Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 306 The idea is inconsistent

Chapter 306 The idea is inconsistent
Speaking of this, Song Xiance walked to the hanging map, pointed to the eastern part of Henan and said, "This is the flooded area of ​​the Yellow River, so I conclude that Sun Chuanting must be advancing southward here, so..."

Hearing what he said was reasonable, Gao Yigong couldn't help asking: "What does the military division mean, that we bear the brunt and will encounter the imperial army?"

Song Xiance nodded upon hearing this, and said solemnly: "Jiangnan is a place where the imperial court pays a lot of taxes, and it is obviously a place that must be rescued. And Fengyang is where the imperial tomb is located. We are just on the way of the imperial court's army going south to rescue. The encounter is obvious. Here, I have two countermeasures!"

Upon hearing this, Li Zicheng quickly asked, "These two?"

"In the current situation, we are not conducive to a decisive battle with the imperial army, so we should go first!" Song Xiance said, pointing to the map and said, "The first countermeasure is to pass between the two armies of the imperial army. Pass, go northward through the flooded area of ​​the Yellow River, and jump to the north of the imperial army."

When Li Zicheng heard this, he frowned. Obviously, he didn't want to go to the flooded area of ​​the Yellow River, so he immediately asked, "What about the second road?"

After hearing this, Song Xiance pointed to the map again, this time a bit bigger, and replied to Li Zicheng, "The second way is that we go west immediately. It is best to capture Xiangyang and then look at the situation. Either go north to Henan, or You can go west to Shu, and you can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight..."

"Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?" Luo Ru couldn't help interjecting when he heard this, "What tiger?"

Song Xiance heard this, turned to look at him, and said confidently: "The Eight Great Kings seized Wuchang, killed the King of Chu, and established the Daxi Kingdom. His behavior will never be allowed by the court. Since we are not standing in the way of the court officials On the way, the first thing that the imperial army will encircle and suppress must be the subordinates of the Eight Great Kings. Sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight is to watch them fight on both sides, and then we will choose the opportunity to act!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Li Zicheng finally showed a happy expression when he heard this, "As expected of my good military advisor, let's do it like this!"

Niu Jinxing was a little jealous when he heard it, so he quickly followed suit and said: "Building walls high, accumulating grain widely, and becoming king slowly are the most reasonable sayings. His Eight Great Kings are so eager to become king. If they want to show off, they must be themselves." Ask for trouble!"

Li Zicheng opened his mouth to laugh when he heard it.However, he immediately thought of something again, and his face became gloomy.

When Niu Jinxing saw it, he immediately came back to his senses, and he had made a slip of the tongue, so he immediately shut up and didn't say anything more.

All kinds of news from the sentry before said that the reason why the court officers and soldiers changed drastically was that the Emperor Taizu appeared.

Indeed, in just one year, the court officials and soldiers were able to defeat Jianlu, who had never been defeated before, and still achieved such a great victory, ten thousand of them could not believe it.But what if it really was Emperor Taizu who appeared?

Thinking about Taizu back then, he was almost starved to death, and just like that, he expelled the Tartars and established Ming Dynasty.In this situation, if he manifests his spirit, even if he doesn't use the methods of the Xian family, he can still turn things around, right?
No, the strategy of building high walls, accumulating food widely, and slowly becoming king is not the good strategy of Taizu's meeting!A careless mention made people think of Emperor Taizu!
There are not too many stories and legends about ancestors appearing, dreaming, etc., as Chinese people.Emperor Taizu instructed the current emperor, so that the court situation has changed so much, it seems that everything is reasonable!
It can be said that the matter of Emperor Taizu's appearance is a big mountain that weighs on the hearts of all the thieves.No matter how unconvinced Li Zicheng was, he didn't dare to say that he was stronger than Emperor Taizu!

Therefore, by coincidence, everyone dare not mention this matter, dare not mention the name of Emperor Taizu.

At this time, Niu Jinxing accidentally uttered that famous saying, which immediately reminded people of Emperor Taizu, and suddenly, the hall became quiet.

In the end, it was Song Xiance who spoke first, and said to Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai who were sitting in the main seats: "How to choose, please show me the general!"

"Then go west and watch the situation after capturing Xiangyang!" Li Zicheng answered immediately after hearing this, and then asked Luo Rucai as if thinking of something, "What do you think?"

"I have no objection!" Luo Rucai listened, nodded and answered, and then said, "But the court has changed so much, I think it's better to send someone to notify the next Eight Great Kings!"

Among all the thieves, Luo Rucai is the most talented person, and has a good relationship with every thieves.Including Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, they are all the same.

At this time, he obviously wanted to sell Zhang Xianzhong a favor.

But in fact, with the elimination of the thieves, Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng finally came to the fore, Luo Rucai's quack tricks are actually not very useful.He vaguely felt that Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong were domineering for power, so he left Zhang Xianzhong and joined Li Zicheng.During the time he spent with Li Zicheng, he still wanted to show Zhang Xianzhong a favor based on the fact that he was uncomfortable.

However, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong were at odds with each other at this time.Earlier, Li Zicheng even wanted to deal with Zhang Xianzhong.It's just that Zhang Xianzhong saw the opportunity and ran away first.

If it was the original history, at the end of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, after Li Zicheng captured Xiangyang, Zhang Xianzhong was so frightened that he hurried away, which shows how their relationship is!

Now that Luo Rucai said he was going to notify Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng was immediately upset.For him, wouldn't it be best to let the court officers and the Eight Great Kings go dog-eat-dog?He still claims to be the King of Daxi, so let him be prestige!
Thinking of this in his heart, Li Zicheng's face became gloomy and he said: "You don't need to worry about it, don't they know how to inquire about it themselves? Such a big thing will spread all over the world sooner or later!"

"No!" Luo Ru explained after hearing this, "If we notify him earlier, we can let him respond in time and avoid some accidents!"

"Hehe!" Li Zicheng sneered when he heard it, "He is now the King of the West, and he is very powerful. Are you afraid of putting a hot face on a cold ass and making fun of yourself?"

When Luo Rucai heard it, he found it harsh, so he said unhappily: "You are a bit eccentric in what you said. After all, we are all rebels. Isn't it normal to give him some reminders?"

"Then why did you come here?" Li Zicheng sneered after hearing this, "Aren't you on good terms?"

"You..." When Luo Rucai heard this, she was so angry that she was speechless.

Li Zicheng's words touched his sore spot a bit.

In this day of rebellion, the greater the power, the more difficult life will be. It's not as good as when they were hiding in Tibet and fleeing here and there!
Seeing that the two of them were a little stiff, the people below persuaded them to make peace.Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai are still in a cooperative relationship at present, whoever doesn't want to get too tense, took advantage of the situation and took a step back.

The final result of the meeting's deliberations was, as Song Xiance said, that the army marched westward, clearing the way for the court officials and troops to go south, and hid in the west, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

At the end of the meeting, the bandit leaders all returned to their camps, received orders, packed up their things, and prepared to go west.

Among them, after the red lady followed Li Yan into her tent, she asked worriedly, "What's wrong with you?"

"Hehe, it's nothing, it's just that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, but we have to run around on the road. This year, we won't be able to enjoy the Chinese New Year again!" Li Yan replied with a smile after hearing this.

As Li Yan's bedside person, Hong Niangzi could not see that Li Yan was thinking, so she screened off the guards and asked Li Yan, "Do you not want to go to the west?"

Hearing this, Li Yan sighed, and no longer smiled, looked at this confidante, and said in a low voice: "The general and Cao Cao seem to be in harmony, once the pressure is too great, I'm afraid something big will happen! "

If everything goes well, then maybe you are happy and so am I.However, if things don't go well, many small conflicts may turn into big conflicts, even if there are no conflicts, conflicts will arise.

The red lady heard this, but before she could say anything, she saw Li Yan and said worriedly: "You have also seen that the general does not listen to persuasion at all, and thinks that the people's hearts are useless, and wants to follow their old path. As everyone knows, he has been a thief all his life. , How can the heroes of the world return their hearts? The future ending is really worrying! And..."

Having said that, he suddenly sighed and stopped talking.

After hearing this, the red lady stepped forward, held Li Yan's hands, and said with an expression: "I don't care about other things, anyway, wherever my husband is, I will follow there!"

After hearing this, Li Yan's eyes showed gratitude and relief, and he also held the red lady's hands tightly and said, "I'll tell you the truth, I regret it a little bit!"

Speaking of this, he explained himself without waiting for the red lady to speak: "Although the general respects me on the surface, they are still old brothers, and they vaguely reject me. I can feel it. And Niu Jinxing, I also don’t want to see me being reused by the general, and from time to time I will be criticized in front of the general. I didn’t see hope before, so I just followed the general, and I followed. But...but..."

When he said this, seeing the tenderness in the eyes of the red lady looking at him, without a trace of blame or surprise, Li Yan summoned up his courage and continued: "Now the Emperor Taizu is showing his spirit, and today's son is working hard and doing something. Already, it was a blockbuster, and it actually wiped out an army of more than [-] Jianlu. In this way, it is estimated that Liaodong will not be able to enter the pass again for at least a few years, and the imperial court can concentrate on suppressing the chaos. If you want to rebel, it will probably be more difficult than before gone."

"Of course, I'm not saying that we can't share weal and woe with them, but that many things really do not agree with each other. It is hard for me to accept that the excavation of the Yellow River embankment can be done. I persuade them to put the hearts of the people first, although it will be more difficult. But the harvest will be great. But they only care about immediate interests and don't listen to me, which makes me a little disheartened. Also, if I expected the title of Yuan Shizhong to be a knight, this is a bone of gold, which shows that today's son wants to Eager to end the troubled times..."

(End of this chapter)

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