Chapter 291

After listening to it, Liu Weichao couldn't help being a little curious when he saw the memorial he took out, so he asked, "What's the matter?"

"That's right!" Emperor Chongzhen replied quickly when he heard this, "The railway tracks on the other side of the mine have been built, and the experimental steam train has been running for a period of time, and it feels like a real railway can be built to reach the capital. ...However, there are some questions that I don't understand, so I want to ask you for advice!"

The railway information that Liu Weichao gave to Emperor Chongzhen before was just how to do it, and did not explain the reason.

At this time, when he heard Emperor Chongzhen's words, he smiled and said, "Okay, you can ask!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen looked at the opened memorial and read it to Liu Weichao: "Why must the wooden rails be covered with iron sheets? If they were not covered with iron sheets, the progress of railway construction would be much faster!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao laughed. Everyone who has gone to school knows this problem, so he explained to Emperor Chongzhen: "Because the train is going to pull heavy things, the less friction the better, the better the rails are. Compared with wood, the friction force is much smaller, so when the train pulls up the carriage, it will be much easier. Simply put, the smoother, the less friction force, the more it can slide. Do you understand?"

Emperor Chongzhen thought about this explanation for a while, and he could understand it, so he nodded.

Before he could speak, Liu Weichao added: "The knowledge of friction is in the physics textbook, maybe it's not in the textbook for you. I'll give you a more advanced physics textbook later!"

After saying this, Emperor Chongzhen seemed to think of something, his old face blushed, and he replied in a low voice: "I remembered, it seems that there is this in the physics textbook you gave me."

He was a little unhappy in his heart, and turned around to think that the eunuch, the head of the railway department, would look good, and he would ask all kinds of questions, it would be embarrassing!
Liu Weichao was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that it is one thing to learn the knowledge in textbooks, and another is to be able to apply it. Moreover, the people who were in charge of building the railway on the side of Emperor Chongzhen might not have learned the mathematics, physics and chemistry that he gave in the past. must.

After understanding this link, I felt that Emperor Chongzhen had a long way to go to truly apply the knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

So, he smiled and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "It's okay, if you spread science in the future, there will be more people who understand it."

Emperor Chongzhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Liu Weichao had given him the steps to go down without blaming him, and quickly asked the next question: "Why do railways have rails and sleepers, and are they laid on gravel? If it’s so troublesome, building the railway can be much faster!”

When asking this question, his voice was obviously not as high as the first one.

"Of course it's because of pressure!" Liu Weichao answered immediately after hearing this, and then felt that the standard answer seemed a bit difficult, so he said to Emperor Chongzhen, "Wait a minute, I'll search for relevant information, and then I can give you an accurate answer! "

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen seemed relieved, and quickly said: "It's okay, you can search!"

After a while, Liu Weichao found the results, and immediately replied to Emperor Chongzhen: "This is related to load bearing. The load of the train will be very large. If the rails are laid directly on the roadbed..."

This time, Liu Weichao is not like the last question, he can answer it casually.After explaining to Emperor Chongzhen for a while, it was considered that Emperor Chongzhen understood what was going on.

"So it's really necessary to do this!" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he heard it, "It's just laying like this, and it actually involves the solution of several problems."

After hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately smiled and said: "Of course, these are the best solutions obtained through exploration and practice, and there are reasons for each aspect. Let me tell you, you have my golden finger, It really saved me a lot of time and energy!"

"Ah... oh, hehe..." Emperor Chongzhen listened, although he didn't quite understand what a gold finger is, but he guessed something based on what he said, and laughed, "Indeed, you are my biggest gold finger... …thigh!"

He himself felt that his fingers were too thin to describe Liu Weichao's effect on him, but he even said the words "golden thighs", which was fine!
Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao laughed, and then said to him, "Are there any questions?"

"Yes!" Questions and answers were carried out in a harmonious atmosphere, and Emperor Chongzhen quickly asked the next question, "Why is the rail track made into an I shape?"

When Liu Weichao heard this, he couldn't answer the question directly, so he had to search for the answer again, and then explained it to Emperor Chongzhen.

Or because the train is very heavy, for this requirement, the top surface of the railway must have a certain width and thickness to bear the pressure, and for the stability of the rail, the bottom surface of the rail must also have a certain width; The wheels of the rim and the rails must have a certain height again.

Since the invention of the I-shaped structure, it has been like this for hundreds of years without much change, just because it is the most reasonable.

After explaining to Emperor Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen, who seemed to understand but half understood, asked the next question.

Where the railway turns, why is the outer rail padded higher than the inner rail?
And the seams of the rails, why should there be a little gap?

There are really many questions, most of which Liu Weichao can't answer immediately, and can only be answered by searching for answers.

After finally asking the question, Emperor Chongzhen said with emotion: "It turns out that there is a lot of knowledge in such an inconspicuous place!"

Liu Weichao listened and nodded. After being asked so much by Emperor Chongzhen, he also felt touched: "Actually, I didn't expect that there are so many things to pay attention to. You are doing well there. It seems that you really have to do it seriously, and you have to pay attention to it." You will think about why, this kind of talent!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he laughed immediately, thinking in his heart, the eunuch who is in charge of the railway department has done a good job, and he is indeed doing things seriously!

After hanging up the video communication, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

From the communication with Liu Weichao just now, he really felt the importance of mastering scientific knowledge.This is very practical knowledge, and the effect can be seen immediately.

However, nowadays, it is said that the people who can master scientific knowledge the most are those in the Royal Academy of Sciences of Ming Dynasty, besides that, the eunuchs and maids in the palace.

Because those textbooks given by Liu Weichao are convenient in the palace, and I am learning everything in one sentence.

Talents are hard to come by these days, so is it necessary to send these people to the Railway Department?

It feels a bit weird to have a group of eunuchs and court ladies mixed with a group of soldiers!

If scientific knowledge is promoted outside the palace, will all today's scholars learn scientific knowledge?

Emperor Chongzhen is now past the age of frizz. Thinking of this question, his brows were wrinkled, and he still hesitated in his heart.

After all, Confucianism has controlled scholars for thousands of years. If you are impacted by scientific knowledge, there will definitely be many problems!
After pondering for a while, Emperor Chongzhen could not help but sigh, feeling that it was not yet time.The most urgent task is to put down the chaos of the thieves!
He was thinking about it, when suddenly there was movement on the phone, and he took a closer look, but it was Liu Weichao who sent a document, what kind of cement was it made of.

When Emperor Chongzhen was about to click on it to watch it, another video communication request appeared on the screen, so he immediately clicked "Connect".

Liu Weichao appeared on the phone, smiled and said to Emperor Chongzhen, "What are you going to do next?"

"Of course the Jingying and Yongweiying were sent south to exterminate the thieves!" Emperor Chongzhen was a little confused, so he answered casually, and then asked, "Isn't that so?"

He can feel it, what should Liu Weichao say about this?
Under the curious gaze of Emperor Chongzhen, Liu Weichao smiled and said to him, "Look, what do you think of my thinking?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to speak, he expressed his thoughts: "The most difficult thing is not whether you can beat the rogue, but how to prevent the rogue from escaping. Are you right? ?”

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen had a headache, and said to Liu Weichao: "Yes, from the very beginning, the court officials and soldiers fought countless victories, but they were unable to completely wipe out the bandits, and even spread from Qin to all parts of the country. My head hurts like hell!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said with a smile: "So, I think fighting the thieves and winning the thieves is just an appearance. The most important thing is to eliminate the soil produced by the thieves and effectively prevent the thieves from wandering around at will. Possibly. Only in this way can the rebellion of thieves be truly and completely quelled! What do you think?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, his spirits lifted immediately, and he felt that it made sense, so he quickly said to Liu Weichao: "Yes, yes, what should I do?"

"I thought about it just now!" Liu Weichao said to him with a smile, "I also summed up the views of those big guys on the forum, and I think it's more appropriate for you to do this!"

Without waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to ask, he went on to say: "You must stabilize your basic market, improve people's livelihood, and no longer have people living in distress. Specifically, you can start from the capital, or the north. Take advantage of The opportunity of this great victory, taking advantage of the premise of continuous input of materials from the south, built water conservancy, opened up wasteland and farmland, built road infrastructure, etc. in the north..."

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen's eyes light up, Liu Weichao smiled and said, "Didn't I give you a document just now? It is used to make cement. This is a very useful basic material for whatever you do. In addition For railways, your current technology may be difficult for mountains and rivers. It should be the easiest thing to build railways on plains. You can also plan to build several railways together if you have the strength. At that time, the transportation of materials will be easy, and even the transportation of troops will be much easier..."

(End of this chapter)

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