Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 271 It's all bullshit

Chapter 271 It's all bullshit (fourth more)

If the recruits from the Yongwei Battalion and the Beijing Battalion were to start charging and fighting like this at the beginning of their confrontation, even if they knew they were wearing solid armor, their fighting power would definitely be compromised.

But now, the Ming army first used long-range weapons to inflict a lot of damage on Jianlu.

The most frightening stage on the battlefield was passed under the heavy casualties of the enemy.

Seeing the invincible Jianlu in the legend, one by one fell in a pool of blood, no different from ordinary people; seeing that he was able to shoot and kill the Jianlu on the opposite side; seeing Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars would show When the look of fear; when seeing the enemy on the other side will panic, the recruits among the soldiers of the Beijing Camp and the Yongwei Battalion have been trained to be courageous.

Not to mention, in the battle just now, the enemy's arrow rain has proved that the armor they wear is definitely a good equipment for them to save their lives.

At this time, when they heard their generals shouting for bayonets, and the first soldiers began to charge the enemy, the recruits had already forgotten what fear was. In their minds, they only remembered to follow their generals and charge forward.

With the blood boiling, he couldn't think too much at all.There is only one thought, rush... kill... rush... kill...

That's right, Sun Yingyuan, Zhou Yuji, and Huang Degong, the three fierce generals, under the protection of their personal guards, took the lead and rushed past the van first, and entered the group of Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars who were still stunned by the bombing.


The army at this time no longer needs their command, because there is only one military order: charge forward and kill all the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars who resist!
For a long time, among the three fierce generals, the suffocation suppressed by Jianlu has been unwilling for a long time.Now that there is such a good fighter, if you can't kill Jianlu, you'll have to fuck off, and you won't have the face to go back to see Emperor Chongzhen if you die.


Three fierce tigers, that is, three arrows, led the Ming army soldiers behind them, and inserted them into the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars.Invincible, there is no one round enemy.

This is not to say that the force of the three of them has broken through the boundaries of mortals. This is the normal plane, not the Xianxia plane, and such a situation does not exist.

But their bravery is on the one hand, and on the other hand they wear the strongest armor.Facing the enemy, if you look at it with a knife, and stab it with a gun, I only need to avoid a few vital points, and I don't care if you stab me, I just want to stab you with a knife or a gun.As a result, the gap in the armor of the two sides is the key to life and death.

Not to mention, the three fierce generals are beside them, and their personal guards are also cooperating.

All of a sudden, he was really invincible, quickly killed all the enemies in front of him, and continued to kill the enemy's depth.

The soldiers of the Ming army behind them are almost the same. With their solid armor, they can safely and boldly exchange swords and guns with the enemy.

It's okay for you to chop me up, but I'll stab you so hard, this is the gap!

The shout of killing resounded through the sky!

The Jianlu and Mongol Tartars had been killed by the Ming army's long-range weapons and suffered heavy losses. They finally felt that they could rush into the Ming army's formation. When the hope of victory was in sight, they were killed by the Ming army's flintlock gun He suffered heavy casualties.

Facing the invulnerability of the Ming army, when they were enlightened, the Ming army, which had always been mainly defensive, charged them, and it was overwhelming.

This situation really frightened the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars.For a while, I didn't know how to fight to win!

I used to think that the Ming army was only a little more powerful with long-range firearms, and they were finished when they were close.

However, now their old concept of the Ming army has been broken.They are also human beings, and when faced with this situation, timidity and fear naturally emerged immediately.

Seeing the Ming army rushing towards them like waves, the Mongol Tartars couldn't bear it first, so they rode their horses and fled first.

On Jianlu's side, he saw that someone on his side had escaped, so he could control other things, so he also fled.

In the past, it's not like they didn't escape, and the wild boar Pinurhachi chopped off many escaped heads.

Now, in the face of the imposing Ming army rushing towards them head-on, it is impossible for them to fight to the death again.

Abate, who was in the rear military formation, had a livid face, and tried to save the situation, only to find that even on the rear military formation, someone had already turned around and ran away.

It is most appropriate to describe the situation of Jianlu at this time with the defeat of the army!

Seeing this scene, Abatai didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore, turned his horse's head and fled together.To stay here, there is only one dead end.

At this time, the Ming cavalry army led by Yuan Shizhong also began to join the battlefield, chasing and killing the fleeing enemy.


The faces of the soldiers of the Great Ming Cavalry Army were flushed, and their hearts were filled with unprecedented excitement.Chasing and killing Jianlu, this is something that one dreams of doing, and now, it is in front of one's eyes!

More than [-] cavalry troops, according to the previous explanation, did not give the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars a chance to gather and reinvigorate their troops. past.


The shouts of killing on the battlefield began to move north.

Sun Chuanting, who was behind, was obviously relieved when he saw the scene in front of him.He, who was always expressionless, showed a gratified smile.

In his hands, there are about [-] reserve teams.Originally, I thought that if the war was stalemate, I would join the reserve team.

Unexpectedly, Jianlu was not as resilient as imagined at all, or in other words, it was the recruits in the Beijing Camp and the Yongwei Battalion who displayed their combat effectiveness.

Seeing the soldiers of the Ming army chasing and killing Jianlu who fled in front of him, Sun Chuanting couldn't help but pulled out his more decorative saber, swung it forward, and shouted: "Follow me to kill you!" !"

That's right, he also wants to pursue the enemy, and join in the pursuit of Jianlu and Mongol Tartars to destroy them!
So, the remaining [-] soldiers of the Ming army, as well as the captains of Jinyiwei, looked at their Minister of War with envy, and even led their troops to hunt down Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars.

However, although they have regrets, they are all very happy.

This battle is a great victory, a great victory that has never been seen before!
What Jianlu is invincible, what Jianlu is invincible in field battles, bullshit, everything is bullshit!

It's not that if a tiger doesn't show its power, it should be regarded as a sick cat.Now, so many Jianlu who were wiped out in the First World War are passed back to the capital and spread all over the world, which will definitely shock the people of the world!

And I have a share in this great victory against Jianlu!Even when you get old, you have something to be proud of!
Haha ...

In Jizhou City, after the sky brightened, Bai Tengjiao selected all the elite soldiers, about a thousand people, gathered in the city, waiting for the right opportunity to fight.

The soldiers of the Ming army were a little uneasy. It was unwise for them to go out of the city to fight against all the Jian captives outside!

Even Bai Tengjiao on the top of the wall seemed a little uneasy, seeing him walking back and forth without stopping at all.

Suddenly, he stood still and turned around to ask Yan Yingyuan who was beside him: "Jianlu... will the winner really be decided today?"

He originally wanted to ask, would Jianlu really be defeated?But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt that these words would destroy his prestige and boost the morale of others, so he quickly changed his words.

Yan Yingyuan looked outside the city, nodded immediately and said: "Sure, we will see it later."

After hearing this, Bai Tengjiao thought about what Yan Yingyuan had told him, and felt that the odds were high, so he didn't ask any more questions, but continued to wait, hoping to see Jiankui flee back soon.

In the end, what he didn't expect was that he did see Jianlu, but it wasn't Jianlu who had fled back from defeat.

To the west, Jianlu began to appear, passing far away from Jizhou City, heading south.

"This... is this for reinforcements?" Bai Tengjiao's expression changed immediately when he saw it, and he quickly confirmed to Yan Yingyuan.

In fact, there is no need to confirm it. He also knows that Jianlu must have gone to the south for reinforcements.

After looking at it for a while, he found that there were [-] to [-] Jianlu, and his face became very ugly.

This is another new force. Sun Benbing has fewer troops than Jianlu in the south. How can we fight this? Can we win?

Even Yan Yingyuan's expression turned serious.

That's right, the team outside the city was the one led by Turge, with [-] Jianlu plus [-] Mongolian tribes. However, Ma Xianglin's white-armed army was ordered to transfer south to the main battlefield in the south.

Regarding the war in the south, Turg actually didn't think about anything else at all. What he thought about along the way was the hateful white army, who avoided fighting.

This is because there is no time. If there is time, the white pole army dares to station on the mountain and surround him to death. Without water supplies, the whole army will be wiped out sooner or later.

While he was thinking, suddenly, he heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes in front of him.

In front was the main force led by Abate. Everyone, including Turge, immediately thought that Abate had won the battle and turned around to continue attacking Jizhou.

However, they soon don't feel right.

From the sound of the hooves of the horses, one could tell that this was not a normal march at all, but a gallop without hesitation!

what's the situation?
How could this be?
Turg and the others are a little confused!

But it didn't take long before seeing the scout horses of this army galloping back.Not one, not two, but all the scouts sent out are running back.It was as if there was a tiger chasing behind them.

what's the situation?
The Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars who saw it were a little dumbfounded!
Naturally, they couldn't have imagined that the main force of Jianlu and Mongol Tartars led by Abatay would lose, and they would lose so quickly!

Before Tan Ma rushed back to the army, they saw countless cavalry in front of them. From what they looked like, they were all Mongols, chaotic and chaotic, rushing here.

Seeing that, for some reason, a word flashed in their minds: throw away your armor!
(End of this chapter)

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