you just said, I will take a good look at it later, and then I will ask you for advice!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately smiled and said: "No problem, I will write to you in a while, try to write as much detail as possible."

Emperor Chongzhen laughed immediately after hearing this, it's great to have such a friend!

However, he quickly remembered that it was as long as it had just passed, and he didn't know what to do with the money in Yangzhou?

(End of this chapter)

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