Chapter 339 Dedication

Along the way, Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo were silent, they didn't say a word, they just did what they were asked to do.

The teaching of etiquette in front of the imperial court is all nodding in response.

Whether they have visited the Beijing camp or not, the impact on the two of them is obviously a bit big.

In fact, this is also understandable.

As a leading general, especially one who is capable, it is impossible for him to think what he has heard.

When Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo heard about the battle of Jizhou won by the imperial court, they must have been shocked. However, if you say that you will take a detour when you see the Beijing camp in the future, it is absolutely impossible to be so convinced.Otherwise, he would not be a good general.

But after seeing it with my own eyes, I understand the gap between the two sides. If you are still not convinced and want to hold on, then you can't be an excellent general, but a trash general who killed his subordinates.

Both Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo, in the eyes of later generations, are flawed people.However, there is no doubt that they were definitely one of the best generals in that era.Otherwise, it would have been submerged in the long river of history.

At this time, when meeting Emperor Chongzhen in the Wuying Hall, neither Liu Wenxiu nor Li Dingguo acted as demons, but respectfully followed the etiquette taught to them, and shouted long live to Emperor Chongzhen.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy to see the two tall, burly, and imposing men surrendering to him.

Others would only think that the two people in front of them were just more famous thieves; however, in the eyes of Emperor Chongzhen, there was an extra piece of history.

The two people in front of them have more backbone than most people in the world today, such as Wu Sangui, Hong Chengchou and others who were valued by Emperor Chongzhen in the past.

In the end, they exhausted their last efforts to maintain the Ming Dynasty, and they really did their best!
People like this, no matter what their original purpose was to maintain the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen liked them very much.

And he also knew that the two thieves in front of him had similar styles of commanding troops. It can be said that they treated the common people better than many imperial court officers and soldiers.

Especially this Li Dingguo, there is even a kind of pedantry. When Jianlu was besieged and was about to be captured soon, he used the people in the city to threaten Li Dingguo's troops who were attacking the city outside the city, but he was forced to coerce him.

It is impossible for anyone who is not a person with benevolence and righteousness in his heart to be coerced.

Therefore, after Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu shouted long live, Emperor Chongzhen said with a smile, "Pingshen!"

Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu stood up as they said, but they still bowed their heads and remained silent.

The situation in front of them was something they could not have imagined even in their dreams, and it may be difficult to adapt to it for a while.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at their well-behaved and quiet appearance, which is a bit unimaginable. They were the bandits who led the rebellion before, so he asked kindly: "You two went all the way north to the capital, and compared the north and the south. , how do you feel?"

Hearing the question, Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo couldn't help but glanced at each other.

Li Dingguo was shopping on the road. He was bumped into and brought him in front of the emperor involuntarily. He used to be a thief and a rebel, but now he has to adapt to his new identity. His expectations are weaker.

Although Liu Wenxiu was not recruited voluntarily, he had enough time to adapt to his understanding of his situation.

Therefore, he opened his mouth and played back: "The south is chaotic, the north is peaceful, and a thousand things are waiting to be done."

As long as you come from the south, you will have a very obvious perception of the north and the south.Under the chaos of war, order is no longer there, and people are in panic, which can be seen everywhere.

On the north side, without Zhan Luan, no matter how hard life is, there is no such feeling of trembling.

The contrast between the chaos of war and the chaos of war is really very obvious.

At this moment, Emperor Chongzhen nodded his head when he heard Liu Wenxiu's answer, and said: "Da Ming is already devastated, and I want to quell the civil strife as soon as possible and restore peace to the world!"

Speaking of this, he looked at the two people in front of him, and asked seriously: "You two, are you willing to work for me, to calm down the world as soon as possible, and to bring peace to the people of Ming Dynasty?"

This can be regarded as a formal recruitment, and it is unique if the emperor speaks!

After Emperor Chongzhen finished asking, he thought for a while, and then added: "For some reason, I can promise you first, even if you don't want to work for me, I will not kill you, and let you live in peace in the capital." For a lifetime. Whether it works or not is voluntary!"

After hearing this, Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo looked at each other again with shock in their eyes.

They never expected that the emperor would make such a promise. They are rebels!How could they be so merciful?

Liu Wenxiu obviously wanted to be more comfortable with Emperor Chongzhen's questioning, so he knelt down again and bowed to Emperor Chongzhen: "Caomin is willing to serve His Majesty, so that the people of the world can be restored to peace as soon as possible!"

Seeing that he did this, Li Dingguo knelt down in the end, and also surrendered to Emperor Chongzhen: "The sinner is willing to serve His Majesty, to pay the crime and make meritorious service, so that the common people can live a good life!"

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he couldn't help smiling happily.

He valued these two people, and when he solicited them, they surrendered to save face. Everyone is happy!
But he was smiling when he saw Li Dingguo raised his head suddenly, looked at him and asked, "Can the sinner ask Your Majesty why His Majesty treats the sinner so favorably?"

He is a bit over the limit.But after all, I'm not used to being an official, and I couldn't be scrupulous about all the situations when I was teaching the etiquette before the imperial court.

Of course, the most important thing was that he was still not used to his current status, and he really wanted to know, so he asked.

"Bold!" On the other hand, Wang Cheng'en was on the sidelines, swearing and scolding Li Dingguo.

This is his duty, but in fact, he is also curious and wants to hear the reason.I just don't know, will the emperor say it?

Emperor Chongzhen did not blame Li Dingguo for this.

He looked at Li Dingguo's eyes eager to know the reason, thought for a while, and finally replied: "Because I happened to know that the two of you will devote yourself to Daming in the future."

Upon hearing this, Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu were shocked, not to a lesser extent.

Based on the thoughts of the two of them at this time, it is absolutely impossible to devote themselves to Daming, because they are the thieves of the rebellion!How could it be possible to devote oneself to the court!

If you say this, you are either a lunatic or a fool!

However, this word was said by Tian Zi himself, and it was a golden word. Can this be false?
Judging from the current situation, there is absolutely no need for the emperor to tell such a lie!
What kind of situation would that be, that he would turn himself into devoting himself to Daming?

To be honest, Li Dingguo couldn't figure it out, or rather, he couldn't figure out this change.

But since the emperor said so, it must be reasonable, how did he know?
Thinking of this, suddenly, Li Dingguo's eyes lit up, because he finally saw the sachet hanging on Emperor Chongzhen's chest.

He has been in the capital for several days, and he has long heard folklore that Emperor Taizu appeared and bestowed a treasure, which is now hung on his chest.

Unexpectedly, now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is true!

That way, everything makes sense.

Emperor Taizu must be a god.For gods, being able to pinch and count is not just the most basic ability, so what is there to make a fuss about?

It is also with the help of gods that there will be various changes since last year, right?
At this moment, Li Dingguo seemed to understand a lot.

In addition, both Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo suddenly realized why few people knew their real surnames, but the imperial court did!

In fact, it wasn't just them, including Zhou Yuji and Yuan Zhuangfei who were silent all the time, they also understood a lot at once.

According to the emperor's golden words, it proves that there is help from the gods.Then it is logical why he attaches so much importance to these two thieves.

Thinking of these two thieves who ultimately devoted themselves to Daming, Zhou Yuji's perception of the two of them improved a lot.

Wang Cheng'en next to him thought a little more than they did. After the incident at the Taimiao in March last year, he was reused by the emperor, and he could even be said to be the number one person in the inner court, the number one confidant of the emperor, and probably also his loyalty in the future , was known by the emperor.

Also, those who were urgently summoned to the capital by the emperor with [-] miles, probably all of them were like this.And Wang Dehua, Zhou Yanru and others, who were originally most favored by the emperor, were probably considered by the gods to be traitors, so they were cleaned up by the emperor.

Thinking of this, Wang Chengen looked at the sachet on Emperor Chongzhen's chest, and couldn't help being very grateful: This is really a good thing!
Therefore, with Emperor Chongzhen's explanation, unconsciously, the atmosphere in the Hall of Martial Arts became much more harmonious.

Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo are no longer so born.Other than Emperor Chongzhen, the two of them were no longer so strange.

In other words, these people in the hall can finally be said to be their own people!

After waiting for a while, Emperor Chongzhen spoke again to Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu: "You two, first go to the Daming Royal Military Academy to study for a month, and after getting familiar with the actual situation and tactics of the imperial court and the army, go to Beijing How about serving as a general in the battalion, adapting to the court's tactics as soon as possible, and then serving the country?"

Being able to serve as a general in the Beijing camp is considered the emperor's confidant.

Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu did not look at each other this time, but knelt down to thank each other by coincidence.

Perhaps because he felt that the emperor was easy to talk to, Li Dingguo thought about what he had heard, and asked Emperor Chongzhen, "This military academy, and what other academy of sciences, are all taught by His Majesty? His Majesty's lecture tomorrow, sinner... Will you be able to listen in the end?"

After seeing that steam train with infinite power, which is not like any other in the world, he really wanted to know what was going on?

(End of this chapter)

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