Chapter 292
When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was very happy, but suddenly, his expression changed, and he became sad.

Liu Weichao saw it, and asked a little strangely: "What's wrong?"

Silently add another sentence in my heart: Is it possible that I am constipated?
"This great victory in Jizhou cost me more than one million taels!" Emperor Chongzhen cried bitterly, "The money here in the capital can't afford such consumption. In addition to the taels of silver earned from the previous raids, It’s really a bit beyond my means. I’m worried that if it’s done on such a large scale, I’ll run out of money later! Or…or…”

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless, and he didn't need to continue, he guessed that there was a high probability that it was followed by two words.

It is absolutely unacceptable to keep copying the house.

Relative to expenditure, Emperor Chongzhen's glass factory earned too little money.As for the others, there is no time for large-scale application, at least no income in the short term!
Thinking of this, Liu Weichao had no choice but to resort to a slapstick trick: "Lack of money, right? Then I'll find you a gold mine!"

"Ah?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard it, nodded quickly, and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay..."

Afterwards, Liu Weichao searched, and it was indeed nearby.

So, he smiled and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "The gold mine closest to the capital is relatively large. It is the gold mine in Zhangjiakou. The reserves are about 200 tons, which is about 400 million taels."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, four million taels of gold, a fortune!

So, he quickly said to Liu Weichao: "Then give me the specific location?"

"Well, I will give you the specific information of this mine later. It may not be so fast. After all, it is useless for me to give you the latitude and longitude. I want the specific address and the photo for you. If I can't find it online, then I will go there in person. Let’s go, I’ll give you a location on the spot.”

"Okay, okay!" Emperor Chongzhen was very happy when he heard this.

When Liu Weichao searched just now, he also happened to find iron ore. He knew that Emperor Chongzhen's side was actually mainly mines from Zunhua's side.

However, the mine in Zunhua was actually closed in Wanli ten years ago.It was later discovered that, in fact, there is still, and it is only being mined intermittently.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, that is, counting from the end of Wanli, the steel production in the south accounted for more than [-]% of the country's total.

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao smiled and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "There is another good news, that is, in the land of Gyeonggi, there is also a huge iron ore mineral belt!"

"Really?" Emperor Chongzhen asked subconsciously, and immediately knew that it must be true, so he quickly asked, "Where is it?"

"There are iron ore producing areas in eastern Hebei, from Miyun in the west to Qinhuangdao in the east, with about 613558.25 tons of iron ore reserves." Liu Weichao looked at the information and said to Emperor Chongzhen, "Specifically, I will also take care of it when I look back. Just look it up. In short, there is no shortage of iron ore."

Emperor Chongzhen smiled when he heard it, and immediately nodded and said: "Okay, okay..."

Seeing him so happy, Liu Weichao had to remind: "Actually, if you have gold and silver, if you don't have the supplies, you will still be caught blind. In the final analysis, you still need enough supplies. The most basic thing is food. Then warm clothes and so on."

"I know this!" Emperor Chongzhen replied quickly after hearing this, "Yangzhou earned more than [-] million taels, didn't he just buy supplies in the south? According to the previous news, the first batch of ships will arrive in Tianjin soon! "

Liu Weichao nodded after hearing this, and talked to Emperor Chongzhen for a while before being urged to hang up.

Although Emperor Chongzhen didn't say it clearly, he knew that he must be in a hurry to get information about the mine.

So, Liu Weichao searched online first, maybe he really had to go to the scene to look around later, otherwise Emperor Chongzhen might not be able to locate it.

Fortunately, now that I have money, I can go if I want, and there will be nothing.

He was thinking about this, but Emperor Chongzhen was excited.

After a long time, he slowly calmed down.Thinking back on the news I got from communicating with Liu Weichao, I fell into deep thought.


Early the next morning, sure enough, Sun Chuanting asked for an audience early in the morning, and the matter was the same.

After Emperor Chongzhen listened to his report, he said indifferently: "My companion said it was a mutiny in the military camp, does Sun Qing agree?"

"Your Majesty, I think that even if I am not here, those soldiers of the Guanning Army will not be able to cause mutiny in the barracks." Sun Chuanting calmly replied, "Therefore, this is not a mutiny in the barracks. If it is punished as a mutiny in the barracks, it may not be possible Convincing the public is also worthy of His Majesty's layout!"

Upon hearing his last reason, Emperor Chongzhen became a little curious, looked at Sun Chuanting and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, as soon as those soldiers of the Guanning Army shouted, they were stopped by the Jinyiwei Supervisor in the battalion. If they dare to make trouble again, the Jinyiwei Supervisor can order the soldiers of the Yongwei Camp and the Jingying Army to suppress them. The soldiers of the Ning army can't make any waves at all!" Sun Chuanting replied in a serious manner without any expression of flattery, "I think it is indeed a good strategy for His Majesty to deploy many Jinyi guards in the Yongwei camp and the Beijing camp. It can effectively prevent soldiers from making trouble!"

The implication is that if it is still necessary to be punished according to the mutiny of the military camp, it means that there is no Jinyiwei Supervising Army!
Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

After communicating with Liu Weichao, he has decided to give up his preferences and severely punish Wu Sangui and Guan Ningjun.Therefore, he was very pleased to hear that someone as serious as Sun Chuanting said that his strategy was good.

So, I heard Emperor Chongzhen say to Sun Chuanting: "Since this is the case, I plan to extend the deployment of the Jinyiwei Supervisory Army in the Beijing Camp and Yongwei Camp to other border troops. What does Sun Qing think?"

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting immediately bowed and said, "Your Majesty is wise!"

The Jinyiwei Supervising Army does not have the right to interfere in marching and fighting at ordinary times. The authority is only in the military's thinking and military merit evaluation.Judging from the actual effect of this battle, he felt that the effect was good with Jinyiwei Supervisors at all levels deployed in the army.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting has no objection.

Seeing that Sun Chuanting also agreed, Emperor Chongzhen asked him again: "Then there is Wu Sangui among these troublemakers, how should they be punished?"

Sun Chuanting heard this, and immediately replied: "The soldier who caused the trouble, with twenty military sticks, Mr. Wu has committed the crime of lax command, but if no serious consequences are caused, he can be fined for his military salary, a small punishment and a big punishment!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was dissatisfied, and said flatly: "It's too light!"

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while, and then added: "Before, due to helplessness, during the battle of Songjin, he held up the crime of running away, and put it down gently. Before looking at it again, some people didn't listen Suspicion of orders. To be honest, I am very dissatisfied with Guan Ningjun and Wu Sangui!"

Upon hearing this, Sun Chuanting knew that Emperor Chongzhen wanted to settle the old and new debts together.

Thinking of this, he was silent for a while, and then played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, if this is the case, you can demote him to the vice-general of suppressing thieves, and lead the troops to quell the rebellion, and pay off the crime!"

The deputy general is actually the so-called deputy commander in chief. In terms of military rank, he has been demoted by one level.

Emperor Chongzhen listened to Sun Chuanting's words, thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Forget it, let's do this, let him immediately lead the troops to the south, reinforce Zhongdu, and listen to Fengyang Governor Ma Shiying's orders!"

Now Ma Shiying's subordinates are mainly Liu Liangzuo's subordinates, guarding the imperial tomb in the central capital.In terms of military strength, the attack is definitely not enough. Adding [-] Guan Ning Cavalry, it should be able to increase its strength a lot and ensure that the imperial mausoleum is not lost.

Hearing the arrangement of Emperor Chongzhen, Sun Chuanting immediately asked for an order: "Your Majesty, now that the north has been settled, I am willing to lead the troops to the south to hunt down the thieves!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he shook his head and said: "The dam of the Yellow River in Kaifeng has been dug, and the people in the lower reaches are fleeing, and a large part of them have already gone to the capital. I think that the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month are quite suitable for marching and fighting. For the sake of inconvenience, it is better to stabilize the land of Gyeonggi and stabilize the north, after next year, how about choosing an opportunity to go to the south of the Yangtze River?"

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw him, he relayed the reasons he had communicated with Liu Weichao to Sun Chuanting, and finally said: "I thought that instead of chasing thieves like before, we should stabilize the north and restore people's livelihood. What do you think?"

"But Jiangnan is a tax-heavy place. If the chaos continues, the court's money and food will be a problem!" Of course, Sun Chuanting thought about it, and expressed his worry.

Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said: "I already know that there are large-scale gold mines and iron mines in Gyeonggi. Even if the taxes in the south of the Yangtze River cannot be collected, the income from the previous house raids in the north and south is enough to last for a year or two. Furthermore, the Zheng family has already promised that they will purchase food from Fujian and Guangdong, as well as Nanyang, and transport it to the north, so money and food are basically not a problem!"

When Sun Chuanting heard it, he was very surprised. He clearly sensed a very crucial word, and he asked with a look of surprise on his expressionless face, "The Zheng family?"

To be able to support the grain in the north, it is definitely a very huge number. The Zheng family has such great ability, not only can they purchase such a huge amount, but also send it to the north?

To be honest, he really couldn't figure out which Zheng family had such great ability!
After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't give him an explanation, but replied: "You just need to know that money and food in the north should be fine in the short term!"

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen didn't want to say anything, Sun Chuanting couldn't help it. After all, he was a courtier, and he couldn't force the emperor to give him an explanation.

So, after thinking about Emperor Chongzhen's thinking seriously, he immediately said: "Your Majesty, since this is the case, I think that we can deploy the Yongwei Battalion to Luoyang, the Central Plains, Kaifeng, and then reorganize the troops under the Governor of Baoding. Part of the Jingying army assisted. In this way, the way of the bandits going north can be blocked. When the reorganization of the Qin army is completed, the bandits can be encircled and suppressed in the south..."

(End of this chapter)

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