Chapter 366 What's the matter
Although Ma Shixiu said so on the surface, in his heart, he actually attributed the reason for losing this battle to Zuo Menggeng's incompetence!

It is said that the dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, and the son of a mouse can make holes.Why is such a powerful man, Marshal, so incompetent in giving birth to a son?Could it be... Could it not be his own?

Ma Shixiu thought about this, and suddenly shuddered, he must never have such an idea!
The next battle must be directed by myself, and Zuo Menggeng can no longer intervene!

Although there is an extra white army in Chongqing, after all, there are only more than [-] people; although my side suffered a defeat once, it still has more than [-] troops, and the navy is superior.

Chongqing's land route is the best way to get it back. If you can't get it back, at least you have to cooperate with the inside and outside of the city, and take Chongqing by water!
Ma Shixiu thought so, but he was vaguely worried. The white army had already arrived for reinforcements. If time dragged on, how many reinforcements from Central Sichuan would arrive?
Then, after careful consideration, he comforted himself again.

In this land of Shu, the most famous army is the white army in front of us.Now the white pole army has arrived, but there are only more than [-] horses.What if the other Central Sichuan troops come here?
The army that came again was not the reinforcements from the Chongqing government, but the transportation brigade from our own side!

It shouldn't be difficult to defeat other Central Sichuan troops!
After careful and careful consideration, Ma Shixiu had a solid idea, and started to deploy again. One was to try to recapture Fotu Pass, and the other was to contact the internal response of Chongqing City to prepare the waterway to launch a siege war against Chongqing Mansion.

However, the reason why he captured the Fotu Pass was that he caught the Fotu Pass guards by surprise, and the reason why the Fotu Pass guards at that time were slack and unprepared.

But now, it is the white pole army guarding Fotu Pass, and there is a big enemy at hand, who would be careless?
Given the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain of Fotuguan, who can fight in the mountains like the White Pole Army?

Ma Shixiu's plan to plot Fotuguan was quickly thwarted, and then he finally gave up on this plan.

At this time, another scout came to report that the imperial army had arrived with reinforcements.

This time, although Ma Shixiu looked down on the other reinforcements, as a general who had the ability to lead troops and fight for many years, he was more cautious and went to check the enemy's situation in person.

When he saw the new court reinforcements, he couldn't help but smile.

It's not that he didn't take it seriously, it's that the support army he saw couldn't be considered an army at all!
First of all, the military uniforms are not uniform, there are all kinds of things, if the subordinates have not verified it, they would think that this army is a bandit at all!

Then, from his many years of leading troops to fight, it can be seen that this army has not been trained at all. Looking at the soldiers, it can be seen that these soldiers must have just been pulled out of the fields, and they don't know anything at all. It's the army!
The character "Zeng" is embroidered on that handsome flag. According to the information Ma Shixiu inquired, none of the slightly famous generals in Sichuan has a surname of "Zeng". It is no wonder that this man's army is like bandits Hip-pull army.

Knowing the situation of the enemy, Ma Shixiu had an idea.

In the previous battle, he was beaten by the white pole army and had no strength to fight back. The morale of the army was still relatively affected.Especially those court officials who had just surrendered were the most unstable.

If we can fight a battle, such as defeating the support army in front of us, then we can regain the morale of the army.

Thinking of this, Ma Shixiu made a decision to personally lead the troops and defeat them before the court reinforcements arrived at Fotu Pass, preventing them from joining the white pole army!
Hearing that Ma Shixiu was going to fight, Zuo Menggeng, who was still dissatisfied, immediately demanded that giving him another chance would surely prove that he was Zuo Liangyu's seed!
However, this battle is very critical. If it is defeated again, it is estimated that those court officials who surrendered will definitely flee, which will greatly affect the morale of the army.

Although the court reinforcements looked very hip, Ma Shixiu still rejected Zuo Menggeng's request, expressing in a tactful manner that he could not be defeated again!
Afterwards, Ma Shixiu personally led the army and mobilized [-] troops, a little more than the imperial reinforcements, to fight.

There is nothing to tell about the course of the battle. If it must be said, there is one thing that impressed Ma Shixiu so much that his eyes popped out.

Because he still misjudged the nature of the imperial reinforcements, thinking that they were young men who had just been pulled from the farmland, but it turned out that the start of the war was not a farmer at all, but a wolf in Sichuan.

The coach, surnamed Zeng, was the wolf king, and he even took the lead, rushing to the front, extremely brave.

The soldiers under him also turned into bloodthirsty wolves, and they all followed the wolf king. No matter what the fighting method was, they just rushed and fought fiercely, not wanting to die.

That posture is like the posture of killing one to earn money, and killing two to earn one. It is a very desperate kind.

Ma Shixiu's troops and this bandit-like army were defeated as soon as they fought!

Zuo Liangyu's subordinates, under his long-term influence, have already learned his style. When they are weak, they will go up, and when they are strong, they will run away!

Among the court reinforcements, there is a large flag that is very eye-catching, with four words embroidered on it: "Defend the home and defend the country!"

In this battle, even if Ma Shixiu personally led the troops, the result was still a complete defeat.

Facing Zuo Menggeng's questioning gaze, Ma Shixiu quickly explained: "The Sichuan Army are all lunatics, they fought desperately, and they lost the battle because they didn't notice it for a while!"

The imperial reinforcements arrived at Fotuguan, joined forces with the Baigan Army, and entered Chongqing City, which strengthened Chongqing's city defenses.

Ma Shixiu understood that at this point, it was impossible to win Chongqing City.

What he is thinking about now is how to safely withdraw to Kuizhou Mansion.

But if you are worried, there is not much to worry about.Because in terms of navy, he still has the advantage.In the previous battle of Tongluo Gorge, many warships were captured.Bringing the navy back to Kuizhou is considered a great achievement.

Just when he was thinking this way, his subordinates rushed to report that an imperial navy had arrived upstream, and the word "Yang" was embroidered on the handsome flag.

Among the famous people in Sichuan, Ma Shixiu didn't remember anyone with the surname Yang, so he immediately went to watch the battle.

It can't be that the Sichuan army is all lunatics, right?The one with the surname of Zeng is like this, but the one with the surname of Yang is impossible, right?

In the end, what he saw disappointed him again!

Seeing the court navy who came to reinforce, there are not many warships, and it can be seen that most of the ships are just collected fishing boats.

As far as the number of ships is concerned, it is far less than the number of naval warships under his command.

However, just like the one named Zeng, the flagship of this navy surnamed Yang took the lead, rushing to the forefront, and rushed directly to the rebel navy fleet that was redundant with them.

That aura is just like that of Zeng's, all of them are desperate!
At this moment, even Zuo Menggeng was stunned. What Uncle Ma said was right, Shu people are indeed lunatics, the kind who don't want to die when they fight.

Of course, at this time, they had already forgotten that on their way from Kuizhou to Chongqing, they did not encounter this kind of people who fought desperately, who fled when they should, and surrendered when they should.

The navy of the rebel army, to be precise, was the former Chongqing navy that surrendered the rebel army at Tongluoxia. After losing two warships, they raised white flags and began to surrender.

With the great victory of the navy, under the loud cheers from the city of Chongqing, the Baigan army and the newly arrived imperial reinforcements launched a general attack on Zuo Menggeng's troops.

When Ma Shixiu saw the situation on the battlefield, he saw that the situation was not good, so he immediately protected Zuo Menggeng and retreated first.

He has done this kind of thing many times with Zuo Liangyu. A hero does not suffer from the immediate loss, and the best thing is to go first. Anyway, the future will be long, and at worst, withdrawing to Kuizhou Mansion will definitely be able to block the counterattack of the imperial army in central Sichuan.

Zuo Menggeng was also familiar with this, and immediately retreated.But for him, there are still some regrets.

Unexpectedly, for the first time leading an army to fight alone, I encountered a group of lunatics from Shu!As a result, the opportunity to become famous that is about to be obtained will be postponed again!

But it doesn't matter, the side of Kuizhou Mansion is his base camp.My own purpose is to lure the enemy to go deep, to lure the court officials and soldiers to pursue them, and after arriving at Kuizhou Mansion, gather the troops there to wipe out these lunatics in Shu in one fell swoop, and then lead the troops to fight back and take Chongqing Mansion again.

With the support of such beliefs, on the road from Chongqing to Kuizhou Mansion, even though they were chased by the imperial army and the grass was full of soldiers, the mental state of Zuo Menggeng and others was still good.


"Hold on, hold on, go, go, retreat!"

"Report, what should I do if the imperial navy landed and intercepted the front?"

"Walk around, go around quickly!"


As the saying goes, "Soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil", after seeing the tricks, Zuo Menggeng's troops fled back to Kuizhou Mansion in embarrassment at a speed several times faster than when they marched into Chongqing.

After passing Wan County, seeing that Kuizhou Mansion was getting closer and closer, Zuo Menggeng's troops were running out.

However, this does not prevent Zuo Menggeng's spirit from getting better and better, no, he is in the mood to ask Ma Shixiu: "Uncle Ma, is it time for my father to return to the teacher?"

"I'm afraid it won't be that fast!" Ma Shixiu replied after hearing this, "The commander-in-chief must capture Baoning Mansion first, and then he will go to Chongqing to join the young commander after he arranges the defenders."

"That's good!" Zuo Menggeng said happily after hearing this, "I want to gather troops from Kuizhou Mansion, defeat the pursuers, and regain Chongqing Mansion!"

His father is not around, so in name, he is still the boss, turning defeat into victory, he can still make a name for himself!
However, what he never expected was that his defeated army had just retreated to the border of Kuizhou Mansion, and bumped head-on at the messenger sent by Kuizhou Mansion to contact him.

"What?" Zuo Menggeng was taken aback when he heard the messenger's report, and asked in disbelief, "What's going on, how is this possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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