Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 312 1 Experiment

Chapter 312 An Experiment

After buying the gifts for the company's employees, Liu Weichao had big things in mind, so he hurriedly bought a new mobile phone, opened a new card, and then immediately returned to his office.

He took out his original foldable phone, looked at the hyperspace communication app, thought for a while, and then initiated a video communication request to Emperor Chongzhen.

As usual, only a few seconds later, Emperor Chongzhen connected to the video communication.

In the video, Emperor Chongzhen said to him first with an excited expression: "You are so right, you have hit the mark again!"

"???" Liu Weichao was a little puzzled, and even asked curiously, "What happened?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen quickly replied to Liu Weichao, "The urgent report just came from Jiangnan, saying that Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai, the thieves, were originally entrenched in the Luzhou area, but after the news of the great victory in Jizhou spread, I ran away immediately. What I know so far is that they are fleeing to the west. If I don’t listen to you and change my strategy, these thieves will definitely not dare to fight head-on, and then they will have to chase the thieves all over the world!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao couldn't help but smiled and said: "That's for sure. The hundreds of thousands of Jianlu troops were basically wiped out. Such a powerful combat power, everyone has to weigh it."

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy to hear that this strong army was cultivated by him with this year's painstaking efforts.

At this time, he remembered Liu Weichao's initiative to contact him, so he quickly asked: "By the way, do you have any suggestions for contacting me? Or, do you have any new ideas for that glass pattern?"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao remembered and forgot about it.

So, he thought for a while and said, "Then I'll go find you a good-looking style and send it to you later. I contacted you just now because I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Emperor Chongzhen asked curiously when he heard this.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said to him seriously: "A while ago, after I finished video chatting with you, my mobile phone was snatched unexpectedly, and I almost lost my mobile phone. Thanks to the help of a girl, I got it back phone. Therefore, I want to do an experiment to see what is the basis for me to contact you?"

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't understand this, but of course he understood what was said before.

Knowing that Liu Weichao's mobile phone was almost lost, to be honest, he cared more about this mobile phone than Liu Weichao, and he was shocked, the happy expression on his face disappeared immediately, and he said nervously: "You are too I'm not careful, is there a guard? It's just a servant, hire some skilled people. In addition, you can also hang a sachet around your neck, just in front of your chest, like me, so that you won't be afraid of losing your phone or others Robbed."

"..." Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao did not expect Emperor Chongzhen to have such a proposal, and was speechless for a moment.

He imagined that he hung a sachet on his chest like Emperor Chongzhen, and there were bodyguards wearing black glasses and black suits on the front, back, left, and right, hugging...

All of a sudden, Liu Weichao himself shuddered, this image would not even be beaten to death!
For some reason, another scene suddenly flashed in his mind, that is, if the beautiful girl was the bodyguard today, it would be more or less the same!
It's just a pity that they didn't give a chance!

When he came back to his senses, Liu Weichao laughed and cried, and said to Emperor Chongzhen, "My situation here is different from yours. If I really want to do that, I feel like I don't have three hundred taels of silver here!"

When Emperor Chongzhen did this, everyone knew that the one on his chest was definitely a treasure, but no one dared to covet it.If Liu Weichao did this, the mobile phone might be stolen or robbed one day.

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen still wanted to argue, Liu Weichao said first, "The experiment I'm going to do is related to this. Listen first, listen to me."

"Okay, I'm listening!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen had no choice but to nod and stopped arguing.

Therefore, Liu Weichao explained to Emperor Chongzhen: "I will do things for you first, and then at night, I will turn off the current mobile phone, and the card will not be used. Turn it off; then activate another mobile phone and card. Tomorrow In the morning, I will see if I can contact you with my new mobile phone and new card. If I can, it means that I am bound to you when I contact you. Then I am not afraid that anyone will snatch the communication between me and you that power!"

Emperor Chongzhen still didn't understand some words very well, but he still understood the general meaning, so he nodded.If this is the case, then there is no need to hire servants.

Before he could speak, Liu Weichao said seriously: "If it doesn't work, then I will pretend that the original card is lost, report the loss, and get a new one to see if I can still contact you. If so, That means that the right to communicate with you is actually bound to the card with my ID number."

There were still some words that Emperor Chongzhen couldn't understand, but he also understood the key points, so he quickly asked: "Then what if this doesn't work? What will happen?"

Liu Weichao frowned slightly after hearing this, and answered after a little thought: "In that case, it means that the right to communicate with you is actually bound to this original phone card. In that case, this phone card is very precious. If If it is damaged or something, we may not be able to contact you in the future!"

"Ah?" When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, his face turned pale, as if he had received a very heavy blow.

After recovering from his senses, he heard him ask hastily: " the phone card easy to break?"

He doesn't care about other things, what he cares most is that if he doesn't get help from Liu Weichao from another world, although it is basically impossible for him to be the king of subjugation.

However, his vision has been opened by Liu Weichao, and his vision is the whole world, to be precise, the whole earth.

Moreover, he saw the charm of technology, so many advanced things are waiting for him to invent.He has even explained the three armed forces. It is no longer the original three armed forces, but the structure of the army, navy and air force.

For all these things, without Liu Weichao's help, he would definitely not be able to see more scientific and technological achievements if he just explored on his own.

Therefore, at this time, what he fears most of losing is the connection with Liu Weichao.Even if he loses half of his country at this time, he will be as serious as worrying about losing contact with Liu Weichao.

Under the anxious expectation of Emperor Chongzhen, Liu Weichao thought for a while and replied: "The mobile phone card is actually a chip, and there is a possibility of it being broken. My mobile phone card has never been broken. However, I have a classmate's mobile phone." The card was fine at first, but all of a sudden it was unable to communicate. After taking it for inspection, it was found that the chip was broken. In addition, touching the chip circuit with hands, sweat or dust may cause the chip to break .”

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen's face became even more ugly, and he asked a little at a loss: "Then...then...then what should I do?"

He couldn't imagine, what if one day he suddenly couldn't get in touch with Liu Weichao?
To be honest, before he knew it, he had become very dependent on Liu Weichao.

When Liu Weichao saw him, he comforted him and said, "So, because of these robbed incidents, I wanted to experiment and find out what this hyperspace communication is related to? This will prevent one day in the future when you and I will suddenly be unable to If you contact me, you will be even more caught off guard!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen subconsciously nodded and said, "Okay, okay, but just in case... just in case..."

At this time, he had never been so worried about gains and losses in his life.

To be honest, Liu Weichao is also a little worried about gains and losses.This mobile phone is also extremely important to him.

Although, at present, even without this mobile phone, he is better off than most ordinary people.

At least there are more than [-] million in assets. Without the mobile phone, the company cannot continue to operate. If you go to work again and become a programmer, you can still live well.

However, if the mobile phone is gone, not to mention the loss of a lot of money-making opportunities in the future, but just the disappearance of such an interesting thing that can help the Chongzhen Emperor Zhongxing Daming, that is definitely not what Liu Weichao wants to see.

However, what Liu Weichao has to do is actually quite certain.

His grasp does not come from his understanding of technology.If he can understand this future technology, it will be a strange thing!

Rather, he clearly remembered that when he first opened this hyperspace communication app, there was an announcement that popped up, and he thought it was a liar at the time.

He couldn't remember the specific content.However, he still remembers the general meaning clearly.

I was selected as the only user of this plane by this hyperspace communication company, which probably means this.Then, if we understand it according to this sentence, for example, if the mobile phone is robbed like today, will it not affect that I am still the only user of this plane?Such a powerful future enterprise, can always do this, right?

It was based on this idea that Liu Weichao thought about doing an experiment to verify his guess.

At this moment, he also told Emperor Chongzhen about this idea, comforted him, and then he did what he said, hung up the video communication, first asked Emperor Chongzhen to find a model, and sent it to him.

On Emperor Chongzhen's side, after the video communication ended, he held his phone for a long time in a state of anxiety.

Suddenly, he issued an order to drive to the Taimiao, saying that from now to tomorrow, he would be alone in the Taimiao and not be disturbed by anyone.

For this decree, both the inner palace and the outer court were very surprised.They all speculated that it was probably related to Emperor Taizu.Could it be that one year is going to pass, and the Emperor Taizu will give the current emperor some instructions?
Thinking about it this way, among the topics in the capital, the ancestor's apparition has become the biggest hot topic again. Correspondingly, the New Year's Eve family sacrifices of many families have become very grand.

That night, Emperor Chongzhen didn't sleep at all, and kept praying in the Taimiao.

(End of this chapter)

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