Chapter 313 Amnesty
This night, Emperor Chongzhen wanted to contact Liu Weichao countless times to see if he could connect.However, he was afraid that his connection would disturb Liu Weichao's experiment.

After all, although he should be one of the people who understand science the most in the Ming Dynasty at present, he really can't understand Liu Weichao's side.What if, what if, if he ruined it and made it impossible to contact Liu Weichao from now on, then he would have the thought of killing himself!

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, there was a sound: "Oh, you are my northern nose..."

Inside the Taimiao, it was very quiet, and the portraits of Zhu Yuanzhang and other emperors of the Ming Dynasty kept silent.The sudden sound made Emperor Chongzhen tremble.

However, he immediately came back to his senses and was overjoyed. He looked down and saw that the mobile phone on the altar table was ringing, and there was a reminder on it. Liu Weichao initiated a video communication request to him.

Seeing this, Emperor Chongzhen jumped up and quickly reached for his mobile phone. Unexpectedly, after kneeling for too long, his legs and feet were numb and he didn't know it. He immediately fell forward and fell flat on his stomach.

Does it hurt?

However, Emperor Chongzhen didn't care about these things at all, he tried his best to hold it up, reached out his hand and finally got the mobile phone from the altar table, then lay down under the altar table regardless of his image, and quickly pressed the "connect" button.

I saw Liu Weichao's figure in the video, with a smile, not much different from before.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't care what happened, and asked quickly: "How is it? What's the result of the experiment?"

Liu Weichao could hear Emperor Chongzhen's eagerness, so he smiled and said, "Guess?"

Upon hearing this, at this moment, Emperor Chongzhen wanted to reach out and smash Liu Weichao's mean smiling face.

Fortunately, Liu Weichao didn't really let Emperor Chongzhen guess, but immediately continued: "The experiment result is: the person who is bound to me, which mobile phone I use, and which mobile phone this hyperspace communication will appear on. That is to say , I don’t have to worry about losing or being robbed of my phone in the future, haha, perfect, right?”

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he burst into tears of joy, and quickly said: "Perfect, perfect, really perfect!"

In this way, he no longer has to worry about not being able to contact Liu Weichao. The chip of his mobile phone may be broken, or his mobile phone has been robbed, etc., and it will not affect him!

This result is really, really perfect!

Liu Weichao was naturally as happy as Emperor Chongzhen, but after laughing with Emperor Chongzhen for a while, he suddenly felt a little strange, and quickly asked, "Where are you lying? Why do I look like you are lying on the ground?" ?”

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately remembered his situation, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

The majestic emperor of Ming Dynasty was actually lying under the altar. If this image was worn out, it would be too disrespectful to be an emperor!
But after thinking about it, Emperor Chongzhen didn't care anymore, and it wasn't in front of others, it was nothing in front of Liu Weichao.

So, he smiled and explained: "I prayed in the Taimiao Temple. I knelt for too long. When I heard the movement and got up to pick up the phone, my legs and feet became numb, so I fell down and just lay on the ground."

When Liu Weichao heard it, he subconsciously smiled gloatingly.However, he immediately came back to his senses, and couldn't help but feel admiration for Emperor Chongzhen's worry again, so he quickly said to Emperor Chongzhen: "It's okay, this small fall, Daming can make a big step forward! From now on, the two of us , a start-up, a powerful country, let’s work together to create a brilliant future!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen smiled happily and said, "Yes, you start a business, we will strengthen the country, and together we will create a brilliant future!"

After speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

After a while, Liu Weichao remembered that Emperor Chongzhen hadn't slept all night, so he quickly said to him: "People are like iron and rice are steel, no, the body is the capital of the revolution, you should go to rest and get a good night's sleep! I didn't either. Sleep well, and then catch up on sleep."

"Fine, fine, the body is..." Emperor Chongzhen spoke subconsciously, suddenly he didn't understand, and asked, "Why is the body the capital of the song title? Which song is this?"

"..." Liu Weichao couldn't help being speechless when he heard it. He didn't want to explain the word revolution to an emperor, so he said to Emperor Chongzhen, "That is to say, the body is the capital of starting a business and strengthening the country. Is it understandable?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he laughed again.

He was in a very good mood at this time, so he also said to Liu Weichao: "Okay, then go to rest quickly!"

After hanging up the video communication, Emperor Chongzhen felt that his legs and feet were no longer numb, so he stood up, looked at the portraits of Zhu Yuanzhang and other ancestors for a while, and then looked at the tablet, and then prayed silently for a while , before turning around and walking out of the Taimiao.

Outside the Ancestral Temple, Queen Zhou brought the princes and daughters, as well as the noble concubine, all here.

Emperor Chongzhen suddenly stayed in Taimiao for one night, and they all knew that it was related to the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu.I don't know exactly what happened, but I just know that this matter must be very important.

They saw that Emperor Chongzhen's expression was very serious and his thoughts were heavy. They hadn't seen this situation for a long time, so they were very worried, so they all stayed outside the Taimiao.

The movement of Emperor Chongzhen's fall just now also frightened them.However, Emperor Chongzhen had a strict order, and they did not dare to go in and disturb them, so they were even more worried.

Suddenly, the door of the main hall opened and Emperor Chongzhen came out. Empress Zhou and the others immediately shouted "Your Majesty" and at the same time looked at Emperor Chongzhen with concern.

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen with a smile on his face, looking at him very relaxed, they knew that there must be something good going on.

After confirming this point, they were finally relieved that they had been hanging on their hearts.

Emperor Chongzhen walked out of the main hall and saw that the sky in the east had turned pale, obviously it was dawn.

He lowered his head and looked at Empress Zhou and the others. He smiled again, then looked at Wang Chengen, the eunuch who was serving behind Empress Zhou and the others, and said, "I will pass on my will, and I will pardon the world!"

Generally speaking, the amnesty of the feudal dynasty will only happen when the new emperor ascends the throne, confers the empress, the crown prince and other very important events.

The new year is coming soon, and there is no major event. The emperor suddenly announced that he would amnesty the world, which is a bit strange!

But everyone present knew that the emperor was so happy that he would pardon the world as soon as he left the palace. Obviously, he made this decision because he encountered a very important event in the Taimiao that night, or something very good. of.

What will it be?

Seriously, they were all very curious.

"Your maidservant receives the order!" Wang Chengen didn't care so much, he quickly accepted the order with a smile, and went to deal with the matter immediately when he turned around.

Empress Zhou paid more attention to etiquette, and it was not easy to ask if she felt strange, so she waited for the emperor to see if she would say it herself.

However, Concubine Tian Gui didn't care so much, and immediately asked happily: "Your Majesty, is there any great event?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said, "I can use the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu for a lifetime, haha!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was delighted.

Many of them never thought that the mobile phone could not be used forever.After what the emperor did in the Taimiao last night, it can be used forever!

Their first thought was that Emperor Chongzhen's performance this year was affirmed by Emperor Taizu, so the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu could be used forever.Therefore, no wonder Emperor Chongzhen was so happy!

Afterwards, the happy Emperor Chongzhen did not go to rest, but held an imperial meeting with the six ministries of the cabinet and senior officials of Ming Dynasty such as Jiuqing.This New Year's Eve, he decided to make it a little more grand to celebrate!

The final celebration plan will be announced to the world after deliberation.

First, amnesty for the whole world, except for the heinous, all other criminals are pardoned.

Second, all owed taxes, etc., will be forgiven and no further payment will be required; but if there are any owed taxes in the future, they will be severely punished!

Thirdly, the matter of the salary of officials in Ming Dynasty that has been discussed but dragged on has also come to a conclusion: above the fifth rank, half will be paid in the future; below the fifth rank, the salary will be doubled in the future.

Although the salary may not be high, at least it is a good thing to start raising the salary after the founding of the Ming Dynasty more than [-] years ago.

As soon as these three things were announced, they immediately caused a very heated sensation.Whether it's the high-ranking court officials, the common people facing the loess and their backs to the sky, or even many prisoners in the prison, they all thank the emperor for his kindness!

"My emperor, long live, long live, long live!" is the most common movement.

The people of Ming Dynasty, up and down, have never been happier during the [-]-year Chinese New Year in Chongzhen!
In the Battle of Jizhou, Jianlu was defeated, the peace of Gyeonggi was saved, and there was great grace from the emperor. The days to come, the years to come, will definitely get better and better!

Never before have so many people had such an awareness of this!
The prestige of Emperor Chongzhen has also reached an unprecedented height!

Liu Weichao naturally didn't know that one of his experiments finally formed a huge butterfly effect in the Ming Dynasty.So much so that when he heard Emperor Chongzhen tell him about this on New Year's Eve, he was a little dumbfounded.

Just such a thing, to celebrate so much, generous, generous!
Thinking of this, Liu Weichao began to reflect on himself, should he also be grateful, and in what way can he celebrate the continuation of this way of making money?
Just when he was thinking about this matter, the sixteenth year of Chongzhen came.

After the new year, for Emperor Chongzhen, the next thing is a very important and happy thing to worry about.

(End of this chapter)

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