Chapter 290
I saw a group of people standing in front of him at some point.Huang Degong, Yuan Shizhong and other generals were surrounded by two people, Minister of the Ministry of War, Bosun Chuanting of Jizhou, and eunuch Wang Chengen, the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies.

Wu Sangui never expected that these two big bosses did not return to the city after the end of the award, but stayed in the barracks.

Even though he was very courageous, he didn't dare to talk nonsense under Sun Chuanting's expressionless gaze.Not to mention, there is also an admiral of the West Factory.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Wu Sangui immediately turned his head, and directly scolded the soldiers of the Guanning Army who were making trouble, saying: "You too, your Majesty has rewarded you, and you are not grateful. They are all white-eyed wolves. I will kill you. Let's go!" , scattered..."

At the end of the Chongzhen period in another plane, Wu Sangui was indeed high and powerful, and he could even be said to be the emperor of Tu on the territory of Guanning.

But, on this plane, in the barracks outside the capital city, what kind of thing is he, Wu Sangui?
Captain Jin Yiwei ignored him at all, but turned to look at Wang Chengen.

"Master Sun, our family seems to have seen a mutiny in the military camp just now!" Wang Chengen just looked at Sun Chuanting's profile with a half-smile and said.

Upon hearing this, the faces of those soldiers of the Guanning Army who caused the disturbance, as well as Wu Sangui, suddenly changed and became very ugly.

Sun Chuanting didn't turn his head to look at Wang Cheng'en, but yelled in a cold voice: "Shut up, and tomorrow morning, I will report to His Majesty's order!"

According to Wang Cheng'en, he would be beheaded.However, under this big victory, Sun Chuanting obviously didn't want to be so extreme.However, on Wang Chengen's side, he couldn't persuade him to do things according to his own will, so he could only report to Emperor Chongzhen.

Upon hearing this, Wu Sangui breathed a sigh of relief.Because he could tell that Sun Chuanting didn't want to kill someone.

But who knows, at this moment, Sun Chuanting then sneered at him again: "As the commander of the Guanning Army, you are not strict with your orders, so that you have to help with today's matter, and wait for your majesty's order!"

"..." Wu Sangui was dumbfounded when he heard that. He didn't expect that he would be arrested too.

In the past, on his own territory, the soldiers mutinied because of the issue of military pay, and arrested the Governor of Liaodong, Bi Zisu, and threatened him. Although the matter subsided in the end, the governor of Liaodong was forced to hang himself.For such a big matter, those troublemakers were only dealt with, those who took the lead were beheaded, and their superiors were not punished.

When he came back to his senses, Wu Sangui was a little anxious when he saw the two captains of Jinyiwei approaching him, and wanted to defend himself, but he saw Sun Chuanting's cold gaze, as well as Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong and other generals.The most important thing is that there is also the sneering smile of that dead eunuch.

Suddenly, he took off his helmet by himself, and said to Sun Chuanting: "It is true that the last general is not strict, and the last general is willing to accept the crime!"

Seeing that Wu Sangui was captured without a fight, Wang Chengen said to Sun Chuanting: "Since there is nothing wrong, our family will go back to the palace first!"

It was getting late, and the city gate was about to be closed.Wang Chengen said hello and hurried back to the palace.


"Oh, what happened in the barracks?" Emperor Chongzhen heard Wang Chengen's report, it was related to the barracks, he was still very concerned, put down the memorial in his hand, turned to look at him and asked.

It was impossible for Wang Chengen not to report to Emperor Chongzhen when he came back, because he was still the admiral of Xichang who was investigating foreign affairs.

And as a confidant of Emperor Chongzhen, he actually knew that the emperor hated Wu Sangui.It's the same, that's when he took off Guan Ningjun's hat and said it was a mutiny in the military camp.

At this time, seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was really concerned, he didn't dare to exaggerate, so he gave a detailed account of the situation at that time.

In the end, he played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Long Live Lord, the servant saw that Uncle Jizhou was dealing with it, so he didn't intervene. He said that in the morning, he will respectfully invite the Holy Judge!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen snorted heavily, and then shouted angrily: "I really thought it was the old Huang Li, I don't give them some color, I don't even know how many eyes Prince Ma has!"

Opposing the new currency is one thing, making troubles is another, not to mention the bad deeds of the past, and the future of another plane, all of which made him have a very bad impression of Guan Ningjun!Hearing this, he thought about tidying up.

Hearing this, Wang Cheng'en asked for instructions: "The servants will arrest them and send them to the Imperial Prison tomorrow morning?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen remembered that he said that Sun Chuanting would play this matter tomorrow. After thinking about it for a while, he finally said: "Let's wait for Sun Qing to play first!"

He still wants to give Sun Chuanting face.

At this moment, there was movement on the phone, needless to say, it must be Liu Weichao who contacted him.So, he waved people back, and at the same time connected the video communication request.

"Hey!" Liu Weichao saw that Emperor Chongzhen seemed to be angry in the video, and couldn't help but feel a little strange, so he asked curiously, "Isn't today the prisoner offering ceremony? It should be your happiest time, why are you still so angry?"

Emperor Chongzhen heard this, and of course he would not hide it from Liu Weichao, so he told the matter about Guan Ningjun, and then said with a little hatred: "I still can't find a chance to deal with them, so I just take this opportunity to give him A man who ransacked his family and exterminated his family!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it.

Ever since Emperor Chongzhen ransacked his home, those who kept their mouths shut must have included the punishment of ransacking their homes.

To tell the truth, Liu Weichao actually has no opinion at all about Emperor Chongzhen's copying of Wu Sangui's family.Those who fled during the Battle of Songjin should be killed.Not to mention, the history of his plane is that Wu Sangui, for his own sake, hooked up with the Jian captives, surrendered and surrendered, which eventually led to the sinking of the land of China for three hundred years.

But after all, it is clear to the bystanders, after Liu Weichao heard Emperor Chongzhen's words, he thought for a while and said to him: "I heard Sun Chuanting's meaning, it seems that he wants to protect him, otherwise, he would not say such a thing!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen calmed down for a moment, nodded after thinking for a while and said, "From my observation of Sun Qing's actions, it seems that he will not punish him severely!"

Speaking of this, he showed a slightly embarrassed expression and said: "I still want to give Sun Qing's face, but if I let it go lightly, I will not be reconciled. Do you have any good ideas?"

Liu Weichao listened to Emperor Chongzhen asking for his opinion, so he thought about it seriously.

Seeing him like this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't rush him, but just waited.

After a while, I saw Liu Weichao laughing. After seeing it, Emperor Chongzhen knew that Liu Weichao must have thought of some good way, so he quickly asked: "How is it?"

"Do you think this will work?" Liu Weichao answered him immediately after hearing this: "Since Sun Chuanting wants to protect him, you have to give Sun Chuanting face, but it is impossible to let it go like this. It's fine to copy the family and exterminate the family, but downgrade or something , surely it can? This is one!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and asked, "What else?"

If there is one, there must be two.

"Secondly, you have the Jinyiwei school lieutenant in the army now, the only ones are the Jingying and Yongweiying, right?" Liu Weichao asked, but he actually knew the answer, so he continued without waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to speak, "Then why not take this opportunity to install Captain Jinyiwei in other armies. This time, someone wanted to make trouble, and Captain Jinyiwei stepped forward immediately. This is what it should be!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, his face finally looked a lot better, and he nodded immediately and said, "That's a good idea, then I will also arrange Jinyiwei Supervisor Army among other armies, which has the same role as the Beijing Camp and the Yongwei Battalion, right? ?”

"That's right!" Liu Weichao listened and nodded with a smile.

At this point, Emperor Chongzhen probably knew in his heart how to deal with the matter of Guanning Army tomorrow.After the mood improved, he immediately remembered that it was Liu Weichao who contacted him, so he asked Liu Weichao, "Are you looking for me for something?"

"Yes!" Liu Weichao listened and said with a smile, "Do you still remember Qian Yaoduo, the general manager of my former company?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought for a while before he remembered a little bit, and replied, "It seems to be embarrassing you, right? If he is with me, I will ransack his family and exterminate his family!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless after hearing this.

Forget it, just ignore it!

Thinking of this in his heart, he smiled and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "The company's original system collapsed, and his returnee nephew couldn't solve it, so he called me. I got a raise, why did I go early?"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen asked curiously, "Is it impossible for you to go back?"

"That's for sure!" Liu Weichao replied with a smile after listening, "Then he threatened me, I'll kill him! He even cursed me that I won't be able to get a part-time job for the rest of my life!"

"What does the bird mean?" Emperor Chongzhen asked curiously, hearing it a little strangely.

Liu Weichao was a little speechless when he heard it. He didn't want to explain such words, so he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "By the way, I will give you a suggestion about those captives."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was immediately diverted and asked quickly, "How do you think it should be handled?"

With so many captives, they consume a lot of food every day.It seems inappropriate to kill tens of thousands of people who have positions in it already.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao replied to Emperor Chongzhen, "Don't you need a lot of iron ore, then let them mine it! By the way..."

Speaking of this, he thought of something, and asked, "Didn't the Yellow River dam be dug? You can also escort them to build the dam!"

After a pause, Liu Weichao added: "But you still have to prevent them from escaping, not to escape from the prison, but to collude with the bandits!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, I will think about it carefully."

Having said that, he flipped through the royal case, took out a memorial and said: "By the way, I still have something to ask you!"

(End of this chapter)

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