Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 307 Marry a monkey and run all over the mountain

Chapter 307 Marry a monkey and run all over the mountain

After hearing this, the red lady asked a little surprised: "Then what does the husband mean, is he going to seek refuge with the imperial court?"

Speaking of this, she seemed to be afraid of Li Yan's misunderstanding, so she quickly added sincerely: "I am a woman, I have a crush on you, and I will be your man in the future. There is a saying that goes well, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog Dog, marry a monkey and run all over the mountains! If you want to rebel, I will rebel against you, if you want to recruit, I will recruit you, or if you want to live your life incognito, I will live with you!"

Li Yan looked at the deep love in the eyes of the red lady, and couldn't help feeling grateful in his heart, and said softly: "I, Li Yan, can meet a lady in this life, what a blessing it is!"



When you are thick and thick inside, suddenly, there are guards' scolding from outside, it seems that there is something wrong.

When Li Yan heard this, he came back to his senses. He took Hong Niangzi's hand, and the two went out to check the situation together.

"The general has an order to count the number of people in each department, and it must be ensured that there will be no reduction in personnel during the march! If there is any, it will be punished as a deserter, and the general will be held accountable!"

When Li Zicheng's messenger saw Li Yan and Hong Niangzi, he shouted the order, and then rushed to other camps to deliver the order.

Li Yan frowned when he heard this.

In the past, there was no such term.As a matter of fact, it is common for bandits to have more or less people as they walk.As long as the big difference is not bad, no one will care.

But now, Li Zicheng actually handed down such a military order. Obviously, he was afraid that the imperial court's victory in Jizhou, which defeated the Jianlu, would affect the morale of the army among the exiles and lead to large-scale desertion.

Seeing the messenger go away, the red lady asked Li Yan in a low voice, "What should we do?"

After hearing this, Li Yan understood what she really meant when she asked this question, so he replied in a low voice: "Let's take a step and see. Handle it yourself."

So, the two of them began to arrange, or in other words, the entire army of thieves began to move, and finally left a field of chicken feathers. The army marched westward in the cold winter and the Spring Festival was approaching.


In various parts of the south of the Yangtze River, as Wu Sangui's [-] Guan Ning cavalry troops marched south, news of the great victory in Jizhou spread quickly.

Especially shortly after Wu Sangui's Guan Ning Cavalry Army arrived, Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai's coalition forces took the initiative to flee westward, which proved the rumors that the imperial army was going south soon.

For a while, starting from Fengyang Mansion, and then going to Yangzhou Mansion, etc., the good news passed along the canal made the people and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River breathe a sigh of relief under the heavy pressure.

Regarding the fact that the imperial court suddenly conjured up a powerful army, the news of Emperor Taizu's apparition became more credible.Jiangnan, which was originally bleak, suddenly began to make preparations for the New Year's Eve.

Emperor Taizu appeared, just some thieves, sooner or later they will be wiped out!

Confidence, the expectation of a peaceful future, has never been stronger than before!

These things were also immediately reflected in Jiangnan's purchasing office. Originally, only the maritime trade families would visit. After the news of Jizhou's great victory spread, other wealthy merchants also began to visit to discuss cooperation.


The news of Jizhou's great victory was naturally transmitted from the capital to all directions.At the same time that it spread to Jiangnan, Qindi also got the news.

Qin Di's soldiers were all shocked.In other words, in the beginning, no one believed that the great victory in Jizhou was real!Even if there was a mansion newspaper written in black and white, they would not believe a word of it!
After all, for so many years, so many troops fought against Jianlu, and they were all defeated in the end, and even the entire army was wiped out.

Among other things, let's just talk about the most recent battle of Songjin. Hong Chengchou, the governor of Jiliao, made his fortune in Qin. His ability to lead troops to fight is definitely admired by all Qin soldiers.It can be said that under the leadership of Hong Chengchou, they have almost never been defeated in encircling and suppressing thieves.There is also Cao Bianjiao's department, which is also a well-known elite teacher.

But the final result is that the entire army was not wiped out. The last news is that even Hong Chengchou surrendered to Jianlu.

Then some people said that the imperial court beat hundreds of thousands of Jianlu troops and almost wiped out the entire army!
Whoever believes in this kind of thing is stupid!
However, as time passed, there were more and more news about the Battle of Jizhou. From all aspects, it seemed that the Battle of Jizhou was real.

In particular, some captives were escorted to Zhangjiakou to dig gold mines. This gold mine plus captives, these two gossips are absolutely eye-catching, making the news spread faster!
Qin Di's soldier was a little dumbfounded.From being dismissive to half-doubting, to basically believing that there is such a thing, but the results of the suspicion are exaggerated. In short, it is slowly believing that the great victory in Jizhou may really happen.

No matter how many Jianlu were eliminated or captured, in short, the imperial court actually defeated the Jianlu, which made Qin's soldiers start to feel uneasy.

One of the representatives is He Renlong who is known as "Crazy He".

This He Renlong was promoted from the local defense all the way to the commander in chief. He was like a lunatic in battle, so he got the nickname of He lunatic.

However, his situation was finally changed by Yang Sichang.

Because after Lu Xiangsheng's death in battle, Yang Sichang promised He Renlong a military reward when he came out of the capital to command the soldiers and horses to encircle and suppress the bandits. As a result, later, He Renlong worked so hard, but Yang Sichang released the dove and promised him benefits, but instead Gave it to Zuo Liangyu.

As a result, He Renlong completely lost his mind.Don’t learn if you are good, start to learn from Zuo Liangyu, fight passively, at most fight with the wind, if you want to fight a tough battle, turn around and run away, killing the governor.

According to the original historical development, He Renlong learned from Zuo Liangyu without getting a degree, and there was no one in the court, so Emperor Chongzhen set up a model. .Zuo Liangyu is still fine!
By the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, the prestige of the imperial court was already very weak locally, not to mention, in the hearts of the commander-in-chief who held military power.Otherwise, they wouldn't be so arrogant.

This is probably also the reason why Emperor Chongzhen finally ordered Sun Chuanting to trap and kill He Renlong in order to restore his prestige.However, history has proved that relying on this method is actually useless.

But on this plane, it's different.

The imperial court did not kill a single soldier, but as the news of Jizhou's great victory spread, He Renlong panicked and called his generals to discuss together.

"The new trilateral governor, Mr. Du, has already entered the pass, and ordered the generals from all over the country to go to the governor's mansion in Guyuan to discuss matters." He Renlong asked worriedly, "You say, should I go or not?"

If you want to flee the battle, of course it is an army together.The same goes for his generals, but He Renlong took the lead.

Hearing his words at this time, they all looked worried, fearing that the autumn queen would settle accounts, so they lowered their heads sadly and did not speak.

On the contrary, one of the tall and handsome generals stood up and said to He Renlong, although he was also worried, "Commander, I think I should go, otherwise, the only way is to rebel!"

He Renlong heard the sound and looked, and found that it was Gao Jie who had cheated on Li Zicheng's wife, both eloped, surrendered to the army, and was finally placed under him by Hong Chengchou.

Knowing that Gao Jie's brain is easier to use, he asked, "If I go, what if... what if the court pursues responsibility?"

After Gao Jie heard this, he immediately replied: "It's still the same sentence. If the commander-in-chief doesn't go, he will hate the new governor. If the new and old debts are settled together, there will only be rebellion. If you don't want to, at least go, and the new governor Be better in front of him, let him rely on the commander, then he will be safe!"

Speaking of this, he didn't wait for He Renlong to say anything, and quickly added: "The general has carefully inquired about the news. This new governor was only the prefect of Changsha at the beginning of the year. It is said that he was summoned by the emperor with [-] miles. Let him recruit Xiao Yuan Ying, then rise to the top, serve as the chief of the capital camp, and then be promoted to the governor of the three sides. It can be said that he is the absolute confidant of the emperor. As long as he can recognize the commander in chief, then the past is nothing!"

He Renlong was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly asked: "Then how about I prepare a big gift?"

He and Zuo Liangyu were treated differently. After such a long time, he could naturally understand a little bit what the difference between the two of them was!
After Gao Jie heard this, he shook his head and said, "This new governor should be a capable person. It would be inappropriate to treat him like a civil servant like before. The general thought that he dared to go to Xiaoyuan's camp alone to recruit security, which means he is a A person who has courage and dares to take risks for the affairs of the court. Therefore, the best commander is to show him the brave side of the commander, who can be used by him. In this way, even if the commander-in-chief will be punished because of the previous things, at most Just hold it up high and put it down gently!"

He Renlong nodded when he heard this. This actually suits his taste.He considers himself a martial artist, and he hates dealing with those civil servants who are crooked, so he said to Gao Jie: "If you only judge a hero based on military merit, who am I afraid of?"

Without this understanding, he wouldn't be called a crazy man!

As soon as Gao Jie heard it, he immediately fell in love with him, and there was another burst of flattery, which made He Renlong very happy.

Finally, he said to He Renlong: "Commander, since this is the case, the general thinks that it is better to leave early. If he can be the first to go to the governor's account to listen to the order, this is the commander's attitude towards the new governor. Learn from the old The famous general Lian Po pleaded guilty, and the last general thought that in the future, the commander-in-chief must be the number one general under the governor's command!"

Upon hearing this, He Renlong couldn't help laughing out loud.

Gao Jie also laughed when he saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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