Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 231 The Battle of Jizhou

Chapter 231 The Battle of Jizhou
As Wu Xiang wished, Emperor Chongzhen has always been thinking about fighting a fierce battle with Jianlu.Seeing that the month for Jianlu to enter the customs was getting closer and closer, on this day, Emperor Chongzhen set up the Beijing camp and went to the Daming Royal Military Academy, and delivered an edict to the five generals Zhou Yuji, Sun Yingyuan, Huang Degong, Yuan Shizhong, Yan Yingyuan and others. Du Yinxi, chief of the Beijing camp, and Zuo Maodi, Minister of the Ministry of officials, held a small meeting in the military academy.

Apart from these few people, only the Emperor Chongzhen, the eunuch Wang Chengen, the chief inspector of ceremonies, and Li Ruolian, the commander of Jinyiwei, were present at the meeting.

Seeing this posture, everyone was a little strange.Especially Zuo Maodi was even more perplexed.

In his opinion, the emperor chose this place for the meeting, and also summoned all the generals, probably related to the war.However, if it is related to the war, why should he be called as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials?Even if Shangshu Hubu came over, it would be more suitable than him, right?

When they were wondering, Emperor Chongzhen said with a stern expression: "I see that the Yongwei Camp and the Beijing Camp have entered the stage of live ammunition training, and the speed of the Yongwei Camp is a little faster. Several love ministers also said, it is estimated that You will be able to fight in a month or two. Therefore..."

Speaking of this, he paused, raised his voice and said: "I told you before that the Jianlu will enter the Kou Pass in the second half of the year. Therefore, I will discuss this matter with the ministers today."

Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but suddenly realized, no wonder Emperor Chongzhen chose to hold a meeting here.

Because only in this room, according to Emperor Chongzhen's will, there is a sand table for the defense line of Jizhen, and the entire map of Gyeonggi is hung on the wall.

This sand table was made by the students in the military academy, based on the collected information.According to what Emperor Chongzhen said before, this is a necessary ability for a staff officer.

When Emperor Chongzhen said this, everyone was a little confused.I don't know what this staff member means?Can't it be called a staff member? Why is it called a staff officer?And why should all the students of the military academy know it, instead of calling some craftsmen to do it?
In short, Emperor Chongzhen didn't explain it, so it was hard for them to ask.

But after seeing this sand table, both Zhou Yuji and Sun Yingyuan were very happy, but of course they also had doubts.

Because they feel that if the sand table is not done well, planning on this sand table will affect the planning instead.

Regarding this, Emperor Chongzhen only replied to them at the beginning: If the news about making the sand table is wrong, only Li Ruolian, the commander of Jinyiwei, will ask the crime.Because it was Jin Yiwei who collected the information.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen said to them: "I will tell you about the invasion of Jianlu, not to say that this will definitely happen, but there is a great possibility that this will happen, Zhu Qing, listen carefully!"

Upon hearing this, an idea came to everyone's mind: Obviously, this must be a reminder from the treasure of Emperor Taizu.Being able to pinch and count is the basic skill of a fairy!
So, they quickly agreed, looked at Emperor Chongzhen seriously, and prepared to listen to what he had to say.

Emperor Chongzhen took a thin stick handed over by Wang Chengen, and immediately began to explain: "This time to build captives and invaders, there will be two groups of troops, one will destroy the side wall from Jielingkou, and then attack west; Break through the Great Wall from Huangyakou and enter the Pass, and attack Jizhou from two routes. After conquering Jizhou, they quickly divide their troops to sweep across the capital and go to Zhending, Hejian, Xianghe and other places. The target is the prefectures of Shandong..."

Having said that, he stopped using the thin stick to touch the sand table, handed it to Wang Chengen beside him, and then looked at the crowd and said: "...Leaving aside the rest, what I need to know now is that there are two problems. "

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and clenched his fist, then pointed out a finger and said, "First, Zhu Qing thinks, is it possible for Jianlu to invade the bandits like this?"

Then, he stretched out another finger and asked, "Secondly, if possible, I want to completely defeat Jianlu in the battle of Jizhou. Is it feasible?"

A group of people waited and listened attentively. They couldn't help being surprised when they heard Emperor Chongzhen speak in such detail, as if it had already happened. At the same time, they confirmed that this must be the advice of an immortal.

But at this time, Emperor Chongzhen asked this question, and Huang Degong responded first: "Your Majesty, the general thought that Jianlu might do this!"

"The last general will second the proposal!"

"The last general will second the proposal!"


Except for Yuan Shizhong, everyone else agreed.

"Why?" Emperor Chongzhen asked, looking at Huang Degong, with a serious expression on his face.

After hearing this, Huang Degong immediately replied: "Jianlu naturally knows that the imperial army should be the elite frontier army. If Jianlu wants to drive straight into the land of Lu, he must clear the way. In this way, the imperial court now deploys Ji The prefecture is the place to garrison troops, so Jianlu must conquer first!"

The other generals nodded slightly after hearing this.

Emperor Chongzhen was still a little hesitant when he saw it.

If the eight major Shanxi merchants had not been dismissed, Jianlu must have known what was true and false in the pass. Of course, as in the original history, the first thing to do when entering the pass was to destroy the imperial army in Jizhou.

However, now the eight major Shanxi merchants have been eliminated by themselves. Although it is said that the layout was the same before the eight major Shanxi merchants were eliminated, after all, it will take about half a year. Will Jianlu still do this?

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen said: "Jianlu may not know the truth and reality in the pass now. This is the only thing I am worried about."

When Du Yinxi heard this, he finally spoke and played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, it's okay even if the Jian captives are not sure, they will definitely grab the captives to ask about the situation when they break through the barrier. If the court does not change the layout, it will still be Will do it!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he immediately remembered that Liu Weichao said that Du Yinxi was a person with great vision and a strategic mind. Now it seems that he is really good!

Sun Yingyuan was also nodding, and said in agreement: "What Master Du said is very true!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, there was a smile on his face, and then he pointed to the sand table and said, "Then how to fight the battle in Jizhou?"

"Your Majesty, do you know the strength of Jianlu's army?" Yan Yingyuan asked after hearing this.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help frowning slightly.

Liu Weichao checked the information, and there is no news about the strength of the invaders this time. He only knows that the Jianlu invaders conquered a total of [-] cities, forced them to surrender six cities, captured [-] people and livestock, and plundered gold. Twelve thousand taels and two million two hundred thousand taels of silver.

Liu Weichao specifically stated that this was only recorded.There are also private possessions in the Jianlu army, etc., so it is not clear how many there are.

In addition, Liu Weichao estimated the strength of this time based on the strength of the time when Dorgon accepted Wu Sangui's surrender and entered the customs.At that time, the eight banners were full of 2.6 troops, 2.4 Han troops, 12 Mongolian troops, and a total force of about [-].

This force should be the limit that Jianlu can use.

According to this, it is absolutely impossible for Jianlu's invasion this time to exceed this force.And because the leader is Abatai, who does not have a particularly high status in the Jianlu group, so the number of troops he can lead is even more limited.

However, Liu Weichao also reminded that compared to the last time Dorgon led the troops to enter the customs, that time was too urgent, so he could only build the main force of the captives.And this time in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, because Jianlu planned to enter the customs to plunder, it is likely that Jianlu's Mongolian allies will be invited to enter the customs together.Therefore, it is difficult to estimate the strength of the troops.

In addition, in the Battle of Songjin, Jianlu mobilized about 11 horses, which happened from last year to the beginning of this year.

Emperor Chongzhen thought about the news, made a rough estimate in his heart, and then guessed: "The strength of the Jianlu army should be around [-], including the eastern Mongolian tribes."

After hearing this, Huang Degong said indifferently: "Actually, how many troops have come with Jianjian, with the current combat strength of our army, even if we come to [-], we can defeat them!"

Upon hearing this, everyone except Zuo Maodi couldn't help but nod their heads thinking about the current situation.The only difference is that the nodding range is different.

The Yongwei Battalion has [-] soldiers, and the Beijing Battalion has more than [-] soldiers. These soldiers are armed to the teeth, and they are more elite than the servants of other imperial court troops. If you have no confidence, what are you doing? , go back to each house, find each mother to forget it!

On the contrary, when Du Yinxi saw this situation and saw that Emperor Chongzhen became happy, he still reminded: "Don't forget, most of the army are water workers who have no experience in battle!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yuji said, "In the army, there are mostly three veterans of the Yongwei Battalion, one veteran of the original Xiaoyuan Camp, and six water workers. Judging from the current training, as long as they don't fall into hard battles, If there are not many casualties of the old pawns, there should be no problem!"

After hearing this, Li Ruolian also said: "There are still many Jinyiwei captains in the army, and it should be useful to supervise the battle in front of the battle!"

According to Emperor Chongzhen's will, Li Ruolian selected many Jinyiwei school lieutenants from Jinyiwei, and assigned them to the various ministries of Jingying and Yongweiying.Do not interfere with the military, only mind.

According to Emperor Chongzhen, more responsibilities will be added in the future, but what responsibilities they did not disclose.

Emperor Chongzhen listened to them, but did not speak. He just stared at them one by one, asking each of them to express their opinions.

Only Zuo Maodi was not allowed to speak, which made him even more strange. Why did the emperor ask him to participate in this?
As he was thinking, he heard Emperor Chongzhen saw that all the speakers had spoken, so he said with a serious expression: "I want this battle of Jizhou to be a great victory, and the losses in the pass must not be too much, in case I am so strong." The army can send troops to the south to reinforce the battle of Kaifeng. Let me ask you again, what do you think, how should we win this battle?"

At this time, the content of what should be said has been clearly stated, and there is only one result.

(End of this chapter)

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