Chapter 288
This award was discussed by Emperor Chongzhen before the six ministries of the cabinet, so the main officials knew what to award.

However, just like this prisoner offering ceremony, when the matter came to an end, Emperor Chongzhen changed his mind again.

When Sun Chuanting came forward to listen to the letter, Wang Chengen, the eunuch who was in charge of the official seal, read it out in a cadence, and immediately, everyone in the Jinluan Hall was dumbfounded.

Originally speaking, because of Sun Chuanting's contribution to guarding Kaifeng, and the great victory in Jizhou, the court councilor was Minister of the Ministry of War, a scholar of the Hall of Martial Arts, and the addition of Tai Tuo.

As a result, the final rewards of Emperor Chongzhen turned out to be the University of Wuyingdian, Doctor Guanglu, Zhu Guo, and Jizhou Bo.

Civil officials were still alive and were knighted. There were only two people in the Ming Dynasty, and one of them was the famous Wang Shouren, also known as Wang Yangming.

As soon as the reward was issued, even Sun Chuanting himself was stunned!
It turned out to be a knighthood, who would have thought!
For a moment, there was silence in the Golden Luan Hall.

When he came back to his senses, Huang Zongzhou, the royal censor of Zuodu, immediately coughed and went out to get ready to play!
However, Emperor Chongzhen didn't wait for him to speak, and immediately said loudly: "Sun Qing was appointed from prison, without any complaints, loyal to the king's affairs, not to mention military training, went to Kaifeng alone to defend, and led the army to defeat Jianlu in one fell swoop, winning the victory from the imperial court. This unprecedented victory has laid the foundation for the early peace of the world. I have decided to make Jizhou Uncle!"

He changed his mind this time, not because he listened to Liu Weichao's suggestion again, but because he was really moved.

In the past, he believed the slander and sent Sun Chuanting to prison for several years!After being reminded by Liu Weichao, he always felt a little guilty and felt sorry for Sun Chuanting.

The battle of Kaifeng, unknown to others, was a key battle where the bandits under Li Zicheng's troops could no longer be controlled.And more than a year later, the capital was captured by Li Zicheng, and he had to hang himself on Meishan Mountain, destroying the country and family.

However, Sun Chuanting went to Kaifeng alone, and defended Kaifeng, curbed Li Zicheng's bandits, and rewrote history.For this credit, in this world, only he knows how important it is to keep Kaifeng.

Then, let alone the battle of Jizhou.It is announced that the era when Jianlu invaded the pass, came and left whenever he wanted, has come to an end.

Moreover, the Battle of Jizhou severely damaged Jianlu, and freed the imperial court from the dilemma of having to deal with Jianlu while suppressing the bandits.At least in the next few years, it can be regarded as gaining time, being able to concentrate on suppressing the chaos of the thieves, and laying a solid foundation for the world's peace.

With all these things, Emperor Chongzhen felt that he was willing to make Sun Chuanting an earl.Therefore, the reward for Sun Chuanting was temporarily changed.

After Emperor Chongzhen explained the reason, he stared at the officials below, and said in a cold voice: "If any of you can do what Sun Qing does, I will also be knighted, and I will never break my promise!"

These words were so decisive that Huang Zongzhou was stunned for a while, and finally returned to the queue without saying anything.The other civil servants did the same, they just looked at Sun Chuanting's back with envious eyes.

Hundreds of thousands of Jianlu, if not for Sun Chuanting's great victory, according to the past, the land of Gyeonggi would have been devastated, and I don't know how many places would suffer.This credit is absolutely great, as can be seen from the warm welcome attitude of the people of the capital to the triumphant division.

No, there was still the faint sound of firecrackers coming from outside, which was a good proof.

However, to everyone's surprise, Sun Chuanting said to Emperor Chongzhen when the others did not speak: "Your Majesty, I am ashamed to be entrusted with the title. I think that the great victory in Jizhou, and others, have been achieved this year. All kinds of things are all due to His Majesty's wisdom and martial arts, and this is the main cause!"

If there is no those in the military battle bureau, if there is no money and food supply, no matter how capable he is, he will not be able to achieve such achievements.

Therefore, what Sun Chuanting said was sincere and sincere.

However, when the civil and military officials in the Golden Luan Hall heard this, they were immediately speechless. They did not expect that Sun Chuanting, who was always cold-faced, would actually flatter the emperor in such a large court. He was really mistaken before!

When they came to their senses, they came out one after another, echoing Sun Chuanting's words, flattering Emperor Chongzhen, it was just a matter of saliva anyway.

Looking at the courtiers below, the Emperor Chongzhen at this time was like a mirror in his heart, not only distinguishing which ones were flattering, but also knowing what Sun Chuanting was referring to.

Regarding these, Emperor Chongzhen immediately thought of one person, that is Liu Weichao from another world.If you want to say that the person who deserves the most credit is definitely him, there is no second person!
It's really a pity that I can't seal him, otherwise, prosperity and wealth would definitely be indispensable to him!
Emperor Chongzhen thought so in his heart, and when he came back to his senses, he reiterated his will, and the will of making Sun Chuanting uncle of Jizhou remained unchanged.

Seeing this, Sun Chuanting was extremely grateful, and thanked you!
Then, it was Zhou Yuji, Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong's turn to step forward to accept the seal.

Their titles have not changed, and the salary gives the earl the highest one thousand shi, but this is not the point, the point is that Emperor Chongzhen gave the iron coupon.

There are generally three types of knighthoods in the Ming Dynasty.

One is the lifelong title of title, which is actually the worst title, that is, it is granted to the person himself, and future generations cannot enjoy it. This kind of title has no iron coupon.

The other two have iron coupons, half of which are given to the heroes, and the other half are hidden in the inner palace.In this iron coupon, there are two types of titles that are downgraded from generation to generation and not degraded, that is, hereditary non-replacement.

The iron coupon is given, which means that this title can benefit the descendants.

Zhou Yuji, Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong could not help being overjoyed when they received the iron coupons from the imperial court, and quickly received orders to thank them!
This time, the civil servants on the Golden Temple did not move.After all, they are military generals, and they fought the key battles of the Battle of Jizhou. There are tens of thousands of heads and tens of thousands of prisoners outside the city. There is nothing to say about their great military achievements.

After the three of them withdrew, it was Yan Yingyuan who stepped forward to accept the seal.

This time, it took everyone by surprise again.

Originally, Yan Yingyuan was a general of the Beijing camp, but it was foreseeable that he captured the Jianlu coach Aixinjueluo Abatai alive and was named the highest general of the generals.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Chongzhen not only conferred Yan Yingyuan as the general soldier, but also conferred him a title as Uncle Jiangyin. Of course, there was no iron certificate.

At the beginning of the first year, Yan Ying was just a Jiangyin classic history, and at the end of the year, he was the Earl of Daming. This rapid promotion is simply unique!
That's right, he captured Jianlu's coach alive and made great contributions, but you are a bit exaggerated to reward this earl, right?

Moreover, what confuses the people in the Golden Luan Hall is why Yan Yingyuan's title is Uncle Jiangyin and not others?Just because he was a canon over there?

To be honest, these people present couldn't figure it out.Even Yan Yingyuan himself didn't know the situation.

Or it can be said that absolutely no one in this world knows why Emperor Chongzhen gave Yan Yingyuan the title Jiangyin Bo.

Because the reason why Emperor Chongzhen took this title is actually the eighty-one day of Jiangyin on another plane!
For Emperor Chongzhen's knighthood, without saying anything, Yan Yingyuan was naturally grateful, and took the order to thank him!
Just like that, the Ming military general has another earl!

When Yan Yingyuan withdrew, Yuan Shizhong stepped forward to accept the seal.

To the surprise of many people, when did the Earl of Daming become a cheap commodity, free of money?Emperor Chongzhen actually conferred another title, and named Yuan Shizhong the uncle of Hua County.

Although in the reason for the title, it is said that Yuan Shizhong led the cavalry, killed countless captives, and made great contributions.However, many people don't take it seriously. In such a scene, if someone else leads the cavalry, they can still achieve such feats.

However, the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty who participated in the deliberations, such as the cabinet ministers and the six ministers, knew it clearly.The reason why Yuan Shizhong was knighted is that it is a bone of gold, and it will be an example for the next recruits to recruit Anliu thieves!

In the past, there were also thieves calling for security, and they had been working for the court.For example, Liu Guoneng, who had already died in battle, and Gao Jie in Shaanxi, and Bai Guangen, the commander-in-chief of Malanyuguan, all came here to recruit security.

If we talk about a thousand gold horse bones, these two people can actually do it too, after all, neither of them rebelled after being recruited.

However, according to Emperor Chongzhen's intentions, the imperial army led by Gao Jie had poor military discipline, and had even disobeyed orders and fled before the battle. It would be good if he was not dealt with.

As for Bai Guangen, he had the experience of running away in the battle of Songjin, which is not a good horse bone.

As far as Yuan Shizhong was concerned, he didn't have many bad deeds when he was a thief. His army was even called Buddhist soldiers by the people. The military discipline was strict, and he was recruited unconditionally when the court needed troops most.As a result, the officers and soldiers of the Xiaoyuan camp became one of the backbones of the reorganized Beijing camp and the Yongwei camp, and they heroically killed the enemy in the Battle of Jizhou.

The senior officials of the Ming Dynasty, including the ministers of the cabinet and the six ministers, finally accepted the reason given by Emperor Chongzhen, which made Yuan Shizhong the first person to be knighted after the thief recruited security!
However, Emperor Chongzhen did not tell his courtiers one thing. There is another important reason why he made Yuan Shizhong the earl. On another plane, Yuan Shizhong was still a thief. He led his troops to the north to fight Jianlu.This kind of act of righteousness, it can be said that those officers and soldiers who receive the imperial salaries and military salaries will be ashamed.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen's impression of Yuan Shizhong was very good after Liu Weichao said it.It is actually not surprising to set him up as a model and reuse him.

Yuan Shizhong himself never thought that he would be knighted. He was so dumbfounded that Wang Chengen, who read out the edict, had to remind him several times.

When he came back to his senses, he was more excited than anyone else, and quickly gave thanks.

If at the beginning of the year, someone told him that he would be knighted by the emperor, he would definitely be slapped in the face. Can he say things that are impossible even in his dreams?

Seeing the excited Yuan Shizhong retreating, and seeing the generosity of Emperor Chongzhen, those who hadn't awarded the reward were excited.

(End of this chapter)

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