Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 272 Boundless Mana

Chapter 272 Boundless Mana
What's going on, why is this happening?

Bewildered, all bewildered.

Especially those Mongolian Tatars, after seeing this scene, fear immediately took over their hearts, their expressions were flustered, and they began to look around to see how they reacted.

Turg was also dumbfounded, but he was not qualified to be in a daze. Seeing this situation, he quickly ordered the whole army to assemble.

His current team is on the way.If you don't adjust it, you will definitely not be able to withstand the impact of the broken soldiers in front.

However, in a time of panic, no one has the psychological expectation of preparing for battle. The sound of rumbling horseshoes and their own cavalry have attracted the attention of many people. They are all looking at the rout in front of them.

Turger's military order was limited in transmission, and most people never received it at all.

Especially at the front of the army, they were all Mongols. Those people didn't look at the back at all, but only looked at the situation in front.

When Turge saw it, his forehead immediately sweated, and he felt a little bad.

In desperation, the troops around him assembled first, shouted loudly, and all fled to the sides.

However, under the conditions of ancient times, once tens of thousands of people lost control, even if the god of war was alive, he would not even think about turning the situation around.

What makes Turg a little desperate is that the last thing he wants to see is a rout of soldiers attacking his side.

As a result, those Mongols who had fled in a rout rushed directly to them.

There is no other reason, such as fleeing for your life, and suddenly seeing your own team, of course it feels safest to escape to your own team.

This is human instinct!

Of course, if you are an elite in the army, you may realize what the consequences of attacking the formation will be.

But the problem is that among Abatai's army, the ones who fled first on horseback were the Mongols.And most of these Mongols are actually ordinary herdsmen. When they heard that the Qing Dynasty was going to enter the customs to plunder, they followed them into the customs one after another, thinking of grabbing a fortune.

What kind of military quality can people like them have!
In fact, this time in the late Ming Dynasty was a relatively bad era.

The Mongols were the worst, followed by the Ming army. Therefore, Jianlu won. Not only did he conquer the Mongols, and he was accepted as a thug for the younger brother, but he also beat the Ming army until they had no strength to fight back.

If it is said that Abatai's army is all Jianlu's own army, then I am afraid that it will not collapse so soon!

It is precisely these Mongolian boys, once they encounter a tough battle, especially when their own casualties are heavy, they can immediately transform themselves into pig teammates for you to see!

Of course, if Jianlu's own clan could have hundreds of thousands of troops, it is estimated that they would have entered the pass long ago, instead of waiting until Chongzhen three years before invading the pass.

In fact, the structure of the Jianlu tribe is similar to that of the Mongols or the Ming army.

The personal guards of the Mongolian nobles are equal to the servants of the generals of the Ming army, and they are also equal to the white armor soldiers among the Jian captives. This is the most elite army of all ethnic groups.

Then, on the Mongolian side, only the herdsmen are left, with the worst combat power!
On the side of the Ming army, there is actually a solid foundation. The quality of the soldiers is actually not a problem, but the problem is that the court has problems. They cannot feed them. How can they display their combat power when they are hungry and cold?

On the Jianlu side, in addition to the white armored soldiers, there are also armored soldiers, which belong to the combination of farming and military affairs, and are not a standing army, and then the next level is the coated slaves.

Normally speaking, among the three major forces, the Ming army still has the upper hand. After all, the population base is there, and it is not comparable to the other two forces.

However, Jianlu achieved clear rewards and punishments, and his organization was the best among the three major forces. The Ming army was controlled by itself, and its organization was in a mess. No one was willing to contribute. Therefore, they could only bully the Mongols.

At this time, those Mongols came at a gallop, no matter how many there were, and ran straight to Turg's army. They were closer, and they kindly reminded them loudly.

"Defeated, defeated, run!"

"The Ming army is chasing us, if we don't run away, it will be too late!"

"Ming soldiers are all monsters, invulnerable!"

"General? The general was killed by the Ming army!"


They all yelled loudly in Mongolian to those who were also Mongolian. While shouting, they overtook them and ran to the back.

The Mongols, who were very nervous when they saw this posture, heard them yelling in a hurry, even if they couldn't hear clearly, it didn't prevent them from pulling the debuff of fear to the fullest.

Needless to say, it is always right to run first!
As a result, the Mongols in Turg's army also turned their horses and ran away.At most, if the situation can be stabilized and there is no danger, just come back again!

Fear on the battlefield is definitely contagious.

Once defeated, if it becomes a rout, it is rare to turn things around.

For example, in the Battle of Feishui that year, Fu Jian, the former Qin emperor, can be regarded as a wise and mighty monarch!

He led an army of one million to attack the Eastern Jin Dynasty. As a result, the more than [-] troops who actually rushed to the battlefield were defeated by the [-] Eastern Jin army.

The allusion of "every tree is a soldier" originated from the defeat of the former Qin army.

Besides, Turger was trembling with anger from these Mongolian pig teammates, but he was helpless.

If he had already completed the assembly, there might be measures to restore the current situation. For example, shooting any Mongols who dared to rush to the front of the formation might save the formation from being attacked.

But the problem is, he never thought that Abate would lose the battle, and he was completely unprepared for the battle, so he rushed to gather with all his heart.As a result, they encountered routs during the march, and it was too late to gather.In addition, in his own team, there are a lot of bad and bad, and there are a bunch of pig teammates.After being rushed by the rout, he also turned around and ran away.

To be honest, if Turg had a great taboo technique at this time and could curse the Mongols to death, he would definitely curse the damned Mongols to death immediately.

It's just a pity that he doesn't have the ability.

This major defeat also immediately affected Jianlu's own army.Although they didn't run away immediately, it was obvious that they were all at a loss and didn't know what to do.


Faintly, there was the sound of shouting and killing, apparently the pursuers were approaching.

Moreover, in the fleeing team, the money rat tail can also be seen.

These money rat tails were no different from those fleeing Mongolians. They all fell on the horses and fled without armor and armor.

However, Jianlu is not as extravagant as the Mongols, and can be manned by one horse. Therefore, among the fleeing cavalry, the Mongols are the most.You know, horses eat more than people, and they are more expensive. The general forces can't afford so many horses.

At this time, the appearance of the money mouse tail in the rout immediately shook more people who were unsure, and they also ran away.


Above the city of Jizhou, all the soldiers of the Ming army who saw this situation were stunned.

Yan Yingyuan was the first to come back to his senses, and immediately shouted excitedly to Bai Tengjiao: "Hurry up, gather all the horses and fight out with great fanfare. Together, you and I will attack those Jianlu who don't run from the side, and completely defeat the Jianlu!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't wait for Bai Tengjiao to respond, so he immediately added loudly: "Hurry up, the momentum must be loud, the momentum must be loud, the opportunity is rare, once in a thousand years!"

Ordinary people might be afraid that there are too many prisoners outside the city and have doubts.

However, Bai Tengjiao knew how to fight. Hearing what Yan Yingyuan said, he immediately understood that this opportunity was rare, so he immediately ordered the entire army to assemble.There is no need for anyone to guard the top of the city, we have all of them, let's act together.

The old and weak in the city, those with limited hands and feet, created momentum in the city and made as much noise as possible, resulting in a large number of troops in the city, as if they had to go out to fight.

And Yan Yingyuan and Bai Tengjiao not only led the elites in the city, but also killed other soldiers out of the city together.

Beating the dogs in the water, as long as they don't force them to jump over the wall, is the easiest time, and it is also the easiest time to make military achievements.

"Boom boom boom..."

At the head of Jizhou City, the sound of cannons rang out, no matter whether they could be hit or not, they immediately reminded those Jianlu and Mongol Tartars who were fleeing that there was a Ming army here, and they would cause harm to them.Instinctively, they avoided Jizhou city and fled to the far north.


The gate of Jizhou city was opened, and a Ming army rushed towards Turg's handsome flag, shouting and killing.

Among them, Yan Yingyuan and Bai Tengjiao led the elite men and rushed to the front.

At this moment, Yan Yingyuan finally showed his ability.

I saw him rushing to the front, riding a horse and shooting arrows, almost one arrow at a time, shooting any Jianlu or Mongol Tartars in front of him.

In normal times, even if the Ming army in Jizhou doubled, Jianlu would not be afraid, and would even be happy. If he dared to rush out, he would be courting death!
However, at this moment, the Jianlu army is already startled.Suddenly another Ming army came out, the sound of guns and shouts of killing, I don't know how many Ming troops came out, and they were frightened again immediately.

As a result, more Jianlu and Mongols could not hold back their fear, and began to flee with the large army.

Seeing this situation, Turg was shocked and angry.It was really Huluo Pingyang being bullied by dogs, and now even the Ming army in Jizhou City, who was supposed to be fish and meat, came to attack him!

However, in the face of this situation, he still had no choice. More and more defeated troops were attacking his side, and the faint shouts of killing were getting closer. The danger is getting bigger and bigger.

Faced with this situation, Turg also has no ability to turn the tide, so he can only order an organized retreat, and wait until he is relieved and safe before reorganizing the army.

However, the situation of defeat is beyond his control.

The army of Yan Yingyuan and Bai Tengjiao came for Turg.With just one shock, any organized retreat turned into a rout!
At this moment, Abatai had already escaped, but he just took a look, ignored him and continued to escape.

It's not that he doesn't want to turn the tide, but that he has lost his organizational system, and in the collapse, he is not a shaman with boundless magic power, and he is powerless at all!


The cavalrymen of Ming Dynasty came after them.

(End of this chapter)

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