Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 344 Everything is Arranged

Chapter 344 Everything is Arranged (Adding more rewards for Purple Moon Flower)

When the group was about to move to the Martial Arts Hall, suddenly the captain outside the door came in and said: "Governor of Gansu Province, Mr. Lu, please see me outside the door!"

Upon hearing this, Du Yinxi immediately laughed and said: "It's really time, please!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled and said to everyone in the hall: "The person here is Lu Daqi, the governor of Gansu Province, whose name is Yanruo, and whose name is Dongchuan. boss!"

When everyone heard it, they were all shocked.

There was an official rule in the Ming Dynasty, that is, to be an official in a different place.Since this Lu Daqi is from Shu, how can he be the governor of Sichuan?This is one of them.

Second, they originally thought they would work under Du Yinxi, governor of the three sides, but Du Yinxi said just now that they were going to work under Lu Daqi!

what is happening?
But even if they don't understand, the official affairs, especially the transfer of high-level officials, are beyond their comprehension!

Du Yinxi led Zeng Ying and the others, and when they first arrived at the entrance of the lobby, they saw a civil servant being welcomed in, who was much older than him.

Actually, fifteen years older.

Needless to say, this civil servant was Lu Daqi, the former governor of Gansu.

At the same time, Lu Daqi naturally also saw Du Yinxi, he cupped his fists first and said, "Your Majesty Lu Daqi, I have seen the governor!"

When Du Yinxi heard this, he immediately laughed, walked forward quickly, and said in return: "Brother Dongchuan, who sits in Gansu and is powerful in the Western Regions, makes the Tartars dare not enter the pass to plunder, admiration!"

Lu Daqi was naturally modest, and hurriedly replied: "Where is it? It's not as good as the governor. He recruited the county uncle Hua and trained the Beijing camp. Only then will there be a great victory in Jizhou. Hundreds of thousands of Jian captives will be wiped out in one battle!"

Zeng Ying and the others couldn't help being shocked when they heard their conversation.

They didn't expect that one of the two well-mannered people was so powerful in the Western Regions, and the other was even more amazing that they trained a Beijing camp that defeated hundreds of thousands of Jianlu!

Du Yinxi and Lu Daqi praised each other, then Du Yinxi smiled and asked Lu Daqi, "I just want to see the abilities of these Shu heroes, how about Brother Dongchuan together?"

Lu Daqi saw that these people seemed to have a good relationship with Du Yinxi, so he said with a smile: "Oh, it turns out that they are fellow villagers, so I really need to see it!"

"I've seen Mr. Zhongcheng!" Zeng Ying and others heard this, and they stepped forward one after another to salute Lu Daqi.

Afterwards, a group of people went to the martial arts hall, and began to test Zeng Ying and others' real knowledge!
Needless to say, if they can leave a name in that troubled world, their skill is absolutely no problem.

Even when Du Yinxi and Lu Daqi rose up, they also tested their military tactics, among which Zeng Ying and Yang Zhan also answered fluently.

Lu Daqi kept nodding his head, and said to Du Yinxi enviously: "I didn't expect the governor to have so many talents under his command!"

"Hahaha..." Du Yinxi couldn't help laughing immediately after hearing this.

But it was a little rude to laugh like this, he quickly stopped laughing, and said to Lu Daqi: "Brother Dongchuan, these talents are all prepared for you!"

"Ah?" Lu Daqi was a little confused when he heard it, what's going on?

When Du Yinxi saw it, he explained to him seriously: "These are hand-picked by the emperor, and I found them in Shu. Here, here is the list, written by the emperor himself, you can see for yourself!"

Lu Daqi was a little confused when he heard this, and quickly took the list and read it.

But Zeng Ying and the others standing below were a little dumbfounded.

They could clearly hear what the governor said just now.

It really never occurred to me that it was hand-picked by the current emperor? !

How can this be?

But isn't it the truth?How could the Governor-General falsely preach the imperial decree!

That is to say, it is true!
These people actually caught the eyes of today's emperor, the emperor hand-picked them!
But how is this possible?
This is absolutely impossible...

Zeng Ying, Yang Zhan and the others, especially Li Zhanchun and Yu Dahai, were just servants who were appointed by the emperor. Even if they heard what the Governor said personally, they really wanted to believe it, and they had every reason to believe it was true. However, [-] people told them intellectually that this is absolutely impossible!
So, they were confused!

Lu Daqi was also quite surprised. After quickly reading the list, it was indeed written by Emperor Chongzhen with the seal on it.

Looking up, Lu Daqi still had doubts, so he looked at Du Yinxi, wanting to clarify.

Du Yinxi didn't wait for Lu Daqi to ask questions, he already knew what Lu Daqi would ask, so he explained to him with a smile: "The officialdom in Shu is already rotten. Especially now under Chen Shiqi's rule, the military equipment is even more relaxed. If you are invaded by thieves, your life will definitely be ruined! Therefore, the emperor transferred you back to Shu to serve, and appointed these heroes to serve you. You are all from Shu, defending your family and defending the country. You have no way out, so you must do it Okay, do you understand?"

In fact, since Lu Daqi received the decree to leave Gansu and took up the post of governor, he has been wondering why the emperor transferred him, a native of Shu, back to his hometown to serve as the highest military and political officer. This is not in compliance with the rules!
Only now did he understand that the reason why Emperor Chongzhen made an exception was precisely because he was from Shu.

After thinking about this point, Lu Daqi immediately thought about it again, his face changed, and he asked quickly: "Will the bandit enter Sichuan again?"

After hearing this, Du Yinxi said seriously: "Now that after the battle of Jizhou, the north has been initially settled, the emperor has ordered Master Uncle Sun of Jizhou to lead the troops in Kaifeng, and sent the troops of the Yongwei Battalion Sun Yingyuan to station in Kaifeng, and they are still in the city. The reorganization of the troops under the governor of Baoding intends to go to the south to suppress the bandits, and strive to eliminate the bandits in the south. However, under such pressure, the bandits are likely to rush westward into Sichuan. Now that the military equipment in Shu is relaxed, there will be It is my intention to transfer you to Sichuan to rectify and prepare for war."

This is the strategy set by Emperor Chongzhen when Du Yinxi left the capital.

Lu Daqi is located in such a remote place in Gansu, although he has read the residence newspaper, he is still separated from the general trend of the world.At this time, after listening to Du Yinxi's explanation, he immediately realized the importance of Shu.

So, he nodded earnestly and said: "So, I understand!"

After hearing this, Du Yinxi said to Lu Daqi: "Although the old general Qin, the Marquis of Zhongzhen, is currently in Shanhaiguan, Ma Xianglin, chieftain of Shizhu, has returned and is at my side. You will rely on Ma Xianglin's troops when you enter Sichuan this time. Make good use of them..."

When he said this, he pointed at Zeng Ying and the others with his finger, and then continued: "Rectify the soldiers and horses in Sichuan as soon as possible. If they should be withdrawn, they should be replaced, and those who should be accused should be accused. Don't worry about the consequences. Ma Xianglin said All the troops have changed their costumes and participated in the battle of Jizhou, and their combat power is very strong. And I am watching here, and if necessary, I will lead troops into Sichuan to support you!"

Everything was properly arranged, and Lu Daqi couldn't help being overjoyed, so he quickly stood up, clasped his fists in his hands and expressed his opinion to Du Yinxi: "Your Majesty's arrangements are properly arranged, and I will definitely not disgrace the holy order!"

If you only take office, things are not necessarily easy to do.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that when he went to Gansu to serve as the governor, he discovered that Gansu General Chai Shihua had committed a lot of crimes. When he wanted to punish him, he was colluded with Western Region soldiers to make trouble. It took him a lot of energy. Only then can the Chai Shihua Rebellion be quelled.

In Shu, the She'an Rebellion, which lasted for seventeen years, had just been put down in Chongzhen for ten years.Years of wars have also caused the warriors everywhere to be arrogant and self-respecting.If Lu Daqi was alone, he would have to spend a lot of energy to deal with anyone.

However, it is different now, with the white pole army as the foundation, these people in front of us can use it, and the Qin soldiers as the backing, then they will have no scruples at all when doing things, and they can really revolutionize the military administration of Shu.

At this time, Du Yinxi heard Lu Daqi's statement, and said with a laugh: "I have been in Qin for more than half a year, and the military reorganization here can be regarded as a preliminary result. Complete elimination of the weak and retain the strong. In the past two months, I sent them to Hetao for military training, and they got a lot of horses, and I will also give you [-] horses, how about it?"

Lu Daqi was the governor of Gansu, so he naturally heard that the generals from all walks of life were ordered by the governors of the three sides to go out to retaliate against the Mongolian tribes who had defected to Jianlu. There was such a thing, and the remnants of the people all fled eastward after suffering a great loss.

Now, I heard Du Yinxi say this with my own ears, and he boldly sent out [-] war horses at once, which is enough to show that Du Yinxi's use of troops in Hetao this time may be very fruitful!

Thinking of this, he was very envious.

When he was the governor of Gansu before, that Chai Shihua colluded with soldiers from the Western Regions to invade, but he didn't have many troops, so he could only use tricks.It is also a trick of breaking promises (pretending to agree and then making a surprise attack) and poisoning, which can be regarded as defeating the invasion of various ministries in the Western Regions, and has not gained any benefits.It can even be said that after fighting these wars, Gansu will become even poorer.

No way, without enough loot, war is a loss-making business!
With such a comparison, he is naturally envious of Du Yinxi's copying the results of the old lair of the Tumote Department in Hetao.

They were talking about things. Zeng Ying and the others listened a lot in a state of confusion, and finally believed them completely. What they heard just now was true!

Realizing this, thinking that the emperor appointed them, they will soon be able to show their ambitions with the new governor of Sichuan. Needless to say, they are all overjoyed, feeling that the weather is really exceptionally sunny!Your Excellency the Governor and your Excellency Zhong Cheng are both good people!

The atmosphere at the scene is naturally very good.

However, good things don't last forever.While they were still chatting, they saw a school lieutenant stepping in hurriedly and told Du Yinxi: "The capital is in a hurry at [-] li!"

(End of this chapter)

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