Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 280 What do you think

Chapter 280 What do you think

When Liu Weichao heard the question, he immediately replied: "Also, it is to use the military power this time..."

Emperor Chongzhen listened carefully, asking questions from time to time, or nodding his head, and discussed with Liu Weichao.

After a long time, seeing that Liu Weichao didn't ask any more questions, he remembered something and quickly said to Liu Weichao: "Oh, I forgot, I summoned the six ministries of the cabinet and the supervisor of ceremonies to discuss the matter. If it's all right, I will Hang up?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it.

He didn't expect that Emperor Chongzhen would come to tell him the good news at the time of the pre-imperial meeting, and then he didn't know it, so he chatted with him for most of the day.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing when he thought that he had made those senior Ming officials wait obediently, and broke off contact without further delay.

After hanging up the video communication, Emperor Chongzhen did not return to the front hall immediately, but after thinking about Liu Weichao's suggestion again, he returned to the front hall.

After waiting for at least half an hour, if they could complain, these people in Wenhua Palace would definitely complain.However, who made them courtiers, and let them be the emperor!

Therefore, when Emperor Chongzhen turned back to the front hall, no one was impatient.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't look embarrassed either. After sitting back on the throne, he smiled and asked them, "I don't see that the ministers are talking about it anymore, but what's the result, let's hear it?"

That's right, they had already finished their discussions, and they had reached the point where they had nothing to say. They could only wait quietly for Emperor Chongzhen to return.

At this time, upon hearing the question from Emperor Chongzhen, the Chief Assistant He Fengsheng came out and said: "Your Majesty, my ministers and others have discussed that this great victory is not ordinary, so it is all based on a higher level of military merit. The specific regulations , Wait for the final battle report to come out to care about!"

Wang Chengen waited for him to finish, and said first: "Long Live Lord, with such a great victory, we must hold a big celebration for presenting prisoners!"

He is the eunuch in charge of the rites supervisor, commonly known as the inner minister, and he has the right to speak at the front.

Emperor Chongzhen nodded when he heard this, and said with a smile, "Quick play!"

After a pause, he remembered something, and he confessed again: "That's right, that Aixinjueluo... what... Abatai, yes, this is the man, the commander of Jianlu, he must not be allowed to die!"

The name Aixinjueluo Abatai is probably more famous than Huang Taiji at this time.I don't know if he will be very happy knowing this place himself!
When Wang Chengen heard this, he quickly agreed, saying that he would immediately send someone from the West Factory to take care of it when he turned around.

Seeing that they didn't say anything, Emperor Chongzhen said with a serious expression: "This great victory is due to the contribution of a few lovers. There is no need for the final battle report. I have already made it clear, so I will reward you in advance..."

As soon as everyone in the hall heard it, they immediately bowed and listened.

The first decree is that Xie Xuelong has contributed to the defense of Jizhou in time, and he was named Governor of Jiliao to rectify the military administration of Guanning.The Marquis of Zhongzhen assisted in the defense of Shanhaiguan and temporarily led the post of general soldier of Shanhaiguan.

Ma Xianglin is a chieftain, so he cannot stay away for a long time.Since Qin Liangyu was going to be in Shanhaiguan, Ma Xianglin was going back to Sichuan.

As soon as everyone heard this, they understood that Emperor Chongzhen was attacking Guan Ning's army.Although Emperor Chongzhen didn't say how to deal with the original Guanning Army, all those present were those who had been in the officialdom for many years. Knowing that Wu Sangui led the army, they might not be able to go back.Moreover, this great victory can also shock him, and there will be no change.

To be honest, what the Guan Ning army did and how it carried the captives' self-respect can basically be seen by individuals.There was no way to do it before, but now, there are Jingying and Yongweiying. They all applauded for Emperor Chongzhen's approach.

After thinking about this, the people present couldn't help but admire Emperor Chongzhen. With the help of the great victory, they solved another difficult problem.

However, most of them think that this is not like the method of Emperor Chongzhen.However, if it is said that it was instructed by Emperor Taizu, it would be perfectly normal.

Thinking about it this way, each of them would naturally have no objection, and they all agreed in unison, flattering Emperor Chongzhen, saying what they said was wise and powerful, and Emperor Chongzhen was very proud of it.

Later, Emperor Chongzhen made a second decree.To the surprise of those present, this decree was related to one of them.

Du Yinxi has made great achievements in military training. He was named the governor of the three sides and went to Qin to take office. He integrated the various armies of Qin.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen didn't let Du Yinxi go to do these things alone.Instead, they will select Qin soldiers from the army of this great victory, collect [-] people, distribute all the equipment, and take them to Qin as a direct army to deter those soldiers in Qin.

In addition, there is another one, that is, the military salary in Qin and the food and salary needed for the pacification of the place.

For these, Emperor Chongzhen also directly gave the decree. The decree has been issued before, and it is difficult to implement Sun Chuanting's Qingtun payment at the local level. But if Du Yinxi, the emperor's confidant and the governor of the three sides, will implement it, resistance will be met. Very few.

Moreover, Emperor Chongzhen also delegated power, giving him the right to kill first and play later.If something was inconvenient, Emperor Chongzhen also asked Wang Chengen to send people from Xichang to follow him to cooperate with Du Yinxi.

In addition, Emperor Chongzhen also pointed out to Du Yinxi that if there is still a shortage of supplies, you are welcome to go to the grassland to have a look.

The Mongolian tribes not only surrendered to Jianlu, but also entered the pass with Jianlu to plunder more than once, and they came and went indecently!
Listening to Emperor Chongzhen's instructions, everyone in the Wenhua Palace heard the arrogance, and looked at him on the throne, a little in awe.They felt that Emperor Chongzhen's methods were really more and more similar to Emperor Taizu's!

Therefore, Du Yinxi didn't say a word about the errand assigned by Emperor Chongzhen, and immediately stated that he would definitely live up to Emperor Chongzhen's entrustment and do a good job in this matter.

In the third decree, Emperor Chongzhen announced that all thieves who put down their arms and accept the recruitment unconditionally can be pardoned. However, Zhang Xianzhong, who rebelled many times, and Li Zicheng, who dug the Yellow River embankment and rebelled desperately, and Liu Zongmin were not in this case.Those who refused to be recruited, and those who insisted on resisting the imperial court, the imperial army will go south every day, killing without mercy!

If this decree had been changed before, there might be some people who would object to it.After all, most of the previous recruitments ended in failure.But now, with the prestige of a great victory, the next recruitment might indeed be effective.

Emperor Chongzhen used extreme means to benefit from the great victory in the Battle of Jizhou, which made everyone admire him very much.

However, it's not over yet!

Emperor Chongzhen looked at the people below, and slowly glanced at each of them, and then said to them: "Your Excellencies, let me go with you, and let you wait to see a few things!"

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the apse.

Everyone in the Wenhua Hall saw them, and they were a little curious. They didn't know what Emperor Chongzhen was going to show them, so they divided them into two columns according to their official positions, and followed Emperor Chongzhen.

The place where Emperor Chongzhen and Liu Weichao communicated just now is at the back of the Wenhua Hall itself, and the real apse of the Wenhua Hall is called the Lord’s Hall of Respect. .

The place where Emperor Chongzhen took his courtiers was the main hall of worship. However, he did not go directly to the main hall of worship, but first went to the left and right side halls of the main hall of worship, which are called Benren hall and Jiyi hall respectively. .

He Fengsheng and others followed Emperor Chongzhen, and as soon as they entered Benren Hall, they were a little dumbfounded: What is this thing in this hall for?
What's even more strange is, why did the emperor bring them to see this?
The maids in the palace stood with their hands down one by one, waiting for the order.

Emperor Chongzhen saw the expressions of his courtiers, although they quickly disappeared, but he also expected them to be inseparable, and he felt a little bit of color in his heart, so he said to them lightly: "You must know each other, right? Even if you haven’t seen it, you should be able to guess it!”

Among these people, only Wang Chengen knew what Emperor Chongzhen wanted to do when he saw the things in the palace, so he played back very cooperatively: "Long Live Lord, all the adults must know it, don't they?"

The first half of the sentence is for Emperor Chongzhen, and the second half is for the officials of the foreign court.

He Fengsheng and the others glanced at each other, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in the emperor's gourd?

They were very curious, what does this have to do with the great victory in Jizhou?
Because judging from the previous orders of Emperor Chongzhen, they should all have something to do with the great victory in Jizhou!

Thinking of it this way, they were even more confused. When they heard Wang Chengen also asked, they all agreed, and naturally answered that they knew each other.

That's right, most of them are from official families, even if they have never met before, they still know it.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard their answers, he immediately smiled and said: "So, let Zhu Qing open his eyes again!"

After finishing speaking, he ordered the leading female officer to say, "Show Zhu Qing!"

After hearing this, the female official quickly agreed, and then called several maids in the palace to demonstrate.

He Fengsheng and the others were a little confused at first, but also a little bit disapproving.

But since the emperor had spoken like this, they watched with curiosity.

In the end, it was fine if they didn't look at it, and it felt like nothing, but after looking at it, they quickly discovered the problem.

In other words, the situation in front of them took them by surprise, and they all widened their eyes, staring in disbelief.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't let them watch it for too long, it's enough to have a look and know what's going on.

Therefore, after a while, when Emperor Chongzhen waved his hand, the court ladies immediately retreated to the side and stood with their hands down.

"How about it, what do you think?" Emperor Chongzhen glanced at his courtiers and asked indifferently.

Hearing his words, the courtiers in Benren Hall came back to their senses.But this time, before He Fengsheng opened his mouth, Huang Zongzhou, the imperial censor of Zuodu, spoke first excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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