Chapter 281

"Your Majesty, is this a new spinning machine?"

Compared with other people, Liu Zongzhou cared most about people's livelihood, and was always demoted by Emperor Chongzhen, so he also had a lot of contacts with the people. Naturally, he had seen ordinary spinning machines.

Today, Emperor Chongzhen has arranged ordinary spinning machines and spinning jenny machines in this side hall. There is no need to introduce them, but just let the court ladies demonstrate them on the spot. Naturally, the efficiency can be seen at a glance, which is far better than verbal words.

However, Emperor Chongzhen has always come up with new things in the past six months. These courtiers have seen it and already have experience.Therefore, Liu Zongzhou spoke out about the new spinning machine.

At this moment, Emperor Chongzhen looked at the Jenny spinning machine that Liu Zongzhou was pointing at, nodded with a smile and said, "That's right! You must have seen that this spinning machine is many times faster than the original spinning machine." Bar?"

Confucianism has one advantage. No matter what they think in their hearts, at least on the surface, they have one righteousness, which is to pay attention to people's livelihood.

Therefore, Liu Zongzhou immediately responded with a look of admiration on his face: "Your Majesty is as powerful as the sky. With this new spinning machine, the people will be much better off from the cold!"

If it is said that the thing invented by Emperor Chongzhen is just for self-entertainment like Emperor Tianqi, then he will definitely be attacked by them; however, this thing is related to people's livelihood, so it is different.

Hearing that these courtiers flattered him one after another, Emperor Chongzhen was very happy and didn't introduce any more, but said to them: "Let's follow me to see one more thing!"

Then, he stepped out first, and arrived at the Jiyi Hall, the side hall on the other side of the main worship hall.

This time, He Fengsheng and others had experience and were a little curious, wondering what good things the emperor had invented.In a hurry, the pace was much faster.

Just like last time, after entering the palace, Emperor Chongzhen asked the maids waiting here to demonstrate, and there was an intuitive comparison immediately.

Seeing the surprised look of his courtiers, Emperor Chongzhen introduced to them: "Zhu Qing found out, this loom is just a sliding shuttle, which not only reduces manual operations, but also greatly improves the efficiency of weaving." If it is improved, the cloth weaves will be wider and better!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" He Fengsheng and the others responded to his introduction in unison.

Emperor Chongzhen waited for them to finish talking with a bit of enjoyment, and then smiled and said: "With these two things that Qing and others have seen, my Daming's efficiency from cotton to cotton cloth will be much faster, and the cost will be reduced a lot. Let people grow more cotton, and the common people can afford new clothes."

Having said that, he paused, raised his voice, and said the key points: "I will set up a state-owned factory to take charge of this matter, which will be under the joint jurisdiction of the Ministry of Households and the Shang Garment Supervisor, and the profits will be divided into eighty-two."

Before that, Emperor Chongzhen had already built a glass factory, but he did not share the profits with the outer court, but only gave the officials who bought shares the right of first refusal.This time, he gave most of the profits to the treasury, which surprised these courtiers.

Even so, someone still thought of something, his face changed slightly, and he wanted to speak.

However, Emperor Chongzhen turned around and walked out, walked towards the main hall of worship, and said at the same time: "I will show you something again!"

Hearing this, He Fengsheng and the others couldn't help being very curious. Could it be that there are still good things?

However, when they entered the main worship hall with Emperor Chongzhen, they found nothing, but some court ladies were standing there with trays.

The tray was covered with a red cloth, but it was hard to tell what it was.

Emperor Chongzhen just waved his hand, and the maids got the order, and they came to the senior officials of Ming Dynasty with trays.

I only heard Emperor Chongzhen say to them: "Your Majesty, please open it and have a look!"

He Fengsheng and the others were curious, so they lifted the red cloth in front of them one after another. When they saw the things on the tray, they couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

After regaining their senses, they all reached out to grab the things on the tray and looked at them carefully.

Zuo Maodi picked up one, and saw a flying dragon printed on one side, and two characters on the left and right sides for twelve.Turned over, it is the auspicious clouds forming a circle of edges, and there is a string of small characters in the middle: Great Ming silver coins, forgers will be chopped off.

There are also lines on the edge of this silver coin. I felt it slippery, but I just weighed it with my hand. I'm afraid it's less than ten taels.However, this is beautifully made, but there is nothing to say.Whether it is a pattern or a word, it is slightly raised.

Afterwards, Zuo Maodi picked up another one to look at, it was leading a flying phoenix, five taels, the others were similar, and there should be no five taels in terms of weight.

Looking at the pieces one by one, Zuo Maodi quickly understood that it was ten taels, five taels, two taels, one tael, ten qian, five qian, two qian, one qian, ten, five cents, two cents, one cent There are twelve kinds of silver coins in total.

In addition, there are copper coins, similar to this silver coin, which are ten, five, two and one, corresponding to the meaning of ten copper plates, five copper plates, two copper plates and one copper plate.

After reading these, the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty, including Zuo Maodi, immediately understood the meaning of the silver coins and copper coins in front of them.

When they really wanted to say something, they heard Emperor Chongzhen say to them with a serious expression: "I have been training the new army before, and now I have achieved results. It is time to free up energy and improve people's livelihood!"

Invisibly, he pointed out again that the great victory this time was all because he put his mind on the army.

Of course, none of the people present, including Du Yinxi who actually executed it, denied this statement.After all, they all saw what Emperor Chongzhen did.

This great victory, which has never been seen before, is indeed all the painstaking efforts of Emperor Chongzhen.

At this time, when they heard Emperor Chongzhen's statement, they subconsciously listened carefully.Faintly, there is a little expectation, will the emperor do the next thing again?
They were thinking, but Emperor Chongzhen continued to speak: "The north will soon settle down, and people's livelihood will be the first. The key to people's livelihood lies in this coin..."

Hearing this, the people present basically couldn't understand.The key to people's livelihood is not recuperation, why is money the most important thing?

Emperor Chongzhen glanced at their expressions, understood their doubts, and continued to explain: "Everything is waiting to be done, it is really a time when money is needed everywhere. I decided to set up the Daming Royal Bank, which is a bank, a bank Similar. Provide safekeeping of gold and silver belongings for rich and powerful families, free of storage fees, and relieve their worries; provide loans for ordinary people, with an annual interest of only [-]%. In this way, all my people can benefit from it!"

After a pause, he pointed to the coins on the tray, and then continued: "These coins are exquisite and expensive, but they can solve the inconvenience of people's buying and selling, and the inconvenience of traveling. These coins and gold The difference in the price of silver is actually just the capital of the cost.”

Having said that, seeing a courtier wanting to speak, Emperor Chongzhen waved his hand gently, not giving a chance to speak, and continued: "Today's silver ingots and copper coins, together with these coins, can be used freely. After three years , can only use such coins.”

"All salaries and military salaries of the emperor's relatives and nobles, civil and military officials, Yongwei camp and Beijing camp, as well as inside and outside the palace, in the capital are all issued by the bank, and they are these coins. Absolutely no corruption, no floating; below the seventh rank , can be exchanged back to ordinary silver money through the bank. The civil servants and generals of the seventh rank to the fifth rank can only exchange half of their salaries for ordinary silver money. If the cash is not enough, all the income from the glass factory, textile factory, honeysuckle and other palaces will be used as collateral.”

"In addition, when the imperial court collects taxes, only such coins will be collected in the future. Shops controlled inside and outside the palace, such as glass factories and textile factories, etc., will only receive such coins."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, seeing that the courtiers in front of him were all thinking about it, and some of them opened their mouths to speak, so he raised his voice and said a little more severely: "If it is found that the silver content of these coins has changed Less, beyond the normal range, once discovered, relevant people, etc., will be killed without mercy!"

Upon hearing this, the courtier who was about to speak just now stopped talking.

This kind of coin is actually similar to the Daming Banknote, and will be priced based on the face value above.

However, the difference between this silver coin and copper coin is that the Daming banknote itself has no value at all, and if too many are printed, it will be worthless.

However, most of these silver and copper coins contain silver or copper, and even if they depreciate, they will not be lower than the value of the silver and copper content.In other words, there is a premise of preservation.

And just now Emperor Chongzhen emphasized that this ratio of silver or copper will not change. To put it bluntly, it will not drop, otherwise some people will fall to the ground.In this way, it is even more of a guarantee.

However, all the people present were human beings. Although Emperor Chongzhen spoke in a high-sounding manner, they also knew that in this way, they would definitely make a lot of money just by minting coins.

In fact, since the Ming Dynasty, there have been local tyrants secretly casting copper plates, reducing the copper content, and making a lot of money.

Looking at the silver and copper coins in front of them, they had to admit that these silver and copper coins were indeed beautifully made.If the folks want to imitate it, I'm afraid it will be impossible.Maybe it was the emperor who invented something and used it in the casting of this coin.

After the hall was quiet for a while, these people realized that this bank, which is similar to a bank account, must be very profitable.In this way, the Minister of the Household Department will quit.

What bank of yours can't be put in the inner palace, the treasury is still starved to death of rats!
In fact, Emperor Chongzhen had a problem with collecting all the money obtained from the confiscation into the internal treasury.It's just that Emperor Chongzhen copied it in a big way, and he was also frightened and didn't dare to fight.Besides, the money was also used for practical purposes, rather than being spent by Emperor Chongzhen himself.

Now, Emperor Chongzhen seems to be normal, and this bank is definitely a cornucopia, with a steady stream of money coming in, he naturally wants to fight for it.

(End of this chapter)

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