Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 309 Rectifying the Qin Land

Chapter 309 Rectifying the Qin Land
Afterwards, Du Yinxi strode into the tent of the Chinese army without saying a word.

This situation surprised He Renlong and the others.After a sudden glance, he stood up and followed in.

Du Yinxi went to sit at the coach's seat, then looked at the generals who followed, and shouted coldly: "Where is He Renlong?"

He Renlong was a little confused about the situation, and felt a little uneasy. When he heard the question, he stepped forward and clasped his fists again in response: "The last general is here?"

When Du Yinxi saw him, he stared at him, but didn't speak immediately, which made He Renlong feel a little nervous.

After a while, he heard Du Yinxi shout and ask: "Are you convicted?"

Is this to Xingshi to inquire about the crime?When He Renlong heard this, he was startled, and his heart sank.

If it is true according to the laws of the Ming Dynasty, he has committed the crime of running away more than once, and beheading his capital is a minor offense.

Will He Renlong be caught without a fight?Of course it is impossible!
Therefore, after he reacted, he felt that since you want to ask the crime, you should tear your face apart!

However, He Renlong remembered what Gao Jie had said to him, that he wanted to plead guilty to the new governor and strive to embrace the new governor's thigh, so that the future will be bright!

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately remembered that the governor had only brought a dozen or so guards here. If he was really going to be punished according to the Great Ming law, wouldn't he be looking for death!
In other words, the governor would definitely not want him to die, or else he wouldn't have entered the barracks alone!Maybe there won't even be a heavy punishment, otherwise, with the honor of the governor, wouldn't he be worried about turning his face?If that's the case, wouldn't it be up to him to decide with the governor's rich body, who would dare to come to the barracks like this?

Thinking of this, He Renlong began to think about it.

But before he could speak, Du Yinxi said to him in a cold voice: "Kaixian made a noise and returned. The fierce commander lost with a single army, and the two thieves Xian and Cao came out. So far, it has not been settled. When the enemy abandons the commander, he will be defeated first. As a result, Xincai and Xiangcheng even lost the second governor (referring to Fu Zonglong and Wang Qiaonian), can you plead guilty?"

Hearing this, He Renlong was startled and felt cold.

This governor is showing no mercy at all, mercilessly condemning him according to the law, is this to punish himself to death?

If he really wanted to die, he would naturally be dying!
However, when He Renlong raised his head subconsciously and saw Du Yinxi, he suddenly came back to his senses. Behind him were all his trusted generals, and this was also his military camp. It was impossible for Du Yinxi to be a civil servant. My brain is broken, I ordered to kill him here, right?

Thinking of this, after hesitating for a while, He Renlong decided to see the situation before he knelt down on one knee and replied, "The general will be convicted!"

If the Governor-General dares to talk about taking people, he will not care about it. Life-saving is the most important thing, and it will be the opposite.

Of course, this road is not what he wants to take, and he will only take it when he has no choice but to go.

Just when he was a little worried and didn't know what was going to happen next, he heard Du Yinxi say to him: "Such a serious crime should be executed according to the law! But your majesty is wise, and you know that you have fought for the country and made great achievements in battle, which is rare. You won a good general, and even your son died fighting for the country last year. The crimes you committed were all because Yang Sichang did not know the rewards and punishments, which chilled your heart. Therefore, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped. , can you accept the crime?"

Although He Renlong defeated Li Zicheng in the Battle of Lingbao Mountain in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, his son He Daming died in the battle.He Renlong felt that he had paid too much but was overwhelmed by the old slippery Zuo Liangyu who he despised, so he stopped exerting all his strength and saved his strength to deal with the war.

At this time, Du Yinxi said that Emperor Chongzhen remembered his past achievements, and when he thought of his son, his eyes immediately turned red.

How many life-and-death fights from a mere garrison, it can be said that for so many years, he has been fighting north and south, and has experienced many days and nights of life and death. I remember!
Some people, don't look at him who is fierce on weekdays, but he also has a soft side in his heart.

The same is true for He Renlong. For a long time, especially after comparing with Zuo Liangyu, he always thought that he was a child raised by his stepmother, and he worked hard but failed.Unexpectedly, the number one person in the world actually remembered his good deeds!
At this time, after listening to Du Yinxi's words, he immediately knelt down on his knees, knocked hard, and replied with a bit of sobs: "The crime of the last general!"

This penalty did not kill him, it was just a slap in the face. This kind of pain is not uncommon for a fighter on the battlefield.As for demotion, he doesn't care, as long as he can be treated fairly, he believes that he can be promoted back to the general army, or even higher.

Of course, if it was said that he was going to kill him, then even if Emperor Chongzhen remembered his achievements, he would not be able to plead guilty.

When Du Yinxi saw him, he nodded secretly in his heart. He originally prepared two plans.

The main thing is to see how He Renlong's confession attitude is. If he thinks he can be cured, then this matter will be over after being punished like this; , then after stabilizing He Renlong, there is still a chance to kill him when he turns around.

Of course, that's what Emperor Chongzhen said, but Du Yinxi naturally didn't know that this was not what Emperor Chongzhen himself meant, but Liu Weichao gave him a staff.Otherwise, the matter of He Renlong's son's death in battle would never have been heard by Datian. It was Liu Weichao who found out and analyzed He Renlong's deeds.

At this time, Du Yinxi turned his head to look at the others, and immediately shouted: "Where is Gao Jie?"

Gao Jie and the others had been watching, and seeing that the governor had sent He Renlong down in such a way, they felt confident, and they all stepped forward to obey the order very quickly.

Not surprisingly, for these generals, they were beaten with military sticks and demoted, allowing them to make meritorious deeds.

After the generals in the Chinese army's tent knelt down and accepted their punishment, Du Yinxi looked at them and said in a deep voice: "From tomorrow, each army will check the number of people themselves, verify and report, and severely punish those who are false. There shall be no private soldiers in the army, and all of them shall be listed on the roster and reported to the official! After the imperial armors arrive, they will be distributed according to the roster!"

The so-called private soldiers are actually servants of generals at all levels.

Normally speaking, generals at all levels, especially those with many servants, would definitely oppose the abolition of servants.

However, the military system of Jia Ding is actually not justified, and it cannot be put on the table. The most important thing is that what Du Yinxi said behind said that after the imperial armor arrived, it was distributed according to the roster.

Needless to say, just look at the army directly under the governor to know what the imperial court's armor is like.

He Renlong and the others imagined that if they could lead a truly elite army, wouldn't it be commonplace to win battles!Why do you have to support the family? Isn't it just a way of fighting that you came up with out of desperation.The ultimate goal is to make military contributions to beat his wife and son!

Therefore, after hearing Du Yinxi's words, He Renlong and the others had no objection and immediately agreed loudly.

Then, the execution began.

He Renlong's subordinates, the whole army gathered, Du Yinxi pronounced the sentence, and a group of generals headed by He Renlong hit the army sticks with a "crack" in front of the whole army.

During this process, the whole audience was solemn and solemn, even though most of He Renlong's army were recruited by thieves, at this moment, everyone was solemn and quiet.

Five days later, all military leaders, including He Renlong, submitted their new rosters to the governor's office.

Du Yinxi looked at the generals below who had been punished more or less, and said in a deep voice: "I ordered the reorganization of the Jingying and Yongwei battalions, and then the Jingying and Yongwei battalions fought more than a dozen times in the Battle of Jizhou. Wan Jianlu's entire army was almost wiped out. Now I am appointed as the governor of the three sides by order, and I also want to reorganize the Qin army and put down the rebellion in Qin!"

At this point, he paused, glanced at the generals below, saw that they were all excited, and then continued: "The court also knows that the root of calming down the rebellion is the people's livelihood, but the capital is too far away, and it is not enough to transport food westward." Reality. Therefore, from next year, Qin will also promote sweet potato crops as a supplement to food. In addition, I will visit several vassal kings by order and ask them to provide some money and food; other than that, I will have to eat outside. You guys People from all walks of life, in addition to quelling the rebellion in the area under the jurisdiction of Ding, also send cavalry to fight Hetao!"

In the astonished expressions of He Renlong and others, Du Yinxi sneered and said: "How many times have the Mongolian Tatars entered the customs with the Jian captives? Your Majesty has an order, and it is not indecent to come and go. You wait until you leave the customs. The spoils of war and the imperial court will be divided equally, and the military exploits will be counted separately!"

The grassland outside the Qin land is the famous Hetao area, which belongs to the Tumote tribe of Mongolia.

This tribe was once brilliant during the Jiajing period.Their leader, Altan Khan, even led his troops to the capital, and later made peace, and Daming named Altan Khan King of Shunyi, and opened the border market.

However, by the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Tumote tribe had fallen, and was defeated by Lin Danhan of the Chahar tribe and fled westward, and the Hetao area fell into the hands of Lin Danhan.But within two years, Lin Dan Khan was defeated by Jianlu again. Not only did he die of illness while fleeing west, but even his wife and son returned to Huang Taiji and other slave chiefs.

Afterwards, the Tumed tribe returned to Hetao, surrendered to Jianlu, and was divided into left and right banners by Jianlu, further weakening its strength.

There was no pressure at all for He Renlong and the others who had been weakened again by Tumote.Not only can the loot be split in half, but the military exploits are also counted separately, which immediately aroused their ferocity. If they hadn't been subdued by Du Yinxi, they would have screamed on the spot.

So, they waited until the New Year was over and the weather improved, and they prepared to leave the customs.


On the capital's side, news about the fall of Wuchang, the killing of the king of Chu, and even the beginning of Zhang Xianzhong's founding of the country finally reached the capital in the last few days of the year.

All of a sudden, the officials were furious, these thieves even want to build a country, they can't be killed!

(End of this chapter)

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