Chapter 230
Hearing Emperor Chongzhen's words, Liu Weichao immediately comforted him and said: "Those people are breaking the law and discipline, and they deserve to have their homes ransacked! By the way, your Political and Communication Department should take action to publicize their violation of law and discipline. !"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen smiled wryly and said: "The Political Department is still preparing, and given the current situation, I don't want to allocate more money to the Political Department. The money in my hand will be used wisely. Say it again."

As time passed, the day when Jianlu entered the pass would be getting closer and closer. Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen was now focusing on the training of the Yongwei Battalion and the Beijing Battalion, and naturally reduced his energy in other aspects.

Speaking of this, he thought for a while and added: "Besides, I also have a bit of a headache at the moment. Who should I choose as the political envoy? The people in the outer court always make me a little worried. But if you let the eunuch go, this It is the yamen of the outer court, so there is no reason for the eunuch to hold the seal!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao thought of someone, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "I have read the information. When Wen Tiren was your first assistant, his younger brother Wen Yuren was asked to take the lead. It seems to be this name, and another famous dramatist. , wrote a pavilion to satirize Fushe’s control of the imperial examinations, so that people in Fushe became angry and put Wen Yuren in prison. This kind of thing is actually a kind of public opinion war. Specifically, I I can go back and check the information for you."

The reason why he could remember it was because he was quite surprised that Shoufu's younger brother, who was still famous, actually said that he would be closed.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately lifted his spirits, nodded and said: "Okay, you can send the information later, and I will take a look!"

Liu Weichao then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "As for making money, of course you can't always use the method of raiding your home. Now that I have money, I can use money to buy a lot of basic information. If necessary in the future, I can also recruit people." Specialize in this matter, and then send it to you, so that you can light up the technology tree. By the way..."

Emperor Chongzhen liked to hear this most, so he was full of joy when he heard it.

"...The so-called workers who want to be good at their work must first sharpen their tools." Liu Weichao remembered something, and said to Emperor Chongzhen, "In the past few days, I have used the most basic tools, from simple to complex, including weights and measures, and various tools. Lathe, as long as you can make it over there, I will send it to you. Let your technology tree have a solid foundation!"

"Okay, okay!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded happily when he heard this.

"When your foundation is good enough and your productivity starts to explode, you will be able to make a lot of money without ransacking your home!" Liu Weichao said with a smile, "With the blessing of technology, the speed of getting money will definitely exceed Your imagination!"

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy to hear that, and finally ended the video communication happily.

Later, he received the information sent by Liu Weichao.

What Liu Weichao said just now is the opera "Green Peony", written by Wu Bing, deputy envoy of Jiangxi Tixue. From the data, he is really different from ordinary officials. He cares about craftsmen. and die.

As for Wen Yuren, there is no record of the final outcome. This matter is recorded in the second volume of "Fushe Jilue" written by Lu Shiyi in the late Ming Dynasty.Moreover, Liu Weichao made a mistake just now. Instead of sending Wen Yuren to prison, Wen Yuren's family members were arrested and sent to prison.As for Wen Yuren, if Emperor Chongzhen remembered correctly, he had just been transferred from Yingtianfu Tongpan to the post of doctor in the Ministry of Punishment of Yingtianfu.

After reading this information, Emperor Chongzhen decided to invite these two people to have a look. Anyway, if it was suitable, he would not mind being promoted by leapfrogging.

On the next day, Emperor Chongzhen spent another eight hundred miles to rush to the south to summon the two men.

Later, thinking about the Jianlu invasion, he asked about the Great Wall defense line in the capital.

In order to lure the enemy to go deep, he did not rebuild and rectify the Great Wall's defense line, but only required that the beacon tower must be functional and transmit the news to the capital in time.For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen sent people to inspect the situation of beacon towers in various places from time to time.

During his busy period, in a mansion surnamed Wu in the capital city, the owner was also reading letters in the study.

This letter was written by his son, talking about things in Shanhaiguan.Needless to say, this person is Wu Sangui's father, Wu Xiang, the former commander-in-chief who lost his post because he fled the battle.

In this family letter, Wu Sangui mainly complained that the imperial envoy Xie Xuelong was ordered to go to Shanhaiguan to verify the payment, grain and grass.

Otherwise, more than three months have passed, and the verification has not been completed yet, and the question is to look again and confirm again, how can this be the case!
Wu Sangui was still in the letter. In order to get the requested increase in salary and food as soon as possible, he also thought about wooing Xie Xuelong and hinted that he could give kickbacks.

However, Xie Xuelong appeared to be amiable on the surface, and accepted all the gifts he gave, but he just refused to report the verification results to the court, and kept procrastinating.

I don't know how big Xie Xuelong's appetite is. Is it because the gifts he gave before are not contemptible, or is it because the rebates promised are not enough?So keep procrastinating on purpose?

Wu Sangui expressed such doubts in the letter, and at the same time, he was a little impatient, asking his father if he asked the people below to make a mutiny, tie up and threaten Xie Xuelong who didn't know what was good or bad.

At least judging from what happened in the past, it is effective.At most, the leader of the trouble will be beheaded.

Now at Shanhaiguan, Zu Dashou has gone to Daqing, there is no one to discuss with, so he can only discuss with his father in the capital, and let his father give him an idea.

After reading this letter, Wu Xiang immediately became worried, thought about it, and immediately wrote a reply to his son.

In this letter, he emphasized several things.

First, the things that Emperor Taizu had manifested should be true.Recently, there have been rumors in the capital that the people who can be summoned to the capital urgently by the emperor within [-] miles are all those whom Emperor Taizu considered loyal ministers and good generals.

However, Wu Sangui did not get the urgent recall for eight hundred miles, although it can be said that Wu Sangui is now the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan and cannot be easily moved.However, I can't see what the emperor said about Wu Sangui, so there is a high probability that at least so far, Emperor Taizu has not mentioned Wu Sangui as a loyal minister and good general.

Judging from the current situation, if Emperor Taizu mentioned something, he would definitely become the confidant of the current emperor.Among other things, it's just the generals, Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong and Sun Yingyuan were ennobled. Even Qin Liangyu was a woman, and she was enshrined as Marquis of Zhongzhen.

For this situation, he expressed his concern in the letter.Emperor Taizu appeared, why didn't he mention Wu Sangui?

He wondered if the emperor Taizu in the sky could really know every move in the world like the palm of his hand!If that's the case, I'll have to change things in the future, or else it's not a joke.

Wu Xiang also warned in the letter that there must be no mutiny.The situation is a bit wrong now, and the result may not be the same as before.

He told Wu Sangui that the current emperor has been training soldiers, and that the Yongwei Camp and the Beijing Camp are all under the supervision of the Emperor himself, and anyone who wants to intervene in the affairs inside is out of the question.

Some people even wanted to make some money in the supply of military uniforms. The next day after the incident, people from the West Factory came to the door.Obviously, the emperor was watching very closely.

In addition, under such a critical situation in the world, the current emperor not only withdrew the Yongwei Battalion, but also perfunctorily responded to Jiangnan's urgent report and did not send troops to Jiangnan.

It can be seen from this that the emperor's way of doing things is quite different from before.If you still think of the emperor doing things as before, it is likely to cause unexpected disasters.

It can be seen that the current Emperor Chongzhen wants to train [-] elite soldiers at once, and he has ignored everything else.Such a powerful army has a great deterrent effect.

Wu Xiang told Wu Sangui that the reason why he believed that the Yongwei Battalion and the Jingying Battalion would be a strong army was not only that the Yongwei Battalion was used as the backbone for training, but more importantly, he heard that there was a very large army in the military battle bureau. improvement of.Skilled craftsmen from all over the country were continuously sent to the military bureau.

It is said that the reason why the Baigan Army was able to win a big battle was because the emperor gave the Baigan Army more than [-] pairs of sturdy armor.Of course, whether there are so many has always been a question.

In the past, this was impossible.However, judging from various signs, this possibility definitely exists.

Assuming this possibility exists, then there are only so many for the Baigan Army. Will the Jingying and Yongwei Battalion be short?Think about it again, if both the Yongwei Battalion and the Jingying Battalion are equipped with solid armor, then how powerful this army is, as the leader of the army, one can imagine,

In addition, there has never been a clue about the transfer of Wu Sangui from Ningyuan to Shanhaiguan as the commander-in-chief.If you don't master Shanhaiguan, even if Wu Sangui wants to make trouble, the weight is still not enough.

If the emperor was furious and sent the Yongwei Battalion to Shanhaiguan, the Wu family would be gone.

At the end of the letter, Wu Xiang told Wu Sangui not to make trouble, considering the situation in the court, to see if he could make a contribution, to report to the capital to find out the emperor's tone, and to see what attitude he has towards the Wu family?

After writing this letter, Wu Xiang sent his cronies to send it out immediately.Then, he also sighed.

After Wu Zu's two families got married, they took control of the Guan Ning army, and they were very comfortable between the imperial court and Jianlu for a while.

However, today's days are getting more and more difficult.It's getting harder and harder to walk the tightrope in the middle.

On the Jianlu side, dissatisfied with the status quo, they even launched the Battle of Songjin and took away the Zu Dashou's troops in Jinzhou.

Now, there are moths even in the imperial court, so that he can't understand anything. It's a hard life!
Thinking of this, Wu Xiang couldn't help but look forward to it. If Jianlu and the imperial court fought fiercely again, and the two tigers fought each other, if both sides were hurt, the role of the Guan Ning Army would be manifested again, and maybe they could return to the old days.

(End of this chapter)

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