Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 270 The Brave Wins

Chapter 270 Meeting on a Narrow Road, the Brave Wins (Add More)
After the pervasive gunpowder smoke had no source of production, the howling north wind blew past and finally blew the gunpowder smoke away.

The formation of the Ming army was completely exposed to the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars.

I saw that about twenty or thirty feet away from the van, that is, fifty or sixty meters away, neatly lined up rows of soldiers of the Ming army.

Some of them were kneeling there, some were squatting, and some were standing.These Ming soldiers all maintained a posture, holding the flintlock guns in their hands and aiming ahead.

Three-stage shooting had already been popularized in the late Ming Dynasty. Not to mention the Jianlu who had already started using firearms, even the Mongolian Tartars could distinguish them at a glance.

It turned out that the Ming army didn't break up at all, but took the initiative to retreat, formed a new formation, and waited for the enemy to be exposed to the range again.

The Jianlu and the Mongolian Tatars who turned over the van first were dumbfounded. The cold rose from their back spines, making them all shiver.

The game in front of him is simply a game of death.

With so many muskets shooting at such a close range, how many people would have to die if they had to run again and rush over?
At this moment, the first thought was that these Jianlu and Mongol Tartars no longer launched a charge, but turned over the van again and hid behind the van.

However, the Jianlu and Mongolian Tatars on the other side of the van could not see the situation on the other side of the van because they were blocked in advance.One by one, they were eager to get credit from their accomplices in front of them, so they all rushed to overturn the van and chased and killed the Ming army to get credit.

Then, a ridiculous scene happened.

The Jianlu and Mongol Tartars who had already turned over the van, retreated in fear one by one, trying to avoid the concentrated fire of the Ming army; The Mongolian Tartars, so that they bumped into each other and became a mess.

Finally, this abnormal movement made the follow-up Jianlu and Mongolian Tatars feel that something was wrong, and then they saw through the gap between the vans that the scene over there was not what they imagined, and Jianlu and the Mongolian Tartars who turned over the vans There are fewer Mongolian Tartars.

Seeing that the situation is almost over, the Ming army seized the opportunity and did not give the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars a chance to escape.

"Blah blah blah..."

The gunshots were like fried beans, and immediately rang out intensively.The sound of the deadly gunshots continued continuously, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

The moment the gunshot rang out, the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars who had overturned the van fell to the ground one after another, and all of a sudden, corpses were strewn all over the field!

At such a short distance, with such intensive flintlock fire, almost no one could survive.

Suffering such a fatal blow, even the bravest Jianlu panicked.One by one hid on this side of the van, even in such a cold weather, each of them was sweating like rain, with their mouths open, panting heavily.

It was really one step away, and I also went to the ghost gate to report!

When the gunfire stopped, on the other side of the van, most of the Mongol Tartars and Jianlu had died, and only a few of the Jianlu and Mongol Tartars, who were killed by cockroaches, were still struggling in a pool of blood, shouting "Help me save me" voice.

However, no one dared to rescue the Mongolian Tartars and Jianlu here, because they knew that it was courting death!
Before and after this, at least one layer of Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars died, and these Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars were all courageous and brave, and they were the elite of Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars.

In the distance, Abate looked pale and his mouth was parched.Even when they faced Hong Chengchou's [-] main force of the Ming Dynasty at the beginning of the year, the Qing Dynasty did not lose so many troops!
This time back to Liaodong, Huang Taiji will definitely deal with himself, so many people have died, there is no way to pay for the crime!
Fortunately, the Ming army's chariot battalion was finally taken down. Then the Ming army lost its chariot battalion and lost its artillery. It was finally easier to fight.

As long as the vans that are in the way are removed and the car is used to approach the Ming army, the battle will be considered a victory.In this situation, the Ming army no longer has the possibility to play tricks!
It is even possible to ask Kong Youde to pick up the artillery abandoned by the Ming army on the van, and in turn bombard the Ming army camp.

All in all, it's going to be a good fight.

However, what he never expected was that what happened next on the battlefield made him dumbfounded.

I saw that the Ming army did not retreat but advanced, and even attacked towards the van.

Rows of soldiers of the Ming army, all in uniform, were approaching the van with flintlock guns in their hands.


The ups and downs of Jianlu and Mongol Tartars can't be seen clearly. What's the situation?
Is it possible that the Ming army still wants to take the initiative to fight in close combat?
Is it crazy that they give up their advantages and don't use them?

Turning from defense to offense, isn't this the fish that comes to your door?
After recovering, Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars were all overjoyed.They don't understand why the Ming army has such an operation to send them to death, but it doesn't matter, since the Ming army wants to die, then let them be fulfilled.

Therefore, Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars gathered all those who could shoot arrows on the side of the van, and began to cover the Ming army with bows and arrows across the van.

At the same time, they were all gnashing their teeth in their hearts, thinking, let you also taste what it's like to attack!

"Bang bang bang..."

The arrow rain of Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars once again soared into the sky, covering the Ming army's formation.

It is conceivable that such a dense rain of arrows must be able to shoot to death these damned Ming soldiers who like to die!
However, what they never expected was that under the rain of arrows, only a very small number of soldiers from the Ming army fell, but they were replaced by soldiers from the back row. It was still a neat queue. Approaching forward.

The only difference from before was that the first few rows of soldiers of the Ming army covered by arrow rain were covered with arrows that had been shot past.


Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars were really dumbfounded, their eyes were about to pop out, their faces were full of disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost!
How is this going?

This is impossible!
All of a sudden, the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars went up and down, all in a daze!
It's not that they don't know about this situation, it must be because of the sturdy armor worn by the soldiers of the Ming army; but they just can't figure it out, how could it be possible for these ordinary soldiers of the Ming army to wear such sturdy armor?
What's happening here?
Even if it is the servants around the lieutenant general of the Ming army, if this happens, they can still accept it.However, what they saw now was that all the soldiers of the Ming army who were attacking were obviously ordinary soldiers of the Ming army, and they were actually wearing very strong armor.

This situation is beyond their imagination!
At this time, the contest of national strength can truly be reflected!

Taking advantage of Jianlu's stupefied opportunity, the Ming army continued to advance, getting closer and closer to the side of the van.

Some Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars came back to their senses, and their first reaction was to continue to draw their bows and shoot arrows, and by the way, other Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars immediately followed suit.

However, the result is still the same as before.

At least a small number of Ming troops fell, but they were quickly replaced by Ming soldiers behind, and the front line was still advancing intact.

Looking at such neat rows of Ming soldiers, they attacked head-on with flintlock guns.

The shocked Jianlu and Mongol Tartars panicked. For a moment, they didn't know whether to fight or retreat.

To fight, the first batch to rush over will definitely fall under the guns of the Ming army; to retreat, if the military order is not issued, it will be a death penalty!
Finally, the brave Jianlu yelled sharply, and was about to rush over to fight the Ming army hand-to-hand.

However, as soon as they took the lead, the Ming army opened fire.

"Blah blah blah..."

The rain of bullets came obliquely, most of them hit the van, and a small part passed through the van and hit the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars behind.

As for those Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars who dared to take the lead, their fate is also obvious, ending their sinful life.

Intensive gunshots rang out, and Jianlu hid behind the van. Many people were trembling, wondering if they would be hit by lead bullets.

But at the same time, they were also comforting themselves in their hearts. With this van blocking the way, the Ming army did not dare to rush over.

However, as they were thinking about it, suddenly, they saw smoking things falling from the sky.

What is that?
At first, they were taken aback, thinking they were enemies!

As a result, although this thing is a bit similar to the enemy of ten thousand people, it is much smaller than the enemy of ten thousand people, and it is definitely not the enemy of ten thousand people!

Still thinking about it, those things started to move one after another.

"Boom boom boom..."

The thing that looked like the enemy of ten thousand people suddenly exploded.

Immediately, many Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars behind the van fell down.

Under the thick smoke, there were screams.The remaining Jianlu and Mongol Tartars were a little at a loss, and they were even more panicked by the unexpected attack.

This kind of large grenade is actually made of black powder. It is not very powerful. As long as it is not particularly unlucky, it is impossible to be killed on the spot.

However, the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars beside the grenade were definitely injured.

In addition, although the power of this grenade is not strong, it is far from being comparable to the real grenade of later generations, but it looks scary, but it is not wrong at all.

"Boom" exploded, thick smoke dispersed, Jianlu couldn't see each other clearly, and when they could see each other clearly, they thought the other party had become a ghost, and Heitan was alone.

Since the Ming army wanted to attack, of course they considered that the van might become a cover for the enemy, and this large black powder grenade solved this problem.

After throwing the large grenade, Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, Sun Yingyuan and other generals on the front line saw it, followed the previous deployment, and immediately shouted: "Bayonet, kill!"

As soon as the soldiers of the Ming army heard this, they immediately untied the bayonets hanging from their waists and put them on the flintlocks.

This bayonet has a groove, which corresponds to the front sight on the gun head. After putting it on, it can be fixed on the gun head by turning it hard.

In this way, it is not easy to reload ammunition, which will greatly slow down the speed of reloading ammunition, but it can turn the flintlock into a spear for melee combat.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, at this time!
(End of this chapter)

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