Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 345 The Source of Money

Chapter 345 The Source of Money
This is the second time that Du Yinxi has received [-] miles to expedite, but it is still the same as the first time, and he can't help but feel a little panicked.

Although logically speaking, there should be nothing wrong with the capital, but who knows what will happen?

But fortunately, after all, they have already experienced the [-]-mile rush, so Lu Daqi and others were very shocked, but Du Yinxi hadn't reached this point yet, but he didn't turn back to the lobby, and summoned the messenger directly in the martial arts hall.

After reading the delivery with a serious expression, Du Yinxi heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately smiled, and said to Lu Daqi who was watching him nervously: "It's the latest strategic deployment. Master Sun is going to do it!"

Speaking of this, seeing Lu Daqi also heaved a sigh of relief, he added: "Zuo Liangyu's headquarters is in Nanyang Mansion, and His Majesty has already sent a decree to Lord Sun about this kind of black sheep in the imperial army. The troops are all out, take Zuo Liangyu, and rectify the law of the country! At the same time, Li Zicheng has just annexed Luo Rucai in Xiangyang, and the imperial army can't wait for Li Zicheng to integrate Luo Rucai's troops, so they want to take advantage of the situation and attack Xiangyang."

Having said that, he pointed at Lu Daqi and said, "Your matter is urgent. Your Majesty estimates that Li Zicheng may flee westward into Shu, so you must rush to deploy as soon as possible, especially the military reorganization in eastern Sichuan. It is even more urgent.”

"Your officer understands!" Lu Daqi responded immediately after hearing this.

After hearing this, Du Yinxi continued to say: "On my side, while defending Tongguan, we must also follow the order to enter Shu and strengthen the defense of Shu. Your Majesty estimates that future wars may spread to Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, so Western Sichuan will also To rectify, and wait for the opportunity to hunt down the thieves!"

Having said that, he handed the urgent report to Lu Daqi, asking him to read it too.

Emperor Chongzhen had a decree to block Governor Yinxi from three sides and two provinces in Sichuan, and cooperate with Sun Chuanting to encircle and suppress the thieves.

This is equivalent to saying that Du Yinxi has officially become Lu Daqi's direct superior.

Communication is inconvenient at this time, even if it takes eight hundred miles to urgently deliver military affairs, it may delay time.This kind of long-distance cooperation is very inconvenient.

After reading it, Lu Daqi couldn't sit still. He just rushed to Guyuan from Gansu, and immediately said to Du Yinxi: "The military affairs are urgent, so the next official will enter Shu soon?"

After hearing this, Du Yinxi did not persuade him to rest for a few days, but nodded and said, "Okay, I will send an order to Ma Xianglin immediately, asking him to leave the camp immediately and enter Sichuan with you. There are still things to do on my side. , after the packing has stopped, I will go to Sichuan to help you!"

Lu Daqi had already read the urgent delivery just now, so he naturally knew what Du Yinxi was going to do, so he nodded immediately without asking.

As a result, Guyuan's side immediately began to mobilize urgently.

Ma Xianglin's troops first followed the new governor of Sichuan, Lu Daqi, and rushed to Shu as much as he could.

Of course, Zeng Ying and others also accompanied them.

But before leaving, I finally got to know each other. As the landlord, Du Yinxi gave each of Zeng Ying and others a set of new armor, and said to them, mainly to Lu Daqi: "I just brought two armors from the capital. It’s just a thousand sets. Qin’s officers and soldiers will be rewarded for their merits, and there is still a big difference in the distribution of the first reorganization. However, the output of the Beijing Division’s Bingzhan Bureau is also very high. It is estimated that next year, Qin will be able to complete the change, and Shu will be reorganized. After the report is completed, it will probably be soon!"

Ma Xianglin's more than [-] white-armed troops were all dressed up.Also, Lu Daqi's [-] troops directly under him also changed their outfits.

Whether the armor is good or not is the courage of a soldier.Anyone in the military knows how important armor is.

It's definitely not like in later TV dramas, where all the armor is just like paper.

Good armor can't be broken by knives, pierced by guns, or shot by arrows. It is obvious for the improvement of the army's combat power. This truth.

Therefore, when they saw the new type of armor distributed by the whole army, let alone Zeng Ying and the others all stared straight, even Lu Daqi was similar.

Knowing that the imperial court is constantly producing this new type of armor, his confidence is instantly boosted, and his steps to Shu are much lighter.

On Du Yinxi's side, the messengers also hurriedly left Guyuan and rushed to various places.

Except for the northern Great Wall defense line that still needs garrison troops, which are led by the governor of Yansui, the armies in other places have completed the task of eliminating local bandits.

The troops began to assemble, and Tongguan was the most important location. Therefore, Du Yinxi sent another group of troops, that is, Niu Chenghu, the general soldier of Lintao, to reinforce Tongguan, just in case.

On Du Yinxi's side, he waited quietly for the factory guards sent by Emperor Chongzhen to arrive, and went to the vassal princes' mansions in Qin to ask for money and food, and then went to Shu.

At the beginning, Liu Weichao's suggestion to Emperor Chongzhen was to pluck the hair of the vassal kings all over the country.

If it was in the past, it is estimated that Emperor Chongzhen would not be able to save this face, and it would be impossible to extend his hand to the vassal princes everywhere. It would be good if they did not reward them with money and food.

However, the current Emperor Chongzhen already knew that he himself almost became the king of subjugation, and the great Ming Dynasty was almost ruined.

For him, nothing is as important as the land and land passed down from his ancestors. It's all the same about face, relatives and so on.

Not to mention, by the sixteenth year of Chongzhen, he had seen the essence of some vassal kings clearly.Among other things, King Fu of Luoyang and King Chu of Wuchang were stingy with their money and refused to use it for city defense. As a result, they all made it easier for thieves and ruined the reputation of the Ming royal family.

That being the case, why can't the money of these vassal kings be used for the royal affairs of the court?

Emperor Chongzhen had already thought it through very clearly, so as soon as Liu Weichao proposed it, he immediately agreed to the suggestion.

Looting the money and food of a vassal is just a loss to a relative. It is better than delaying important military deployments; it is better to go to disturb the people and plunder an unknown number of people, forcing them to rebel again?

Emperor Chongzhen already knew how to settle this account.

And he has already thought about the compensation for the vassal king.In his opinion, this is good for the vassal king and the country passed down from his ancestors. It is absolutely most appropriate for him to do so.

Therefore, the ceremony comes first and the soldiers come first, and the factory guards come to the door first. If there is a vassal who dares to die, the local army, mainly the cronies of Emperor Chongzhen, will come to the door.

Except for a few cronies, he is also worried about the matter of looting the vassal king's money and food.Don't be a villain himself, but make some moths cheaper, this is something he can't bear.

For this reason, Du Yinxi was in charge of the preparation of money and food in the land of Qin, including the land of Shu afterwards.

As for the Central Plains and parts of Shanxi, Sun Chuanting was in charge.

Of course, this trick is a one-off.If there is a next time, it is impossible for the lord after being searched to have much food.

But, fortunately, at least in Emperor Chongzhen's plan, this time, directly quelling the civil strife is also a one-off.


No, Du Yinxi received such a decree, and Sun Chuanting received this decree earlier than Du Yinxi.

The matter of money and food has troubled Sun Chuanting for a long time. When he received the order from Emperor Chongzhen, even he couldn't help but praise him.

Sun Chuanting is absolutely very clear about the current difficulties of the imperial court.

In the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River, taxes and grain have been greatly reduced.

In the Central Plains, not to mention natural disasters and man-made disasters, Li Zicheng even dug the Yellow River embankment under the years of wars, not to mention expropriation of grain, but disaster relief.

As for the north, there are also endless wars. How much tax and food can they receive?
Thanks to the emperor's earlier confiscation of many wealthy households, who had a certain amount of money and food in stock; in addition, he also sent Dongchang to raid the Yangzhou salt merchants, and set up a procurement office in the south of the Yangtze River to send money, food and materials to the north.

If it weren't for these two moves, Sun Chuanting dared to conclude that the situation would definitely not be as good as it is now!
But even so, if the Jiangnan Procurement Yamen transported the money, food and materials to the capital by sea, if they wanted to transport them to the Central Plains theater, they would not know how much food would be lost on the way.

Therefore, regarding the matter of money and food, he really had no choice but to hope that Emperor Chongzhen could figure out a way to solve this problem.

As a result, Emperor Chongzhen really did it.

Although the king of Zhou in Kaifeng has been squeezed out, there is not much food left.However, there are still vassal kings over there in Jin!

Among other things, the nearest one, King Lu, who is also the object of Sun Chuanting's covetousness, can now justifiably ask for money and food.

This King Lu, Emperor Wanli gave me an unknown amount of food at the beginning, and it has been accumulated for decades. Before the battle of Kaifeng, he was still unwilling to pluck his hair. old face!

No, as soon as the factory guards arrived, Sun Chuanting personally led Yuan Shizhong's [-] troops across the Yellow River to Weihui's mansion.

Huang Shu, the magistrate of Weihui, was startled when he saw that Sun Chuanting had led the troops in person, thinking that something had happened, he rushed out of the city to greet him.

Unexpectedly, nothing happened.

Sun Chuanting told him that he was just bringing troops over to relax.

Afterwards, he took over the city defense of Weihui Mansion.After he finished these, the factory guards who came from the army on order came to the door to visit the contemporary Lu Wang Zhu Changhao.

The two generations of King Lu had a bad reputation in Weihui.

Especially the first generation Lu Wang Zhu Yiliu, relying on the Empress Dowager Xiaoding's love for him, he was domineering and domineering, not to mention extravagant weddings. When he was a feudal clan, more than [-] ships were used to transport treasures and furniture. Officials from prefectures and counties held grand welcoming and sending off ceremonies.

After becoming a feudal clan, they still amassed money crazily, to what extent?No matter what he didn't care about, he only wanted money, so that when the Empress Dowager Xiaoding died, Zhu Yiliu knew that his backer had fallen, and he was so scared that he soon died of illness!

(End of this chapter)

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