Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 287 Long Live My Emperor

Chapter 287 Long Live My Emperor
When approaching the front of the Meridian Gate Tower, the soldiers of the Ming army turned their heads to look at Emperor Chongzhen at the same time, and shouted loudly while paying the military salute: "Wansheng, Ming Dynasty! Long live my emperor!"

Every soldier, with their heads held high and their chests held high, stepped on the captured enemy flags on the ground in a majestic manner.

These soldiers were all the ones who made the most military exploits in the Battle of Jizhou.In other words, in fact, most of them are veterans of the original Yongwei camp, and a small part are soldiers of the original Xiaoyuan camp. They are used to fighting and have experienced the psychological baptism of defeating Jianlu.In addition, they all wore uniform armor uniforms and carried uniform ordnance.Walking through such a phalanx, one by one, all the audience were shocked: Look, it turns out that this is the real strong army, the invincible army!

Even those Frangbots who were a little disapproving at the beginning, after seeing this scene, after mentally weighing what would happen if they came to fight such an army, they all respected each other and dared not show any slightest contempt .

Not to mention anything else, just in terms of the firearms that Frang Robot is proud of, when they saw Che Ying dragging a series of steel cannons, they showed envious eyes when they passed in front of them.Because the Francobots themselves can't do it yet, their artillery is still an extremely heavy iron cannon.

Just like the athletes of later generations entering the arena, the parade troops lined up on the Meridian Gate Square facing the Meridian Gate Building after going around the arena for a week.In order, no matter how severe the cold wind is, everyone is standing like a javelin.Only the war horse, snorting the spray, can move.

Finally, the team escorting the captives began to appear. Two soldiers supported a prisoner with a sign on their head. When they passed by the Meridian Gate Building, they announced the identity of the captive loudly.

"Capture the puppet Qing general Fengtian, Doro Rao Yubeile Aixinjueluo Abatai alive!"

"Capture Shangdeluo, the patriarch of the Mongolian Aohan tribe alive!"


Abatai came all the way, and he already understood in his heart that he was probably the most famous person, even more famous than Huang Taiji.However, this is definitely not what he wants.

At this time, he felt very remorseful in his heart. If he had known this before, it would be great to commit suicide, but now he is being insulted like this!Even if you escape back, you will die in Liaodong at most!
He wanted to resist and express the unyieldingness of the warriors of the Qing Dynasty. However, after being starved for many days, he had no strength at all. Being supported by two strong Ming soldiers, he was just like an old man in his dying years.

At this time, all civil and military officials and representatives from various provinces watching the ceremony showed curious expressions, and opened their eyes to look at the prisoners carefully.It turned out that the vicious Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars looked no different from ordinary people, the difference was the tail of money and the like.

Basically, except for the people around Emperor Chongzhen, no one could hold back, pointing and whispering to these captives with the expression of watching a monkey show.

Those who participated in the offering of captives were all captives with official titles, including Jianlu and Mongolian Tatars, there were more than [-] people in total.After reporting the number at the Meridian Gate Building, they also went around to the farthest side from the Meridian Gate and then entered the square to line up.

The last person to enter the arena was Sun Chuanting, the commander of the Battle of Jizhou and also Minister of War of the Ming Dynasty.After arriving in front of the Meridian Gate Tower, I saluted Emperor Chongzhen, and then turned to the Meridian Gate Square directly opposite the Meridian Gate Tower.

All the teams participating in the offering of prisoners have lined up in front of the Meridian Gate Building so far.A square, a square, in order.Amidst the whistling of the cold wind, the flags of Ming Dynasty fluttered!

"Boom bang bang..."

The sound of firecrackers sounded again.

After the release, Commander-in-Chief Sun Chuanting went out again and loudly reported the final statistics to Emperor Chongzhen.

This moment is also his highlight moment.Everyone was watching him, listening to him yelling.

Even if people who are far away can't hear the content clearly, it doesn't prevent them from all pricking their ears and listening attentively.

After reading, the Lubu in his hand was handed over to He Fengsheng, the first assistant of the Ming Dynasty, and sent to the downstairs of the Meridian Gate, and then handed over to the eunuch Wang Chengen, the eunuch who held the seal of the Supervisor of Rites, and finally delivered to the imperial court.

"Boom bang bang..."

The sound of firecrackers sounded again.

After the stop, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment came out and loudly reported the evil deeds of Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars to Emperor Chongzhen, and asked them to behead these Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars and go to Shicao for execution. Please order!
After he finished speaking, Emperor Chongzhen spoke for the first time, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and shouted loudly: "Take it!"

The unique three-sided design of the square outside the Meridian Gate forms a very good sound gathering effect, so that every official in the Meridian Gate Square can hear the imperial decree on the tower more clearly when the Meridian Gate issued edicts.

The word "Take it" went from near to far. First, Emperor Chongzhen yelled out, and then the ministers and ministers around Emperor Chongzhen followed suit: "Take it!"
After that, the officials nearby, and the officers and soldiers also responded accordingly, from two people to four people, from four people to eight people, from top to bottom of the Meridian Gate, until the three hundred and sixty guards in front of the Meridian Gate. The famous Jinwu generals responded in unison, the sound was thunderous, and the sky was mighty.

This time, Emperor Chongzhen did not pardon anyone, so naturally all of them were sent to the vegetable market for execution.

Some leaders of Jianlu and Mongol Tartars, who were lucky enough to hear this, were too frightened to stand still, and were immediately dragged away by the soldiers of the Ming army.

Facing death, no matter how vicious they were in the past, most of them are showing their ugly faces now!
The imperial relatives, nobles, civil servants and military generals, the generals of the Han Dynasty, all the soldiers, and the people watching the ceremony, etc., all faced the Emperor Chongzhen. Wen kneeled on both knees and Wu kneeled on one knee, and shouted in unison: "My emperor, long live, long live, Long live!"

At this time, the music finally played, and Emperor Chongzhen went downstairs to return to the palace for the joy of triumph.

During the whole process, the prince held the most precious mobile phone of Emperor Chongzhen, and became the first real photographer since Pangu opened the world.

He photographed all of this grand ceremony of presenting prisoners, including the majesty of Emperor Chongzhen.

For the others, Emperor Chongzhen was worried. Only his own son, who was established as the crown prince, gave him the mobile phone and asked the prince to take pictures.

After getting off the tower, he immediately asked for the phone back from his son, and looked back at it with relish.

The most glorious scene in life, with this mobile phone in hand, naturally has to be recorded no matter what, so that this glorious moment can be passed on to future generations.

Of course, in addition to this, there is also Liu Weichao's request. He also wants to see how the combination of the military parade and the ceremony of presenting prisoners directed by him is like?

After Emperor Chongzhen read it himself, he would pass it on to Liu Weichao.

After the moment when Emperor Chongzhen went down the Wumen Tower, although the official prisoner offering ceremony was over, there were still many things to follow.

For example, the next highlight is Caishikou Kacha, the leaders of Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars.

Therefore, after the emperor left, the people in the capital did not disperse because of this, but all rushed to the vegetable market.They must watch with their own eyes that these damned Jianlu and Mongol Tartars were killed by thousands of knives, and watch their execution.

The high-level supervisory officials such as Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice left first, and then, under the maintenance of order by the soldiers and horses of the five cities, all the people began to go to Caishikou.

Generally speaking, criminals are not executed at Meridian Gate.This is the gate of the palace, how could it be used as a place of execution.

The reason why there are rumors in later generations, saying something like "beheading at the Meridian Gate", according to textual research, is that during the great etiquette dispute during the Jiajing Emperor's period, hundreds of officials knelt outside the Meridian Gate to remonstrate, which angered the Jiajing Emperor. Under the stick, several people were killed, and this rumor came into being.

About an hour later, the side of Caishikou was already crowded with about [-] captives, lined up in multiple rows, kneeling on and off the execution platform.

There were too many people to kneel down on the execution platform, and there were not so many executioners, so the soldiers of the Ming army acted as temporary executioners.

On that execution platform, there were only a few people.Instead of kneeling, they were bound.

The leaders of these people are Aixinjueluo Abate, and the patriarchs of the Mongolian Tartars.

The surrounding people in the capital were all very angry, and many even held the tablets in their hands, waiting with tears streaming down their faces.

The tablets in their hands are all relatives who died in Jianlu, and they brought them to the execution ground, so that the spirits of those relatives in heaven can see the end of Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars with their own eyes!
Originally thought that it would be impossible to take revenge, but when they had such an opportunity, they shouted angrily and cursed these devils who did all kinds of evil.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, with an order, the leaders of Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars who were kneeling under the execution platform were thrown down by the hands of the soldiers of the Ming army, and their heads rolled.

The crowd of onlookers, after holding their breath for a while, suddenly roared like thunder: "Good!"

And on the execution platform, the real executioners are serving here, because these most senior leaders of Jianlu and Mongol Tartars were sentenced to be hanged, and they will die with a thousand swords!

"Kill, kill, kill..." The common people in the capital yelled in unison, cooperating with the executioner's knife after knife, expressing their deep-rooted hatred for these Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars!

After the execution was over, as soon as the prison officials left and the soldiers of the Ming army withdrew, the onlookers broke through the barriers of the soldiers and horses of the five cities, and rushed to the execution ground one after another to snatch the corpses of the Jian captives and Mongolian Tartars.It is not to collect their corpses, but to offer sacrifices to those relatives who died.

Commonly known as the Golden Temple, hundreds of civil and military officials gathered together to present congratulatory speeches to Emperor Chongzhen.

Not to mention the generals, these civil servants were all fought in the imperial examination room, and the articles they wrote were naturally one by one to flatter the Emperor Chongzhen in different ways.

In the entire hall, it was a celebration.Some of the usual intrigues, at least at this time, do not exist.

Emperor Chongzhen sat on the throne with a smile on his face, listening to one after another flattery, he really didn't feel like sitting for a long time.

After this period passed, it was finally time to reward.

(End of this chapter)

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