Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 279 What's More

Chapter 279 What's More

All the people in the Wenhua Hall, whether they know the soldiers or not, were all dumbfounded.

In their minds, the Jianlu and Mongol Tartars who invaded the pass this time combined had more than [-] horses. If Sun Chuanting's troops wanted to defeat an enemy of such strength, especially in the end when Jianlu and even the coach were captured alive, that would be absolutely impossible. It was a hard fight.Maybe his own loss must be very large.

Unexpectedly, according to the news in the newspaper, it was said that less than [-] people were killed by the imperial army and about [-] people were injured.Among them, the most casualties occurred in the defense of Jizhou.

However, the Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars who entered the pass were almost wiped out. Although the results of the battle have not been counted, there are still about [-] Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars at large.However, this broken team is already insignificant.Even if they were allowed to escape, how many would return to Liaodong?

This great victory really far exceeded their imagination!So much so that the most senior officials of the Ming Dynasty in the Wenhua Palace were all weeping with joy.

That's Jianlu, and they can win them like this. Doesn't it mean that Liaodong, which was originally thought impossible to recover, may be recovered?And the thieves in the pass thought that there would be no possibility of quelling the chaos. With such a strong imperial army turned out, there is also the possibility of peace in the world?
Although they are high in the temple, troubled times have the least impact on them.However, since it is a troubled time, it will have an impact on them after all.

Among other things, the high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty in the north will definitely suffer every time they build captives and invade the bandits.They were also being ravaged by thieves, what about chasing stolen goods for money, once their hometown was captured by thieves, it would definitely be the death of the whole family.

As for the senior Ming officials in the south, they were relatively stable at first, but in the past two years, thieves have fled to the south, and now they are raging in the south of the Yangtze River, even in Nanzhili, threatening to accompany the capital.

Originally, facing the Jian captives in the north and the thieves in the pass, they really felt very powerless, and they didn't know how to avoid their harm!But now, after this great victory, they immediately saw hope, the hope of peace in the world!
As long as you are a human being, there is basically no one who does not wish for peace in the world!

When they were excited, Wang Chengen finished reading the report, and suddenly turned around and knelt down to Emperor Chongzhen, crying loudly: "Long live the gods, the people of the world are finally saved, my emperor, long live, long live, long live Long live!"

"..." The excited senior officials of the Ming Dynasty were stunned when they saw it, and then they immediately reacted, and immediately fell to their knees, almost shouting in unison, "Long live God, the heavens are so powerful, the people of the world are finally saved!" Yes, my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

Emperor Chongzhen was happy when he suddenly saw Wang Chengen take the lead, pointing out the credit and attributing it to him, he was even more elated, he didn't think about dressing calmly, his eyes were narrowed in happiness, and he quickly said with a smile : "My dear friends, get back on your feet quickly!"

After standing up according to his words, Du Yinxi suddenly spoke first and said: "This battle was such a great victory, and not many soldiers in the imperial court died in battle. It was all due to the new armor made by His Majesty, and my ministers watched this battle. After all, the weapons and gunpowder that His Majesty painstakingly prepared are all indispensible! This battle is all due to Your Majesty's brilliance and martial arts!"

When Wang Chengen heard it, he exclaimed in his heart, this flattery is going to be captured in the heart of Long Live Lord.So, he quickly turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw that Emperor Chongzhen was very useful, and his eyes became slits again with a smile.

He rolled his eyes, immediately followed, and played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Long Live God has a great plan, and he has planned this battle a long time ago. It can be said that he is planning a strategy and winning thousands of miles away! The slaves know it, only Emperor Taizu and Emperor Chengzu Already!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he scratched his itch again.

For this battle, he really had to start preparing early, and deployed a trap waiting for Jianlu.Wang Chengen was right when he said that he was cunning and strategizing, and even compared him with his idols, Emperor Taizu and Emperor Chengzu. The happiness in his heart was really sweeter than eating honey, and immediately hehe laughed.

At this time, people were carrying people in sedan chairs, and other high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty saw them. Even the Chief Assistant, He Fengsheng, also praised Emperor Chongzhen together, which made Emperor Chongzhen feel that this was the happiest time in his life!It's even more exciting than his big marriage and enthronement!
When they got married, it was as it should be, and they were not very happy. After all, he was the vassal king at the time, and there was no shortage of women, and the princess would definitely have them.

When he became emperor, it was a great thing, but at that time, Wei Zhongxian, who was nine thousand years old, was in charge of the inside and outside, and he was even worried that he would be murdered by Wei Zhongxian. How could he be happy?

But this time, he knew best that after two years, he would perish the country.But now, he can confirm that such a thing will never happen again!

With hard work, turning things around in one go, this kind of achievement is really the first time I feel it!

If I had known this earlier, the crooked neck tree would not have been cut down, and it would be a souvenir to keep it!Otherwise, Liu Weichao would definitely laugh at himself if he knew about it.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't bear it immediately, and wanted to tell Liu Weichao the good news, so he said to the subordinates: "You discuss the reward, and I will come as soon as I go!"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly turned to the apse.

The officials of the six cabinet departments who were flattering were a little dumbfounded when they saw it. They didn't expect that Emperor Chongzhen would come to this place.

In the past, they would have thought that His Majesty might be anxious.But now that they are experienced, they glanced at each other with expressions of respect.

There is no other reason, they should have guessed that His Majesty is going to report the good news to Emperor Taizu!No, when His Majesty turned into the apse, he had already gone to dig out the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu!
That's right, as soon as Emperor Chongzhen entered the apse, he immediately contacted Liu Weichao via video.

As soon as he was connected, he couldn't wait to say to Liu Weichao: "Great victory, great victory, great victory in Jizhou!"

Liu Weichao laughed as soon as he heard it, and immediately returned to Emperor Chongzhen and said, "So, congratulations!"

"Hahaha..." Emperor Chongzhen immediately laughed happily, and then told the specific battle report.

Liu Weichao looked at the Emperor Chongzhen in the video, his eyebrows were beaming, he really didn't look like that kind of high-ranking emperor, he didn't even look like a man in his thirties, but like a child who got candy!
Of course, he understood this situation and was happy for him.

After all, this great victory definitely has its own share of credit.

Great Ming can rejuvenate, and this is the beginning of the battle!
And when Daming is revived, his own business can become more and more prosperous. This is a win-win situation!
On Emperor Chongzhen's side, after sharing his happiness with Liu Weichao, he also asked Liu Weichao for advice: "Then my next step is to carry out currency value innovation?"

This time's great victory made Emperor Chongzhen unconsciously rely on Liu Weichao!This may be due to his nature.

Emperor Chongzhen, if he believed in someone, he would believe it unconditionally.For example, Yuan Chonghuan back then.

But now, all that Liu Weichao brought to him is obvious to all, and he naturally regards Liu Weichao as his most dependent object!
At this time, Liu Weichao heard what Emperor Chongzhen said, and said with a smile: "I have thought about it for you, and even posted it on the forum, assuming your situation, and brainstorming, what do you think? Of course, in our era Yes, you are not personally on the scene, you can only use it as a reference, according to the actual situation!"

"Oh? What is a forum?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being very curious when he heard it, and asked quickly.

After hearing this, Ou Weichao smiled and said, "It's similar to communicating with you, but it's just words, and it can be discussed with many people."

After a pause, he immediately added: "Don't worry about this, just listen and see if it works for you. I also had a whim, so I posted a post on the forum to see what other people said. "

Emperor Chongzhen was very interested, so he replied with a smile: "Okay, I'm all ears!"

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was really serious, Liu Weichao also became serious, and said to him: "The reform of the currency system is imperative. It will not only ease your finances, but also promote business, that is, the prosperity of business. By the way Now, take advantage of the prestige of this great victory, set up a bank, no matter what others think, this matter must be done!"

Without waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to ask questions, he continued to speak in one breath: "Second, we feel that your great victory this time just solved the problem that the Guan Ning army was too big to lose. Taking advantage of this opportunity, transfer the Guan Ning army to Beijing to lead the army. reward, and then let the old general Qin take the opportunity to lead the white pole army to Shanhaiguan, and the Guan Ning army was transferred to the south to quell the civil strife after receiving the reward..."

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but be overjoyed.

To be honest, he has been worried since he learned what Guan Ningjun did in the original history.

The Shanhaiguan side is really very important to Gyeonggi.Even if Jianlu has been severely injured now, if Guan Ning's army takes refuge in Jianlu, it will be very unfavorable to the situation in the world.

Now, according to Liu Weichao's proposal, it is a good time. By the way, Xie Xuelong will be appointed as the governor of Jiliao, and he will lead the loyal white army to guard the front line of Shanhaiguan.

By the way, transferring the Guan Ning Army to the south to suppress the rebellion is considered a useless waste.Oh, not counting, after all, the Guan Ning Army can be regarded as an elite team!
Thinking of this, he quickly nodded with joy and said, "Okay, okay, that's a good idea, I'll keep it in mind!"

To be honest, he didn't know much about the reform of the currency system and the establishment of banks, but he felt good about this method of dealing with Guan Ning's army.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked with anticipation: "What else?"

 These two days will be very busy, and tomorrow I will have to work overtime until late at night. I will try my best to keep updating regularly, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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