Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 338 Visiting the Beijing Camp

Chapter 338 Visiting the Beijing Camp

When Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo were taken to the capital camp, they knew that this was probably the imperial court's blow to them, and this should be the proper meaning.

However, the two of them looked at each other. As soldiers who had fought for so many years, they were still a little unconvinced, even if this Beijing camp defeated hundreds of thousands of Jianlu troops last year!
After all, they did not personally experience the Battle of Jizhou, and even if they knew that the Battle of Jizhou was real, they would subconsciously find reasons for themselves.

For example, isn't there a lot of recruits in the Beijing camp?No matter how good the practice is, there is always time for training.If they face the army led by the two of them, they will definitely not be defeated like Jianlu, and they will play by ear!

All these things, anyway, I just thought that the imperial court would use the Beijing camp to give the two of them a blow, that was a dream!
With all the wind and waves breaking through, how could it be possible to visit a Beijing camp and be amazed!

With this mentality, they followed Wang Chengen to the Beijing camp.

Because of the decree, Zhou Yuji received them in person.

"This is Uncle Zhongwu, the beloved general of Lord Long Live!" Wang Chengen introduced to them.

Then, Li Dingguo, Liu Wenxiu and Zhou Yuji looked at each other, and sparks flew everywhere.

One is the chief soldier of the imperial court, who has killed countless thieves in his life; the other two are thieves who have rebelled since childhood, fought south and north, and have been living well;

In particular, Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu came here out of desperation, and they would not be polite to Zhou Yuji, and they would not be polite to Zhou Yuji;

And Zhou Yuji naturally couldn't be polite to them, if it wasn't for the emperor's will, it would be impossible to receive them!

Under such an atmosphere, a group of people went to the school field to point out the commander's platform, and then began to inspect the army.

At this time, both Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo looked at each other, and they understood the meaning in each other's eyes, that is, to hold their breath and want to show off their authority, that's all!

While thinking this way, the army pulled out from the camp.

With this appearance, Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu were immediately attracted.

I saw groups of soldiers of the Ming army, all wearing armor, fully armed, and carrying muskets on their shoulders.Walking in unison, neatly, very powerful.

Team after team passed in front of the commanding platform; behind them were the soldiers of the car camp, and on the van were all cannons, big and small.But overall, the cannons are smaller than those that Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu usually see.

At the back, there is the horse-drawn artillery, which is a kind of artillery with wheels.You can tell at a glance that this is for field use.Even if there are terrains that are not conducive to vans, this kind of horse-drawn artillery should be able to use it.

Then came the cavalry, also marching in unison, neatly.

Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu noticed that the cavalry in the Beijing camp of the imperial court had sabers and short-handled muskets.Only a few are equipped with three-eyed guns and long spears.

Regarding these, although the two of them were a little shocked, they were able to keep their faces unchanged after all, and were not frightened by the Beijing camp.

In this case, although the number of their personal guards is not as large as that of the Beijing camp, they can still do it.

The two of them were thinking that the team was almost finished, and when they were looking at what the court could do, they saw Zhou Yuji wave his hand, and a few guards at the side stepped forward and sent two things to the two of them.

The meaning of this is obvious, that is, let the two of them hold it.

Li Dingguo looked down at the thing in front of him, a short stick, what is this for?

After receiving it, for a while, the two of them didn't know what to do next?
Then Zhou Yuji said indifferently: "This is called a telescope, let's see the actual combat target in the distance!"

After he finished speaking, he took a single-lens telescope himself, opened it to adjust the focus, and began to look.

Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu glanced at each other, and they both understood that the other party must have the same idea as themselves: what kind of actual target shooting is the officer and army so far away, probably because they are afraid that they will be exposed if they are too close, but that kind of thing, right?

Afterwards, the two of them followed Zhou Yuji's example and picked up the sticks in their hands to look.It turned out that there were crystals in the stick.As expected of the imperial court, rich!

Then I picked it up, looked at it close to my eyes, and found that I couldn't see anything clearly!
On the other hand, Wang Cheng'en couldn't stand it anymore, he knew that they were generals, they belonged to different camps, and they didn't fight each other.At the same time, he also knew that these two thieves were highly valued by Emperor Chongzhen, and it was estimated that they would be the next Yuan Shizhong.

Therefore, he explained to Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu with a smile as the most dignified person in the inner court: "You two, you are holding it upside down. Change the other end, look at the distance, and slowly pull until you can clearly see See far away."

Li Dingguo took a look at the eunuch in the scarlet robe, and followed what the eunuch said suspiciously.

After a while, he immediately took away the binoculars, stared at the distance in front of him, then picked up the binoculars for a look, and put them down again. After several times in a row, his face was obviously a little shocked .

Because he knows that if there is this thing in the army, he will be able to see clearly with this thing when he marches and fights in the future and encounters suspicious places, and the possibility of being ambushed will become very low.And facing the enemy in front of the battle, you can also see what the enemy is going to do in the first time, so that your own side can make timely countermeasures.

This thing is a good thing for marching and fighting!
After thinking this way, he finally carefully looked through the binoculars to see the Ming army shooting targets in the distance.

After reading this carefully, he was suddenly shocked again!

I saw the Ming soldiers in the distance shooting very quickly.

His subordinates also had Musketeers.However, compared with the Musketeers he saw, it was really incomparable!

I won’t talk about distance and accuracy, I can’t see clearly, but the speed of loading ammunition is definitely several times faster than his men.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Musketeers?It's the shooting speed!

The loading speed is several times different. If this is really the case, this battle will be impossible to fight!

While he was thinking about it, he saw that the cannon also started firing.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of cannons kept coming, and the smoke rose. It just so happened that their direction would not be blocked, and they could see that the iron bullets were plowing through the rows of dummy phalanxes in front of them.

And Li Dingguo also discovered that although the artillery of the official army is lighter than the artillery of his men, it obviously has a longer range.And like muskets, the shelling speed is much faster than his artillery.

how did you do that?
Li Dingguo, who had such doubts in his heart, absolutely did not believe that this could be trained.

Because he trained his subordinates very strictly.Therefore, he understood that no matter how well he practiced, it was impossible to have such a fast speed, it was definitely weird!And that range, too, is odd!
After the shooting was completed, Li Dingguo discovered another strange thing. He saw that the court officers and soldiers who had finished the shooting seemed to have taken a dagger from their waists, inserted it into the muzzle of the gun, and then shouted and practiced assassination like a spear. !

Before again, he had never heard that muskets could be used like this!Generally speaking, musketeers are issued with a waist knife. If the enemy rushes close, they will give up the musket and use the waist knife to kill the enemy.

But generally speaking, Musketeers are not good at cutting people with knives. Once they are close, the combat power of Musketeers is greatly reduced, and the waist knife is too short, so they are often not opponents of enemies with long weapons.

But what you see in front of you is that the officers and soldiers have turned their muskets into spears, which are much safer than waist knives. How did they do it?Isn't this turning into shooting from a distance and assassination from close up!
While he was wondering, the soldiers of the Ming army who had completed the exercise mission returned back the same way.

This time, the soldiers of the Ming army who were carrying flintlock guns did not take off the bayonet on the tip of the guns. When they passed by the point of view, they were finally seen clearly by Li Dingguo.

The dagger was not inserted into the muzzle of the gun, but was set there.That is to say, the gun is not broken, and it can be used as a musket even if the dagger is removed!
At the back of the team, the target for musket shooting was also carried by the officers and soldiers, and passed by the commander's platform.

Li Dingguo could see that the target was densely packed with bullet points.Although there must have been a missed target, the bullet point on this target still surprised him greatly.Because he could guess that the officer's accuracy was a bit high.

Just as he was thinking, he heard Liu Wenxiu stammering at the side: "These... so many identical muskets, and... and the armor, did they really come from the cornucopia?"

Hearing this, Li Dingguo was shocked again when he came back to his senses.

As for this kind of musket and armor, if there are only one or two pieces, he believes that the army can make them, it just takes a little longer and consumes more money and food.

However, as far as I can see, this is a standard armor weapon in the military. Even if you have money, it is impossible to make so many of them, right?
Hearing the question, Zhou Yuji just sneered lightly, did not answer, stood up and said, "Come with me!"

On the contrary, Wang Chengen said to Liu Wenxiu with a smile: "Of course not, this is a new method of making ordnance and armor invented by the Lord Long Live, and it was made by the Inner Court Military Bureau."

When Li Dingguo heard it, he was even more shocked than hearing it was taken out of the cornucopia.Because he knew that the cornucopia was just a legend after all, it was a trick of the gods.But if it is true that mortals have the ability to build these ordnance and armor on a large scale, he, the leader of the army, absolutely knows what it means!
Afterwards, the two of them followed Zhou Yuji to visit the trophy exhibition hall in the Beijing camp, where the captured flags from the Battle of Jizhou were displayed.Behind every banner, an army of Jianlu or Mongol Tartars was wiped out.

After reading these, Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu had completely forgotten to encourage each other with Zhou Yuji.Both of them were shocked.

Because they understand that if such court officials attack them, they will have no power to fight back. The only way out is to turn in quickly before such officials kill them.

At this time, the emperor summoned Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo, and Zhou Yuji.

 No more tonight, but I still ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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