Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 310 Different angles

Chapter 310 Different angles
With the confidence of the great victory in Jizhou, everyone shouted fiercely, as if Zhang Xianzhong, a bandit of thieves, would collapse and be wiped out as soon as the imperial army arrived.

Even Emperor Chongzhen was very angry when he heard the news, so he thought of immediately adjusting his previous deployment and sending troops to destroy Zhang Xianzhong's troops.

For the ancients like them, if the thieves were just thieves, they would establish a country with the thieves, set up six and five armies, and even open a course to obtain scholars. These two behaviors are completely different perceptions.

Especially for an emperor, it is even more intolerable for another regime to appear in the country he rules.

And this is also why Zhu Yuanzhang took the initiative to slow down his claim to the king, because he didn't want to attract the attention of the ruler at that time, and make a fortune silently!

Of course, the act of claiming the king is not without benefits, otherwise no one would be so stupid!
Once Jianguo proclaims himself king and emperor, his temperament will completely change. He will no longer be a thief, but the founding emperor or hero of the founding of the country, and his reputation will spread quickly.

Some ambitious people, some people who are dissatisfied with the existing court, will go away upon hearing the news.Founding a country and becoming king and emperor is like an egg with a crack, attracting many flies to gather.

Once it is established, it is likely to be a devastating blow to the existing regime!

Moreover, this kind of behavior is likely to greatly encourage other careerists and thieves to follow suit, and the world will become more chaotic and more difficult to deal with.

Based on all these, hearing all the civil and military officials at the court meeting shouting to immediately extinguish Zhang Xianzhong's very bad signs, Emperor Chongzhen really had to agree.

But when he raised his hand angrily, and was about to shoot up, the sachet dangling in his chest suddenly brought him back to his senses.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen suppressed his anger reluctantly, and immediately ordered: "Your Majesty, please discuss it again!"

After speaking, he turned to the apse.

For Chief Assistant He Fengsheng and others, they were no longer surprised by Emperor Chongzhen's behavior.

Emperor Chongzhen would do this more than once when he had to make major decisions.Although they didn't say it clearly, after many times, they all knew that Emperor Chongzhen should use the treasure bestowed by Taizu to communicate with the immortal.

They were right. When Emperor Chongzhen entered the apse, he immediately took out his mobile phone from his sachet and initiated a video communication request with Liu Weichao.

After waiting for a while, Liu Weichao answered the phone. Just as he was thinking of asking a question, he found that Emperor Chongzhen had an angry expression on his face. He couldn't help being a little curious, and immediately asked, "What's wrong, who messed with you again?"

Emperor Chongzhen saw through the background that Liu Weichao was outside, so he knew that he had not returned home, but since Liu Weichao took the initiative to speak, it meant that there was no problem with speaking, so he said angrily: "The eighth king Zhang Xianzhong captured Wuchang, Not to mention killing the King of Chu, but also establishing the Daxi Kingdom, claiming to be the King of Daxi, setting up six divisions and five military governors, and opening courses to recruit scholars. I will never allow this to happen, you say, I will immediately pass the decree to Sun Qing How about asking him to gather his troops and go south to destroy Zhang Xianzhong?"

Liu Weichao was taken aback when he heard that, because he wanted to help Emperor Chongzhen, he watched and watched the events of Chongzhen fifteen years ago.If I remember correctly, Zhang Xianzhong should have done this in the [-]th year of Chongzhen.

In other words, it should be due to the butterfly effect, which led to Zhang Xianzhong's defeat of Wuchang in advance, and the establishment of the country and becoming king in advance.

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao replied to Emperor Chongzhen: "You have a lot of strong troops now, and you should be able to beat Zhang Xianzhong. Since he dares to be king, then..."

What he originally meant was to follow Emperor Chongzhen's intentions, and if he wanted to send troops to destroy them, he would send troops to destroy them.However, all of a sudden, he suddenly remembered why he deployed in that way before, instead of sending troops to the south of the Yangtze River immediately, and he couldn't continue talking about it.

Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he saw that he had spoken halfway and suddenly stopped talking, and asked quickly, "What's wrong?"

"Well, let me ask you..." Liu Weichao adjusted his thinking, and then asked Emperor Chongzhen, "The strategy we decided before was to deploy the Yongwei Battalion to garrison Luoyang, and Kaifeng and Baoding to expand and reorganize the army. What is Zhiwei going south for?"

Emperor Chongzhen was taken aback for a moment, and after recovering, he immediately replied: "Naturally, it is to stabilize the situation in the north and prevent the thieves from entering the north again, which will destroy the stability of the north. Another thing is to drive the thieves to the south and let the They are going to bite dogs with those iron cocks in the south!"

"That's right!" Liu Weichao listened, praised him immediately, and then asked, "Then let me ask you again, is it easier to deal with thieves, or is it easier to deal with thieves entrenched in one place?"

It would be really hard to say this if it was changed before, such as before the Jizhou victory.

At that time, the Battle of Songjin was defeated, and the [-] elite army was wiped out, and the imperial court had almost no strong troops to use.For the imperial court, no matter what kind of thieves are, as long as they are powerful ones, they will be a headache.

But at this moment, with the confidence of Jizhou's great victory, Emperor Chongzhen almost didn't even think about it, and immediately replied: "Of course it's the easiest to deal with the thieves entrenched in one place! The most troublesome..."

As soon as he answered this point, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly understood what Liu Weichao meant, and didn't say any more.

Instead, he changed his words and answered Liu Weichao: "You mean, the best thing I can do is to turn the rogues into local thieves who don't roam around, so that it is easier to encircle and suppress?"

"Yeah, that's what I think." Liu Weichao said with a smile after hearing this, "You need time now to sort out more useful troops and stabilize the situation in the north so that it can settle down. As for Zhang Xianzhong in the south So what if he establishes a country and proclaims himself emperor? Even if many people defect to him, so what? As long as you do your internal work well, you will do what you want to do well, and when the time comes, you will send troops south, mobilize more troops, and encircle and annihilate them all at once. Wouldn't it be better to get rid of them, and by the way, wipe out all those who have rebellious ideas in the south?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help laughing, nodded repeatedly and said, "Not bad, not bad, this is the best way, ah, you're more thoughtful! You don't know, when the news spread to the capital, I and all the courtiers were very angry. They all wanted to destroy that Zhang Xianzhong immediately!"

Liu Weichao smiled and replied modestly: "Maybe it's because I'm an outsider, and I don't pay much attention to the gains and losses of a city or a place. Therefore, the angle of thinking about things is a little different from yours."

For the later generations who grew up under the red banner, the phrase "If you save land and lose people, all people and land will be lost; if you save people and lose land, all people and land will remain" is probably the same as eating and drinking water, and it has become the most basic one for future generations. cognition.At least for most of the male compatriots who like to fight and so on, it must be so.

Therefore, the thinking mode is really different from the ancient people who attached great importance to the territory and the idea of ​​losing cities and land.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen immediately approved of Liu Weichao's statement. The biggest reason was that he had the confidence to wipe out the thieves entrenched in the south.

Otherwise, it would be a fool to let it develop without being sure of eradicating it!

At this time, seeing that Emperor Chongzhen agreed with his point of view, Liu Weichao smiled again and said: "I doubt that after the news of Jizhou's great victory spreads, it will scare them, and they may want to run away at any time. You If we really send troops to the south, it will probably be another chase."

Under the premise that there are not enough soldiers capable of fighting, the most troublesome thing is for the thieves to flee.It can't be wiped out, leaving a place of chicken feathers, and even more places have been affected by the war.

After all, in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the local army was no longer able to fight against the bandits such as Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong.Not to mention interception, even defending the city will be more reluctant.

If it was in the early years, if the bandits were not strong, they wouldn't be so troublesome.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard Liu Weichao's words, he immediately nodded and echoed: "Thanks to your reminder, the original strategy will remain unchanged. The north that has settled down can no longer fall into chaos. Otherwise, when will the world be peaceful?" head!"

Speaking of which, after he paused, he said to Liu Weichao with a little smile: "It takes about two months from the Jiangnan procurement office to the capital by sea, and now Jiangnan has delivered two batches of grain and grass. The arrival of the supplies has greatly eased the supplies on the side of the capital, and this year is probably the easiest year I have had since I ascended the throne!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Liu Weichao to speak, he himself went on to say: "In the past, there was actually a dispute over sea transport or canal water transport in the court. I thought about using those who advocated sea transport, what do you think? "

On both sides of the canal, in the [-]th and [-]th years of Chongzhen, the plague was rampant, which also seriously affected the water transportation.It is also true that there is a strategy of recruiting water workers as new recruits in the Beijing camp, and the purchase of government offices in the south of the Yangtze River is transferred to sea transportation.

In this way, it will be much easier for Emperor Chongzhen to change the canal water transport to sea water transport.

For this matter, Liu Weichao certainly has no objections.At least for the keyboard warriors of later generations, they will feel that the change of the canal to the sea is an improvement.

Seeing that Liu Weichao also agreed, Emperor Chongzhen said with some regret: "It's a pity that sea transportation is greatly affected by the wind direction, otherwise it would be faster to travel from south to north."

Hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately asked with a smile, "Is your steam engine just for eating? If you point out the steamship technology tree, you basically don't have to care about the direction of the wind!"

This proposal has actually been mentioned before.However, Emperor Chongzhen had too few manpower available, at least too few manpower in terms of technology, so he never pushed forward these things.As far as today is concerned, he has concentrated his elite soldiers and generals and laid them on the side of the railway department.

At this time, after hearing Liu Weichao's words, Emperor Chongzhen fell into thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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