Chapter 337 Happy Events Again and Again

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he said to Liu Weichao: "Wang Chengen is here, it seems that there is still a good thing, so I will hang up first?"

Under normal circumstances, he and Liu Weichao are in the first place in the communication, and no one else can disturb him, so he doesn't have to be embarrassed, because he is the emperor, and in his opinion, it is only right and proper to ask others to wait for him matter.

But seeing Wang Chengen's cheap smile at this time, he wondered what good things could happen?

After all, it was just a double happiness, and another good thing happened?
Therefore, he wanted to know first what good news Wang Chengen wanted to report.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao was also curious, so he said to him: "Well, hang up, it might be another surprise."

So, Emperor Chongzhen hung up the video communication, and then waved to Wang Chengen.

Wang Chengen was like a pug, and immediately entered the hall wagging his head and tail, with a smile all over his face.

This metaphor seems to be a bit too much to describe the eunuch who is the dignified chief of ceremonies of the Ming Dynasty and the number one person in the inner court.But in this case, it is indeed somewhat accurate.

"Long Live Lord, great joy, great joy!" Wang Chengen told Emperor Chongzhen with a smile while entering the palace, "Master Sun urgently reported that Li Zicheng had annexed Luo Rucai and killed Luo Rucai!"

"Oh? Ah!" Emperor Chongzhen was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then smiled, "Okay, okay, okay!"

Luo Rucai, the bandit name Cao Cao, has always been cunning. He has survived since the early years of Chongzhen, and now he died in the civil strife. It is a good thing!
The Fifth Battalion of Ge Zuo accepted the recruitment, and sent Liu Wenxiu along the way, and took away a big arm of Zhang Xianzhong;

When Liu Wenxiu went to Beijing, he happened to bump into Li Dingguo who was inquiring for news in the capital, and poached a big arm of Zhang Xianzhong;

Then Li Zicheng annexed Luo Rucai, and the bandits were in chaos!
One after another, Emperor Chongzhen really felt that this was a very happy event, right?
Thinking of this, he immediately read the urgent report sent by Sun Chuanting.

In this memorial, after Sun Chuanting reported this matter, he also adjusted the next strategy according to the specific situation, and reported it to Emperor Chongzhen for approval.

According to the original idea, it is to stabilize the north, and then slowly advance south, trying to steadily wipe out the bandits.

But judging from the current situation, Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai's two thieves are on fire. Even if Luo Rucai is dead and his army is annexed by Li Zicheng, the integration will definitely not be completed in a short time.There must be many people who are dissatisfied with Li Zicheng.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, if the imperial army puts pressure on him, it happens that the Fifth Gezuo Battalion has already recruited. With such a typical example, I believe Li Zicheng's troops will be much easier to deal with.

If this opportunity is given up and Li Zicheng has enough opportunities to integrate his forces, then his strength will definitely be stronger than the two gangs combined before, and he will be the most difficult gang to deal with!

What are you most afraid of when dealing with thieves?It's that they fled in all directions, but obeyed the orders of a leader, and divided their troops to attack together.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting suggested in the memorial to immediately integrate the imperial court and the army to go south, first to encircle and wipe out Zuo Liangyu's troops, and then advance to Li Zicheng's troops in Xiangyang, and to look down on Zhang Xianzhong's troops in Huguang.

However, to launch such a large-scale war, food and grass are a problem, and Emperor Chongzhen needs to find a way.

After Emperor Chongzhen had read it, he thought about it seriously, and asked Wang Chengen to pass on the decree, first let Yuan Zhuangfei lead Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo to the capital camp, and Zhou Yuji would take them to the next capital camp.

Then, he immediately initiated a video communication request to Liu Weichao.

After connecting, Liu Weichao asked curiously: "What's the good thing? How about I guess first?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he was not in a hurry to speak, and immediately said with a smile: "It is indeed a good thing, one of the news I like to hear the most. But I guess, you will not be able to guess it!"

"Hey, that's not necessarily true!" Liu Weichao said with a smile after hearing this.

Then, he asked Emperor Chongzhen, "Did Huang Taiji burp, or did Huang Taiji die?"

"Ah?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help asking in surprise when he heard this, "Will Huang Taiji die?"

If so, then this is great news!

You know, the reason why Jianlu's power is getting stronger and stronger can be said that this Huang Taiji has contributed a lot.On the basis of Nurhachi, he suppressed other slave chieftains internally and integrated Jianlu's combat power. He not only conquered the eastern Mongolian tribes, but even went on an expedition to the Hetao area, beating Lin Dan Khan to flee in a panic, and eventually died of illness. Returned to Jianlu.

When Western Mongolia and Mobei Mongolia heard their reputation, they also sent envoys to surrender.

As for Daming, let alone.Not only did he break the threat of Daming on the front line of Guanning and Dongjiang Town, but he also destroyed Dongjiang Town and captured Jinzhou.

This Huang Taiji is definitely a very powerful enemy!
If such a character died, it would be great news for Daming.

At this time, Liu Weichao knew that this was not the case when he heard Emperor Chongzhen's rhetorical question.He didn't care about Emperor Chongzhen's questioning, so he continued to ask Emperor Chongzhen: "So Li Zicheng killed Luo Rucai?"

"Ah!" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being surprised when he heard it, "How do you know?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao knew that he had guessed right, and couldn't help laughing.

After a while, he explained to Emperor Chongzhen: "It's actually very simple. I guessed it based on historical records. Whether it was Li Zicheng who merged with Luo Rucai or Huang Taiji who hiccupped, it all happened in the [-]th year of Chongzhen. Although there is a butterfly effect, this kind of thing is very big, and it may not be avoided. So, I just searched about the [-]th year of Chongzhen, and then guessed based on this, I didn't expect to guess right!"

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was no longer concerned with Liu Weichao's guess. After being surprised, he quickly asked Liu Weichao: "Is it really possible for Huang Taiji to die?"

Compared to Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai, what he most wanted to hear was the death of Huang Taiji!

After hearing this, Liu Weichao thought for a while before answering: "According to historical records, his health is already very bad at this time. Not only did he eat less, but he often fell into a coma. But this time in the Battle of Jizhou, the loss There are hundreds of thousands of troops who want to enter and loot, and it is estimated that they will hit him even more and stimulate his condition to worsen. Maybe at this time, he is already dead, but you have not heard the news."

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was very pleasantly surprised when he heard his words, Liu Weichao added a sentence just to be on the safe side: "Of course, it is also possible that he is not dead. After all, he did not see it with his own eyes. Maybe this Huang Taiji died because of bad news. Inspired his fighting spirit. Sometimes, this kind of thing is very difficult to say. Unless it is a character in a novel, it will follow the author's writing, no accidents!"

"..." After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being speechless for a while.

But looking back, he was still very happy.Because he guessed from Liu Weichao's words that there is a high probability that the emperor is dead!

After all, in the original history, without the great victory in Jizhou, he would have died!
Thinking of this, suddenly, his smile froze on his face.

Because he thought that in the original history, he died a little later than Huang Taiji.This world was finally taken away by Jianlu!

"What's the matter?" Liu Weichao looked at his face, a little strange, he was smiling just now, why did he suddenly have this expression?

Thinking about what he said to Emperor Chongzhen just now, he asked subconsciously: "You don't think of the crooked neck tree, do you?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was a little embarrassed when he heard it!
Fortunately, he and Liu Weichao talked about everything, anyway, they are not in the same plane, and it is not uncommon to make jokes, so he didn't care, and immediately replied to Liu Weichao: "I have already had people cut off the crooked neck tree. !"

"Ah..." Liu Weichao couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard it, and then he burst out laughing.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he also laughed.

This crooked neck tree is one of his blemishes. Since Liu Weichao smiled so happily, he didn't mind refuting, so he asked Liu Weichao, "Have you found a girlfriend yet? How can you explain to your mother?"

"Uh..." When Liu Weichao heard this, his laughter stopped abruptly.

During the Chinese New Year, Liu Weichao's parents once again worried about Liu Weichao's marriage, commonly known as forced marriage.Regarding this matter, Liu Weichao was very troubled, so he naturally told Emperor Chongzhen.

Well, now that both sides have their shortcomings exposed, let's get down to business.

Hearing Liu Weichao cough, he asked Emperor Chongzhen: "Since Li Zicheng still killed Luo Rucai according to the history, but your Ming army is different from the history, but is very powerful, what do you think?"

"I just want to discuss this matter with you!" Emperor Chongzhen hurriedly said to Liu Weichao after hearing this, "Sun Chuanting's urgent report also mentioned this matter, thinking..."

After speaking, he relayed Sun Chuanting's thoughts to Liu Weichao.

Finally, Emperor Chongzhen asked Liu Weichao seriously: "What do you think? Are we going to change our original strategy?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao nodded and said: "There is nothing static in the first place. It is the most correct principle to change according to the actual situation. Besides, Sun Chuanting knows military affairs after all, and he is in Kaifeng. He thinks this is beneficial, and I don't think so." There's nothing wrong with coming out, so I feel like it's okay."

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said a little worriedly: "But there is also a problem. Sun Chuanting said in the urgent report that he asked me to solve the problem of military supplies and grass for him! But, all of a sudden, I'm afraid I can't solve it for him. All. The railway has not been repaired, and it is unknown how much food will be consumed on the road!"

If the soldiers and horses are not moving, the grain and grass will go first.

But at this time, the fighter plane suddenly appeared, which in turn forced food, which is indeed a problem.

Thinking about this problem of food and grass, Liu Weichao, as an outsider, his eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of a solution.

 The leader adds 11 updates, and the battle can be resolved within a week, it's okay!More than [-] words are updated every day, and my fingers are a little numb.

(End of this chapter)

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