Chapter 311
Seeing Emperor Chongzhen's silence, Liu Weichao smiled and said to him: "If it's all right, then I'll hang up first, and my employees in the company are preparing some New Year's gifts!"

"Ah?" Emperor Chongzhen listened, and responded subconsciously, and then replied, "That's right, it's almost New Year's Eve!"

Liu Weichao nodded, and said with a little emotion: "Yes, it's the Chinese New Year. Thinking about this year, the changes have been really big. With your help, I have changed from a wage earner who was despised by Qian Yaoduo to a There is an online store business department under him, and there is also a company owner of the clothing business department!"

Hearing what he said, Emperor Chongzhen also said with emotion: "Although I have always been an emperor, I have changed from a king of subjugation to a master of revival. It should be said that the change is even greater than yours. This is also true. It's all thanks to you!"

Liu Weichao smiled and said: "Haha, this is my business, you strengthen the country, let's make progress together!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Emperor Chongzhen agreed happily when he heard this word: "I strengthen the country, if you start a business, we will do both!"

After finishing speaking, the two laughed in unison again, and Liu Weichao estimated that Emperor Chongzhen was fine, so he said to him: "Then let's not talk, I will go to choose some New Year's gifts and give them to the employees, so that they will be happy at the end of the year." Be happy."

The employees of his company are all local, that is, people from the county. There is no problem of going home early during the Spring Festival, and they are basically on holiday according to national statutory holidays.

Hearing Liu Weichao's words, Emperor Chongzhen came back to his senses and said, "Then I will also prepare some gifts for my...employees?"

Speaking of this, he paused, and said a little worriedly: "But I still seem to be very poor, and I can't give you anything decent to reward!"

The emperor's reward, it must not be too casual, it must show the royal demeanor!

However, Emperor Chongzhen knew the products Liu Weichao bought through the video, and they were absolutely dazzling, with all kinds of things.As for himself, this year he focused on strengthening the army, and the lack of supplies made him at least feel that he couldn't produce anything worthy of rewarding his subjects.

If it was in the past, even if the New Year rewards were given, they would be the same as casual rewards, so how could there be any intention to do this.However, this year is different. With the great victory in Jizhou, the general situation of the world has changed accordingly. This is the year of his revival, the year of his ascension to the throne and the real turning point for him to become emperor. !
After hearing what he said, Liu Weichao thought about it and said with a smile: "Don't you have a glass factory? Let them make a batch of glassware specially, and make it as a limited edition, and then reward your employees. It might work?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, his eyes lit up.

Although the glass factory was established early, it did not attract much attention from him.Because he originally hoped that the glass factory would make money for him, but after he started ransacking his house, he found that the money from the glass factory was really not comparable to the income from the raid, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Of course, this is also related to the previous wars, glass products are considered luxury goods, and the willingness of buyers will be relatively weak.Moreover, the roads are not stable, and the transportation is not convenient, so it cannot be sold to farther places.

Another reason is that the sales volume of Emperor Chongzhen's glass products has not broken through a new high, but he doesn't know it yet.

Because of Emperor Chongzhen's anti-corruption campaign, wealthy people in the capital did not dare to buy expensive glass products. That would reveal their wealth, be known by factory guards, and be known by the emperor.

Even if the emperor hadn't ransacked the house, if the emperor came to raise money again, how much money should be given would be a headache.

Another reason why the glass factory did not make money was that in the early days, Emperor Chongzhen urgently needed sophisticated telescopes for military use.Therefore, he asked the glass factory to gather more experience to refine better telescopes and distribute them to the army.For him, strengthening the army is the fundamental goal of this year, and everything is for the sake of strengthening the army.

At this time, upon hearing Liu Weichao's proposal, he recalled the glass factory again, and immediately thought of what Liu Weichao said before, and quickly answered Liu Weichao: "How about asking them to produce more microscopes?"

"You can have this!" Liu Weichao smiled and said, "But it's only a few days before Chinese New Year, are you sure there will be so many microscopes?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was speechless when he heard this.It is indeed impossible for that microscope to produce a lot at once.

But afterward, he immediately smiled and said: "Then I will just reward the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Give them a microscope, which means that you can see the small things, and ask them to supervise the world for me! As for the other yamen, do you have any suggestions?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless, he was going around, and he still had to find a way for him.

So, after thinking about it for a while, he also came up with an idea, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Well, it's like a military medal. I'll find some patterns for you later, and you can send them out according to the different yamen. "

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy when he heard it, so let's take a look first.

So, this time, he stopped harassing Liu Weichao, took the initiative to hang up the communication, and then went back to the front hall for the meeting.

Liu Weichao looked at the phone, shook his head with a smile, and was about to put away the phone and go back to the mall to go shopping.

Unexpectedly, a hand reached out and snatched his mobile phone away.

Liu Weichao was stunned for a moment, and looked up, only to see that the person who snatched his mobile phone was a young man running towards the road.In the direction he ran, there was another person waiting on a motorcycle.

"Damn, grab the phone!" At this time, Liu Weichao came back to his senses, and quickly chased after him, shouting while chasing, "It's robbed, help stop it!"

In order to answer the call from Emperor Chongzhen, he came to a remote corner outside the shopping mall to answer it.

As a result, it was all right, and there was no one around.In the direction where the robber fled, there was only a young girl, who looked weak and weak, at least from the clothes, she was a slender girl, not the kind who was tall and thick, and it was even more impossible to help him stop the robber of.

If the robber got on the motorcycle that responded, he would definitely not be able to catch up.

That mobile phone was used to contact Emperor Chongzhen, and it was the most important thing for Liu Weichao. To be honest, at this moment, Liu Weichao felt a sense of despair.

But what he never expected was that the weak girl he had identified reached out to stop the robber after hearing his shout.

"Go away!" The robber didn't seem to have thought about it, and while continuing to rush over, he punched him.

At this time, the robber obviously didn't feel sorry for the girl in front of him because of her beauty.

Liu Weichao saw it from behind, and really wanted to close his eyes and dare not look at it.Such a beautiful girl, with this punch, her face will definitely be unsightly.

But what he didn't expect was that the girl moved very fast, or in other words, she was very good-looking. She took a step sideways, reached out and grabbed the hand that the robber was hitting, and with a slight swipe, the robber rushed forward.However, he tripped over the girl's feet again and jumped forward.

With a "snap", the robber fell heavily to the ground.At the same time, the girl stepped forward, pressed the robber's back at the same time, and cut the robber's hand backwards, directly suppressing the robber so that he could not move.

Liu Weichao was dumbfounded, and rushed to the robber with inertia, still a little unbelievable, this girl restrained the robber so easily?
Seeing this, the fellow on the motorcycle immediately started the motorcycle and ran away.

Liu Weichao hurried forward and took back his mobile phone from the robber. After checking that it was all right, he quickly thanked the girl: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

Really, at this moment, Liu Weichao feels that it is difficult to express his gratitude no matter how many thanks!
When the girl saw her, she grinned, showing two beautiful dimples, and said, "You're welcome, call the police!"

"Okay, okay!" Liu Weichao listened, and quickly agreed, and then hurriedly beat Yaoyaoling.

After the phone call, Liu Weichao looked at the girl in front of him who felt very beautiful, and sighed sincerely: "You are really amazing!"

The girl smiled sweetly after hearing this, but said nothing.

"I don't know your name?" Liu Weichao asked again after seeing him, "Do you have WeChat, let's add a WeChat, I must thank you very much!"

Seeing the girl, she smiled again and said, "You're welcome, it's a little thing, it should be!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless after hearing this.

"Big Sister, Big Brother, please forgive me, this is my first time, I won't dare again!" The robber at the bottom finally recovered, and hurriedly begged for mercy, "I don't have money to go home for the New Year, and I'm just fascinated by ghosts for a while." Those who snatch the phone, please forgive me..."

Hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately remembered.Immigrant cities, or places with a large number of immigrant populations, often have more security incidents when the Chinese New Year is approaching.

I was making a call in a remote place, and my foldable mobile phone worth more than [-] yuan was probably recognized, so it was robbed.

Thanks to the girl in front of me, otherwise, if the golden finger is gone, I, the protagonist, will be finished!
Thinking of this, Liu Weichao couldn't help but thank the girl in front of him very much.

But what he didn't expect was that the girl seemed to be accustomed to this and didn't take it seriously. After the police came, she recorded a statement and drifted away without asking Liu Weichao's thanks.

After Liu Weichao finished recording his statement, the girl could no longer be found.

This made Liu Weichao very regretful, but at the same time, he also thought of a possibility, if his mobile phone was lost or robbed like this time, would the protagonist lose his life?
It seems that we need to do another experiment to verify it, so that we can feel more at ease!
(End of this chapter)

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